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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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29108721 No.29108721[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

China won

>> No.29108750

always was

>> No.29108773
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>> No.29108782

Linkies lost

>> No.29108798

This is the saltiest I've ever seen /biz/ almost as if they don't want people to make it.

>> No.29108829

they are still ugly with small dicks

>> No.29108847

I'm shocked too, /biz/ apparently doesn't like a uniswap that works better

>> No.29108898

they really hate binance for no good reason other than its chink tech, anyone with two braincells knows thats where the money is now

>> No.29108900

China won since 2001

>> No.29109093

Got in on $EGG at $34 and I got out at $145. BSC came hard and fast, but you have to see the point from the people who advocate for decentralisation. You’re effectively risking the fact that you might make a 10x over the next week, but BSC could fundamentally change crypto as we know it and render decentralisation a worthless endeavour.

As someone who’s been in since 2016, this is the ugliest I have ever seen the market. Greed and Euphoria is taking over and blinding people from the goal of crypto and the longer term gains that could be had rather than chasing pump and dump food tokens.

I give BSC one week before it sucks up the majority of liquidity on the markets, then the exploits will start. $100m here, $200m there. Enough attacks could tank the entire crypto market. You’re also putting a lot of faith in CZ, but he has shown he is dirty and only cares about his bank balance. With just 11 validators, CZ could rug the biggest liquidity pools and face zero consequences

>> No.29109162
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>they really hate binance for no good reason

>> No.29109172
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puts a new meaning to 'Made in China' doesnt it

>> No.29109186

this. crypto and all its participants are doomed

>> No.29109219

This is a symbolic moment.
This will be recognized as the day China becaME THE #1 power on Earth

>> No.29109226


>> No.29109289

Wait I was trying to get into crypto as of a week ago and I didn’t even know what BSC was until today.
So should I just say fuck crypto and try the stock market instead?

>> No.29109295

>he has shown he is dirty and only cares about his bank balance
If only people like that could be spotted from far away. Like if they had common features or something. Maybe a shared gene pool, or a common nation...

>> No.29109323

I just woke up. What the fuck are you talking about?

>> No.29109348

>someone market selling through the bottom is somehow binance's fault

>> No.29109494

This sorts of post is why I don't listen to non-technical fudding

But I get your point, still early 2018 was just as bad, but back then things like uniswap did not exist at all either - but PnDs certainly were a thing. Just because BNB exists doesn't necessarily mean that no true decentralized token will surpass it eventually, but right now you must concede that it simply provides uniswap's features with a faction of the costs. ETH was used mostly for swaps, now BNB will.

>> No.29109627

>this sorts of post
Oh did I hurt the feelings of the Chinese people
Maybe Chinese businesses should act in a trustworthy way if they want trust.

>> No.29109728
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China are 92% Han Chinese

America is now less than 50% white

America is only declining

>> No.29109800

>Maybe Chinese businesses should act in a trustworthy way if they want trust.
*ron howard voice*
they did NOT want trust

>> No.29109832

China is 92% rape babies

>> No.29109851

Maybe you burger scum should have been a bit less arrogant eh?

>> No.29109900
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>China are 92% Han Chinese
>America is now less than 50% white
>America is only declining

>> No.29109905

how is this binance's fault? Do you know what an orderbook is?

>> No.29109920

1/4 of the world is genhis kahns kids anon

>> No.29109955
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>> No.29109989
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cant wait until /biz/ merges with /k/

>> No.29110019
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>> No.29110022

This right here. Flash loan experts have noticed the money. They're probably frothing at the mouth at all this money coming in in, unsecured by working oracles.

People got greedy with all the APY and want the next big thing without realizing the cost of securing that value on the network. Theyre gonna get burned.

Enjoy swapping on Cake. Hell maybe even stake, but I wouldnt provide liquidity and I certainly wouldnt farm on BSC.

>> No.29110079

lol see you in ten days

>> No.29110082

I fully get this and appreciate people want to use BSC for transactions. What people need to be aware about is the fact that it has 11 validators and is fully owned by a Chinese state-backed firm. When the exploits come, they’ll come hard and fast. CZ is well-known for scam wicks on Binance. He owns the 11 validators. It’s fully centralised and he can and likely will be the person who rugs the market. What happens when hundreds of millions are rugged? Bitcoin will sell off massively. We now know Bitcoin is serious business, and any significant cash will have a ripple effect on the traditional financial system.

What CZ needs to do ASAP is decentralise the network across thousands of validators with at least 50% outside of China. Otherwise, keep a very very close eye on the markets

>> No.29110095
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>> No.29110141
