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2910087 No.2910087 [Reply] [Original]

I've passed 200k savings, I work out all the time, I have a car, I have a paid off house, all at 25. No "real" women wants anything to do with me still (real woman = no tattoos or coalburning).

What do?

>> No.2910113

Pls help anons.

>> No.2910148
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Nothing wrong with drilling oil.

>> No.2910151

Enjoy your low intelligence niglets

>> No.2910244

I feel you pain OP, I'm in a similar situation.

After pondering this problem for almost a decade now, I have come to the following conclusions:

All you need is good looking face, hair, teeth, don't be too fat and have an outgoing, extroverted personality. These are the things that drive attraction in females. At least in the initial phases.

Money, ripped body, intelligence, above average height, cars, - these are all just "nice to have", but won't get you anywhere by themselves (if you want women to be genuinely attracted to you).

>> No.2910263

OP is either LARPing or extremely ugly and disgusting, autistic, etc. There is honestly no other valid explanation.

OP, are you a 4'9", greasy-haired loser who does nothing but play video games? Do you speak in a nasally voice?

Having 200k in the bank doesn't mean shit when this is you.

99% chance of LARP though

>> No.2910269


>if this is all true you're probably unimaginably physically repulsive
Did your face get out under a moving car tire as a child?

Lower your standards and up your game.

Quit being a beta and complaining on biz about your women woes.

>> No.2910271

Maybe you should go to a bar or church and meet some girls anon.. Sounds like you're being self centred and only have time for yourself. If you really want a woman you can kiss all those gains goodbye though, she'll destroy everything you have and then blame you for it. Just fuck high class prostitutes once a month and pretend to be poor.

>> No.2910294


Boy you probably some awkward ugly motherfucker

>> No.2910316

im fat, not attractive, and a gambling degenerate and ive plowed tonsof high quality woman and am finally married to one and have a kid. literally no excuse to die alone

>> No.2910323


>put 200k in vanguard 2040 fund
>put in 40k per year
>retire at age 40

ur alright OP

>> No.2910330


Not OP but the big thing that scares the shit out of me about index funds is the fact that they are essentially wiped out by market crash

you will try to get your money out but it will be too late and your fund manager is going to stall your ass anyway, it's like tying your leg to a ship captained by a great captain but charting a course for the edge of the world

I'd rather be responsible for my own demise and choose my own stocks

>> No.2910340
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Get hobbies OP. With your wealth, you can pick whatever. If you REALLY want to find a woman, choose hobbies that cross paths with other hobbists. Especially meet-up.com. It doesn't have the pretense of romance, but it allows you to shoot the shit with the opposite sex. For a true companion, wealth is just a modifier. The base numeric for attraction is compatibility. Good luck OP and other in similar situations.

>> No.2910512

Why would you pay off your house quickly?

>> No.2910529

source on grill?

>> No.2910584


>real woman = no tattoos

If you "just didn't like tattoos" it wouldnt be a problem, but you're using those metrics (no sleeping with black guys, no tattoos) as arbitrary measurements of purity.

The fact that you're focusing first on what she's done before who she is is a red flag about your intentions with a relationship anyways. It's no wonder that no woman wants you if all you're focused on is "I have all the money a woman would want so why isn't my perfect woman flocking to me"

For the record, if your tattoo-less, non-coal-burning chick exists out there, you would probably alienate her just by having an issue with it. She probably wouldn't care about your money either, by the way.

>> No.2910589

Butterface is heavy

>> No.2910596

Sorry anon but what she's done IS who she is. And there's good reason to avoid the girls with daddy issues that op mentions.

>> No.2910606
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>no tattoos
Meh, my wife and I are tattooed and neither of us are degenerate.

You have to make the difference between random whores with a stupid quote or star on their forearm and someone who likes art/has something dear to them.

Most degenerates are tattooed nowadays, but not all tattooed are degenerates.

Also Op, you probably live in a socialist country, try right wing ones maybe. Poland or Ukraine are great for that.

>> No.2910614


>daddy issues

I think someone else in this thread with woman issues would outweigh those "daddy issues" from getting a treble clef on her ankle.

>> No.2910615

He probably simply live in a big city in a cucked country and thus only meet liberals and degenerates.

>> No.2910619

Women smell weak man.

>> No.2910624

Tattoos are a perfect way to filter out people who make impulsive decisions.
Also I would prefer to be with a girl who hasn't been with any other guys before at all, but I know that these days that's just about impossible.

>> No.2910633

>Tattoos are a perfect way to filter out people who make impulsive decisions.
Neither my tattoos or my wife's tattoos were an impulsive decision.

