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2910752 No.2910752 [Reply] [Original]

Then why are the 3 best engineering countries in the world (germany south korea and japan) also the 3 highest (bational avg) iq countries in the world?

>> No.2910763

Gee dude I dunno maybe iq does mean something...

>> No.2910774

Are you german op?

>> No.2910780

IQ certainly means something- it's a predictor of success primarily. IQ may not be entirely genetic though.

>> No.2910842

If Germans, Koreans and Japan are so superior, how come the Koreans were cucked for decades by the Japanese and the Chinese and the japanese in turn cucked by the Unites States, and Germany by Slavs and Americans?

>> No.2910892

IQ doesn't matter is jewish bullshit

>> No.2910965

its a very real possibility that their iq numbers were meaningless to the field, but on paper they were able to give these people access to resources that the average person does not have, and this allowed them to become the best in their field.
Similar to how gold medalists might be more likley to win gold again and stay on top because their sponsorships and income allow for better training,equipment,quality of life, etc

>> No.2910990

>smarter people are better at literally everything on average than dumber people

gee who wouldve thunk

>> No.2911067

Actually it is. There are swedish studies that prove this - they followed high IQ kids adopted by low IQ parents and vice versa. The kids born to high IQ parents did exceptional and the the kids born to low IQ parents did poorly no matter what.

>> No.2911070

>Africa has the lowest IQ in the world
>unable to scrape together any decent existamce without foreign aid


>> No.2911087

Foreign aid is a big reason why they can't get their shit together. I would think people on a business board would understand this.

>> No.2911101

yes op, engineering is the only thing that matters to society and is the only indicator of intelligence.

You IQ faggots are funny.

>> No.2911108

Nigs never had their shit together once in the entire existence their race

>> No.2911125

>IQ may not be entirely genetic though
Not entirely, this has been proven.
There is a margin for environment.

But it's a small one.
A mouse in a stable is no horse.

>> No.2911126

Because back then IQ was not as important as today, in a world totally dependent on technology.

That's why Asia (especially China) will dominate the world this century. Asians are the true master race on math and science.

>> No.2911236

Frankly IQ doesn't matter because the metrics used to determine an individuals IQ has built in flaws that have torn apart the legitimacy of an IQ test since the 90's. They simply give you a read of the person's intelligence based on the metrics in the test.

One of the major flaws is language use, speaking multiple languages, and the inability to determine if a person taking an IQ test is using recognition or recall when answering any particular question. Recall being the better type of memory for critical thinking questions because it requires no reference for an answer. Where as recognition is the better type for logical problems like logic games or mathematics since specific formulas or patterns can be seen in these questions.

For example, if a person who speak english and japanese with English being their primary language. They will likely have a lower IQ on the japanese version of test that they would on
the English IQ test.
Part of the reason why is some terms or concepts of terms don't exist between the languages and are inherently hard to know from just the language themselves. Fuck is not a word in the Japanese language as an example. Some tests like timed pattern recognition is not a good indicator of intelligence because human pattern recognition is the cause of most illusions and seeing things that are not really there. An example would be looking into a cloud and 3 different people seeing three different images in the cloud because of how their individual mines recognize patterns. Having greater or lesser level of pattern recognition has costs and benefits on both sides.

IQ just gives a generalization of intelligence. it does determine how smart a person is. And arguing that IQ's of countries shows superiority is a very narrow way of looking at the world. In the field of engineering the Germans and the Japanese are the best, but the reason for this is because of their governments education systems which put a greater focus on mathematics.

>> No.2911261

>Not stealing Western Technology

>> No.2911734
File: 258 KB, 843x439, south africa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nigga whut. Foreign aid is a complete money toilet, you make the warlords in those countries very rich and their countries never develop. Food aid only leads to unsustainable population sizes consisting of unproductive, low-IQ, high-time-preference people.

They can not physiologically manage a first world economy on their own. Take away the foreign aid and you only get poor warlords and just as little development under them.

Maybe you don't want it to be true but it is.

>> No.2911767
File: 36 KB, 164x180, QKS3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Frankly IQ doesn't matter

>> No.2911788

I can't do math for shit but I scored top 1% in language, state level, New York. I'm I a retarded?

>> No.2911805

>New York
>high verbal intelligence
>low math intelligence

>> No.2911810

>this thread
>business related

You have to go back

>> No.2911859

If you pay attention you actually said the same thing in a more verbose form. Foreign aid is holding back the local economy in most african countries. It is destroying their ability to produce and earn a living.

>> No.2911879

Actually what I said was it makes no difference.

>> No.2911882

i think you misunderstood me, I meant that the idea of IQ not being important is a jewish concept

>> No.2911893


what about the thousands of years before whites came in and built any resemblance of an infastructure in that shithole of a continent?
who was holding back the niggers then?
sub saharan niggers never even invented a fucking wheel. is that also the white mans fault somehow?

>> No.2911902

Why do none of the Asian or Arab countries we give aid to suck this much? Why was Africa shit before foreign aid began? Before colonialism? The aid was supposed to fix this.

>> No.2911904

If you want to sell the idea to the leftists, that's one way of doing it. Nig this nig that doesn't really achieve anything but actual convincing arguments how poor African small business is held back by evil imperial financial oppression actually might.

End foreign aid. How? I don't care. As long as it's done.

>> No.2911937

It's heritable but it's more complex than "entirely genetic."

See: Flynn effect.

>> No.2911978

Sorry anon, you fell for the Jewish memes.

Testing for IQ isn't just "hey here's an English test, do your best". Otherwise those online "IQ tests" would be all you needed. You test sample groups, you correct for these factors and you make numerous studies. Results are accurate. Opposition to the validity of IQ tests is purely political, because IQ tests do show a significant gap between blacks and just about everyone else even once you correct for every possible factor, which is a no-no in today's social climate.

>> No.2912045
File: 17 KB, 480x336, 1485795530483.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You guys are so stuck up /pol/s ass that you can't even see when someone agrees with you. You have to make sure they're racist about it too. lol

>> No.2912078

Flynn effect has a ceiling of approximately 15 points.
We still don't know why, but it stops there.

That's why blacks in Africa have 70 and those in the US have 85.
But it won't go any higher.

>> No.2912082
File: 50 KB, 222x248, 124.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

IQ is about 50% genetic IIRC, rest is healthy growing up environment

>> No.2912106

>IQ is about 50% genetic IIRC, rest is healthy growing up environment
The amount of nature/nurture is currently being debated and there is consensus.

A lot of people use the Africans as an example. We took them from Africa a few centuries ago, we see what's the IQ difference, and we conclude that the IQ difference is the amount of nurture between eating dirt in the desert and living in a first world country with education.

Long story short, they're still dumb as rocks, but a bit less.

(Still below the civilization sustain level, which is 90)

>> No.2912117

Germany produces overenginnerd nonsense.

Anything the Germans can produce, the Japanese can make simpler and cheaper.

Take cars for example.

>> No.2912124

These are ideas that were popularized over the past few decades, but sadly they have no basis in reality. We can actually check for these bias factors, and they've been found to be insignificant.

IQ tests are real, they really measure g (modulo artifacts such as Flynn effect), and there is no significant cultural bias effect. None of this is controversial in the scientific community.

And yes, niggers really are just as dumb as their IQ tests reveal. And we know that adult IQ is 70% or more hereditary. The entire modern liberal edifice is built on wishful thinking.

>> No.2912138

Cultural bias doesn't explain why asians have the highest IQ even on European/American tests.

>> No.2912641

Give me a study that shows that.

>> No.2912718
File: 42 KB, 326x236, 1501342505150.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>3 best engineering countries