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29152085 No.29152085 [Reply] [Original]

is now a good time to buy a house? i’m getting kicked out and i’m afraid if i choose a house over an apartment the bubble will pop and i’ll get fucked.

>> No.29152383

Get the cheapest room/apartment possible. Society and the housing market is going to have a fundamental change in the next 5 years.
Be as liquid and unattached as possible.

>> No.29152526

People have said this for a decade.

>> No.29152830

Regardless of how badly you get fucked on a house, if you plan on staying in the area the house is in: it's worth more than an apartment.
Going underwater 90% on an investment you ultimately sell at a loss is better than simply pissing it all away in rent. The only exception is if you're in an apartment *because* you need mobility.

>> No.29152911


>> No.29152921

Anon, if you live in the house long term it wont matter much if the bubble pops. You just keep living in it.

>> No.29152958

And a decade ago with that mindset today you’d be alright.

>> No.29152965

just give your mom 15 LINK if you are at your wits end

>> No.29154100

buying a house is a huge commitment, not worth unless you have a family and want to settle down. In my opinion an apartment is better for the average guy, you won´t use much of the space of your house anyways. If you don´t want it in the future, you can just rent it out, much easier than selling or renting a house.

>> No.29154608

this is what i’m thinking. although i know someone who bought an 80k house and only pays $500 a month, that’s cheaper than any apartment i can find. but there’s something about being in a house by myself that worries me.

>> No.29154758

Depends on where in the world you are Anon, house prices are super inflated in my part of Leafland and I hear the situation is similar down south in Burgerland. There's a good chance that they'll be a market correction at some point. I'd wait until then (if possible).

>> No.29155204
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He's right. Demographics are changing and the population growth required to sustain economic growth in the free market will cease to exist. This means a shift towards more government autocracy and control over every aspect of your lives. Basically communism-lite in almost every Western nation. Housing will end up being redistributed to lesser "privileged" populations by the authoritarians.

>> No.29155489

Home foreclosure and eviction ban is being extended. Better to go with an apartment. Home prices are at their peak until the ban is lifted and people either sell or get kicked out. Looking at 6-12 months until flood of cheap houses on the market.

>> No.29155839
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best reply ITT

Recently just got approved for a mortgage and have been looking, but the house prices seem really off. Very surprised at how much houses are going for (30% up) and that theyre closing above 5-10% listing with cash site unseen offers.

Not sure if chinks doing their typical tricks or people are just that retarded. With that being said it wont hurt to rent for a 6-12 months while waiting that out + saving money.

>> No.29155986

or if you are putting that deposit money to better use than a bankjew's back pocket.

>> No.29156166

I'm so torn on this too anon. I have no idea where the fuck to go. I wish my mom would just let me stay here instead of booting me out on my ass, but apparently that's not on the table.

The housing market seems so utterly fucked, especially out here in Jersey. But it's either a $200,000 fucking house or $1200 in rent.

I'm cucked no matter what.

>> No.29156329

land will never be a bubble. we are near 100% ocupation of the solid surface of the earth

>> No.29156396


Clown world has never been honking so hard though, right now every metric is peaking, every fathomable act of retardation is being accepted, id be inclined to agree with staying liquid and buying in in 5 years...

>> No.29156423

>thinking we live in a free market

>> No.29156572

Hey fellow jersey bro. Northwest jersey is kino and you can find old houses cheap with nice land. houses are cheap down in the pines if you make it and want a cheap place.

>> No.29156627

my biggest fear is waiting the 12 months after the forclosure ban (assuming its no longer extended) and the housing market doesnt dip it all, those who got rich during the pandemic just put their money into RE while its on discount

>> No.29156773

It's not a free market but it leans towards a free market. We will be moving much more heavily into a planned economy due to the demographic shift and the need for it.

>> No.29156818
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The site unseen is usually bought by a investment group. Most of their customers are in China. Normally companies cannot bring Chinese wealth outside of China, but they can if shown to be an "investment". So many millionaires instead of hiding the money use it to "invest" to future gain Chinese wealth.
When I sell my house it will be as-is. Starting at $10k under value on zillow. From there it will be a Chinese bidding war.

>> No.29156868

Northwest Jersey aint cheap my man. Too close to New York, which is the reason our state has such absurd fucking prices to begin with.

>> No.29156963

in 5 years, IF a crash happens, houses will at best be like 90% of their current value, but interest rates will be 6% or some shit. The (((banks))) will never release their hold over the housing market, and housing is an inelastic-demand thing anyway.
Most likely scenario is this hyperinflation money printing shit goes on for 4 years, with the administration too afraid of looking bad to let the foreclosure moratorium lapse, so house prices are going to reach levels of clown world that shouldn't even be possible -- but do expect interest rates to go up to 3-4%+ as the govt spending increases with stuff like the omegastimulus bill.

>> No.29157146

Maybe cheap was the wrong word. But theres some affordable old houses with land out there. Pines are definitely cheap but even they are increasing in price. I might move over the gap and chill in PA after this run. Really nice over there and lower property tax. Sucks though cause id rather not leave jersey but the property tax is beyond jewish

>> No.29157309

I'm eyeing Pittsburgh myself, though it's hard to tell as an out-of-towner which places are good or bad. It's a lot like New Jersey where you can have some excellent townships, but they're rubbing shoulders with places like Camden, so you need some know-how to be sure you're not ending up in a shit pit.

>> No.29157350


>> No.29158493

They won’t let hyperinflation erase normie debts.

>> No.29159129

for sure. I'm just saying no one should expect any discounts ever on housing, cause the goldbergs will never let it happen.
Either interest rates are low but prices are 25% inflated, or prices are less shit BUT interest rates are double what they are now; there's no middle ground that they'll ever allow

>> No.29159559

Depends on where you live. If you live in a crowded place like europe, prices will only go up, even if media will say the bubble popped. I live in a medium large european city and been searching for a house a long time. There's simply no space left. People here started building houses in the shittiest locations like right next to railroads or highways because it's become crowded as fuck. We have less than 10 houses openly for sale in an area with over 50k people, not counting 100 year old huts and millionaire mansions

>> No.29159687

Could you explain more on this? My fear is the government is beholden to the debt slaves, who will always put themselves back into debt anyway, so the government has a reason to inflate away debts both for npc happiness and big businesses who have large debts, whereas the saver who keeps things in fiat is less valuable.