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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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29119407 No.29119407[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

*steals my financial and physical gains*

>> No.29119435

what did she do?

>> No.29119467

taxes and gym lockdowns

>> No.29119538

I have no idea how this hag could stay in power for decades who keeps voting for this evil witch? germans are the most retarded people on the planet.

>> No.29119597

a true leader

>> No.29119600
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*Forces you to spend your currency or it expires*


>> No.29119653

>the governments of the world still don't know about the boating accident
Today, I will remind them

>> No.29119700

and that's a good thing

>> No.29119752
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Because germans are the "Bot-passive" of NPCs

>> No.29119771

did politicans larp like this back in 1918 too?

>> No.29119787

get a life faggot.

go running
go cycling
buy dumbbells
buy books on Workouts without equipment

>> No.29119824

What boating accident? Elaborate

>> No.29119960

>following the lockdown laws
Lmao at you krauts, you really like to lick boots

>> No.29120174

>crypto tax free after a year of holding
OP is retarded.

>> No.29120411

Well mate we have something called a 51% nigger attack over here.
That basically means if all the niggers vote for this cunt the honest node operators dont matter.

>> No.29120439

As we just saw in the America, Elections are now just blatantly rigged and they wont be bothering to hide it from now on, welcome to the new world order.

>> No.29120478

>gives gibs to niggers

>> No.29120658
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>> No.29120699
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once the greens have the majority in the next election you are going to beg for another 4 years of mommy merkel
but germans deserve whats coming anyway

>> No.29121069
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Checked for truth

>> No.29121097

>go running
>go cycling
found the DYEL skinnyfag

>> No.29121130 [DELETED] 

You will be happier than ever before.

>> No.29121224

>You will love getting buttfucked after 4 years of pure ass blasting

>> No.29121273

What the fuck

>> No.29121296

yo for real can we open up gyms? im in my prime years i should be FIT and fucking sluts!

>> No.29121384

Just do calesthenics and buy a pair of dumbbells

>> No.29121431

harder to stick to a routine if you're doing at home, at the gym you got sluts to motivate you in their tight leggings

>> No.29121471

how does "dating" even work at this point? is it just matching on tinder and then straight to fucking now?
do calisthenics

>> No.29121524

Easiest race to brain wash and control unironically

>> No.29121664

I, as a white tall aryan male, have already left this shithole country with no future. Enjoy your arab green shithole. I would renounce my citizenship if I could. Its worth nothing if literal 70 IQ arabs get it after crossing the crossing the boarder ilegaly. I dont want to have any part in this mentally subverted and castrated joke country. No filthy "german" lefty hands on my money

>> No.29121764
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>steals my salary
>steals my gym gains
>steals my stockmarket gains
>steals my chances of interacting with the opposite sex
>forces me not to get a haircut
>blocks me from a creating my own company with a barrage of bureocracy
>blocks me from being an entrepreneur by taxing my salary as self employed by over 55%
>closes down every business and school but construction companies are allowed to remain open and working
>buys most vaccines from oxford piece of shit because it was the cheapest - they don't work or are even delivered in sufficient quantities
>promises 100k vaccinations per day - top is 3k per day (4 years until end of vaccination with this rate)
>promises support for businesses and kids at home - only 10% of promised support packages are applied

>> No.29121765

In most places there has been a severe shortage of gym equipment for 10 months, and prices have soared to 10-20x. What little is in stock and overpriced is useless equipment, much like the dumbbells you suggest.

>> No.29121791
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which country did you move to? Switzerland? Austria?

>> No.29122530

non whites are fucking vile

>> No.29122850

I thought Germany was a better place to start my business, but I guess not, huh.

>> No.29123151
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have sex incel

>> No.29123298

there is no need to rig elections in Germany people legitl ike Merkel even though shes been ruining the country for decades now. from giving gazillions to failed southern euro states, to letting in millions of "facharbeiter" (aka barely literate third world immigrants) to now crushing the entire society with no survivors and locking people in their houses. somehow Germans love her and keep voting for her again because shes "good for the economy" or some shit. it boggles the mind

>> No.29123440

Not surprising. We all know artificial selection works on humans, same as on dogs.

The brave champions of the British Empire all died at the Somme, the ethical Chinese all starved during the Great Leap Forward, and the... active... Germans all, well, you know.

