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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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29146229 No.29146229 [Reply] [Original]

>new top tier dev
>limit order development successfully
>huge polygon partnership
>Korea market opening

>> No.29146390
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>> No.29146664
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>experienced front-end Angular developer

>> No.29146665
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fucking based anon called it

>> No.29146747

pls i need this hopium rn im just a poorfag

>> No.29146948
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based and fortune teller pilled
binance EOM

their latest weekly report

>> No.29147684
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>> No.29147846


brainlet here. does this mean we have to buy a new RBC? or would our current RBC be valued the same as the wrapped RBC?

>> No.29147848

Is that the new dev? If so, great! Psychopathic devs are best devs.

>> No.29147979

The amount of FUD in the last few days to cause people to panic sell and today's announcement doesn't seems to be a coincident.
Truth be told I only hold onto Rubic because of the unusual large amount of FUD on /biz/. Obviously some big players is trying to FUD away Rubic holders so that they can create an artificial dip and buy low, but the question is, how'd the whale know what will happen beforehand and coordinate a FUD on Rubic with such precise timing?

>> No.29147988

Jesus kek.
I think he’s roped.
What a cunt.

>> No.29148125

With any kind of wrapped asset there is basically an exchange where you can trade one RBC for one "wrapped" RBC on the BSC chain. You can then use that for BSC transaction and such. They should be interchangeable and hold around the same value.

>> No.29148286


>> No.29148444


>> No.29148484


amazing... i've got 500,000 of this shit. AMAZING. guess the lambo is really happening

>> No.29148541

topkek, he must be on suicide watch now

its just a version of RBC on BSC. BSC has incredible momentum and all the normies will be able to buy rubic with almost no fees

got the same feeling. the same happened when whales kept the price below .20 before the run to .80

>> No.29148561


>> No.29148675

>price lower than the last time
sure wgmi

>> No.29148688

So does this confirm that Sasha was actually built being bred by the BRBC?

>> No.29148715

how does 50m eoy sound ?

>> No.29148799
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>> No.29148924

lmao he literally sold the bottom


>> No.29149029

Lol fucking jannies pruned all of the rubic threads except the shittiest one

>> No.29149040
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thanks fren. i can see the light

>> No.29149070

HAHAHAHAHA Imagine selling before it's even on an exchange

>> No.29149194

>AMA literally had a pajeet burping and farting
>He fell for obvious "i swear i'm an oldfag" bait that all newfags do
You guys really can't stop losing can you

>> No.29149280

ikr, they deleted every rbc general today.
I read in a whale group that two oldfag biz jannies are heavily invested in RBC and want to gain time to get their jannie friends onboard

he also lost 50k in swinging rbc before

>> No.29149318

But if you had bought that bait when he posted that you'd be up like 80x

>> No.29149322
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>> No.29149378

this post is from early jan when nobody knew about rubic at all you dumb fuck

>> No.29149507

I made more than 80x closing my eyes and buying whatever newest bsc token is created just tracking contracts

>> No.29149543
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This one is from November

>> No.29149798
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>> No.29149890
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Binance creates Rubic 100x incoming

>> No.29150717
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everyone is saying that rubic is doing well but everytime i check my wallet the value has gone down
why is this

>> No.29150744
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We are at "Return to the mean" now

>> No.29150812

What is Angular?

Is this going to improve the UI/UX?

>> No.29150841


>> No.29150849
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>They think we're in return to mean.
>...Load a homer dip, no deviations.

>> No.29151004
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>> No.29151153

>rbc demand
Price is dropping like a rock kek

>> No.29151309

same reason people are shilling those BSC shit token with 0 use, bag holders are holding the bags and they're trying to rope new bad holders in
Rubic is a straight up pajeet scam you guys really should jump ship

>> No.29151337

There are a few factors.
It was legitimately pumped by hype beyond its current value and a lot of people got burned in the fomo when it dropped back. So we're hitting the points at which people break even and they're cashing out.
Bitcoin pumped hard and made normie headlines so people fomod to that.
BNB is having an insane pump so people are chasing that. Had a few people with big stacks drop them at the bottom last night for that reason.
Aside from all that a lot of the supply is in a few hundred wallets, so the price is super volatile whenever the make a move.
Also there hasn't been much actual change or promotion.
There's a lot happening over the next few weeks though, so that's what I'm banking on.

