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File: 57 KB, 725x850, Sca.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
29116521 No.29116521[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

So why is it so hard for you to admit that the Scandinavian countries with their liberal values and good social policies have the best system we've been able to come up with so far, anon?

>> No.29116562

Finnish flag has colors reversed

>> No.29116586


>> No.29116615

Literally only people who dont live here say that

t. sweden who is homeless and have to pay 80% tax to help the homeless and not getting any help while homeless

>> No.29116634


Scandinavia is boring as fuck, they crack down hard on anything fun. At least the work culture is laid back. In most western euro countries you get to be a degen before you get raped by taxes

>> No.29116652

Rich because of oil
haven't heard much about them

>> No.29116665

>Finnish flag is wrong
I bet an American made this

>> No.29116687

If you enjoy paying taxes, sure, "scandinavia" is great. Outside paying taxes and being miserable in general, there's nothing there.

>> No.29116710

This is a shithole of misery for those who actually want to succeed in life. May be good for idiots who just want to wageslave their life away.

T. Finn

>> No.29116712

They are literally consistenly rated as the happiest countries on different indicators.

It's not that people who don't live there say that, it's that you don't realize that you don't practically everywhere is worse

>> No.29116714

i just wish they would start hanging the nigger invaders in the streets

>> No.29116723

it's so vibrant. it's like a zoo with taxes

>> No.29116746

Legacy wealth in rapidly declining societies.

>> No.29116826

>rated as the happiest countries
How the fuck do you rate happiness retard.

>> No.29116827

Do you live in a Scandinavian country?

>> No.29116852

If America collapses, Scandinavia won't be far behind because they aren't self sufficient and rely on the constant exploration of the third world to maintain their lifestyle.

>> No.29116883
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>> No.29116893


>> No.29116909

All of those indicators are manipulated to show what they want you to see. And Scandinavia is too small to have any statistical relevance anyway. All of it combined is smaller than Germany or France or England or even Italy. Scandinavia is tiny

>> No.29116918

Do you live in a non-Scandinavian country?

>> No.29116964
File: 8 KB, 252x240, 1368793983086.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>how happy are you?
>guess I'm pretty happy
>okay we'll put you on number x
Imagine taking this shit seriously

>> No.29116997

if you're not well off in nordic countries you are literally a pathetic lazy autistic degenerate.
similar goes for you. I come from Hungary, you niggers have more opportunities to succeed in life than anyone else in the world. You're literally born with a golden spoon in your ass, but youre too entitled to notice it.
stop whining and realize how easy of a life you got.
t. student in helsinki

>> No.29117003

The top ones have a mostly homogeneous society. That’s why they’re happy.

>> No.29117005

If you're homeless in sweden you must be a schizoid or addicted to heroin and alcohol.

It's quite hard to fail having a roof over your head here.

>> No.29117006

What is the original source of the data for Figure 2.1? How are the rankings calculated?
The rankings in Figure 2.1 of World Happiness Report 2020 use data that come from the Gallup World Poll (for more information see the Gallup World Poll methodology). The rankings are based on answers to the main life evaluation question asked in the poll. This is called the Cantril ladder: it asks respondents to think of a ladder, with the best possible life for them being a 10, and the worst possible life being a 0. They are then asked to rate their own current lives on that 0 to 10 scale. The rankings are from nationally representative samples, for the years 2016-2018. They are based entirely on the survey scores, using the Gallup weights to make the estimates representative. The sub-bars show the estimated extent to which each of six factors - levels of GDP, life expectancy, generosity, social support, freedom, and corruption - contribute to making life evaluations higher in each country than they are in Dystopia, a hypothetical country that has values equal to the world’s lowest national averages for each of the six factors (see FAQs: What is Dystopia?). The sub-bars have no impact on the total score reported for each country, but instead are just a way of explaining for each country the implications of the model estimated in Table 2.1. People often ask why some countries rank higher than others - the sub-bars (including the residuals, which show what is not explained) are an attempt to provide an answer to that question.

>> No.29117034

If immigration policy would have been better, it would keep doing great. 50k unemployed somalis are not good. On top of that they breed like rabbits and don't give a single fuck about the native population.. And why would they..

