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File: 90 KB, 850x1139, photo_2021-02-19_17-43-11.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
29140566 No.29140566 [Reply] [Original]

Coingecko listing imminent
ridiculously low marketcap at 100k
get in

>> No.29140642

this is a scam and a lazy one at that

>> No.29140688

pumping rn just doubled my bag KEK

>> No.29140797
File: 75 KB, 151x222, pajeet.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.29140955

>that _mint function at line 156 of the contract
Pajeet owner can print as many coins as he wants and rug the whole thing

>> No.29140960

exactly what I was going to post. This coin has FUCKING DOUBLED in an hour.

>> No.29141162

like everything on BSC kek, but at the end of the day we did a x4 and it's not even a day old.
Wynaut is a ponzi, cobalt is a ponzi, yape is a ponzi, gboi is a ponzi (but this one is actual dogshit and devs are retarded), everything DeFi related is a ponzi, we cant even make a use of cryptos so imagine DeFi kek, it's just get in early, sell 3 days later.

>> No.29141171

My gf’s body is realisticly the same.

Life is fucking great

>> No.29141515

Yep exactly, take advantage of the bsc shitcoin pump n dumps now

>> No.29142461

And people are cashing out, of fucking course.
I bought and it's down 20% and dropping, FUCK YOU.

>> No.29142520

It’s literally not

>> No.29142587
File: 73 KB, 640x960, fcd8d8398e140e5a847a5d96e27ac436.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>sailor thicc appears in front of the fudders

>> No.29142613

Price now?

>> No.29142683


poojeet scam

>> No.29142711

anon when I bought WYNAUT at 13c it dropped to 3 FUCKING CENTS and went back up to 30c today, I made a x2 but could have lost -90&% if I panic sold, chill out.

>> No.29142914

It literally is you retard, it went from .007 to under .005 and dropping.

>> No.29143310

It was on .002 at 7 am, its pumping slowly my man, you newfags expect coins to pump super fast to be a good investment lmao, people are always gonna be selling when the price boosts

>> No.29144137

chill it's day 1, 10-20x left in this easily

>> No.29144193

Lazy scam coin - if you're gonna do it at least put in some fucking effort into your website. It's like you criminals don't even have standard anymore.

>> No.29144366

Good boi clone but hey there’s room for all of us to pump

>> No.29145335

good boi seems unmememable though I'm not gonna lie, at least sailor moon makes my peepee hard

>> No.29145453

what happened to good boi? rug pull?

>> No.29145577

kek yes it baited loads of vtards and now they desperately try to make people buy their bags, this shit dumped so hard some guy in the TG went from 20BNB initial investment down to 0.8 or something like that, despite having already quite a lot new holders.

>> No.29145617

>Fighting evil by moonlight
>Scamming newfags by daylight

>> No.29145822

fucking lol i hope reddit jumps in on sailor thot

>> No.29145993

That's why I pulled out my initial at x2, sure I could have made a x2 if I sold instead of the x1.5
I ended up with, bit at least I didn't get rugged.

>> No.29146102
File: 89 KB, 599x795, I didn't kill him…he died laughing!_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Very funny. I love seeing chimps in people clothes

>> No.29146441
File: 817 KB, 985x1001, swoon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This shit is a gem, now I know what it feels like to have bought WYNAUT day 1.

>> No.29146544

dude these seems super legit, clearly the future of finance

>> No.29146624
File: 643 KB, 1052x814, swoon ad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Checked dubs, just made this pic

>> No.29146685

Based, $0.10 by tomorrow

>> No.29146714


>> No.29146799
File: 93 KB, 1280x720, 1442990008611.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>SM coin
>no precure coin
why am I not surprised

>> No.29146910

For newfriends, this is is a classic rugpull. Don't fall for it. I predict OP will reply to my warning angrily as all jeets do when their scam gets exposed

>> No.29147006

The mint function does spook me but im like fuck it. Im using ponzi gains for this early play, oh no what if i lose. I dont care that much. It's 10% of what ive made in 2 days that i put in. Already up nearly 100%. There are newbs but warning them about what every crypto can do is pointless.

>> No.29147586

Couldnt agree more with u, warning all these newfags to not invest in a coin when all theyre gonna put in is between 20-30 dllrs is pointless.

Let em give it a try, its not like someones stupid enough to invest their entire networth and get rug pulled on a shitcoin like this, plus you can easily do 4x and get away with it lmao

>> No.29147834

damn I'm jelly anon

>> No.29148131

There's no fucking mint function don't be a retard and look yourself.

>> No.29148271

I just got banned for asking if theres a mint function in sailor moon and got fucking banned im selling

>> No.29148492

because you're fudding lol, CHECK THE CONTRACT

>> No.29148578

Bro im a victim of fucking rumors, rebuying tho. Talked with an admin.

>> No.29148635

I mean, if you don't look at the contract that's plastered on every thread and on the pinned message on TG and come in talking about mint functions you either didn't do 2 seconds of research or you're fudding.

>> No.29148704

Bro i dont use swoon threads lel

>> No.29148784

Also the pinned message on Tg only mentions NFT shit wtf are you retarded

Also FUD is when its on purpose bro

>> No.29148815

Yeah people will go out of their way to FUD every coin. Your money is in safe hands here

>> No.29148911

The correct website is SAILORMOON.MONEY

>> No.29148910


I apologize for my intardnation

>> No.29149079

There is more than one pinned message. You can go from one to another by clicking the same button.
Your IQ is in the double digits for sure.

>> No.29149547

Sailer Jupiter taught me that I liked tomboys when I was a kid