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29105218 No.29105218 [Reply] [Original]

How come children of rich people are such wastes of life?

>> No.29105270

that's a man

>> No.29105321

We just want to retain the comfy lifestyle we were brought up in. The issue, is most of our dads weren't around too much so we got raised by single white women and that has led to some issues like not getting jobs and instead, speculating on shitcoins and such.

>> No.29105323

Hardship breeds competence, some rich people spoil their children and they never learn how to be a real person and to struggle through the shit. Not all though it’s possible to still bring a child up in a wealthy environment without ruining them

>> No.29105405

If they had a God then they wouldn't be. Even if you don't believe in God, best to strive for something untouchable, unproveable and unreachable, your entry to the kingdom of heaven for example.

>> No.29105443

Because you can't just become a competent adult from getting older, you're supposed to become a competent adult by assuming more and more responsibility as you age. When you're set for retirement before you're even born, you never assume the responsibility required to be a competent adult.

>> No.29105555

because luxury and pride breeds weakness and ineptitude

entitlement (my dad is rich so I am a good person) and lack of struggle causes a sort of atrophy of the soul that is usually spiritually fatal

>> No.29105579

I wouldnt call it competence, its all about the struggle and the need to adapt. You cant do that when mommy and daddy solve all your problems for he first 25 years.

>> No.29105722

rich people have shit taste and produce nothing of value, theyre better off funding creative people to actually make the world a better place

>> No.29105742


>> No.29105749


>> No.29105908

daddy's not around so he overcompensates by buying them whatever they want
no strong role model + no need to ever earn anything = no identity
basically permanent "I didn't have to study in middle school" syndrome with most aspects of life

>> No.29106082

Being born rich is an unnatural aberration in human history.

>> No.29106285
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This pretty much proves it’s almost all nurture and not nature then

>> No.29106367


>> No.29106399

Nah it's both almost equally.

>> No.29106420

Yeah niggers face no hardships at all, that's why they're fucking useless monkeys. If only they faced hardships.

>> No.29106528

The only hardships they really face in africa are plagues and thos only happen when there are to many niggers around.

>> No.29106566

Nah look up the separated triplets case

>> No.29106595

unironically, you might have a point.
generation after generation living without worry about getting food or shelter. never having to work for a living. and if you haven't raped anyone this week, you're guaranteed to be catapulted to the top of the corporate food chain.

>> No.29106606

This post gave me cancer

>> No.29106635

Life is meant to be enjoyed. It's really only rich people who AREN'T wasting their lives.

>> No.29106681

Cope more poorfag. You should go to sleep right now so that you can wake up early to clock in to work tomorrow

>> No.29106716

So you're talking about nature not selecting for IQ. The first faggot talked about it all being nurture. Biz is a retarded board. I'm out.

>> No.29106776

The concept of the super-confident rich man self-made or semi-self-made is a myth anyway. Gates, Musk- pretty much every rich guy has a father who was connected and his father's parents were also connected and so where they. Drfumpt's grandfather was cousins with the guy who founded Heinz ketchup, the Heinz and Drumpft families are literally cousins and both billionaires.

It's just in the age of tabloids and easy drugs it's a lot more obvious when junior is skating off his dad's legacy than anything else, like how Hunter Biden will run for president in 10 years but is literally a crackhead.

>> No.29106821

don't let the door hit you on the way out

>> No.29106868

don't come back

>> No.29107040

get lost you batnzless square

>> No.29107080

You're born with a dice roll (genetic factors like intelligence/attractiveness/health/etc) and a coin toss (outcome). You can roll a 6 but if you land tails-up you still fail. Either one can destroy the other at the lower extreme.

>> No.29107098

It's both you dumb nigger

>> No.29107132
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>> No.29107154

neither nature nor nurture actually exist
everything is predestined

>> No.29107158
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>> No.29107159

>How come children of rich people are such wastes of life?
The majority in Europe at least tend to be better educated, physically fitter, better educated and more intelligent than the regular scum. Its probably down to better childhood nutrition and medical care.