>> No.29117041

Why are there so many brown people? You look around and can see leeches everywhere

>> No.29117046

thank you based Finnbro for telling the truth.
anyone who says
>hurr durr scandinavia is so great
is welcome to take a fucking plane and go there, and never return.
you'll either end up being deported or go to jail for insulting Ahmed.

>> No.29117056

I hope you racist frogs realize the reason you hate other people is because you hate yourself deep down

>> No.29117065

That's all subjective you mongoloid.
You can't rate happiness.

>> No.29117106
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It only works in majority (90%+) white countries. Shitskins will always leech. Unironically, Hitler was right
Fuck niggers
Fuck kikes
Fuck holes
Fuck faggots
Fuck commies
White fucking power

>> No.29117125
File: 76 KB, 880x426, sweden1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my condolences. oh wait get fucked refugee welcome faggot

>> No.29117149

If you try to actually make something and earn money with it, making 10k euros per year:

20% just general tax, because fuck you
25% pension tax, because boomer ponzi
10% just whatever the fuck tax
20-40% imports tax
20% tax for everything you buy from store
100e per doctor visits because public healthcare is completely useless outside antibiotics, appendix surgery and vaccinations

Boy, it really is great to actually being a productive entrepreneur in Finland and basically living in abject poverty.

All I do is pay for useless people to get government jobs while I slave away.

>> No.29117176

What he probably means is that he's just graduated and moved to a big city where it's really difficult to find an apartment so he's hopping between random rooms he found on blocket until he finds a permanent place.
An actually homeless person in Sweden would never be posting on fucking biz, because like you said they're usually addicts of some kind.

>> No.29117177

>The sub-bars show the estimated extent to which each of six factors - levels of GDP, life expectancy, generosity, social support, freedom, and corruption
>All subjective

Were you dropped on your head as a child?

>> No.29117179

We simple want to be left alone, you retards who don't know a single bit about economy try to force shit on us, try to tax us for all we got, replace our culture, try to censor everything etc. You are authoritharian pieces of shit who are so fucking arrogant and naive it makes me worry about the fate of the west.

>> No.29117188

funny how the “happiest” countries always have massive percentages of the population on ssri’s, isnt it?

>> No.29117229

I know wealthy finns. they are living comfy in [REDACTED], driving nice cars and doing their business stuff

>> No.29117231

Bro what is that flag

>> No.29117244

Its almost impossible to make it in these countries. All the laws are actively trying to prevent you from doing so. No matter how smart and hard you work, you'll get punished for it and the fruits of your labour given to someone who sits at home and smokes weed all day.
Not sure about finland but sweden is the most cucked country on Earth.

>> No.29117266

So to combat that you idealize genocidal authoritarian leaders from the past.

You should talk to someone about what's bothering you man. This toxicity isn't healthy for you nor society

>> No.29117267

It doesn't work there, either. Welfare statism produces dysgenic pressure and erodes social institutions and work ethic. All lefty socialism shit is bad.

>> No.29117304

>They are literally consistenly rated as the happiest countries on different indicators.
you mean like third worlders?

>> No.29117319

Read the legend at the bottom you illiterate retards. How do you manage to navigate through life being this dense?

>> No.29117320

Nah I'm fucking awesome, as is my life. I just really hate faggots and shitskins. They repulse me. Why should a superior white have to share his own land with lesser animals that are propped up to appear to be equals. Niggers aren't fully human and do not belong in Europe. The cro-magnon reigns supreme

>> No.29117330

>you niggers have more opportunities to succeed in life
you are delusional if you actually believe that you can succeed when taxes take away half of your income

>> No.29117346

yes. you wanna destroy the culture that lifted the world from barbarity, so we want to kill you and all your minions.

>> No.29117375

Has nothing to do with happiness
>life expectancy
Doesn't matter if your life is shit
How the fuck do you messure that and what is REAL generosity
>social support
In most countries that means sky high taxes and slow bureacracy
Again what standards


>> No.29117393

I am just stating something I know it fact, i didn’t even look at your faggot chart

>> No.29117430

Because we live in a society anon.

Take the enlightenment pill. There is no you or me. We're all just a conscious part of the universe

>> No.29117454

>to combat that you idealize genocidal authoritarian leaders from the past.
See this is what I mean, WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT, I have no leaders I look up to, you are in a delusion thinking nazis still exist. I just want my traditions to stay the way they are and be left alone, not kill and genocide people, you are so far gone you don't realize it.

