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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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29097141 No.29097141 [Reply] [Original]

My brother works for Coinbase as a VP in their IT department. He says word has come down from the SEC and other alphabet agencies responsible for the financial realm that all "cryptographic products purporting to be an asset or currency" will be frozen by June 18th of this year. They are literally shutting it all down. They only place crypto will have a place in future marketplaces is in the form of NFT style goods but they can only be purchased through fiat. There is going to be a big announcement any day now but they are waiting for a "lull in the bad news". Coinbase will never have a public IPO and it's evaluation is effectively zero now. This sell off we saw tonight is nothing. It is expected China and the EU will make similar announcements but they are waiting on the US. Biden will most likely announce it with his rebuilding bill that is slated to be released in April and will be sold as "fixing the financial excesses that are ruining the real economy". So expect to see that line used more and more in the media. "Real economy".

>> No.29097205

My dad works at Nintendo

>> No.29097237


>> No.29097274


>> No.29097289

My uncle works at Bitcoin

>> No.29097320
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>> No.29097334

Regulation just flew over my house
SEC lawsuits in 20 minutes

>> No.29097390

Don't cry fren, you can put my big pepe in your mouth and make it all better

>> No.29097418

I hope this is real. This is an XRP happening.
All cryptos with no legal background will go to 0. A huge chunk of ETH ecosystem will disappear and pajeets will never scam again.

>> No.29097499

>implying I wouldn't fucking cut my arms off for more bitcoin if it's worth $1 or $1,000,000
>implying it's not an autistic fixation that's gradually divorced itself from the pursuit of wealth

>> No.29097507

Well my Dad is the President of Coinbase and he said your brother is an idiot and he is getting ready to fire him. So there!

>> No.29097511

Good, plausible fud. Could be a pasta.

>> No.29097546

this is fake and gay dude

>> No.29097697
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>he doesn't think glos aren't worried about inflation
Don't you get it? This is literally the 4th industrial revolution.

>> No.29097809

yours too!

>> No.29097865
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Oh well, off to buy more silver.

>> No.29098200
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Big if true