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File: 104 KB, 597x888, 0E77A698-96FC-414E-B3EE-5CFB67699602.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
29151694 No.29151694 [Reply] [Original]

As it turns out and to no surprise, this faggot fudder Apollo was contracted and never did anything, he was then fired. Anyways anon, there’s still time to buy the dip on a 4M mcap project that is literally a REN killer, made by a sushi dev. If you’ve never been early before here is your chance, v2 and marketing release next week.

>> No.29151907

Anon, I can read, you're looking like a bunch of pajeets mentioning "v2 and marketing" in every single thread. What the fuck is v2 supposed to be anyway? None of the threads clarify that

>> No.29151932
File: 375 KB, 250x350, 648041413d083b2ae8bf6182d838f7d49b839509_hq.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks for the cheap bags niggers

>> No.29152030

I love apollo because i couldnt have bought $TRDL if this nigger didnt fud lmfaoooo

now im gonna get an easy 2x by next week

>> No.29152303

yo ama was so bullish

coordinated fud just makes my strudel farm more cozy

>> No.29152358
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>> No.29152380
File: 315 KB, 597x888, TRDL-Knight (2).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you're supposed to DYOR and make millions anon

or you can just wait it out and fomo when its already to late

>> No.29152480


Why do you fucking retard bizraeli niggers call everything a pajeet coin? The strudel team are all europeans and americans, you dumb fuck. Fuck you pajeets for ruining crypto

>> No.29152604

How about you just tell me, faggot?

>> No.29152666

>vbtc isn’t even 1:1 with BTC so regardless of trust issues, no one will want to use it
>Devs are incompetent, outsource work as simple as website redesigns to niggers that don’t even do their jobs
>Twitter deleted 3, THREE, times now
>big gloating of getting into sushi onsen pools as If there aren’t a bunch of shit scam coins there already
>devs just continue the same routine of saying “wait for big things to come soon ;)” over and over

>> No.29152862


Direct competitor to REN which is 700mil mcap

$TRDL is 9m mcap. Nobrainer 10x

badger partnership coming

All coins in onsen pools 3x'd after being added.

Fuck off fudnigger

>> No.29152942

>vbtc isn’t even 1:1 with BTC so regardless of trust issues, no one will want to use it
>Devs are incompetent, outsource work as simple as website redesigns to niggers that don’t even do their jobs
>Twitter deleted 3, THREE, times now
>big gloating of getting into sushi onsen pools as If there aren’t a bunch of shit scam coins there already
>devs just continue the same routine of saying “wait for big things to come soon ;)” over and over

trips of kek confirm absolute truth of the situation. these are but a few of the many worrying signs around this project.
they aren't fucking devs, who knows who they paid to cut/paste this shit together, they clearly did not.

>> No.29152962

imagine selling before v2 and marketing and right after sushi news, what the fuck anons

>> No.29153063

twitter deleted once along with ALL of n3rd finance projects, backup twitter immediately set up. devs delayed v2 and marketing by only a fucking week, are you actually that impatient anon

>> No.29153069

>badger partnership coming
this is an outright lie, just stop.
>All coins in onsen pools 3x'd after being
so you are saying it will barely get back to its ATH?

>> No.29153089

still waiting for an explanation on what v2 is, do you faggots even know yourselves?

>> No.29153208

imagine taking any of this seriously.

>> No.29153252
File: 37 KB, 1024x1024, photo_2021-02-17_12-11-46.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its the new site design along with marketing

>> No.29153271

they will update the website, logo etc

>> No.29153337

You’ll be waiting awhile anon. The shills don’t even know what they’re shilling. This is absolute pajeetery, glad I sold at the absolute top

>> No.29153428

Looks aesthetic to me
Post a site of a chink coin you bought chang

>> No.29153443

its literally a few weeks old
the peg is working tho the vbtc price is already kind of the same as real btc

i mean this is where the low mcap projects of the future are found

you really think you can get a 20x off an already largely adopted project?

>> No.29153490

what awful, awful fucking fud, posting the wrong website link, what the fuck is up with you


>> No.29153645


>> No.29153717
File: 13 KB, 416x416, lol.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fucking kek
window dressing that does nothing.

>> No.29153892

Enjoy staying poor niggers $trdl to the moon

>> No.29154080

what the fuck else do you want it to do? that website for n3rdz is fully functional, so is strudels. what else are you looking for?

well, nothing bc u are just fudding

>> No.29154198

Its literally all meme level
If you want to be taken seriously.
look and act in a serious manner.
I'm literally not saying the vBTC idea does not have merit, it literally does.
The project LOOKS like a fucking joke.
All the things the other anon mentioned.
>the word "degen" literally on the front page
>the official telegram is spelled strudel_offical
>the link on project page is wrong telegram
>no whitepaper link on page

It is absolutely laughable how poorly its all put together and how sloppy it all is.