>> No.29123790

I hate this shithole so much. Germany has the 2nd oldest Population in the world and all politics are Made to get the boomer vote. Old people sit in front of the TV all day listening to propaganda then vote for strict lockdowns out of fear. Which country do i move to? I just really hate boomers

>> No.29123918


>> No.29123963


>> No.29124048

we can't stop losing moortuguese bros

>> No.29124075

>look mum my gainzz, finally I’m respected by men
>why is my pepee going smol? Mooooooom

>> No.29124115

Is it really bad compared to a 3rd world socialist leaning shithole like Brazil?

I was thinking about moving there, paying tuition to finish my engineering degree and starting a manufacturing business, since EU is all around and Germans actually can do shit so it'd be easy to get good employees.

>> No.29124162

You literally moved to a chink 3rd world ahahahahah get fuck farang loser

>> No.29124344

ok retard dyel, i wanna work out in a gym with hot girls and the bros around not my fucking garage.

>> No.29124891
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I thought boomers always vote CDU because "there are no alternatives" according to them

>FDP is a millionair lobbyist party
>Linke/Gruene are zoomer parties far away from reality
>AfD are literal retards
>SPD nobody cares about
>"sO ThERE iS ONly tHE CDU LeFT"

>Which country do i move to?
norway is nice but moving there would be diffecult I imagine


>> No.29124992
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>mfw german wagecucks wake up every day early in the morning to support niggas and lazy shitskins with government bux
>mfw niggas and shitskins rape, kill and fuck your women while wagecuck is working
>mfw your cuck government can not kick them out of your country
>mfw your country will transform slowly into an absolute shit hole
>mfw you can not do anything about it
>mfw i am living a comfy life in a based country without niggas and shitskins
>mfw my 8/10 gf sucks my cock everyday

>> No.29125595

>from giving gazillions to failed southern euro states
I see you fell for the Bild propaganda. Not a single cent went to the greek people, all that money was just used so that the greek government wouldnt default on their bonds. Who is holding these bonds you ask? Deutsche Bank and Societe Generale. Merkel and the EU were literally using taxpayer money to make sure big banks dont lose money betting on bancrupt shitholes like greece.

>> No.29125648

>>FDP is a millionair lobbyist party
>>Linke/Gruene are zoomer parties far away from reality
>>AfD are literal retards
Which is all 100% true. There is not one party in germany that is worth voting for.

>> No.29125669

I was under the impression that European elections were infallible.

>> No.29126254

kill yourself DYEL vegtard

>> No.29126287

Merkel then forced the greeks to indebt with them to bailout Germany from paying it. And people worldwide cheered for it. She's the worst chancellor in BRD's history.

>> No.29127318

You don't have any alternatives in Germany for most voters. Her party (CDU) used to be the conservative party ruling over Germany for most of the time after WW2 and most of its voters and the core of the party are still quite conservative. But the success of the party let many career politicians swarm into it, the kind of politician who would say and promise literally anything if it means getting one more vote, drifting the party more and more left and everyone who diagrees with the new left agenda is now an "evil Nazi".
The other parties are also a shitshow. The right wing party afd started really based and got overrun by glowies and idiots similar to the Trump or Q-tards in the US.
The 2nd biggest party currently is the green party, an openly anti white and anti german left wing party whose voters are mostly females, millenials or higher middle class families living in a different reality

>> No.29127403
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*only ever cashes out in gift cards*

>> No.29127544

I am friends with a few Germans but I have to say they are the biggest NPCs on the planet. Must be due to the fact that they can be sent to prison for going against the narrative.

>> No.29127859

They one of the nations that put up the hardest fight against the international system.
Look at Brits if you want to see an easy to control population.

>> No.29128024

1 more reason to accumulate bitcoin

>> No.29128089

>highest taxes in Europe
>wealth tax of 40% if you earn over 200k
>highest energy prices in Europe
>trade options? Oh only 20k of your losses are tax deductible
>pay 25% capital gains tax
>want to tax even more to give it to fucking refugees and niggers

Germany is a shithole and you should leave it if you want to make it. There is absolutely no reason to stay here if you want to make it.

>> No.29128094

Shes the best chancellor of Germany since Adenauer and Bismarck. Qtard.

>> No.29128224

found the greentard

>> No.29128261

People get programmed in school and the media, only a few people are smart enough to think for themselves. German reporting is basically: Everything Trump did - BAD, everything Biden does - GOOD

>> No.29128295

You mean the energy source of the future, dumbass?

>> No.29128473

nozhing perzonnel kiz

>> No.29128548

>You mean the energy source of the future


>> No.29128673


>> No.29128767

That's exactly what we have to do because your retarded meme "green" energy is only meant to work in towns and small cities, not real countries. Meanwhile good nuclear reactors that could provide real, clean energy are being shut down left and right.