>> No.29117464
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>> No.29117465

fucking this
>34% capital gains tax

>> No.29117474

theyre going rapidly downhill with all the niggers and mudslimes. all those "progressive" social services will get ripped out as soon as they realize its just white money being given to worthless subhumans

>> No.29117488

You've got some growing up to do

>> No.29117492


>Wrong colours on the Finnish flag
>Denmark looks completely fucked up and warped

Who made this map?

Scandinavia is a completely taxation-backed economic house of cards. Without the taxes rolling in, they're in free fall. In order to keep up with and afford a standard of living expected by government taxation, most native people in Scandinavian nations have basically gone all in on all sorts of tertiary and quaternary sector employment (IT, finance, media, consumer retail, etc.) and left many unskilled, primary, and secondary sectors. This leaves these nations killing two birds with one stone, as they can satiate their smug, cultural sense of superiority and savior complex by importing an underclass of refugee unskilled labour fora sector where most natives have left in order to afford taxes. This is completely unsustainable, as these refugees cost more in taxes than they generate through additional social benefits and public expenditure on things like crime prevention and law enforcement.

Scandi is fucked in the next 50 years.

>> No.29117536

Never understood why anyone would move cities without having a place to stay first.

>> No.29117563

That applies to you too, if you think you know everything you know nothing.
The most smart men in history knew that there is a limit to your knowledge, it's arrogant fools like you who turn into genocidal monsters because they think they have the solution.

>> No.29117568

Left Sweden in 2011, came back for a few years to get a tax return in form of a masters.The place is an absolute shithole, went back on holiday for the first time in 4 years a while back ago. Place is a dystopia of feminist cucks, 1984 language reprogramming and raping niggers all whilst you pay 65% real tax on your wage. My brother is proud of having 8k USD in savings, I mean wtf. And the worst part is that 8k USD in savings is better than 95% of people in Swedistan. That's how little disposable income they have over there. I ain't going back bro.

>> No.29117572
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>All the laws are actively trying to prevent you from doing so.
People in Sweden can get a loan to start their own company if it's registered as a particular type, and if the company fails you don't have to pay the loan back, it's a low-risk policy to encourage innovation.
You are legally allowed to take time off from your job to work on starting your own company, and if it doesn't work out you are guaranteed your job back.
Do some research outside of /pol/ from time to time and you might learn something about the real word.

>> No.29117576

>good social policies have the best system
you mean having a massively homogenous popualtion? i agree, we should make our nations 90% white and enact socialist policies

>> No.29117587

Funny how those top countries for happiness are also the top countries for antidepressant usage.

>> No.29117600
File: 104 KB, 850x315, 1608668659309.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's what I said cunt, socialism can only work in an ethnostate. But the whole ideology is cancer. I'm a man, i will provide for myself, I don't need government fags coddling me and helping pieces of shit survive and thrive. Socialism is against nature. It props up genetic dead ends and I agree, weakens the human animal through dysgenics. Socialism is about creating a weak, controllable herd of cattle for the elite to Lord over. Capitalism is as natural and right as Darwinism. Fail and die. That's why pink haired fags flock to gomunism, because without the nanny state, They would perish

>> No.29117609

>Scandinavian nations have basically gone all in on all sorts of tertiary and quaternary sector employment (IT, finance, media, consumer retail, etc.) and left many unskilled, primary, and secondary sectors

This is the trend of all developed countries. You want more qualified people don't more complex jobs. Don't see the problem here. Immigrants fill the gap of the lower paying unskilled jobs so it's a win win.

>> No.29117622


>> No.29117655

Nice projections and copes there buddy.

Try working on hating yourself less first, your world of the view will improve I guarantee

>> No.29117663

meant for

>> No.29117675

Kinda like China doing so well in IQ tests huh

>> No.29117673

he called me a retard for pointing that out earlier, glad someone else brought it up

>> No.29117674

>freedom isn't subjective
You will lose your entire career in countries ranking highest on "freedom" if you say the nigger word. Yeah it's pretty subjective what "freedom" means, usually it means you're free to RESIST THE GOVERNMENT but not free to oppose jewish central bankers or their golems.

