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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 49 KB, 575x423, 1E4DEE48-F6BB-4089-9513-A9929C6AA495.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
29097759 No.29097759 [Reply] [Original]

Heard there was a tranny dev doing an AMA but I’m down 10% and considering cutting my losses.

Anyone have any more info? Maybe a pic of the dev? Idk but I’m kinda pissed at myself for not listening to you anons

>> No.29097864
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Its because of the AMA.

>> No.29097878
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>> No.29097909

Please sell your coins, we don't need your toxic masculinity in nucypher. This coin is for us numales! ^~^

>> No.29097961

holy KEK is there an archive anywhere? Saw a screencap of him saying he's glad he didn't become a nazi "like 4chan" but didn't know it was this bad... what the fuck did I just do to my portfolio

>> No.29098033

Kill yourself faggot.

OP just ride out the dip. It will rise again. I hear it goes on binance next month. That will cause it to moon. Wait for the moon, then sell and don't reinvest in a faggot-designed product.

>> No.29098095


>> No.29098154

Got out with a tiny gain, moved it to algo. Fuck that personification of reddit.

>> No.29098209


>> No.29098234

Is that a Vulcan on the screen? Looks like nutrek...

>> No.29098253

Here you go.

Someone claiming to be Tux did another one this morning.

>> No.29098265
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just all in'd this is what i look like and yes i use my numale token to buy synthetic testosterone

>> No.29098287

Thanks anons this is helpful. appreciate you both
dont worry cuck I will

>> No.29098373

Wow I can't believe how hateful this community is, this is why the AMA's are done on reddit! ANYWHOSE even if we all get rich you can't fix an ugly personalty! ^o^

>> No.29098411

Not that it's the glaring issue, but what the fuck is up with his hand?

>> No.29098455

It literally isn’t
why the fuck is everyone shilling a completely unappreciated velma of a coin suddenly after one tame pump?
the shills surrounding my quiet shitcoin out of nowhere are unnerving

>> No.29098495

That's what I decided I'm doing as well, this is going to be a pump and dump.

>> No.29098498
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>> No.29098555

Me on the left picking up your bigoted garbage you call speech.

>> No.29098566


>> No.29098567

bears vs bull

>> No.29098585

Faggots deserve to be hated on. I'm not muslim but they have the right idea with throwing them off the top of tall buildings.

>> No.29098682

See THIS is NOT the attitude nucypher needs I'm tired of men ruining everything

>> No.29098691
File: 490 KB, 917x1077, nucypher team.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


1 tranny on the board of developers and and you all fold more than a Japanese man with paper.
Stay retarded you fucking imbeciles.
I guarantee none of you research more than what you hear on /biz/ holy shit.

>> No.29098710

I'm OK with them looking and acting like this as long as their shitcoin makes me filthy rich.

>> No.29098752

thanks for buying my bags at the top :)

>> No.29098764

You will never be a real woman

>> No.29098789
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>> No.29098805

Why be a women when I can be a Numan?

>> No.29098809
File: 280 KB, 1179x941, tux hand.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the hell, I didn't even notice that. Is he missing fingers or something?

>> No.29098819

Just sold 1k enjoy hell

>> No.29098877


I bought at .19 cents muthafucka, you probably bought half my bag at 50 I bet you mentally disabled faggot.

>> No.29098888

I don't care how low the price goes, it's not about money, it's about sending a message! You see nucypher gives people like me a chance to live my truth!

>> No.29098890
File: 45 KB, 385x446, BF3B4A51-5475-483C-B7C2-2E4E2B0E6AB8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>knows his token will moon soon
>comes here to show off how gay he is, says 4chan is problematic and that he is antifa
>/pol/tards lose out on money due to emotional thinking

Tux is downright /devilish/

>> No.29098896

If you're not a man what the fuck are you doing here? Business and investing is a mans domain. Go back home little girl. Or maybe you're a man pretending to be a woman. If that's the case please kill yourself.

>> No.29098927
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>> No.29098973
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Those digits and that FUD.

>> No.29098996

Good. /pol/ faggots deserve to stay poor

>> No.29099019

I am a man, just a nu type of man. I don't understand why you incels can't understand such a simple fucking concept.

That was kinda hot ngl, I need a big strong zaddy in my life

>> No.29099048
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Dump it

>> No.29099088

Osteoporosis from a diet of onions?

>> No.29099148


>> No.29099151
File: 196 KB, 1035x1035, 1611120001161.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>two more weeks

>> No.29099201

Tired of looking at this board when its 4am and I can't sleep because you fags will shill like this and I end up buying in a tired stuper.

I need to just sell this garbage. Thanks losers

>> No.29099225

also, checked

>> No.29099316

>1 tranny on the board of developers
that's 1 too many

>> No.29099321

based larper

>> No.29099534

im holding until the binance listing because normies will inevitably buy it since it's cheap and on coinbase..
faggots like this certainly make it difficult to hold though

>> No.29100739

Look boys I hate this tranny fag as much as the next guy but can we please be civil

If some onions cuck makes you filthy fucking rich who honestly cares what he looks like. Just buy this incredibly undervalued project

>> No.29100806
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>> No.29100965

I am fine with people looking differently, could be a full blow goth for all I care. The problem is the nu guy puts off an unstable vibe x10. The type that would shut down a whole project because someone wore a red hat level.

>> No.29101074
File: 39 KB, 500x375, bear market has arrived.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if I'm being upfront the issue wasn't so much that he's a tranny, but in the AMA he is essentially shilling biz like everyone here spends 6 hours a day on /pol/ while actively shitting on the community.
>you're gay
>we get it
>you're antifa
>we don't get it but all the more power to you
but flaunting it as your primary talking point while spending more time shitting on your investor base, tweeting / shitposting than coding, and being a general asshat isn't a good look

>> No.29101491

Good breakdown.
His identity is his mission, why would I want to invest in someone that wants to tell you how gay/black/woman/different they are instead of why I would want to invest in the product.

>> No.29101855

I'm glad he's leading the charge honestly. It's time for a nu era of men.

>> No.29101949

the fact the team lets him roam wild says everything I need to know about the project
>dude's mouth is gonna ruin any potential prospects for the whole team

>> No.29101971
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>> No.29102130

I unironically went balls deep at 80 cents. These numales better not btfo my folio.

>> No.29102134

You laugh at guys that look like this, but they're the ones actually creating shit and getting things done.

>> No.29102281

western civilization

>> No.29102397

kek was about to buy this shit. glad I checked this thread. Fuck NuFaggots.

>> No.29102973

To beat the jew, you must be the jew.

Buy Nu.

>> No.29103947
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>> No.29104111

owned whitoid

>> No.29104843
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>> No.29105618

Nu-nazis need to take it back from the Numales.