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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 182 KB, 1000x1165, 1601489924882.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
29081628 No.29081628 [Reply] [Original]

What's keeping you from enjoying life, /biz/?

>> No.29081867


>> No.29081929

this but unironically

>> No.29081960

Then get some more

>> No.29082064

nothing really, I'll just probably kill myself younger than I should from drinking too much

>> No.29082253

The irony of this picture for me is that it implies that he’d enjoy life if he paid attention to the sexy women instead of thinking about some mathematical statistic which he can’t seem to fully process to the dismay of his success..... In my situation, I have a ridiculously sexy woman and she takes the bulk of my focus, limiting me from my potential success and happiness.

>> No.29082328

Money and my appearance

>> No.29082510

its never enough

>> No.29082687

A crippling fear of having sex with a woman and not achieving an erection. It consumes my mind every day.
Thought I was over it after banging a lot of girls. Then it happened once again and I have anxiety every single day.

>> No.29082769


>> No.29083061

Been there. I was able to blame the drugs, though.

>> No.29083122

Bill Gates and his fucking masks and his don't stand so close to me
Die you fucking dipshit
He used to release software with bigs in them and then sell you the anti-virus to get rid if them
Now he does it with people

>> No.29083235

Sometimes I'm glad i don't live in america.

>> No.29083515

just use viagra famm

>> No.29083672
File: 183 KB, 1024x721, 00epgates1-jumbo-v3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's global now buddy
that was the point of muh globalism, global reach

>> No.29084025

But I'd rather notnknowingni don't physically need it. Its all mental.
Also don't you have to plan ahead with it? How long does it take to activate?

>> No.29084162
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based schizo poster

>> No.29084900

hire a hooker and you'll be amazed at how certain the process is

>> No.29085165

It's harder to get boners for hookers than any other kind of female

>> No.29085272

Cialis is better than viagra

But where can we get string good not fake pills? Also, what is levitra? Is that good? What is the pro move ? Asking for a friend

>> No.29086157
File: 146 KB, 806x536, lynched.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wtf is that evil cooper?

>> No.29086194

overpopulaiton and dysgenics

>> No.29086771
File: 673 KB, 885x960, teddy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no social skills
i just want a life with a qt gf, bros is that too much to ask?

>> No.29086903

i think my biggest fear is that im probably as happy as im ever going to be, I noticed my life getting better every year but my mental demands and expectations of "happiness" just keep increasing

I think our lizard brains need a few thousand years to catch up

>> No.29086960

stays active basically for a day, takes about an hour to start

read the gates thread currently in catalog

>> No.29086975

Debt. Not a whole lot just 15k.

>> No.29087074

my brain is literally too big

>> No.29087158

Made decisions that I didn't fully understand at the time and now I've come to discover they were terrible decisions. And because of those decisions I feel like I'm in a hole I may never really get out of. There's no chance of these decisions being reversed. They are one directional and they've brought me to what in my opinion is a permanently lower state. So I constantly compare everything to the way things "used to be" and I know it would be better now had I not chosen wrong.

It's like choosing one path at a fork in the road and discovering that path is shit but you are doomed to walk on it forever and you can see the other alternate path which you later found out was superior and you can fantasize about being on that path instead of the shit path but no amount of imagining will change the reality of being on the shit path.

I just kind of exist steeped in regret but am still functional. We all know what the alternative is but my level of pain doesn't justify "ending it". I'm not at that level so I just continue existing.

Money and women is really besides the point. Those are external things. This is more of a regret of my self

>> No.29087260

My own space to plumb the depths of my art. I have my foot in the door in crypto so funny enough that did a lot for me personally. Otherwise, I have to leave the comfortable space I’m stuck in. I need a wage job as a gap and I have decent credentials but what keeps me up at night is the fear my art and it’s expression will never be put to helping and empowering people.

>> No.29087269


>> No.29087373
File: 39 KB, 220x220, face melting gains wojak.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the day I made 1000 USD in 24 hours was the day that changed my life.

>> No.29087494

Did you sell your soul or something?

>> No.29087663

He probably shorted bitcoin at 100x leverage

>> No.29087751

Eh, cheer up anon. There is still time to choose the right path.