>> No.29117689

its really funny that people get degrees in sociology and call a survey like this empirical science. durr hngnh rate ur lyfe on a ladder den we can quantify metaphysical qualities like happiness and ignore all confounding factors
why are libbrains so fucking gay and stupid

>> No.29117692

nah, i think giving animals human rights is the real problem

>> No.29117704

Is Romania the least cucked nation in Europe?

>> No.29117719

finland also leading the suicide charts. and also the systems nordic countries have were build on top of big post war generations meanwhile right now ppl average like 0.5children so nobody is gonna fund that shit anymore.

>> No.29117723

My family and myself included traded our Danish citizenship for Australian and haven't looked back.
Its a depressing hellscape and everyone is doped up to the eyeballs on anti-depressants, they almost THROW them at you at the slightest inkling of unhappiness or malcontent. The Hamlet quote "There is something rotten in the state of Denmark." slaps harder than Chris Brown did when he dates Rihanna.

>> No.29117736

It's impossible to be homeless in Sweden if you're a brown immigrant

>> No.29117739

no you have gypsys

>> No.29117740

the baltics are pretty based from what ive heard

>> No.29117742

You people better shut the fuck up about Scandinavia. There is nothing good about Scandinavia. Do not read about Scandinavia. Do not look into tax law in Scandinavia. Do not learn any of the Scandinavian languages. Do not look into standard of living in Scandinavia. DON'T FUCKING THINK ABOUT SCANDINAVIA IT IS NOT A REAL PLACE AND YOU'RE A FOOL FOR EVEN THINKING IT IS.

>> No.29117759

You get half of it taken away if you're rich. And if you are then dont complain about succeeding. You already did and if you cant go further in increasing your wealth then you dont deserve to because you just arent that much of a smarty pants ass nigger to make money when youre rich (much easier than while being poor mind you)

>> No.29117785

Chinese are smart though. Consistently getting high marks at international math competitions year after year. And they're also scammers, but that has nothing to do with being smart.

>> No.29117794

this desu, scandinavia doesnt exist and never did

>> No.29117793

a society created by whites for whites. think of how much more civil the world would be if it was just <1B white people.

>> No.29117802

the balkan peninsula is much more based

>> No.29117804

because some people get a job first?

>> No.29117832

>finland also leading the suicide charts.

This is false.


>> No.29117845

Scandinavia used to be homogeneous, that's why it's successful, but it's quickly changing. I'm moving as fast as I can

>> No.29117851

>being miserable
>most happy nations in the world

yeah sure we're miserable, but less miserable than the rest of you :^)

>> No.29117868

Wrong the Swiss system is the best, everything else is cope

>> No.29117876


Scandinavia does it the fastest without proper integration into native society over time. Even if other developed nations do it, none of them do it like Scandi countries, other than maybe Canada. It's not a win-win, because over capita these individuals cost much, MUCH more than they put into the system. Having to import culturally-incompatible foreigners is much more a negative reflection of the ability of "developed," "modern" nations to plan for the future and bloating themselves under the weight of their own native social protections policies than it is of the conditions refugees and immigrants are coming from.

>> No.29117878

imagine having thousands of years in one of the most fertile areas of the world and creating nothing, then blaming all your problems on the people who civilized you. fucking niggers

>> No.29117904

>all of Scandinavia is combined is smaller than England

Good one fucking mong cunt

>> No.29117923

lmao the more i read OPs comments the more i realize how much of a faggot he is. i honestly read your OP thinking you were reasonable and arguing in good faith. now i see youre a dogmatic religious fanatic that will rabidly defend enlightenment myths

>> No.29117935

it's close to impossible unless you have a huge vice like an addiction or mental disorder

>> No.29117943

population, not area you mongloid. dam you people are retarded.

>> No.29117960

I don't say how they would be bloating.

Those jobs need to be done and net into more economical value than their lower wages are.

>> No.29117966

to which paradise of a nation? :___DDD

>> No.29117976
File: 318 KB, 2000x900, 435764-2-005-jpg-7892.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

More or less. I just need to 3x to buy my dream house now tho so WAGMI

>> No.29117977

because we can afford it, so we play nice, too nice

>> No.29117996

denne tråden igjen...
jeg tror folk forguder skandinavia av samme grunn som hele verden forguder japan. gresset er alltid grønnere på andre siden. når jeg maker it skal jeg personlig til østerrike, hva med dere?