>> No.29154321


sloppy like ur mom last night kek

>> No.29154343

The new website fag, sorry I should have clarified

>> No.29154364

Literally did not counter a single point. Just more “wait for pump lol” bullshit
cosmo_strudel, strudel_finance, and strudel_backup were all main twitter accounts that got suspended.
Also yes I am impatient because this marketing is all they have. The team is doing nothing but sitting around jerking off to dream partnerships and “EPIC MOONINGS!!” with no substance behind them.

>> No.29154403

>admitting the project is an absolute dumpsterfire filled with incompetence

>> No.29154482

I'd short this with leverage if I could.

>> No.29154544
File: 27 KB, 583x616, c1hU1Rj.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i missed the $5 dip

>> No.29155255

i know you are either like 16 and don't know anything or are just a shill, so its pointless.
thanks though.

>> No.29155388

this all reminds me of turtlecoin, but they were actually more functional and less dumb out of the gate.

>> No.29156148

try and imagine being serious about something.
You honestly see link above and think
"fuck yeah, i want to burn bitcoins with these guys, what visionaries!"
not even fudding, I actually bought 1k and am farming a fucking assload.
but seriously?

>> No.29156159

so does this mean u dont take sushiswap seriously? cus a fukin core dev is from there

>> No.29156411

You really cannot make a valid claim for this to be a good project without leeching from the reputation of others

>> No.29156478

>so does this mean u dont take sushiswap seriously? cus a fukin core dev is from there
the only thing that is remotely serious about this effort is keno budde. the entire rest of the "team" are literal "whoms".
address all the actual criticisms instead of "what abouts".
you can't, nobody can. if any of them aside from Keno even knew fucking html or had English as a first language and could spell, they could totally change the face of this thing in an hour. Instead, this is going to continue being "soon" "next week" for who knows how long

>> No.29156748

ok why dont u fud the core of the project instead of the WeBsItE?
trustless bridge for wrapping btc. how is that a bad idea.
we're improving upon something that already exists and has a use case

>> No.29157487

because in grown up world, if you want to be taken seriously, you have to look and act seriously.
All the details matter. The lack of attention to details matters. smart and conscientious people notice all the lack of attention to detail and then wonder how much detail is missing in the core code.
This is real life, meme's and biz and all this other crap are nonsense.
Do you think chainlink would be a 33 dollar token if the website looked like strudal? degen, spelling errors, etc etc...
its not fud, these are real criticisms.

>> No.29157618

alright, REN it is.

I want to buy DYOR as well, who has it?

>> No.29157715

again, that's keno. if you take away keno (who's no longer actively dev on this), sushi, and the copium about the badger partnership, then what do you have left? Fuck all. You have an asko-tier website, a broken peg and a tg that's filled with "tomorrow" "soon" "oh next tuesday for realsies this time"
how tf are you able to take this seriously?

>> No.29157736

>ok why dont u fud the core of the project instead of the WeBsItE?
btw sure...
>give me your gold, we are going to shoot into >sun and give you a shit token that will be same >value as btc via this other token and pegging, >trust me

>> No.29157930

>again, that's keno. if you take away keno (who's no longer actively dev on this),
is this true? keno is not even the actual dev?

>> No.29158273

he did the backend but is just an advisor now, fulltime job at sushi

any shillers about to (you) me, its in the tg

>> No.29158808
File: 47 KB, 1280x672, strudel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

god damn it

>> No.29158957

what are u trying to say with that ss lol

>> No.29159049

kek, ywnbaw

>> No.29159056

>he did the backend but is just an advisor now, fulltime job at sushi
so then that stupid thread about "apollo" really is significant. They hired that person to work on the bridge code(the core of the thing) and that person was incapable of doing so. So the truth is really as bad as it seems, keno is the only one with anything that you would call technical competence and he is not even coding, just advising...

>> No.29159358

i actually feel bad about this because i really dgaf how people live there lives, i am just confused by all this, and Keno is the one person in all this that is not a fraud.
sorry keno, i made a joke at your expense and you don't deserve it.

>> No.29159446

so done with your pajeet tornado stolen logo scam coin get off this board

>> No.29159526

>that person was incapable of doing so
This sums up the project quite well yes