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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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29124373 No.29124373[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>> No.29124467

With 5M I can fuck 90% of women.


>> No.29124470

peepeepoopoo, is she one of us?

>> No.29124480


find the right one and you wont want to fuck any other female on the planet.

>> No.29124491
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I'd take the latter and then fuck Jeff Bezos wife.

>> No.29124514

I'll take $5m and 90% over $0m and 100%.
What a stupid question.

>> No.29124551

Jesus christ help me be strong

>> No.29124556

I can’t imagine anyone would pick a single woman over $5m.

>> No.29124567

5m. Hell i'd rather have 50k. Pussy isnt everything.

>> No.29124589

imagine punching her face into a bloody pulp haha

>> No.29124591

Shit question.

Should have said 5M and never have sex again.

>> No.29124593

i'd fuck any woman on the planet. 5 million is not enough

>> No.29124594

5m and a clean conscience due to abstaining from pre-marital sex

>> No.29124596
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I’d rather get a trad wife

>> No.29124597

How? Please tell me

>> No.29124616

Gib money.
100k i spend on grade AAA escort

>> No.29124617
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>> No.29124640

Laughably no.

Being able to fuck 90% of women would be able to generate a lot more than 5m anyways, it’s the obvious choice. You would always use a super natural power over any amount of money. This is pretty basic.

>> No.29124658

Retards, hot females barely give a shit about money, and even if they do, they'll maybe give a lame fuck once

>> No.29124737
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> Would you rather have 5 million dollars or be able to fuck any female on the planet?

money > female

>> No.29124743

fuck any females on the planet for as long as i live or just one time? if just one time i'll take the 5mil. if it's as long as i live i still taek the 5mil but invest all of it into xmr

>> No.29124773

I only need one female
I could always use 5 mil

>> No.29124785

You guys realize you can fuck female multi-millionaires and sponge off of them right?

>> No.29124797
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>> No.29124808

As long as you live

>> No.29124824

Gaydar alert activated

>> No.29124830

How bad will they sag?

>> No.29124849

With the ability to fuck any women on the planet, you could easily make over $5 million from having multiple sugar mama’s that give you $ that you can invest into QRL & Link

>> No.29124854

It can also mean you can rape any woman and go to jail afterwards.....

>> No.29124861

t. poorfag

>> No.29124899

She posts here

>> No.29124900
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>> No.29124925

> You guys realize you can fuck female multi-millionaires and sponge off of them right?

Or she'll hire a clean up crew to make sure you're 6 feet under and can never tell anyone you fucked her...

>> No.29124943

Stfu coomer

>> No.29124945


Fuck any woman.
>Pimp them out on only fans afterwards.
>They funnel way way more than 5 million from SIMPS and hand it over to me in the end.

>> No.29124946
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kek I don't give a single shit about these monkey retards.
give me the 5 millions

>> No.29124949
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>> No.29124959

Unexpected answer on a board such as /biz

>> No.29124966

fucking hate it when girls try to be zany like what's the point

>> No.29124978


>> No.29124987

you mean, like any female on demand, or like just one once?

>> No.29124999

bros shes young and her titties are already trying to get as far away from eachother as they can. look at that sag. shes got 1 or 2 more years TOPS before her tits are ravaged by time beyond repair. dont fall for the illusion, her face isnt even attractive either

>> No.29125014


>> No.29125019
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Bluepilled cucks spotted. Kys

>> No.29125045

kek based brother

>> No.29125054


>> No.29125077

Good answer sirs. Bobs and vageen are very much worth more than money's sirs

>> No.29125087

Why would anyone here pick the 5 million?
What would you do if you were outrageously rich? Whores.
If you had the latter option you could easily profit from your sex tapes with the world's most beautiful women, or even the world's ugliest women if you got bored of the beautiful ones.
Then the money comes streaming in without having to pay for sex like a low down rotten simp.

>> No.29125088

Fuck any woman on the planet of course. I could then make bets for money to bed seemingly impossible targets and easily amass the 5 million. I could even get AIDS and legally kill female marks in California.

>> No.29125102
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>bros shes young and her titties are already trying to get as far away from eachother as they can. look at that sag. shes got 1 or 2 more years TOPS before her tits are ravaged by time beyond repair. dont fall for the illusion, her face isnt even attractive either

>> No.29125103

Incel these days, yawn

>> No.29125106

Any female on demand

>> No.29125136
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>> No.29125152

Casual sex is the most overrated asset in the world. The bubblenwill pop eventually.

>> No.29125174
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>> No.29125216

The second

>> No.29125237

dont heed my warning and find out for yourself. shape > size virgin simp

>> No.29125275
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Soon. Inshallah

>> No.29125324

the entirety of genetic engineering and medical science needs to be repurposed for the singular goal of recreating that phenology at will and locking it in time, preventing it from ever biologically aging, so that every white man has free and plentiful access to bodies like that.

>> No.29125341
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>any female
>doesn't restrict age
This one

>> No.29125365

>not just paying for her boob job

>> No.29125405

Ewwwwwwwww a woman

>> No.29125411


5 million, would buy a wife after.

>> No.29125420
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$5M dollars. I'm happily married.

>> No.29125456

I just want 1 (one) qt