>> No.2910635



>what she's done is who she is

No, who she is is how she makes you feel about yourself and what you do with each other that makes it worth while for you

What she's done is what you can't stop fixating on because you either have so huge of an ego that you feel you deserve someone perfect or you're so obsessed with feminine purity that you would entirely write off a woman who has had her life take her in all sorts of directions before she even had the chance to meet you

It seems like you're trying to dodge degeneracy with nothing remotely causal, having a tattoo doesn't make you a degenerate, having lots of tattoos and getting fucked up makes you a degenerate. Having had a black boyfriend doesn't make you a degenerate, because if she's the type of person you would otherwise be interested in, there's a decent chance that you could even be friends with her exes (weird, but you get my point)

>> No.2910644


Yeah no shit you would want a virgin, I assumed that already. Guess what, life doesn't work that way. You didn't get it when you were 13, you missed out and you aren't getting it now. Honestly if you're ugly as sin you aren't gonna get a girlfriend out of your league anyways, if you're reasonable looking your fucked up preconceptions of what your girlfriend needs to be before you're willing to look at her are probably what's keeping you from actually finding someone

>> No.2910649


No, I'm not getting your sister pregnant.

>> No.2910673

Sure, but people who see your tattoos will assume that they were. Sorry.
I'm not OP. I'm not actually looking for a gf right now. But if I were I wouldn't want a girl who's had a bunch of dicks in her. Same reason I wouldn't wear a used condom. Yuck.

>> No.2910709


What if she was looking for you the entire time and was manipulated by someone who she was convinced she loved to have an open relationship and sleep with other dudes?

What if she was alone for most of her youth, started dating at 16, and dated 6 guys between now and 24 (when you met her)? That would mean she has only been in happy and healthy relationships, maybe had a high school boyfriend, a couple in college. She was looking for you the whole time, she has a high sex drive, like you. It's nothing personal, if you were there then she would've been fucking you the whole time.

What if she was a sweet bookish girl who you fell in love with and do everything with, and 2 years into your relationship she confides that she was raped by her stepfather at 8?

Nothing is so cut and dry as "I don't want a chick with tattoos". Everyone has a complex and multifaceted life with their own pains. A girl who got to your age and never experienced sexual desire probably has her own set of issues. You just have to decide what you want from your partner emotionally, and work out the rest.

>> No.2910716

>Sure, but people who see your tattoos will assume that they were. Sorry.
Not a long of people think that tattoos are degenerate you know, only traditionalists and purity fetishists.

And I'm not a retard, I don't have tattoos on the face or on my forearms, you don't see my tattoos in everyday's life.
Also, most people know the difference between a tribal retard and someone with a meaningful tattoo. Mine is a memorabilia and usually people understand that.

>> No.2910729

It must feel great to have a trust fund

>> No.2910748

I didnt say buy index fund , i said buy target fund

Target fund has a non equity position that grows over time as you mear old age. Like vanguard 2035 target fund

Plus he is young and would hold and deposit monthly for 25 -30 years and so he could weather storms even with a high equity position early on. If he is buying monthly then he would even essentially be automatically buying the dips and crashes. You cannot time markets

If he has 200k and high savings he could easily retire at 45-50 or slow down and be real free. Sounds far off but it happens and suddenly your old and you would be happy to have done it

If you dont like equity shocks you can do funds like abrzx which have high management fees but are justified because they implement strategies u cant do on your own to mitigate risk

>> No.2910751

>I wouldn't want a girl who's had a bunch of dicks in her. Same reason I wouldn't wear a used condom.

You heard it first folks, if she isn't a virgin, the other guy might as well have just came right on your dick no matter how long ago it was, cause that's how human flesh works. fuck it, why not just suck off her exes? she's basically just a used condom and you're only thinking about the other guys anyways

Grow up.

>> No.2910753
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Bro this isn't the LARP board....no one with all that would have a problem getting a female to suck their dick and eat your ass for dessert if they know you got the cash behind you.

In the off chance you seriously are this bad at dating and your smart, good looking with a touch of Jason Jenova's brain power I suggest this.

Go on youtube and look up Tom Leykis Dating 101.

During my youth growing up I got so much pussy I didn't even know which one to fuck first.

Good luck anon I hope you aren't larping and this finds you well

>> No.2910764

>During my youth growing up I got so much pussy I didn't even know which one to fuck first.

oops, you're literally a degenerate ;)

>> No.2910909

You're offering a lot of hypotheticals but none of these situations change my disgust at the thought of putting my dick in a hole that had at one point housed another man's dick
I never said that tattoos are degenerate. Just saying when people see permanent ink on someone's skin, they assume that person makes rash decisions. Probably doesn't matter in daily life, who cares what other people think anyway.
Basically this except without the sarcasm.