>> No.29087912
File: 24 KB, 350x335, 10d655e4a775f68a508267fe8f941d6e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this cartoon's probably not that deep. it's a way of showing the booba audience that maybe the guy at the beach is busy thinking about something besides booba and brappers. you can tell it's an italian or portuguese or spanish cartoon. lo siento, hombre

>> No.29087974

i hate these whiny faggots "oooooh i made it to 7 figures but i'm still so miserable". k, then fucking send me the shit and off yourself. like, basically every problem i have in life is caused by a lack of money

>> No.29088152

Express pct works great. They also sell steroids and most other types of pharma if you need...

>> No.29088239

Cialis is great. Works within an hour and it allows you to get a boner easily for about 2-3 days. And it's milder than viagra

>> No.29088609

Based. Let’s split it.

>> No.29088628
File: 50 KB, 640x640, 1576616384125.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel that. I still took a fork later in my road towards finance/crypto because.. that road was gay. You can still get off your gay road and get on a path that is more likely to generate success, it's just harder because you're older and more set in your ways. But you can still change your destiny. Unless you believe in the whole predetermination thing in which case just make whatever choice you want and it'll be the only choice you were going to make anyways.

>> No.29088638

Ok srsly im in the same boat how tf do i get over this

>> No.29088657

literally the lack of money

>> No.29088710

In this day and age, yeah. How dare you ask roasties to acknowledge you, anon.

>> No.29088745

Hey guys I turn 27 this year and I feel better than ever now. Throughout my 20s I was super depressed and aimless but now I'm in the prime of my life. Dont lose hope. Find what you enjoy and just do it. Once you hit 25 you'll notice women are starting to get impatient and anxious while you are getting more and more handsome and wealthy. The tables turn soon. Its a man's world out here, just wait out the miserable hs and college years. Love you anon

>> No.29088809

the underlying understanding that the government wants to holocaust me for not buying into the globohomo social justice paradigm

>> No.29088824
File: 71 KB, 463x605, 3e3cc533d999c4b3166f26a9742cf4d3--open-minded-funny-comics.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Being familiar with Quino's other work, I'd say it actually is deeper than that.

>> No.29088969
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>> No.29089158

>Had insanely bad depression for 2 years
>Tried to off myself twice
>Tried various medication (mostly SSRIs and Tricyclics)
>Finally broke out of it by leaving my (also depressed) girlfriend at the time and taking acid
>Got hella into uppers and basically altered my brain chemistry since my brain had just forgot how to make dopamine
>Got 'better'

Now I just work, pump money into crypto, smoke cigarettes, and drink heavily whenever the sad starts to set in. Life is just going to crab until I die or get rich. Hopefully the latter before the former.

>> No.29089208


>> No.29089285

Nothing really

>> No.29089359

I have a fear that a woman will have sex with me and absorb my overwhelmingly intense energies which I’d prefer to channel toward goals

>> No.29089448

>Finally broke out of it by leaving my (also depressed) girlfriend
This was also key for me. Having to maintain someone else just ruins your life.

>> No.29089547

Addiction to food unironically. Fatty salty sweet savory yum yum snacks and pizza and wings and ice cream. It is my drug and it is depressing and shameful.

>> No.29089562

I wasted my entire 20's doing drugs, being depressed, and not investing in BTC because I was too scared of losing the little money I had. Seriously considering killing myself before I'm 40 if I haven't made it by then.

>> No.29089595

muscular dystrophy

>> No.29089627
File: 211 KB, 800x450, wojak.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The final rugpull is near. Not just financial, but general.

>> No.29089684

You know how they say it’s always darkest before the dawn? It sounds gay and cliched yes but you’ll fucking see

>> No.29089935

My wife is fucking hot... it’s not all that it’s cracked up to be. If she’s good looking, you won’t be the only one to notice. While you’re tired of her shit, there will most certainly be 20 other dudes lined up to take her off your hands... because of that, pretty girls can get away with anything and you either have to take it or hand them off to the next highest bidder.

>> No.29090050

My dreams in life were reached already, so I'm just going to coast from here on. I'm now 27 and focus on the little things in life, which make my life worth living.