>> No.29151354
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>...The council awaits your command, sir.
>load the February 19th Crash, target Rubic.
>..sirs! That will kill the coin and do harm to Matic, now kindly known as POLYGON! You can't do this!
>...Crash it. No survivors.

>> No.29151803

The number of wallets is still over 6000 which shows there is still belief in the coin even if the market cap has halved.

>> No.29152443

it's not FUD if it's substantiated counter arguments. Do you understand?

>> No.29152906

True, but I haven't seen one substantiated counter argument against Rubic. Its all lies and seething and regret.

>> No.29153301

Is this the man that's about to make fucking rich???

>> No.29153693

Actually, the fact that it's gone up, even slightly, is a very good sign when you put it like that.

>> No.29153968

RBC holders sound like newfags on steroids

>> No.29154086
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What a fucking retard.

>> No.29154234

>still new lower lows and lower highs every day

>> No.29154422


So I’m a retard, why would BRBC help RBC? Doesn’t rubic just facilitate cross chain swaps? Why would you need this?

>> No.29154579

Chain wraps are the synthetic cdo of crypto, change my mind

>> No.29154923

Js framework, they hire that guy to redesign the UI

>> No.29155025

I hope they use that black and green mock up.
Looked amazing.

>> No.29155104

Basically WRBC could make instant cross-chain swaps happen.
When swapping X to Y then WRBC becomes the fee (Z)

>> No.29155241

The fuck? I have to buy WRBC now instead? Are they jumping onto a new coin? What's going on?

>> No.29155493

Newfag here does this mean you eill be able to buy rbc on bsc without gas? Or swap your rbc to wrapped version and then sell it on bsc?

>> No.29155662

do you buy WBTC? do you buy WETH?

>> No.29155741


>> No.29155776

Exactly, and you can count on all these hysterical bsc pump chaser to pump rubic to $2 enjoy.

For sure

>> No.29155780

Boy, I don't know what the FUCK those are

>> No.29155834

WRBC is the same as RBC

>> No.29155979

If it's the same, why is it needed? They already had an RBC. I bought some.

>> No.29156112

Because Binance is a different blockchain than Ethereum. So to have your token on Binance blockchain you need a "wrapped" version of your Ethereum token, thus the WrappedRBC, which will be no more no less than RBC but on Binance blockchain. The price will be matched by bots.

>> No.29156237

Anyone have conservative estimatea for eoy? I'm guessing 10.full bullrun, 20-40 is possible

>> No.29156250

Why number still go down?

>> No.29156249

Oh, I see. That's pretty neat, then. I guess it's like a kind of parallel market? Is this what people were talking about with the crypto silk road stuff? A way to transfer between ETH and BSC easily?

If so, anonymous trading will really tempt the chinese.

>> No.29156425

No real news and everyone chasing BNB.

>> No.29156462

Gas fees, no real improvement on the product so far

>> No.29156689


>> No.29157349

Other things done in ONE week
>they now use coingecko on the exchange instead of coinmarketcap (better)
>they started charging fees for orderbook (p2p trading) (50% of fees goes towards backing RBC, see whitepaper)
>they also integrated the 1inch exchange for comparing swap rates

>> No.29157371
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>> No.29157471

>he sold?
>load the korean whales

>> No.29157526

So number go up soon?

>> No.29157529

>predicting the future
>reading the devs posts
these are two different things bros

>> No.29157674

Ffs just fuck off finally you idiotic rubic pajeets.

>> No.29157933

buy the cube, nocoiner

>> No.29158348
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number go up soon

>> No.29158478

Thank, I buy more

>> No.29158507
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