>> No.2910922

>But if I were I wouldn't want a girl who's had a bunch of dicks in her. Same reason I wouldn't wear a used condom. Yuck.
virgin detected

>> No.2911062

Toronto, Cucknada.

>> No.2911121


A) you aren't putting in the work

B) You are trying to get girls out of your power league

It's probably A.

>how do I know my worth?

> money (1 - 10)
> looks (1 - 10)
> social skills (1 - 10)

Those are your values

>> No.2911127


True that. I've fucked some pretty hot black girls. You haven't lived until you've been balls deep in a big tittied black woman.

>> No.2911137


Much like OP, you're probably not putting in the work.

You gotta be out there, breaking ice, getting numbers, going on dates, Tindering, hitting bars, taking classes and shit, just anything to get in front of women and take them out.

It sucks the worst at first, but gradually gets easier. Once you start getting laid, the wheels really come on the car and you just start falling into pussy.

Nothing more attractive to a woman than a man who already has women trying to get his dick.

>> No.2911142


> not all tattooed are degenerates

I agree but tattoos are still a stupid thing to do.

>> No.2911183

>I agree but tattoos are still a stupid thing to do.
Meh. I don't regret mines. No reason to.

>> No.2911203


Some of them are alright. I just don't think they add anything to a person's life.


>> No.2911224
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Tattoos are awesome

>> No.2911234


Looks like a real winner.

>> No.2911247

>ripped body
>won't get you anywhere
>by itself

women are 10x more interested me after I got pretty ripped. they just approach me. it's money that's the scam when it comes to attraction. women only say they want that so they can rope in a beta to pay her bills when she's 33. until then, it's all about the tallest and most muscular alpha.

>> No.2911338

Keep going until you have 1.5 million. Then put them into high dividend stocks, quit your job, and live humbly off the dividends never having to wageslave again. That's my goal, I'm set to hit 1.5 million by 42 yrs old

>> No.2911436


You seem seem to forget that no part of that man is still there except what you're mentally obsessing over and you're just fucked and are going to be lonely your entire life if you can't get over it

>> No.2911452

>my disgust at the thought of putting my dick in a hole that had at one point housed another man's dick

Pretty sure it's that you can't come to grips with someone else pleasuring your "perfect" woman because of how jealous and self centered you are

You're not fucking his cum or anything, christ, how twisted are you?

>> No.2911473


>whiteknighting hypothetical women on the internet

>> No.2911487

jesus how old are you dude lmao. my goal is to hit 1 mil in the next 5 years lol IF THAT

>> No.2911503

Roastie detected
Women who have lost their virginity to someone besides their husband are vetond saving

>> No.2911509


>> No.2911550

Post this on pol, literally nothing to do with business unless you are looking for the same agreement Melania and Donald have.

You are 25? Girls dont care about money at that age. They are still on the cock carousel. You can use humor, charm, intelligence, social currency, and your shitty car to get tons of pussy. Not you, you smell of unnatural desperate daytrading musk. Not even wearing a tshirt with: im rich bitch! Could make it worse.

You sound like a major douchenozzle though. Just wait 5 years and i am sure some golddigging bimbo will want to part with your cash for some awkward horizontal tango. (She will have been a coalburner in a previous life, but she wont disclose this, leaving your forever in doubt if your treasure has been defiled before.)

>> No.2911659


>if a woman has had sex with another man or has in any way modified her body she has literally no value

really tinkers my thinker, it's almost as though you guys are single virgins because you actually hate women

>> No.2911876

You are right. I just cannot find the motivation to exert such amount of effort just to get my dick wet with some skank. I want a real relationship, but all the women who I considered future wife material have rejected me.

Except I'm 6'2", have been lifting for 6 years, get compliments on my physique very often, make top 5% income, have intellectual hobbies, yet my ignorant normie friend who has nothing interesting to say who makes laughably retarded decisions and just has nice face, hair, teeth and plays in a local band has banged more 9/10s in last year than the amount of all women I have fucked in my entire life.

If you are getting approached by chicks it just means you have a good looking face. Having a muscular, ripped body enhances that and makes you more noticeable.

>> No.2911896

>Meh, my wife and I are tattooed and neither of us are degenerate.

Nobody thinks they themselves as stupid undesirable. Most people rate themselves very highly, even utter trash like you.

>> No.2911905
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>Meh. I don't regret mines.

It's a tribute to vanity.

A grown ass man with a tattoo is signalling to everyone around them, that there is a little babby-brain behind that veneer of an adult, screaming LOOK AT ME, LOOK.

How could you not be embarrassed.

