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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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File: 5 KB, 360x360, ube.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
29086407 No.29086407 [Reply] [Original]

I'm going to give you the best alpha you will receive this week.

Follow Ubeswap before it blows the fuck up.

This is created by a world class DeFi veteran and it hasn't launched yet.

Yield farming and swaps on CELO from your fucking phone.

Just announced today. Testnet this week. Mainnet first week of March.


Watch this project and get ready for that sweet sweet 10000% APY.

>> No.29086836


>> No.29088260

I love eating ube but this is definitely a rug lol

>> No.29088428

not a rug, team is doxxed and have a huge reputation in tech

>> No.29088923

how can we trust you?

>> No.29088968

Filipinos are buying this up fast.

>> No.29089609

Where can you buy it?

>> No.29089818

you can't buy UBE yet because it hasn't launched. But I would buy CELO because it's going to rocket once demand for yield farming jumps.

You will also be able to farm with CELO on Ubeswap

>> No.29090152

Thanks fren

>> No.29090630

Does CELO have their own chain or something?
I've never even heard of it before

>> No.29090797

This reeks of curry and shit

>> No.29091101


yes they do. EVM supported = solidity smart contracts .
You can also use your phone number as your public key.

Also integrations with Compound chain and The Graph

>> No.29091697

>EVM supported
Ok, that's kind of cool
Is ube going to be the first dex on it?

>> No.29092285


>> No.29092731

you reek of curry and shit Ranjesh Kumar

>> No.29093134

very little info to work with honestly if you don't understand code

>> No.29093373

just buy CELO and thank me later when you're in on the ground floor of the first DeFI project of the new BSC.

One more thing to note. The more demand for cUSD (CELO's stablecoin) increases, the faster CELO increases in price. This is due to needing to burn CELO to mint more cUSD as demand for the stablecoin rises.

Here's a tweet explaining more: https://twitter.com/simplyianm/status/1360306961259122694

TLDR: CELO is about to be the new BSC

>> No.29094053

what's the quickest way to get this coin once it launches? Copy the contract address on coingecko then swap for it?

>> No.29094205


1) Buy CELO because it will go up as launch gets closer. You will also want it to farm for UBE.

2.) literally just follow the twitter, the discord and wait for the news. March 1 mainnet. Tell your friends while you're at it.

>> No.29094283

I'm pretty tied up atm, is it worth grabbing 100 celo for these jollibee coins?

>> No.29094344

I'll bet all 12 of Celo's users will use this

>> No.29094547
File: 554 KB, 1920x1200, 25F9E7E9-714F-406E-A7CA-D8DBED2430D6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You will also want it to farm for UBE
fug, I've been out of crypto since mining Doge in 2014, pic related. I have more learnings to do. If I Uniswap for CELO does that mean I will automatically be farming UBE once it's released or is there a guide i can see? Thanks

t. old yet newfag

>> No.29094758

Yeah guaranteed 3x and most likely way more

>> No.29094920

yeah you will be able to farm UBE by providing liquidity. join the discord and ask some questions there

>> No.29095336

thanks fren