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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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29092233 No.29092233 [Reply] [Original]

Alright guys lets help each other by giving one coin we're holding that we believe will moon.

>Hard Mode: Coin can't have a mass shill movement already.

Ill give mine: PEEREX

>> No.29092306

Binance will launch DODO in a few hours
Get it before it moons

>> No.29092377

that man has some serious gyno

>> No.29092459

I would racemix with her, idfc

>> No.29092478


>> No.29092490

Alright just because u got dubs, I’ll let you in on a little known secret:

>> No.29092512


>> No.29092529


>> No.29092530


>> No.29092584
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>> No.29092594
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>> No.29092627

This. And also BAKE.

>> No.29092636

No girl regardless of race actually wants you anon.

>> No.29092646

This is currently pumping, get in before you miss the pump

>> No.29092663
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>> No.29092672

Racemixing had never been so good.

>> No.29092673

big ol' tonhongerekoogers.

>> No.29092680

how can I buy this shitcoin without paying 100$ gas fees?

>> No.29092685


Anon I hope your mom get ran over and your father chokes on your stepdad's chode.

>> No.29092688


>> No.29092724


>> No.29092743


>> No.29092749

See >>29092306

Basically any shitcoin.

>> No.29092773


>> No.29092778
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lol did you get rugged?

>> No.29092792

>500 million market cap
>5 billion fully diluted market cap
Read the title faggot

>> No.29092873


>> No.29092929


>> No.29092941

District0x (DNT)

>> No.29093004

this girl is lovely

>> No.29093052
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Costs 3 cents

>> No.29093093
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>I said ONE coin that hasn't MOONED yet.

This thread has already been taken over by shills who want to dump their bags

>> No.29093260

ZERO has been steadily going up and I think that's cause of folks trying to ride the exchanges hype

>> No.29093300



>> No.29093349

hodl what

>> No.29093387


>> No.29094318
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>> No.29094453


>BME Group which has made successful startups already
>aimed at efaggotry so easy money
>allows ethots to tokenize themselves
>literally just launched, not yet on Coin Gecko
>over 600 holders already
>massive volume upon launch
>already being shilled on Instagram

This shit will rocket in the next day or two.



Contract address for mp4 -


Uniswap Buy Link » https://app.uniswap.org/#/swap?inputCurrency=ETH&outputCurrency=0xe1a0da60f8802b49cc36313bafade3f9e12342fd

>> No.29094464

MDX fucking easily
>inb4 its already mooned
Not even fucking close. Legit sub 2.5 mil market cap on binance cloud

>> No.29094919
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Bruh, and I'm looking at that PERX chart and it's looking fucking nice.
Would you mind spoonfeeding me a little bit? What sets PERX apart as a project?
BTW, my main microcap hold is BOND. It might not be the right time to buy it, though. If it pumps, it will likely happen in April.

>> No.29095011

>outdoors with no one around
>takes a pic with the mask on
kys npc scum

>> No.29095252

VSP is exactly what you look for. Search the archives then if you dont beleive that anon. Amp could moon, when it hits coinbase. Mandala exchange coin MDX is mooning right now, but could still 5x easily over the next days.
Even BNB might still "moon" further. As in 2x.
Same with Cake. But lets not go crazy.

>> No.29095360

Beta release in a few days

>> No.29095432

Rlc and rook

>> No.29095444

Peerex is a literally a /biz/ PnD shit coin run by discord and telegram trannies

>> No.29095531

I'd shill you, but I'm on my phone.

>> No.29095863

checked and based

>> No.29095919

most of the coins in this thread have already 10x'd are you FUCKING RETARDED? that's literally what mooning means, faggots trying to shill their bags as usual

>> No.29095940


Thank me later.

>> No.29096061


>> No.29096177

Rfox. You guys are going to rope yourselves when this shit actually starts to blast off and realise what gains you missed

>> No.29096190

How much for a glass of that coconut milk?

>> No.29096266


>> No.29096324


Launching Anystake soon that lets you stake any erc20

3m market cap

>> No.29096364

Let them sleep on Geeq. Biz will fomo in at $10 plus

>> No.29096368


FIRE protocol hasnt mooned yet and huobi listing soon

>> No.29096372

When I checked vsp on coingecko it was $62.62 leafbux with 62% gain in 24hrs. Sounds like a sign to me

>> No.29096471

swipe sxp

>> No.29096646

presale ends in 1hr

Turbo protocol designed to be deflationary asset, it implements 3% tax on every transaction which further being distributed among token holders.
Also Turbo implements additional 5% tax which goes into automated buyback protocol which will perform a buyback of TURBO token from market every 15 minutes.
Process is automated, investors don't have to spend gas or do anything.