I understand why women do it, it's their nature, but for a fucking man? Totally unacceptable.

>> No.2911959

>Paid off house
>200k in savings
>At 25
Either son of a multi-millionaire or just Larping

Captcha stop jose

>> No.2912134


Skanks and hos are like layups, sometimes you have to make some of those before you start shooting 3-pointers and trying to win the ballgame.

Any port in a storm.

>> No.2912149
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How many "real" women know that you exist?

>> No.2912804

take like 10k and buy a used rolex
women will fuck you trying to get to the other 190k

>> No.2912819

this is /r9k/ shit, go away

>> No.2912857

>taking classes

you mean like school or another type of class? yoga/spinning?

>> No.2912894

This im poor as fuck and have a pretty face and get pussy all the time. I actually get girls to pay for my things/bail me out pretty often. And Im not ripped at all skeleton mode.

>> No.2912907

Lol no tattoos???

You sound boring af

>> No.2912940
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>likes art/has something dear to them

oh but anon you are so mistaken
you are even greater degenerates than idiots with tribals and song lyrics
not only should tattoos have meaning to everyone around you, they must be EARNED

>> No.2912941

Lmao ur a fuckin psycho dude

>> No.2912975


you are talking shit on him but half this websites goal is to get rich quick, having that goal and being on track to achieve it are different things

>> No.2912990

hahahahahahahaha holy shit this site never ceases to amaze me

>> No.2913003

legit think girls are attracted to skele mode
gained a moderate amount of lean muscle and get no where near as much poon as when i was 150 pounds with ribs poking out

>> No.2913006


>> No.2913016

This is pol tier. I come on biz to learn how to buy high and sell low, that's it.

>> No.2913028
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They sound like fucking normie outsiders all right

>> No.2913030

No way.My uncle is a perma-wizard at 50,he's 5'10,average(5.5/10,chad face,fatass),a condominium(at least 1 mil usd in my country).

>> No.2913044

There are some blacks smarter than everyone on this board.
Obviously,don't go for the average black.Get a woman who has a STEM degree

>> No.2913056

Black exceptional outliers offspring revert to the mean of their race. It has been attested

>> No.2913061

>gambling that the next will not be a psychosis-prone mongrel with lower standard deviations for IQ

Nah, just marry someone of your own kind. Problem solved.

>> No.2913115
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get the fuck out you normie degenerate faggots

>> No.2913227

Plastic surgery. It's not what you want to hear but with your savings, you can afford it.
t.oldfag who knows of what he speaks

>> No.2913237



>> No.2913287
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If you are a wagecuck and have managed to get to the $200k mark it means you don't waste money. From a woman's perspective, this is the most unattractive trait possible.

>> No.2913302


in reality the both of you are white trash

>> No.2913310

>tattoos with tattooed wife
You are a fucking idiot.

>> No.2913317

Read more.

Regression to the mean : the children of a 2 meter tall man and a 1.8 meter tall woman will likely be taller than average but not quite as tall as their parents. Same with IQ.

You can never ensure a high IQ child, race has nothing to do with it.

>> No.2913324

>race has nothing to do with it.
Someone get this bluepilled faggot out of here.

>> No.2913327
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>You can never ensure a high IQ child, race has nothing to do with it.

>> No.2913360

Tattoos destroy the integrity of the dielectric capacitence of the skin. This is why Yahweh is not cool about it.

>> No.2913382
File: 25 KB, 600x405, 20060122_multiracialists_are_crazy_part_3_iq_graph_racial[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Your implication is that all blacks are dumber than any white. This is /pol/ approved but not how distributions work. Blacks are on average dumber but there is a huge overlap in the distributions. It means a white on the left tail would be "up-bred" by mating a black on the right tail.

It also begs the question who is white and who is black. Self identification clearly means nothing as we have Chrischan with a female driver's license.

>> No.2913407




Think before you post anon.

>> No.2913414
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You believe in Jewish fairy-tales of equality.

>> No.2913422


Yah. Any social setting where you can talk to some trim. Something fun is a plus.

>> No.2913431

The offspring of low IQ whites regress upward, the black offspring downward.

For blacks to become "equal" to whites genetically would either require ages of evolution of massive prolonged eugenics programs.

>> No.2913439

of = or

>> No.2913449
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Let me give you the secret to being successful with women anon....

be sexy.

that's it.
take it as you will, but there is no other answer.

be sexy.

>> No.2913557

try /r9k/

>> No.2913725


Racial differences exist because long distance travel was almost impossible and people adapted to their climates. Now that distance is meaningless with air travel the future will be coffee colored. Whether that is a good thing or a bad thing is debatable but to pretend that it won't happen is pure ignorance.