>> No.29118012

What seems to be the problem, anon?

>> No.29118022

they import refugees like crazy
I'd rather stay in my third world country than have all those refugees running around, at least I'm familiar with my local brand of bullshit

>> No.29118028

Some of the highest rates of alcoholism and suicide too.

>> No.29118039

And to answer this, I've been living in the city since birth, it's just that my mom died, and my dad got kicked out of his apartment and my sister lives abroad, so I have nowhere to go and getting an apartment in sweden is impossible. I dont even want to live in the city, I hate it here. I work remotely anyways.

>> No.29118053
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>> No.29118061


>> No.29118062

Croatia anons. White, beautiful, cheap, great weather and coastline. paradise.

>> No.29118068

>it's so vibrant
NEVER assume you know anything about a country you havent been too i used to think japan was all that, then i went there.

>> No.29118088

Is that why Sweden has hundreds of "no-go" zones for the police?

>> No.29118090

Don’t forget that 80 IQ part.

>> No.29118112

Yeah it is you retard. 20 million in sweden norway and denmark combined. That's very very little, basically insignificant
And even if you look at a bigger definition of scandinavia, that's still tiny

>> No.29118148

the amount of cope in this post is staggering

>> No.29118161

forgot i was in /biz/ for a second
I want /int/ to go back. Fuck off, we're full

>> No.29118182


>> No.29118187

Actually its the opposite. If you are an addict there are lots of halfway homes and rehabs and programs and shit to get you back into society. If you're just priced out of housing, you don't get any help and is expected to take a 500K loan to buy a cuck shed in new mogadishu, if you don't have the credit you fall through the cracks

>> No.29118194

gotta pay to not live in a shithole like India, Russia or USA

>> No.29118205

OP är inte skandinavisk. Sätter hundra spänn på att han är en amerikansk socialist som tror att allt kommer att bli frid och fröjd om usa blir som oss. Med andra ord så är han efterbliven.

>> No.29118218

He's absolutely correct though. How does GDP make you happy exactly? How does social support make you happy when it comes bundled with more taxes and bigger government?

>> No.29118230

What else do you expect? Misery is part of the human condition

>> No.29118253

I have only worked for 1 year in my entire life and been living on welfare the rest of the time. I got 500euro to spend on whatever I want per month after rent paid.

>> No.29118259

Not at all, Estonia with their low tax policies is about to pass us on purchasing power in under 10 years. t. Finn

>> No.29118271
File: 224 KB, 1080x2400, Screenshot_20210219-123736.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

talking about thousand years of history and being croatian :_D cuck
also nice insight on scandinavia from your backwards ass shithole

thread to /pol/

>> No.29118274
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Watch as their system collapses from all the third worlders flooding in though. Their system only works with a mostly productive population.

>> No.29118317

>How does GDP make you happy exactly? How does social support make you happy

Because fighting to barely survive makes for a terrible existence.

I can cite neuroscientific studies that links poverty to cortisol levels and lower levels of well-being if you want

>> No.29118328

I live near a "no-go zone" as a white male and have never once in my life gotten so much as a dirty look and I'm regularly out in the streets at night lmao. Also I see police cars patrolling the area all the time. Another myth perpetrated by incels busted.

>> No.29118344

Sweden is fucked, Finland might also be if they don’t change their policies, norway will survive because of oll and denmark is based

>> No.29118364

not true, I'm in the exact situation you're describing - I don't have any vices, I'm just a retard but not clinically diagnosed as one, and I get my rent and living cost covered by the state. the only requirement for this is that I apply to 4 jobs per month. there is *no* way you fall through the cracks if you're not trying to sabotage yourself by spending all your money on heroin or alcohol. or you're just a schizo not accepting help.

>> No.29118368

im american...

>> No.29118395

its hilarious that you attribute being racist solely to some freudian self hatred. couldnt possibly be any other reason. in group preference is simply a disease of the soul eh? where do i even start with you

>> No.29118402


Scandinavia taxes more than is sustainable with the tax rates across ALL sectors. People who cannot sustain themselves on their after-tax wages withdraw tax-sourced funds. The vast majority of low-income workers rely on additional supplements funded by tax, while paying much less tax funds than they take out of the system. As the more people come into the country and are low-no income, then the more taxes are withdrawn and the less they put in as a net transaction. This will force tax rates to go up, and more and more people will not be able to afford tax when they formerly could, forcing them to begin withdrawing tax funds via social protections at a higher rate, depleting more funds, and forcing rates higher, where the cycle repeats.