To make things spicier we decided to allocate 10% of presale for a manual buyback which will happen randomly in 24 hours after TURBO is listed on Pancakeswap.

Phase 2:

Traditional Farming.
We will design and deploy traditional DeFi farm with competitive and more importantly stable APY.
Phase 2 will be rolled out on February 21st 18:00 UTC.

Contract is minted and verified, please self-audit: https://bscscan.com/address/0xee0d036a21637dd87eaea1bc68cbf302a6ba37c0#code

t me/turboprotocol

>> No.29096686
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I've been watching GYSR, is it expected to get on any exchanges soon? There's zero discussion about it anywhere yet.

>> No.29096765
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>I would racemix with her, idfc

>> No.29096817

Mine is AKT. I could see it hitting twenty or thirty this season, and we get 50% staking returns while we wait.

>> No.29096903


>> No.29096942
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>whale owns 12% of the supply

>> No.29097003

no dont buy this coin its not a good coin dont look into it

>> No.29097021

On-Chain Trading Bots
Polkadex enables HFT through trading bots for both retail and institutional investors.

Potential gem

>> No.29097046

. nigger mentality. dont think just breed

>> No.29097173

I stand by my statement. I unironically love this place, and have gotten some great advice from here over the years. Anyone who even takes a cursory glance at these will see they are all below $10M in MC and not complete dogshit

>> No.29097376

I mean, I just looked at the chart and that's what it looks like to me... it's been through a couple pnd cycles already in the last 30 days

>> No.29097534

Were you around when someone was spamming geeq threads all over biz for several hours? Man that was some great reverse fud. Now im sure alot of biz thinks its some sort of scam or looks over it cause of that. Good stuff

>> No.29097611

Asko, there's a reason people fud it so damn hard

>> No.29097614

this, so easy money lol. This is bnb 2.0

>> No.29097763

I wasn't here for that, but I'm reading about Geeq right now and it looks really good. Why aren't more people talking about this? The same anon suggested Jarvis / JRT and I feel less confident about that after doing some research.

>> No.29097770


>> No.29097811

That happens to all decent coins. Sometimes I imagine it's legit enthusiasm from people who found it early but aren't good at expressing themselves. Alternatively, I think it could be as you implied, an attempt at diverting attention away from it, while still accumulating. Who knows? Probably a combination of both, with a few more outliers I didn't think about thrown in for funsies.

>> No.29097862

JRT is built on UMA. What makes you feel less confident about that? Out of curiosity.

>> No.29097945

poorfag detected

>> No.29097975

Biz will catch on to geeq but its still early on. No marketing from team yet and no testnet even. Test net scheduled for q1 though and that should generate some buzz, and marketing will start after that. Just majorly under the radar at this point, but that will soon change. Also some anon posted recently on biz to expect a tier 1 exchange soon. Who the fuck knows wether to believe that or not, but with the caliber and ambitions of this team i wouldnt be surprised.

>> No.29097980
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>> No.29098022

Maybe I'm being unfair.

>> No.29098036
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What is PAZZY?

PAZZY is the first blockchain toolkit that allows content creators to further monetize their content on websites like YouTube, Instagram, Twitter, TikTok, Facebook, Twitch, etc.

Bullet Points:
>allows fans to send crypto donations to content creators and receive interactions and services in return (think twitch shoutouts or the Big Man Tyrone model)
>allows content creators to create subscription tiers that automatically collect crypto payments from the PAZZY wallet in return for exclusive content and services (think Patreon, OnlyFans, etc)
>content creators can advertise and sell merchandise and NFTs on a totally decentralized platform
>unique QR code functionality that can seamlessly be placed on content or website
>connects all social media platforms to one streamlined hub
>scalable - will begin with content creators but could expand to waiters, delivery drivers, charity and donation websites, etc.
>app and browser extensions coming later this year
>less than 1m MCAP

Why It Will Succeed:
>content creators for years have been complaining for years and looking for additional ways to monetize as JewTube and other platforms have reduced their ad revenue, demonetized, and/or de-platformed them
>will likely be shilled by crypto content creators in the coming weeks/months because it directly benefits them, influencers shilling a small-cap can easily 3-10x a coin in seconds (see FNT as a recent example)
>easy to use and can seamlessly be integrated into any content
>companies like Patreon and OnlyFans growing massively over the last couple of years demonstrates a clear demand for this kind of service
>allows content creators to bring in more money compared to other monetization avenues

Address: 0x74c287ad5328daca276c6a1c1f149415b12c148d
Website: https://www.pazzy.io/

>> No.29098181
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$MYTHIC mythic.finance

$700k MC, v2 game engine in the next days.

