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File: 275 KB, 512x512, seed05868.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
29106095 No.29106095 [Reply] [Original]

High level autist here.

I know advanced machine learning techniques and am studying GANs which generate media from existing media. deepfake voice and video.

How do I make money off of this Autists?

Current ideas are deep fake porn and fake celebrity impersonations for money.

No scamerinos plz.

Good ideas get tipped in XMR.

>> No.29106216

Why don't you feed it market data, make a bot with ML? I have been thinking about doing this. Feed it as much market data as possible, incentivise profits. In an evolutionary model wont you develop an absolute monster of a trading bot?

>> No.29106252


Competition is for losers.

>> No.29106306

Highly ranked on kaggle

>> No.29106975

Make something where you can upload a sample audio clip of someone talking and then type stuff to be said in their voice

>> No.29107032

wtf is happening to her tit

>> No.29107073

>Current ideas are deep fake porn and fake celebrity impersonations for money.
Well I mean yeah.
Tailor made porn is a good idea.
Have you considered gene ting 2D porn this way for profit?
People can choose genre, type, and artstyle.

>> No.29107161
File: 351 KB, 512x512, seed98870.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

combine this
(pose estimation from rgb video to a standard unity rigged humanoid along with fov and camera distance)

and this
(to clear the original person out of complex moving scenes, you'll see the weakness of the first twitter video right away)

Get it all working in realtime. Plug in some premade lipsync asset. Sell it to wannabe vtubers who don't want to pay literally $20k for the mocap suite and license used by Melody and other pros.

Idea is free, i don't want the money. If you gotta tip send to the Anon below me.

>> No.29107208

here's what you do:

1. generate millions of waifus with deep learning
2. curate the good ones
3. put them up for sale as NFTs, you could make like $1000 per waifu
4. make a website showing which waifus are currently for sale, show the top waifus (the ones that sold for the most)

>> No.29107267

well other than blackmailing, I would look into onlyfans tier stuff, like sandra bullock JOI, same train as the vtuber niggers are on, coomers will always be a source of cash

>> No.29107288


>> No.29107566
File: 18 KB, 319x465, cryptopunks.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I sincerely believe if this is executed correctly you could make a fortune. Genshin Impact players (even poor ones) will shill out hundreds or thousands of dollars to get their waifu. The ability to claim a unique one on the blockchain has to be worth a fuck load of money.

You can tip me Monero here:


>> No.29107620

Not enough data

computer generated

Is there a market?

>> No.29107878

tipped...could you explain this more?

>> No.29108050

>Is there a market?
Of course, many people have been anticipating a thing like that coming out.
Look at 15.ai or ai.dungeon.
You might have to entice people with a little freebie or sampling, but coomers are like drug addicts and if you pull this off they'll be begging for more.
And then the question is whether you'd like to make it a subscription or pay by image based.
People shell out a lot of money for custom porn, look at furfags for example.

>> No.29108065

it's the same as I also said dude, sell famous people and famous cartoons as realistic by doing your voice and video shit, I thought you were smart, it seems pretty obvious what he is suggesting, and no I don't want a tip of your shitcoin

>> No.29108152

You make a set of waifus, I don't know how many, maybe you could start with a couple dozen and add more. Use a GAN to make pngs of the girls. Basically same concept as https://thiswaifudoesnotexist.net

You could give them names or stories (all generated) as well, but the key thing is that people can buy them or bid for them as they will be tokenized (non-fungible tokens).

There are some different NFT platforms, I don't know if you'd want to utilize one of those or try to launch your own thing. Honestly this is probably the tricky part -- getting it set up correctly on the blockchain which may not be your area of expertise. Eth is choking with gas fees right now too. Maybe you could even wait until Cardano has Goguen fully released before launching this.

But users will be able to buy the waifus, put them up for sale again, resell them, whatever. The desire to OWN the waifus, to rescue them from the blockchain and claim them as yours. It is a very compelling concept.

>> No.29108330

Idea to beat: WOB

Waifus On Blockchain

>> No.29108393

My friend is a pretty decent solidity dev,

Where do I find artists? The waifus we can generate but all that digital art shit and turning it into a card and 3d image we're helpless

>> No.29108406

Okay fine then make a fucking coomer bot then you degen.

