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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 17 KB, 305x401, 65198419849841.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
29158003 No.29158003 [Reply] [Original]

Is this shit real? You need to spend $50 in gas fees to send $50 worth of ETH

This is the biggest scamshit out there

>> No.29158210

only ETH bag holders are going to defend this

>> No.29158427

I just put a few hundred into uniswap and it's going to take another few hundred to cover the gas just to swap. What a fucking joke

>> No.29159631

Somebody told me diversity was our strength. I feel lied to. Why do people care about gas fees and scalability? Don't they care that we are fighting for justice and equity??

>> No.29159682

Use pancake swap. Uniswap is outdated

>> No.29159736

>Don't they care that we are fighting for justice and equity?
This is an Ancap board!

>> No.29159758

But uniswap is leading the #FairFi charge

>> No.29159916

I would want to but all BSC has is yield farm food tokens and ponzis like winaut
I'll wait until actual products are being developed

>> No.29160060

these anons know what's up

>> No.29160118
File: 9 KB, 232x230, 1571652313074.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pretty obvious what you guys are doing. How's the bat soup today?

>> No.29160215

I won't touch anything that has gas fees. Scam and a half. Only the exchanges get rich.

>> No.29160217

its currently in the process of getting replaced by bnb. dont waste your time on it.
and uniswap is currently spiraling down, dont use it. get/use pancakeswap instead.

>> No.29160222

You faggots are insufferable. I could fit the amount of patience you all have into a sock. DeFi exploded last year and ETH took the cake. Stop using it if you can't afford it. Simple as that.

>> No.29160317

You're literally retarded and don't know how crypto works.

>> No.29160404

>he thinks all the chink exchanges aren't sniping gas fees
KEK, idiot. Go spend more money to transfer your money.

>> No.29160494

Please do. I mine that shit, stay poor.

>> No.29160531
File: 100 KB, 960x952, 1612467611746.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

imagine defending ETH and Fairswap, jesus, those fags are like women in abusive relationships

>> No.29160616

Imagine shilling for the CCP. Pathetic.

>> No.29160630

I literally said I don't touch anything with gas fees moron. Because I don't pay niggers and chinks to do literally nothing but scam me.

>> No.29160731

Yeah fuck this shit, uniswap has been fuckin dead last 48h.

>> No.29160810

Yeah and saw that disgusting fairfe tweet aswell. Fuck that shit

>> No.29160963
File: 277 KB, 1856x996, Screen Shot 2021-02-19 at 12.49.27 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yes. so. so. dead.

>> No.29160966

Charles has made a vid addressing the trillion $ BTC market cap

>> No.29161129


+.001bnb has been added to your account comrades!

>> No.29161283

>muh banking for the unbanked
My my how quickly ethkike shills changed their tune.

>> No.29161781

Thats people liquidating their eth positions

>> No.29162098
File: 116 KB, 488x768, 1612597088569.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can someone explain to me why my Coinbase Pro account is saying I have less BTC than I do in regular Coinbase? I want to move it over (only $160 worth) but it's displaying a different amount on Coinbase Pro.
What's this all about?

>> No.29163036

Its dead anon. Skip Uniswap and just use Pangolin. The accumulation stage is almost over, Ethereum influencers have loaded their bags and are ready to flip.

>> No.29163533
File: 98 KB, 1024x780, Vitalik.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Specificly designed to keep poor away its the blockchain for the rich, well done pedo skelly.

>> No.29163586
File: 33 KB, 512x512, 2Dldb4pN.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You faggots got priced out, huh?

>> No.29163721

Don’t know what your problem is but when I experienced something very similar in chase investments it’s essentially a “I don’t wanna lose money on this” issue

>> No.29164085

>everyone who criticizes my favorite coin is a shill
you sure are paranoid

>> No.29164206

Chink shill will learn to respect money skeleton the hard way

>> No.29164238

I don't think daddy Vitalik would approve of your racism my fellow mETH head.

>> No.29164294



>> No.29164382

>everyone who won't jump on the bnb and food token bandwagon is an eth maxi
meds, take them

>> No.29164532

I never paid more than 30$ in fees, and I dont care because I make it back anyway.
You got priced out jeet, now kindly fuck off.

>> No.29164567

I didn't think it'd be an issue between Coinbase and Pro. It's still doing it. At first I thought it might be due to the fact I bought the BTC just yesterday, but transfers are supposed to be instant on there. I don't get it.

>> No.29164624


>> No.29164680

>You need to spend $50 in gas fees to send $50 worth of ETH
Hahaha! On a good day. I just paid $300 to move my eth from wallet to wallet. I wish CZ would open up deposits again so I can trade this shitcoin in for a real coin like BNB.

>> No.29164683

This is the best news in a long time, might actually make money skelly do some fucking work instead of jetting around doing talks all the time.