>> No.29098220

Based due diligence anon. checked.

>> No.29098642


>> No.29098694


>> No.29099133

where is it available

>> No.29099264

ParaState will be developed as a stand-alone substrate blockchain to interact with Polkadot through parathreads initially.

>> No.29099511


Look it up.

>> No.29099861

you talking about OXEN?

>> No.29100624
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Some people here are smart enough to actually realize this is the next YFI. But can't blame them for missing this as it's a higher IQ play.

>A yield aggregator platform that maximizes yield by carrying out lending and farming activities across Defi Protocols. Already integrated with AaveAave, Compoundfinance, Saffronfinance, Dydxprotocol and Mstable V2. currently auditing multiple integrations with AlphaFinanceLab, Keeper DAO, Idlefinance, CurveFinance, Enzymefinance, Harvest_finance, CreamdotFinance.

>An custom money market deployer. Their last product in audit, FUSE, brings an entirely new primitive to DeFi, a concept called “superfluid collateral”: a custom money market deployer, allowing anyone to create money markets for any asset, with any parameters. The market for Fuse includes tokens not available on AAVE, Compound, Cream, LP tokens, synthetic assets, basically any asset that has a price that can be provided by an oracle and someone willing to create a money market for it.

>TANKS, another new product under audit, will allow users to deposit assets into FUSE, borrow a stable asset, deposit it into the Rari Stable Pool, and earn interest on it, which will also increase the addressable market for RariCapital Yield aggregator.

>Staking. RGT staking is currently being audited. It will introduce a new staking mechanism that will reward long-term retention in the protocol. x1 rewards for $RGT, x2.5 rewards for UNI-LP: $RGT - ETH

>RSS (Rari Safety Scores), which will be automated risk scores assigned to assets & money markets (including fuse pools) based on public data such as market cap, liquidity, volatility, etc, allowing Rari to allocate and rebalance funds based on RSS

Market cap:
AAVE - $7.7B
COMP - $4.4B
YFI - $1.2B
RGT - $86M
You do the calculations

I bought at $2 when it was already a x10, now it's x6 from my entry. Enter anytime under $30 and you’re fucking early.

>> No.29100774

Im a newfag and know fuck all but I've mad mad gainz on mythic.finance. I dont even know the point to it just that it has some game you can play that i didnt even bother trying and ive 10x my initial in less that a week. Market cap is still low as well

>> No.29102353

why? So he gets more money to throw away?

>> No.29102606

stop ignoring SENT.

>> No.29102740

>t. ugly mutt neet

>> No.29102966

Stellar Lumens

>> No.29103027
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>> No.29103101


>> No.29103154

SALE skyrocketed and came back down, it's going to moon soon

>> No.29103304


>> No.29103378


>> No.29103917


>> No.29104169

that will take 2-3 years

>> No.29104427

How does this work, you can set a limit with binance, and it gets filled on launch?

>> No.29104599

love your ID
guess i'll be investing for the next 2-3 years

>> No.29104759

BAKE/BNB is already live niggers GET IN

>> No.29104806


>> No.29104830
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You vill eat ze bugs and you vill be happy.

>> No.29104862


>> No.29104942

how can i get in contact with you sir?

>> No.29105064


>> No.29105131

Digital Reserve currency

>> No.29105358

do you need my email butiful?

>> No.29105391


The only BSC coin not to moon yet.

>> No.29105452

Do the needfuls sirs

>> No.29105499

i'll do the honors sir :)

>> No.29105626
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Everest ID

>> No.29105685
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i will do the needful in good time yes

>> No.29106555
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Is anything more obvious, have been under a rock? 4 pennies per coin right now, buy now and hold for 2-5 years.

>> No.29106827


>> No.29106888

sir are u slovenian

>> No.29107065

I saw RSR was getting eyed for a recent coinbase listing. This would absolutely cause a drastic fomo

>> No.29107191

>no one around
that's not a selfie retard

>> No.29107282

chain games
owned by ateri ceo
crypto video game gambling
working product
just needs a player base
13c atm on etherswap.

>> No.29107663
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>> No.29108436

PEEREX is the one for sure!

>> No.29109332


>> No.29109379

This desu. Has no working project or team either, no reason to fall for the shilling

>> No.29109484

Unironically GRT.

>> No.29110707
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Hey, OP. PNK is the only one not to moon yet. This is the only real answer you're gonna find in this shit hole.

>> No.29110755

unironically just wait for 0Chain "return to the mean" for ungodly amounts of wealth.