>> No.29090131
File: 448 KB, 1250x1640, b14a26080722aa41035c27586dbb63bf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's always time, anon

>> No.29090490

Thanks anon

>> No.29090679

what could you have possible done that money cant fix?

i'm 28, and so far i know i've made quite a handful of inferior choices in my life, which makes my current self very miserable, as i cant enjoy my life due to the constant thought that i need to micromanage my investment of time, so that latter i can "catch up" to a self me that would exist, if said inferior choices were not made.

i cant even remember what i did in the first half of my 20's, its like i started from zero 2y ago.

if you are reading this and you are 25<, stop wasting your time, you will very quickly regret in a few years

>> No.29090827

mental health problems and such

>> No.29090886

i'm 30 with 2 million in crypto but i have a heart disease and might not live past 40

>> No.29090995

>gets to fuck
>angry that she is limiting me and my potential!!

>> No.29091013

>5 replies
>1 post by this id
go talk to a shrink or go back to r**dit

>> No.29091123

Thanks for sharing, I like these

>> No.29091294

same but minus the extra drugs.
just wanna say that drinking doesn't fix it. i don't know what does yet, but i know drinking doesn't.
t. 11 into 12

>> No.29091373

Morbid obesity and creeping schizophrenia

>> No.29091907

you too?

>> No.29091911

Child hood traumas that I haven’t been able to get over properly and money. Made the first attempt on my life at 8 and am now 23, I’m surprised I made it this far but I 100% didn’t plan on it so now I’m winging everything which leads to such a level of anxiety and self loathing. I’m grateful for the people in my life that have stood by me even though I’m a depressed borderline schizo.

>> No.29091993

My teeth, my bills, my health, my family.

>> No.29092053

This. There was some research floating around a few years ago that you need a minimum amount of money so you don't have to worry about basic necessities to be truly happy. Having more than that doesn't mean you will be happier, but having less than that significantly decreases your happiness potential.

>> No.29092112

I'm sorry fren, in a similar boat with my health take your money and enjoy the rest of your years no point in waiting any longer.

>> No.29092272

Independence/self-sufiency that is achieved by gaining money without wagecucking

>> No.29092353

Growing up with trauma makes it easy to comtemplate suicide especially when your before 30, don't worry too much friend as you get older those thoughts will dampen down more, and the cycles will shorten or be less severe just stay sober.

>> No.29092632

CRBP crabbing instead of mooning like pajeet said

>> No.29092814

hope you didn't have kids, trash genes

>> No.29092950

That's not nice, I'm got a genetic condition that will kill me probably within 4 years, something that only comes from women so I can't even pass it on.

should be nicer to people you never now what ticking timebomb is waiting inside your body.

>> No.29093017
File: 219 KB, 887x900, 1239915595062.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

there's just something about existence that is inherently unpleasant for me; i'm not sure how else to describe it

maybe it's because my mom & dad were both over 40 years old when they had me so i was the product of subpar sperm & egg

whatever the case i just feel vaguely uncomfortable at all times; i've tried antidepressants, exercise, meditation, etc. nothing helps

maybe making it will help but i can't be sure of that (or if I will even make it at all); my favorite activity right now is sleeping

>> No.29093205

My logical mind will always overpower any other part of my mind. Its exhausting mentally, trying to act normal or go with the flow only leads to even more mind crippling.

31 now, never had a gf and pretty much gave up that notion as there is nothing worth it at my age since once again reality is that at best i will be settled for and resented for it.

I tried being normal in my early 20s, djing and shit but it only made me realizing that while I enjoyed djing, trying to be cool or even 1/10th as socially aware as everyone else left me mentally drained. Drifted into a depressive fog, went on a few datea but only roasties who realized how retarded I was compared to everyone else.

Now Im just trying to make it out out wage slaving to find some solace and peace. Thinking of my teenage self brings me to absolute tears though, what I wish I could tell him.

It is what it is...

>> No.29093221

Sounds like your stuck in a cycle of blaming others, If I took that approach I would hate everyone in my family for not giving me a silver spoon, but how does blaming someone for something like creating you solve your problems?

I was "created" by "subpar" genes by your definition that theory is also just a theory, should step outside and realize the only thing making your existence unpleasant is yourself friend.

>> No.29093230

I appreciate the words anon, hopefully I make it to 30 w/o ODing.

>> No.29093417

Drink coffee, only smoke marijuana if you must consume anything, limit your time on your computer and anything that may make you doubt yourself, don't believe in your head what others may think of you or how you perceive they think of you.

It's not their business just stay in control and stay away from alcohol and hard drugs, I spent a brief period addicted to drugs but I've gotten over them but coffee was a big help it keeps you motivated and away from sleeping all the time.