The economic value of these jobs is not the same as the societal value. Economically, they are a drop in the bucket compared to the money generated from massive international business in technologically advanced and 21st century sectors, even if they are necessary.

>> No.29118439

That is the point of our countries. They are good for average people who WANT to be average. They are unironically the best countries on earth for that. If you just want a family, no poverty and live a safe life without risks. That's what our people are, we are EXTREMELY risk-averse.

But as you said it's practically impossible to get wealthy by wageslaving and investing. Doesn't matter how much you earn, 2k€/month is about the maximum you can save monthly but even 1k€ is hard to get at.

>> No.29118445

>I live near a "no-go zone" as a white male
No you don't.
I do though. I've gotten robbed a couple of times, gotten jumped, etc.

>> No.29118454

i understand that you eurocucks are forced to speak our mother tongue, but could you at least try not the butcher it so i can understand you?

>> No.29118462

Yeah sure, that works if you are broke. Im not. I got cash, and I am not willing to hide it from the gubbermint cos im not jewish

>> No.29118465
File: 207 KB, 1106x1012, 1612071953829.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If I moved to Scandinavia as a half Arab half white would they hate me? Not that I would just curious. It's never been easy being a half breed but I don't mind it.

>> No.29118490

This. Sweden was the most capitalist country in the 50s and after that the country has just declined compared to others.

>> No.29118503

You would literally be pandered. You could easily get 10x citizenships and use them all to debtmaxx and cash out into btc. Many such cases.

>> No.29118506
File: 230 KB, 725x850, fixed.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got you bros

>> No.29118523

More than half of Swedes have more than 100k SEK in savings. Stop making shit up.

>> No.29118531

Car bombings, daily knifings, daily rape, no one able to afford a home. Truly the best.

>> No.29118541

>we are no better than our viking ancestors
>t. nigger

>> No.29118550


ebin :D

>> No.29118558

they would probably offer you free rent, welfare, and their women on a platter.

>> No.29118566

Maybe it's because after all human is a sheep who does not like independency. And independency comes with duties. In nordic states the government takes care of you from birth to death. That's not independency but it reduces the stress levels for many. At the cost of freedom.

>> No.29118567

Norwayfag here, no you would be pandered and have no issue at all being a half-breed.

>> No.29118582
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size of government=/=amount of social support and taxes, especially in the age where everything can be automated
look at the US for reference
also you would see the difference how it makes you happier if you were born poor in a country without and moved to one with welfare and benefits. you are the one coping if you think that 'muh big state' hurts your life more than being a piss poor university student that will move out from their parents at 32 because they have 0 capital and subsequently will pay student, home and car loan till they retire and get 300 euros a month as pension and no savings

>> No.29118587

ok so going back to the post this started with
are you saying that because you got cash you're homeless? that makes no sense at all unless you somehow define homeless as someone who doesn't OWN a home. in which case you're kind of missing the entire point we were making.

>> No.29118599

haha, bullshit, how much do you get paid per post?

jag har allt fixat i sydkorea. det sjukaste där är att kunna gå runt och känna sig 100% trygg. Man kan slappna av utan att bli knivad av en nigger. Bor inte där atm utan fixar cash i andra länder, men äger en bondgård och land där + mera men tänker inte outa för mycket. lycka till att dra från skattehelvetet mina bröder.

>> No.29118607

Pscho women bruh

>> No.29118625

It definetly has to due with the darker and more primitive aspects of being human. How could you possibly argue that being racist is characteristic of more morally mature individuals?

>> No.29118634

>our mothertongue

>> No.29118638

he can't admit it because it's impossible for him to understand until he's forced to live in an unavoidable way around brown hoards and the social consequences of brown hoards, and even then the feminine programming will still probably keep him in denial. when told there are reproducible studies that confirm the exposure model of racism, he'll frantically look for other causes because he can't admit that it's true.