>> No.29128901
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Rather have oil imported from a*rbs and slavniggers than having to pay 40 fucking cents per kWh.

>> No.29129230

Are you people frustrated with your life or something. Seriously, why are you invested is such bullshit?

>> No.29129326

And another thing, do you honestly think, just because these /pol niggers post pictues of Hitler, they dont hate germans to the last bone of their bodies?

Stop falling fo their memes.

>> No.29129342

>imagine believing this

>> No.29129347

>No arguments
>Deflects and projects
Typical greentard. At least if you guys ever reach government, you'll sink it low enough to force all shit parties to flee like the rats they are.

>> No.29129401
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Not mine.

>> No.29129548


>> No.29129564

I dont vote green, dumbass. But I see, that the future lies in green energy. This isnt the fucking united states, where there are only two retardard opinions allowed.

>> No.29129714

Fuck off tranny. You know that's what you're known for around these parts. A fucking tranny. We dont even call you CLF anon, we call you the tranny that shills CLF. When you're not on /biz/ and asleep at night, we shit talk you all the time. I think even some anon is planning something against you here soon because they lost a lot money from CLF. I'd take care.

>> No.29129719

>But I see, that the future lies in green energy.
Maybe in 100 to 200 years. It's as stupid to bet on full on green energy now as to gamble your savings on a stock pumping. It's clear you have 0 idea about energy politics in Germany. Tip: Coal/gas investors are the biggest winners.

>> No.29129768

I know this might sound like heresy, but when my gym closed last spring I switched to doing bodyweight exercises at home and since I'm wfh, I can do them all day long sneaking in a couple sets per hour. I'm fitter now than I was when I was going to the gym to lift three times per week and it basically doesn't take any time out of my day. I can't see myself ever going back to the gym unless I have to go back to working in the office.

>> No.29130003

Its called climate change. And it will be the future. Wether you liek it or not.

>> No.29130176

You have absolutely no idea that as long as retards like you can't see the inefficiency of green energy we will pay ridiculous prices for gas and electricity and meanwhile the gas/coal industry will make massive profits. In fact, why the fuck are we even building the gas pipe with fucking Russia if green energy is "the future"? You're clearly a retard and I can see why this country is doomed.

>> No.29130253

>country is doomed
What complete hogwash. Start making over 100k a year and your life will look brighter

>> No.29130380

>I dont vote green, dumbass. But I see, that the future lies in green energy

A single barrel of oil produces 1748kWh. The break-even-point for SaudiAramco to produce a single barrel is around $2. That means they could sell a single barrel of oil for $2.01 and keep making raw profit and they can produce a shit ton of it if they wanted.

Wind turbines, solar, and nuclear can't compete with these margins no matter how hard governments worldwide try to subsidize them.

>> No.29130683

>the future lies in green energy
rn this is only "true" due to the strong polititcal push.
Its nowhere near to being a viable alternative (if you exclude nuclear).
This is why there needs to be a transition period greater then a couple of years. 50? maybe even 100.
I think my greatest problem with energy-politics is the sheer hypocrisy. How much impact will something like a carbon tax really have? Why not start production of more goods within europe and dial down the trade with china since all the shipping makes up like 60% of the worlds carbon emmissions.
This would simultaniously boost europes economy and for once not fuck over the regular citizen

>> No.29130763

It can, once we outlaw oil, to save the climate. Infact UK has already moves to ban gas cars by 2030.

But you dont hear the british on hear crying about how their country is doomed because of that. Only germans are eternal crybabies.

>> No.29130912

That's what you're already doing, along with French nuclear, which is the real clean energy but you've been too cucked by the energy companies manipulating your media to realise it. Jesus, I'm a mongoloid burger with an A2 knowledge of German, and even I know more about your shitstain of an economy than you do.

>> No.29131001

If you enjoy getting crushed by taxes and bureaucrazy, come on in!

>> No.29131021

Pure Delusion
It boggles my mind that some people think the Engergiewende might be possible. For private households "green" energy + battery storage might work out but providing densily populated citys and industrial companys with that? Yeah right good luck with that. Not to speak of Energy required for heating.

>> No.29131038

Giving a fuck what eternal losers on /pol/ say.

>> No.29131261

Or maybe you know fuckall. As far as I know, texas is in the US with its imploding power grid.

Fuck off, and get your nose out of our business, you have enough shit in your own country.