>> No.29093512

yeah, i stand corrected. super deep, sophisticated stuff.

>> No.29093631

>not achieving an erection. It consumes my mind every day.
Wtf you kids. That shit happens for whatever reason, and when it does happen you laugh it off and explain to the woman that it got nothing to do with her and you’ll hit her twice as hard when you recuperated. And then you do precisely that. Don’t make it any more complicated.

>> No.29093654

do the needful
feed my village?

>> No.29093706
File: 56 KB, 720x696, 68747470733a2f2f73332e616d617a6f6e6177732e636f6d2f776174747061642d6d656469612d736572766963652f53746f7279496d6167652f7132677654385755506c696271302e313438356439303562616663633131333438303532393636383130392e6a7067.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My job. I wage two days a week and it still crushes me. I want out of this forever.

>> No.29093743
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i was just speculating about that one variable (and it's not entirely without merit)

i'm sure it's more likely a combination of internal & external factors but i just don't know how to go about addressing the internal ones

like i said it's just such a vague feeling of discomfort it's hard to pinpoint a specific cause; i wasn't abused as a child or anything where you could point to it and say "well yeah obviously because you experienced X that's why you're feeling that way"

in truth i've had it pretty good compared to most people but the discomfort remains; i've tried multiple therapists (CBT & DBT) with no success

>> No.29093842

I'm ugly and bad at talking to women

>> No.29093950
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>> No.29093953

One get labs taken make sure you aren't lacking a vitamin or have an autoimmune, i was convinced for years I was worthless and found out I was extremely sick but thought everyone felt that way but my cells don't attack bacteria so it just builds rapidly and made me very sick but slowly so it wasn't easy to notice.

Two if you never had a relationship that could be a feeling of lacking I notice a lot have that issue here, or maybe just never felt passionate about something.

>> No.29093954

this i always see richfags or larpers crying about muh 7 figure hell like pay me a visit and well do some crazy shit you depressed faggots

>> No.29094072

Nothing, life pretty dope ngl

>> No.29094199

>am black
>schizo like traits
>no talents
>no skills
>unemployed and too much of an autist to hold a job
>no friends
>my parents were older when i was born
except i was created by subpar genes. i didn't hit the genetic lottery and i'll never be anything. i throw what little money i have into /biz/ shills hoping i make it and can drown out my suffering with hedonism, but usually end up losing money. I certainly didn't ask to be like this, so there has to be something i can blame right?

>> No.29094398

pretty much

>> No.29094446

based self hating black man. I know you probably live in the hood and own a few guns. why don't you take some, go on a nigger shooting spree and kill as many blacks as you can find, but leave the whites alone. then kill your parents, and then kill yourself you worthless shitskin retard. the white race will thank you (not really lmao)

>> No.29094522

Damn near everyone I've met has schizo like traits very few don't and they usually dont troll /biz lol

Everything takes work, you gotta go out make friends, go socialize.

I spent almost 21 years isolated no social skills no education AT ALL, father was 51 when I was born dead by 20 and he couldn't read and had a speech impediment, by all accounts I should be a retard but I'm not.

I tried I went out got a job as a car salesman, met my ex fiance lol, walked the streets of california running from cops, met beautiful women who loved me, met crazy bitches who ruined my life.

Point is all those things you might have struggled with can be overcame with time and effort, I don't have time unfortunately but I had to make effort to have experienced the life I have, I packed a lot into my short time here, I never made a lot of money but I've done things most here haven't so my life has been rich in ways.

My brother is similar to a lot of you guys but he is his own creation he blames me mostly, then he will blame my mother, then my dead father or sister.

He never once has ever turned the mirror on himself although he pretends to, don't be like him he's approaching 40 and very similar mindset.

>> No.29094567
File: 395 KB, 582x477, 1583769995052.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We're in the same boat

>> No.29094616


You sound more intelligent than 99% of Chan posters. You aren't stupid but your situation is tough. Good luck man, God speed.

>> No.29094697

damn i thought my parents had me at a late age
how old was your mom when you were born?