>> No.29107312

Nature/evolution only selects for survival you retard. If you can survive and breed for generations on end without needing much IQ then you'll never develop it.

>> No.29107498


>> No.29108487

Kill yourself

>> No.29109441

well glad god penciled in me calling you a dumb npc shitcunt

>> No.29109617


>> No.29110518

so you're telling me that you're biologically equal to a nigger then? its socio-economic factors and not ape IQ emotional thinking?

>> No.29110669

Based Pepe unknowingly seething all the poltards

>> No.29110756

The frogposter just gave everyone the hard swallow pill.

>> No.29110770

My parents were and are very poor and I don't so shit besides play vidya all day

Don't assume it make a ass out of you and me.

>> No.29110821

>child of two poor NEET parents
>spends my life trying to help people through theirs
>had I inherited anything I'd never have helped people in their life.

>> No.29110889


>> No.29111241

Because they are underdeveloped human beings and 100% consoomers

>> No.29112147

I've seen a mix.
The ones with aggressive, overbearing mothers turned into junkie losers (even if the dad was friendly and supportive). The ones with supportive friendly moms turned out well. Maybe mothers are more important because dad doesn't tend to be around anywhere near as much for the wealthy.

>> No.29112435
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because they can afford to be.
>being upset about this

>> No.29112472

wtf is this an erotica story?

>> No.29112596

They’re not

>> No.29112659

>single white women
Bait posting. Rich people are faggots and deserve to have their money taken.

>> No.29112678

Because something given for free has no value.

>> No.29112758

>You're born with a dice roll.
Blatantly false American mutt.
Race, iq, culture and genetics are not a "Dice roll".

>> No.29112839
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>Based Pepe unknowingly seething all the poltards
Go back to discord trannie, stupid comments don't do anything other than tell us how uniformed you are.

>> No.29112888

seeth mutt

>> No.29112920
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There is no hardship in Africa, America pays them to live easy they just fuck it up which is why China is taking over.
Blow your brains out.

>> No.29113007

>Cope more poorfag. You should go to sleep right now so that you can wake up early to clock in to work tomorrow
It's weird because anthropologist talk about evolution all the time and traits that adapt to their environment but cuckold and niggers on 4chan think humans don't have evolutionary traits.
Don't bother, this site got mentally retarded after 2010.

>> No.29113086

Nah, Americans are just scum and pop their kids in front of the idiot box.
I refuse to let my child near anything like a TV or computer.
You mutts give your toddlers I pads and not books.

>> No.29113191

>survive and breed
>Not high IQ.
Well, before white peoples started handing out welfare, yes, people had to struggle to survive and breed.
My grandmother had two sisters and a brother that didn't make it even having 10 siblings and most my grandfathers brothers died in WW2.
Not my fault the modern world is too easy and the past was actually difficult.
Fucking retarded post, most unintelligent opinion.
I bet you post on reddit and like niggers.

>> No.29113197

>$5 trillion dollars
>the GDP of Japan in one year
>paid over a span of 53 years
nigs are dumb but you're even dumber for pretending this means anything or would have led to anything apart from a few more jews having a 3% more money

>> No.29113243

Truthpilled and hurtful

>> No.29113348

James Hadley Chase was an English writer. While his birth name was René Lodge Brabazon Raymond, he was well known by his various pseudonyms, including James Hadley Chase, James L. Docherty, Raymond Marshall, R. Raymond, and Ambrose Grant. He was one of the best known thriller writers of all time. Wikipedia
Born: December 24, 1906, London, United Kingdom
Died: February 6, 1985, Switzerland
Spouse: Sylvia Ray (m. 1932–1985)
Genre: Crime fiction, mystery, thriller, detective
Movies: The Grissom Gang, No Orchids for Miss Blandish, World in My Pocket, More

>> No.29113379

Yes compared to the great products of public schooling....

