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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 9 KB, 221x228, vocaroo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2911706 No.2911706[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Hi /biz/, I am a poor lad from Europe that wants to stop being poor, so I am making this thread to earn some money (not beg).

I will vocaroo whatever you want and you can send me some coins in exchange, as long as the coin you want to send me is on bittrex.

Let's go!

>> No.2911726

im giving u 6 btc if you imitate a chipmunk getting anally molested by a badger

>> No.2911732


I will send you 1 BTC if you insert a sharpie in your butthole and take a photo.

>> No.2911752



>> No.2911755


>> No.2911776


I didn't even give you my address :(

>> No.2911781

I will send you 0.5 eth and i am dead serious... all you have to do is fuck a girl and film it... and i mean not using a fucking web cam i want a real camera capable of taking HD videos.

Also you and the girl must roleplay something perverted... be it rape fantasy or femele dom or scat...

The video must be atleast 30 min (no need for it to be 30 of you fucking a vagina, i dont think you can last that long anyway) there can be forplay and some way to really sell the fantasy... think it like this 10 min selling the fantasy 10 min seducing/petting/10 actual fucking.

If you really good i may even pay more eth.
Also written concent to use and distribute video will net you 0.1 eth

>> No.2911783

are yo M or F

>> No.2911790

fake and gay.
that's a lot of money, you gay summerfaget

>> No.2911799


I'm a whale and sharpies turn me on.

>> No.2911800


I can't do that.


I could do that, but I doubt I'd get 1 btc for it.



>> No.2911827


sharpie in butt = 1 btc 07/30/2017

blockchain. info/address/1N75nddcDGiQeP7wTNBC1K8pvqCo1CXhPy

>> No.2911833

go back to /b/ you assfuck

>> No.2911838


Does a pen work too? I have no sharpies anyway.

Prove you're a whale though.

>> No.2911843

I knew a guy who offered me $100 in bitcoin for every deep cut I sliced into my wrist on webcam.

>> No.2911852

that part is proven

but wtf man

>> No.2911865


I am poor, what else can I do? there arent any jobs where I live, not even a mcdonalds around, I live in a rural area in Spain, and I will die here unless I start earning money somehow.

>> No.2911877

no im not judging you for putting sharpie in pooper for 1BTC, people do worse for less

but why the fuck would anyone actually pay for it? link his address with 2000BTC to a request of it?

>> No.2911903
File: 75 KB, 558x880, pen in butthole.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


It is very difficult to take a picture in that position to be honest... but I did it.

My BTC address: 1F8JijFVyF9QDV5WBtKwrZLwZe6TVFtTPU

>> No.2911911
File: 17 KB, 385x387, 1482350691847.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


what the fuck

>> No.2911924


I wish I wasn't poor so I wouldn't have to do these things...

>> No.2911934


Did you do it? I don't think I could do that.

>> No.2911935

whops, signature doesn't check out

>> No.2911949
File: 27 KB, 480x349, be7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you got played ass fag

>> No.2911950


What does that mean? I don't know what that signed message and signature are, I just wanted some coins in exchange of something...

>> No.2911954

Nobody's gonna send you bitcoin.. :/

>> No.2911956


I had to try. Nothing to lose.

>> No.2911960
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>> No.2911962
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>> No.2911963
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>> No.2911979

>Nothing to lose.

what about the dignity of that poor pen

>> No.2911980

>try to do something ni exchange of coins instead of begging
>get nothing
>meanwhile beggars get free coins

I think I will just end my life one of these days.

>> No.2911984

your sticking pens up your ass for the chance you might recieve money from it

you've hit rock bottom

suicide isn't looking like a bad option for you

>> No.2911995


The only thing that prevents me from killing myself is pain. And also the fact that I hope that things will change somehow soon and I will move out of this hellhole and just make friends and shit.

>> No.2911997

There are many better ways to get bitcoin online. Idk what the fuck you expected here.

>> No.2912001

seriously tho, if it's really SUCH a horrible place and the cause of your poverty why don't you just move?

>> No.2912006

Dude's putting up a sob story for more btc.

>> No.2912012

Sent you ~£5. Don't spend it all at once

>> No.2912014

just fucking move you stupid retard

you're a stupid coward without a shred of dignity or drive, sticking pens up your ass when you know god damn well nobody is going to pay you

>> No.2912024
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>> No.2912030
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>> No.2912035
File: 28 KB, 720x576, 539974_303885846368238_1455014827_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2912036

this guy paid him 0.024BTC from a 3BTC address lel



>> No.2912037


As if I got anything at all, well a guy sent me 5 bitbean the other day for some vocaroo.


Move where? I have no money to move anywhere, and it'd take some time to find a job in that place, so how would I pay a rent or whatever until I found a job?

I live in my uncle's house, I pay her 0€, that's why I live here, the problem is there aren't any jobs here and I can't just move away because she won't even lend me some money, my uncle is a bitch.



>> No.2912038


meant this guy

>> No.2912051


Oh I just saw it, thanks bro, now how do I turn that into 50€?

Thank you very much.

>> No.2912053

ill send you 10€ on paypal for reading mein kampf from start to finish on stream

>> No.2912054

you're always going to make up excuses as to why your life sucks and why you can't do anything about it. you're just a loser, simple as. some people are, and you're one of them.

>> No.2912055

EZ, just make sure you have control over your private keys, then wait until aug1
boom, 50E

>> No.2912059


Buy SIGT and wait 2 years

>> No.2912069


Yes, that's true. The only thing I could do though is simply leave this house, hitchhike to a city and live under a bridge until I find a job.


That would take a few hours and I am not showing my face or anything so I can not do that.


Private keys?