>> No.29131315

exacly the problem i was mentioning before.
Please show me a calculation of how much positive impact outlawing oil in germany (heck lets go full european union) would have on the worlds carbon emmission.
Most people dismiss the fact that there is also great carbon emmission involved in producing electric cars and what not. Mining the lithium and other rare metals, shipping and production.
There are so many variables at play here, that if combined your net positiv is either non-existing or insignificant compared to the financial burden you lay on the people

>> No.29131389
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>Or maybe you know fuckall. As far as I know, texas is in the US with its imploding power grid.
Gee I wonder what's to blame on that...

>> No.29131510

is green energy a massive ponzi scheme?

>> No.29131614

to be fair, didnt the wind turbines only produce like 17% of the energy that was lost to the sudden cold temperatures?
i think most of the power outage was due to the gas lines that froze up

>> No.29131642

Yeah, thats complete nonsense. Good job, falling for right wing propganda.


>> No.29131850

It has its place but it's simply not viable as the only power source for developed countries.

>> No.29131938

you better stop making sense right now, or you will be prosecuted for hatespeech!

>> No.29131967

Ok. I dont know the exact calculations. But I myself didnt even believe electric cars were viable a few years ago. And yet, one fourth of VW cars sold in december was already electric. Technology will make progress like it always does. Wouldnt you say?

>> No.29132066

its nice to have some type of energy where you dont rely on other countries. Plus, its always good to diversify your income (this applies to energy as well)

>> No.29132142

leave to where? All other yuro countries are just as cucked. SEA? fucking chink 3rd world shithole
The only viable choice is America, but it is rapidly devolving in a Lat.Am country.

>> No.29132170

To be fair, most of the US's powergrid is quite a POS. It also doesn't help that texans aren't equipped for cold weather and thus try to heat via electricity.
We germans on the other hand have the european interconnected grid to leech electricity from France's nuclear plants or Poland's coal plants (yummy)

>> No.29132418

>You think the sales of a trendy consumer-item are reflective of it's effectiveness
>You're betting the economy's productivity (read people's welfare) on a vague notion of "progress" you've come to by a mainstream education in history
>Your reluctance to agree that green energy isn't the saviour it's made out to be only if people pump enough money into it

>> No.29132546

redpill me on Germany. Is it as bad as poltard say? I really doubt given that Germany is one of the most successful countries in the world.

>> No.29132591
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>jewish-polish commie wants to destroy germany

makes sense

>> No.29132655

bismarck tried to conquer stuff for germany, and merkel is trying to erase the german people. they have just noting in common.

>> No.29132725

>I thought Germany was a better place to start my business, but I guess not, huh.

It's a shitty place for any entrepreneur because of the insane taxation and side-costs of running a business and paying your employees. It's also a society of authority-obedient NPCs who are really jealous of anyone who has money.

I'm out of this shithole as soon as my crypto gains allow it.

>> No.29132875

No, poltards are losers that are upset they arent rich enough. Thats all. Germany has plenty of millionaires and billionaires.

>> No.29132934

We're living off the past's inertia since like the last 8 years or so
If the green / left wing gains significance with the upcoming election (which i think is somewhat likely), we're definetly more fucked than ever

>> No.29132996

>I myself didnt even believe electric cars were viable a few years ago. And yet, one fourth of VW cars sold in december was already electric. Technology will make progress like it always does.
while i agree this just shows that electric cars have improved to the point where they are a decent alternative in the free market.
They dont however make the planet any greener unless you drive them for at least 15 years or so before buying another car.
(That number of years came out of a calculation i saw, where everything from gathering the materials, over transportation to production was included. sadly cant give you the source rn however)
And this is where another big hypocrisy lies. If you push people for an electric car, push them to driving it for as long as possible. But that wouldnt make VW any money so they leave it at "buy electric and trash your old car, even if it still works fine"

>> No.29133035

I'd like to stay though

>> No.29133137

I'm out of this shithole as soon as my crypto gains allow it.
>meanwhile me with my 1k Dogecoins

>> No.29133224

back to plebbit you fucking s o y

>> No.29133352

Fuck off. This place hates Germany more than reddit ever could. Youre the biggest fuckers imagineable.

>> No.29133647

Unironically commit sepuku you fucking dyel faggot.
I want my high quality machinery, my swimming pools/steam rooms and my gym buddies.
Not everyone is a skeleton shut in like you.

>> No.29133685

they are sad, dull and depressed alcoholic perverts for the most part, constantly consooming while sitting comfortably at their criminally overpaid white collar jobs at factories which they still haven't realized will no longer be there by the time they unstick their head from their asses

>> No.29133894

Which country, anon ?