>> No.29118637

still better than your shithole of a country, fag

>> No.29118651

marginal tax rate is 50% for incomes over 34,000€ a year. Don't know about you but for me that is not rich. That is in fact poor especially at our cost of living.

>> No.29118677

my gf is finnish, she is pretty cool. pretty strange though

>> No.29118693

isnt Finland technically not Scandinavian? their language is from a completely unrelated family if I recall correctly. not that it matters but just throwing it out there for the sake of discussion

>> No.29118704

citation needed

>> No.29118723

I can't wait until the wealth dries up, the masses turn on the retired boomers and just smother them all.

>> No.29118725

How does GDP make you rich? There's a lot of countries with high GDP where people are poor. That's a horrible metric of how rich actual people are.
>size of government=/=amount of social support and taxes
What the fuck are you talking about? Big social support = big budget for social support. Government with a big budget = big government that collects a lot of money. What the fuck anon are we in /biz/ right now
>also you would see the difference how it makes you happier if you were born poor in a country without and moved to one with welfare and benefits
And you would see how it makes you unhappier if you're rich in those countries and have to pay for all this government spending.

>> No.29118746

technically not, but we like the finns so we let them be part of the gang. even the chink eyed ones.

>> No.29118768

holy shit the entitlement, imagine only saving up 1k monthly by wageslaving

>> No.29118772

This. T: Another finn :Ddd

>> No.29118775

har dom inte rätt hög skatt där också?

>> No.29118777

Tell that to the niggers, cuck.

>> No.29118784

Wrong, my country is 99% white and I'm top 1% in terms of wealth no matter where I go. Whatever helps you cope, though.
>9 posts by this id
No one they're such shitholes kek

>> No.29118785

This. Also a friend of mine who is a son of a multi millionaire gets a government subsidy worth 150e a month while living at home.

Yup, social democracy at its finest!

>> No.29118792
File: 64 KB, 441x740, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jag bor på gränsen till Bergsjön

>> No.29118823

>How does GDP make you rich? There's a lot of countries with high GDP where people are poor. That's a horrible metric of how rich actual people are.

It's not a causal relationships of course, but the correlations between GDP and wealth are not negligible

>> No.29118829

I lived in a caravan because I couldn't find any place to rent the last year I lived in Sweden. If I didn't have a friend with a yard to pitch the trailer I would have been homeless too. We had an insane housing shortage, don't know about now because I don't care anymore, but guessing it's the same or worse? And no, I will not pay retarded money for some garbage box.

>> No.29118830

But we wuz niggers n shit.

>> No.29118831

I wouldn't do something like that, but living somewhere comfy and peaceful sounds nice.
Iceland always seemed interesting to me too

>> No.29118833

this is our income taxes

>> No.29118855

>are you saying that because you got cash you're homeless?

I know it doesnt make sense. Thats the problem. I have made some good money in the bear market doing odd jobs, and have invested most of it into btc and have made even more gainz. Not enough to buy a house, and my credit is to fucked to rent and/or take out a mortgage. And I can't get help from soc if I have as much as 1 SEK in my account, so yes, I'm too rich to get help, and to poor to afford housing.

>> No.29118869

this shit is horrifying

>> No.29118873

Okej, så du är en bonde som tror att du bor nära ett ghetto. Gulligt.

>> No.29118883

if you really are smart you just go to a country where they dont steal half of your income and spend it on niggers

>> No.29118893

okay I guess we should have added "being jewish" to the list of vices that are required to be homeless in scandinavia. my bad

>> No.29118934

30% typ sist jag hade nån inkomst där, är i afrika nu för sick monies, men även om den gått upp så är det ingenting mot sverige pga mindre moms och generellt lägre levnadskostnader. tandläkare är epic där o kostar nada mot sverige, sjukvården är fantastisk. men språket är väl en gnutta svårt, tagit mig några år att bli bra.

>> No.29118942

This is a 2008 article that seems to stop right after the banking crisis in the 90s. In case anyone else wonders if it's worth reading.
I'll go and cry about my 37% debt to GDP ratio because clearly countries like america have their spending under control and are known for balanced budgets

>> No.29118949

>And I can't get help from soc if I have as much as 1 SEK in my account

as long as you don't have enough to live for you'll get help. if you do you are homeless by choice.