>> No.2912081


I'll have killed myself before that. Need a faster way.

>> No.2912085

Seriously, begging and cryptos won't get you far.

Learn programming or something. All you need is a computer and a lot of free time.

>> No.2912089

just download electrum, transfer there ASAP, then read up on how bitcoin works.. then get the Bitcoin Cash / Bitcoin Classic on aug1
bittrex will only give you Bitcoin Cash, tho Bitcoin Classic will very likely actually be worth pennies at the start you can never know where it'll be in a year :^)

>> No.2912095

also look up mechanical turk maybe, but i doubt you can make an actual living off that

>> No.2912100

amazon mechanical turk that is

and by the looks of it, i doubt you'll ever be able to hold a job desu

>> No.2912111

but don't kill yourself, just leave your comfort zone, try new things
your aunt (if it's a her it's an aunt) is probably a latent narcissist and the main cause of your issues
the govt won't give you any money if you're this poor? have u applied for college?

>> No.2912116


Do I have to send the BTC to a wallet? why can't I keep it in bittrex? maybe I rather buying a bunch of cheaper coins before they skyrocket?


I've seen beggars getting 1 - 0,5 LTC, a few hundred ARK, even 1ETH, only in the past month.

You're right though... maybe should start to learn programming or something.

>> No.2912118

it will always cost a LOT more to live with (or just be dependent in any way of) a latent narcissist than to not

>> No.2912130

fine actually with 0.024 BTC you're better off hoping to win the lottery, but i think you have better odds at actual, provably fair gambling sites that offer you 50x returns (so you actually have a seizable amount of money) than trying your luck with shitcoins

also bittrex has some minimum deposit, you will probably not be able to touch that BTC until you deposit som more?

>> No.2912144


Oh right my aunt, not uncle.

It's a long story but in short: I had to move here and help my uncle with his stuff but then passed away and since I didnt have another place to go I stood here and just did nothing until now, I may just leave to Madrid or somewhere and I don't know. I can't stay here forever. And the government can't help me, no.


I'll check that now.

>> No.2912157

If you somehow come to Izmir,Turkey in the future i'll take you into my custody educate you at programming, trading and different stuff and we can start projects together

>> No.2912178


How would I find you though.

>> No.2912217

If you agree to coming here as a refugee or something we can take this conversation to somewhere else and clear things up.

>> No.2912240


I shouldnt trust strangers from 4chan though, I think I'd rather hitchhike to Madrid and live under a bridge until I find a job than move to Turkey with some stranger, no offence.

>> No.2912268


If you move to Turkey I'll send you 1 BTC.

>> No.2912292


If you send me 1 BTC I actually will move to turkey and meet him >>2912217

You have my BTC address.

>> No.2912338

You ain't poor nigga, I sent you 5 bitbean yesterday!

Warning everyone, op is lying about being poor.

>> No.2912349


I have actually checked and the flight would cost around 320€.

1BTC would be more than enough for me to live in turkey for a few months I believe. I'd actually do it.

>> No.2912360


kek and you were going to send me 10 more for singing Umbrella, and I sang it you know, maybe you didn't see it. But it's fine bro, thanks anyway.

>> No.2912419
File: 2 KB, 106x125, 1501369145872s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


If I were an asshole I'd send you the money just so you can be raped and turned into a man-servant for some turkish faggot but I appreciate the butt sharpie pic so I won't.

What's the point of begging for scraps on a taiwanese tea growing board every day and getting nothing? Find a job somewhere, dumbass.

>> No.2912468


You said you'd send me 1BTC for a picture I sent and you never delivered, does that make you an asshole or not?

I'd talk to the turkish guy on skype first or something of course, and would meet him in a public place.

It's okay though. But as I said I can't find a job because there aren't any jobs here.

Thanks anyway.

>> No.2912522

I am still willing to vocaroo whatever you want, in exchange for coins, in case someone is interested.

>> No.2912621

>wants to stop being poor
do something with your life, there will never be a single moment to absolve you of all struggle
to think otherwise is asinine, don't be a procrastinating defeatist faggot, faggot

>> No.2912637


No jobs in my area and too poor to move out, would have to live under a bridge until I found a job if I moved to a city because no money to afford a bed anywhere.

I am considering doing that though, either move and live under a bridge until I find a job or kill myself.

>> No.2912674


You are posting on the internet. Doesn't you ISP need people, faggot? You are buying food from somewhere. Doesn't the shop need employees? Gas station attendant? School janitor?
Everywhere you look there are ways to make money but your defeatist attitude is not doing you any favors.

>> No.2912676

where there's people there's commerce so I find it hard to believe you're totally unable to find even the shittiest part-time job nearby
I'm more inclined to think that you aren't even trying to get a job, your life won't magically make itself better unless you make it so

>> No.2912734


I said I live in a rural area, the next house next to me is a few hundred meters away.

My aunt drives a couple km to get food from a store, I have talked to the owner and he says he doesn't need any workers. That was abour 3 weeks ago. I ask him every couple of months.

There's nothing here, just a bunch of houses, a store and a gas station, where I have already asked too.

I wish I was making this up anon, I know how it sounds, but do you think I'd put a pen in my pooper for some coins if I could get a job around here? I'd be happy to work.

>> No.2912814


I won't give you any coins but come to chat and maybe I can help you make some cash online. Use link in the bottom, say you're the butt sharpie dude so I know it's you.

https://join.slack .com/t/trollboxonepoloniex/shared_invite/MjE0NzM2NDA0NTY3LTE1MDAyODM5MjMtYzMxOWFlYjRmMA

>> No.2912863


How to contact you?

>> No.2912869


Oh okay I got it now