Lol cope.

>> No.29113403

Mutts are people with more than three different races so no.
Good to know you faggot trannie failures and learn to regurgitate pol dialect like good little dogs.

>> No.29113513

Relax, anon. Nobody ever said the opposite.

>> No.29113535

Oh boy we have a jealous non-American schizo itt

Always feel sorry for those who don’t have the opportunities we do but hey, what can you do?

>> No.29113544
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>Wasting money is good!
Americans, any way unicef is owned by a kike.
So fuck you and your retarded useless comment to try to sound intelligent.
That's five trillion that could be used to make AMERICA a better place and all of it wasted because niggers won't fix themselves.
What a useless fucking scab you are, Unironically kill yourself and your family for producing such a waste of human space.
I've found fucking mutant humans more intelligent than you.

>> No.29113597
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Wasn't there a thread about a hooker who had 8figure dad at PIMCO?

>> No.29113606

>Oh boy we have a jealous non-American schizo itt
>Always feel sorry for those who don’t have the opportunities we do but hey, what can you do?
And here we have a retarded American who thinks he's rich.
Pro tip fattie, no one respects you, it's not the 50s any more, other countries are doing better than America.

>> No.29113649
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>> No.29113691

without struggle, there is no meaning.

>> No.29113768


>> No.29113791


You’re likely non-white and a manlet. Stay obsessed lol.

>> No.29113825


>Can't even answer without dodging

Truly the master race

>> No.29113844

That looks like a lot of food for her

>> No.29114403

No clue, I'm a broke meet with 100k in crypto and no fiat.

>> No.29114570

Lots of sour grapes in this thread. Most trust fund babies grow up to be as/more successful than most people. Obviously you get shitty parents but there's a reason they're rich & successful

>> No.29115458


Child of rich parents here. It's pretty cool, I had a close friend in High school who was a billionaire's son (or at least close, he negotiated some gigantic merger and got a cut). Uni was paid for. I have a nice allowance and 100k in crypto. Parents got me a job at their company where I blow Stacies away with my PDF skills despite them having decades more experience in the industry. Parents are way too lenient with employees, they're absolutely clueless about how inefficiently the company is running. Everyone is super nice to me though.

Just get rich parents lmao. I hear all these sob stories about Wallmart and rugpulls and feel bad for 5 seconds. Then I remember there is no reincarnation. I will never swap with you. I will never lose.

>> No.29115616

Beautiful quads

>> No.29116027
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Do you ever watch movies or read books, and feel bad that you can't relate to the struggles of the rest of humanity? I'm honestly thankful I had years of struggling before I got to be where I am now, I've had that experience and can empathise with others because of it.

The hero of the story is never a guy that lounges about at his rich parents pointless company.

>> No.29116073
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"everyone is nice to me"

>> No.29116095

Because comfort makes you weak.

>> No.29116131

No. Usually a rich father marries a retarded (but attractive) wife. Regresion to the mean is real. This is why Royal families marry other Royal families.

>> No.29116250

Assuming you aren't larping you just challenged the world, and I can tell you every time I did that in the past the world proved me right.

Your gonna lose every penny bud sorry.

>> No.29116653

sounds like you are envious
growing up without adversity will make you soft indeed but on the plus side you will not carrying a huge bag of childhood trauma all your life.

>> No.29116775

Do Euro richfags go to normal public schools or are shipped off to some boarding school in Switzerland ?

>> No.29116802

Based, keep going strong senpai

>> No.29116902

There are private schools in "Europe". I think only the €50m+ families ship them off to Switzerland.

>> No.29117102

>hero of the story is never a guy that lounges about at his rich parents pointless company
That's Batman

>> No.29117367

Who do you think writes these movies and for which audience? Lmao,WHAT

>> No.29117594


>> No.29117625


>> No.29117766

former poorfags like charles dickens