>> No.29111042

Like that hasn't happened in a fuck load of crypto projects that have mooned hard before. Look at their actual project nigger, it's primed to explode thus year

>> No.29111125

LTO, why do you think the fud on biz is so strong. Latecomers know they are about to be priced out of a make it stack forever. Its already a functioning business with paying clients generating over 100k TXs a day. United Nations, IBM, Airbus and many more. 7%apy leasing plus deflation, devs have no bags to dump, 50% of supply already leased, biz node controls 10% of leased supply, not yet listed in US. New clients and new exchanges have to buy direct from exchanges. Supply is 272m and falling.

>> No.29111138

RAMP DEFI - well backed project, has been audited, sits under rank 400 market cap, has taken off but hasn't mooned

and my favorite, I haven't seen it on /biz yet


>> No.29111228


>> No.29111593
File: 911 KB, 3600x3600, kgnd5xx7rl161.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

$EYE of the Behodler DEX, Launches today with mcap around 5m.
-No unknown devs
-Like Sushi but deflationary, tokens burn with trades
-Bonding curve mechanism with one single liquidity pool and will include flash loans

>> No.29111636
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>> No.29111863

No unknown devs and mcap 5m? Fuck it this at least looks worth the gamble and not that shitcoin bao

>> No.29111868

$EYE is going to pay for my grandchildren's higher education and I don't even have kids yet.

>> No.29111901
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I thought I was the only Autist that Found $EYE. Pajeets gonna ape a dex with a mktcap half a percent of the next biggest legit Dex. Dex for sex.

>> No.29111905
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$UMB is about to pump big time
12m coins under 2$ right now get it while youre early

>> No.29111945

Berry on BSC

>> No.29111959


>> No.29112347

chartex is still below 10 mil mcap

>> No.29112520

You're probably a huge faggot reddit user.

>> No.29112677

NuCypher or you are a Nugger and will Nuver make it.

>> No.29112926

Want an established coin? XLM. Crabbing at its current price point for the longest time. Lots of good news set to come out throughout the next few weeks. It’ll at least double by the end of the month.

Alternatively, go GRT if you want to gamble. Could easily moon shoot to $15

If you REALLY want to gamble, check out OLY

>> No.29113096

What's their slogan?
Do you want your money to go the way of the dodo?

>> No.29113550

GET protocol!

>> No.29113901

Going crosschain on bsc with gROOT launch tomorrow

>> No.29114042
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>Literally just buy fucking Selfkey

I have literally never seen a thread on this coin and I've made several myself that die on impact. This coin is literally the future and is starting to gain traction but nobody talks about it and it's fucking stupid.

>> No.29114149

You are unironically a stupid cunt. Mooning means going by a massive amount in general and continuing to grow longterm. Kill yourself you unwarrnted faggot.

>> No.29114161

Nope. And you have to suck their Dick to get it. So fuck it

>> No.29114504

When will it launch?

>> No.29114609


>> No.29114847
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Oh and also my Rubic stays fucking Cubic.

>> No.29114874
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>> No.29114951
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In month or two, see ya

>> No.29115040

Unironically VIDT - it still has sooooo much room to grow and is 100% a legitmate business

>> No.29115096

Hasn't mooned, hasn't been shilled

>> No.29115164


Iso tissi

>> No.29115200

Has HUGE potential

>> No.29115298

Don't they have some partnership with VSP?

>> No.29115360


>> No.29115425


>> No.29115658

If you haven't bought SOULS on BSN you're missing a moon mission.

>> No.29115727

Ren is pumping as we speak, OXT will pump next month(They are hosting a summit and Edward Snowden is confirmed going to be there) NuCypher should also pump one of these days

>> No.29115787
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>> No.29115869

Katalyo defi

>> No.29116022
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Holy shit, the shills are out in force tonight, Ive never even heard of 90% of these coins these indians are shilling

>> No.29116233


fucking crazy rise overall with ~1 billion mcap after a week


Dextools competitor currently in active development with weekly streams


Crazy digital ID stuff and shilled by time traveler


Shilling reminds me of link back in 2018, also it's a cube and people like cubes

>> No.29116538
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You're welcome

>> No.29117150

Dumb faggots still havent noticed QASH,

>> No.29117504

Rubics doing an ICX in 2018

>> No.29117543

DEXG, nothing more to say.

>> No.29118779

LINK. get in now because in two weeks it will be $50+

>> No.29119571


>> No.29119641

holding WAVES

>> No.29119853

Greatly undervalued
Both have mainnet coming in a few weeks
Both expected to x50 at least