>> No.29108502

>Where do I find artists?
Just take art of off boorus and porn sites.
Its completely legal to use them as data sets.

>> No.29108510

You just need a big dataset of waifu pngs to train the GAN with. Not sure where to grab that, maybe try Danbooru (https://danbooru.donmai.us/)) or maybe somebody has like a giant zip file somewhere. You'd have to look around.

>> No.29108559

>Idea to beat: WOB
You can make something like crypto kitties or tron dogs, but with generated waifus.

>> No.29108587

come on this dude is a literal retard, you are answering questions anyone could figure out, stop spoonfeeding him, it's probably some underage b& LARPing

>> No.29108607

And yeah once they're generated you could add like a border with their generated name or something idk, it doesn't have to be some 3d holographic card thing, that might be a turnoff. You just need a picture of them, and some context (like their name)

>> No.29108669

If you like the waifu NFT idea then join the $WAIF team. Project is already up and running.

>> No.29108784

1v1 me kaggle

>> No.29108889

Also I disagree. The 3d holographic card shit is imperative to attract the retail markets based off of twitter and youtube sentiment analysis.

>> No.29108937

>I know advanced machine learning techniques and am studying GANs which generate media from existing media. deepfake voice and video.
do it with hot cartoon bitches. that's the idea. holy shit, what is there to figure out.

>> No.29109091

shit I might need to buy some $WAIF now, it has already started

>> No.29109240

Adding on. Limit that stuff and ride on the Hashmask/ Bullrunbabes train while it’s hot. You will have the first AI limited run waifu collection and then see it alongside the crypto punk collection in NFT history.

>> No.29109358

hmmm yeah I think AI generated is a good marketing ploy. Just need the right artist to turn into 3d card.

>> No.29109521
File: 96 KB, 1207x1210, jeet.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice chart faggots.

>> No.29109540

Is there a virtual character onlyfans for this guy to profit off? Or can he only do it on onlyfans? Tik tok?

>> No.29109690

Yeah that's what I'm wondering. I guess I just have to try something and see if it works. It would be fun to set up an onlyfans account for a women that doesn't exist.

>> No.29109756

use it to shill lowcap coins once your bags are filled. Like Mark Cuban saying he found a good gaming nft platform ie: tap(ttt) or trump saying that he'll use sav3 because its a uncensored twitter. post that shit everywhere and let it go viral.

>> No.29109796

this is probably a good idea too

>> No.29109825

This will encourage similar shilling and then more regulations. Bad move

>> No.29110070

Surely there are companies which will pay for this? Like an upgrades customer service chatbox AI.

>> No.29110197

Or if you pair up this knowledge with all the new VR landscapes coming up. Or generate moving portraits like those in Harry Potter. I am sure that shit will fly.

>> No.29110482

Further wondering if you could include the programme as part of a larger NFT. Like a limited character within a portrait. But the portrait landscape is the focus. As you say you lack the artist.

>> No.29110514

Enterprise systems would be hard.

I need the artist to turn the png generated image into a respectable NFT

>> No.29110621


>> No.29110778

You should scrape together a team and apply to get a startup going through the Polyient Games incubator. Or, easier still, join an ongoing project. I also recommend you join their discord/socials so you can get a feel for the space.

If an NFT gaming project is going to dominate my money is easily on this one. Collaborating with LINK... need I say more

>> No.29110892

One more idea. You can create a news aggravator AI which captures the daily/ weekly news segments and preswnts it in a pleasant format.

Anyway wish you success


>> No.29111296
File: 479 KB, 512x512, download.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

github repos and other ai 'self' stuff. have fun anons.


This last link is big sleep, it uses google collabs, it can generate images from words. Have fun anons.

colab. research. google. com/drive/1MEWKbm-driRNF8PrU7ogS5o3se-ePyPb?usp=sharing

>> No.29111367


>> No.29111448
File: 105 KB, 720x1077, 47598543555.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

GRETA THUNBERG World Premiere! Every Hole

>> No.29111570

Bullshit not enough data, 15 secs is enough

>> No.29112173

waifu is already a thing, you can probably join them.