>> No.29118954

Kortedala, retard

>> No.29118960

It's a comfy place to live in. But don't forget that out societies are also expressions of our genes. It's not a "system" that any shithole can pull off. Normans aren't aware of this so we're currently busy worrying about lgbt/climate change and stocking up on low iq foreigners to put on welfare (ironically blowing up their carbon footprint). Calm high trust society is on its way out and we're ever so slowly heading for usa/brazil with extra taxes, or hitler 2.0. t. swede

>> No.29118975

If youre rich and unhappy, then wealth is not your fucking problem nigger. Its that youre a miserable cunt.

>> No.29118994

nords were only made civilized precisely because of those "darker" aspects. if it weren't for the routine execution of the most violent 1% who committed crimes, you would still conform to the berzerker viking stereotype of a thousand years ago. you are "morally mature" precisely because those genetics were violently removed from your gene pool after christian conquest.

>> No.29119002

being mean spirited to any individual based on how they look is certainely a negative trait. but having preference to your own family and your own race by extension is completely normal. to prefer to have different races and ways of life is completely normal. people like you use the word racism incorrectly and conflate lynching black people with prefering to have europe be europe. i no longer care if im considered racist. people like you are religiously adhered to the idea that noticing any differences in large groups of people is evil, which is not true. erasure of culture and total societal discord brought about by forcing total strangers to live next to each other en masse is far more evil than a few hicks who make racist jokes and actually hate all individual black people, which is the minority

>> No.29119019

it's political bullshit like the Nobel peace prize. globalists brainwash people into socialism.

>> No.29119055

What are you on about
I make 50k SEK monthly without overtime, which is about 36k after taxes, and save 10k of that every month
You just need to not be retarded and not work as McDonald's

>> No.29119057

Nigger do you even comprehend what you read?
I cant:
Get help

How is that a choice? Sure, I can fucking give my life savings away and start getting gibs, but thats just retarded af. I'd rather live in a tent

>> No.29119073

haha, my only other option (in that town) was dropping 200k$ on a house that I needed to tear down and rebuild. How the fuck am I jewish? This was a few years back though

>> No.29119100

swedish nazi girls might be my ultimate fantasy. if can have a written guarantee of one after the hostilities, im willing to risk my life for it.

>> No.29119106

Nah I don't think that it has to do much with genes.

But what is true though is that the difficult environment nords lived in made them more egalitarian (because they had to help each other more) and also more conscientous which is why they're more self-controlled, organized and hard working. On top of that the protestant work ethic was a bonus

>> No.29119113

Live in Denmark, literally a shithole. Muh happiness index is a meme. Nordic countries have the highest SSRI use per capita. Our cars cost 2.5x more here. Drivers licenses are $2.5k. Anything you make over $80k is taxed 55%, called top tax.
Abdullah needs to have his welfare and child support for 4 children with 3 wives each, somehow.

>> No.29119115

Well it depends of your education. But the median net salary for a doctor who has studied 7 fucking years is around 4000 (7000 gross) and the cheapest apartments in helsinki area for a family of 4 rent for 1300+€. And if you want to buy one with a 25 year mortgage, have fun with 2k/month living expenses.

So an average doctor with kids will have like 1500-2500 a month after only living expenses. This is how we roll in Finland and the same goes for Denmark and Sweden as well. Norway has a little bit lower taxation.

Also every profit you make investing is taxed at 30-34% and that will likely be raised.

>> No.29119170

Fortfarande glesbygd bonde. Kom till Stockholm, spendera ett par kvällar i våra trevliga förorter så får du en genuin upplevse, bögjävel.

>> No.29119177

But overall like 10k/month salaries are very rare. Maybe like top 2% of Finnish workers make that much. But even if you make it's only 5k after taxes so lol.

>> No.29119184

Somalian bbc are literally balls deep in swedish women. I predict in 20 years the blonde and blue eyes genes wont be there no more

>> No.29119193

I feel your pain brother, look at second hand caravans on blocket, I fucking love caravans. If my wife didn't stop me I would probably live in a caravan forever. comfy as fuck

>> No.29119195

all you're saying here is that you're choosing to be homeless because you think the other options are retarded. you're lying when you're saying you can't rent. grow up. the fact that you have life savings is more than 90% of the world has. your perspective on life is hilarious