>> No.29094700
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yeah i've gone through the whole spiel with blood tests and everything looked fine as i recall (i vaguely remember someone mentioning folate deficiency as a possible cause but my folate levels were fine)

i will admit that i have no friends and am unironically a wizard; for a while i suspected that i was schizoid (which is distinct from schizophrenic) but i've never been officially diagnosed

i've given a lot of thought about my asociality and (apparent) asexuality but all I can conclude is that i find face-to-face interactions unpleasant regardless of the circumstances (online interactions are fine) and i just don't care enough about having sex to put effort into getting it

like i could very easily just hire an escort and have sex that way but i don't feel like it; i'd rather just rub one out once in a while and then focus on other things

maybe my upbringing was *too* soft and the laziness has squeezed any possible passion or vigor out of my body; but even exercise doesn't pump me up, just makes me feel tired

>> No.29094765

Ironically, lack of commitment
I have tons of opportunities now that money is no problem. Women approach me, friends try to set me up with their female friends, I can easily get a house and car, I can quit my job etc. But, I don't have the balls to choose any of those options, instead giving in to fear and any excuse not to disrupt the system of interactions and people around me. I hate my boss but don't want to put him in a lurch by quitting, I am a frustrated incel but don't want to go through the embarassment of learning how to get laid (even with women throwing themselves at me), don't want to buy a house or car because muh stack will get smaller. If getting rich has taught me one thing, it's that I'm a pathetic no balls deadend loser.

>> No.29094774

anal fissures

>> No.29095008

Sometimes it takes someone else to excite you, I spent 2020 doing live streaming and had a decent following but had to stop because I was riling people up in a way I wasn't intending but I have a knack for making people get "pumped up" or passionate about things because I can paint a picture of what could be and it makes people want to realize that idea.

It's the same way I've had success with women, if you have a creative mind let that flow into online conversations, your mate will see this and become attracted to your mind and everything will become butter later on, stop with the jerking off it's not the same as sex, not saying NOFAP but put stops between go a week or two without see how your motivation changes, listen to music that gets your blood going, fire up your imagination because I have a feeling it's been lacking.

>> No.29095038

you sound like oblomov

>> No.29095096
File: 123 KB, 537x720, ed900e56f0ecf63e70c019ab07464301.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You should look into Quino's work. Cool stuff, leagues above most boomer cartoonists.

>> No.29095098

why would you want that

>> No.29095167

Believe she was 36 she was 18 years younger than him, he wasn't afraid of much so he scooped up his partners wife when he cheated on her and had me.

>> No.29095180
File: 167 KB, 1197x658, It Seems to Work.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm sorry man. Terrible disease. I'm actually invested in a company named Antisense Therapeutics that is going to begin a Phase IIB trial this year on its leading drug candidate, ATL1102.

ATL1102 targets the inflammation caused by lack of dystrophin. Results from our Phase IIA showed an increase in PUL 2.0 scores in non-ambulant boys and a DECREASE in fat fraction percentage in the muscles.

You can learn more about their program here: https://youtu.be/hTqW2J--Fkc

>> No.29095237

Just don't be a fat lard and enjoy

>> No.29095304


>> No.29095313
File: 49 KB, 540x540, no.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anon what is catalog and how do i access it to see the bill gates thread?

>> No.29095328


My guess, just to have that experience (before its too late aka past 30) once is better than never having had it regardless if the outcome is a net positive or negative.

>> No.29095346

genuinely sympathetic

>> No.29095485

/biz/ keeps me from enjoying life. i hate all of you fuckers

>> No.29095520

One of my old bosses told me his dad had him at 71, I thought he was fucking with me and one upping to rib....

Dead ass serious.

>> No.29095578

fuck you

>> No.29095582
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never read it but the whole "superfluous man" theory does resonate with me quite a bit; i'm not a millionaire but my basic needs have always been taken care of and my parents put very, very little pressure on me to do anything in particular (I have a college degree but never applied for any jobs after graduating; it's also a liberal arts meme degree)

i feel like i would rather die than work hard at anything (but I don't want to commit suicide); i fantasize about going to sleep and not waking up

>> No.29095707

My brain. It won't let me be happy for extended periods of time.

>> No.29095714

>father was 51 when I was born dead by 20
wow, my parents weren't that old, mine are still alive at least. i don't really know what to say to that.
sounds like you've had quite the life. i'm still in my 20s but if your brother is an example of what i shouldn't be as i get older, i'll just try and take your advice.
thanks anon

>> No.29095742
File: 168 KB, 600x790, 98ee7ad6227c6cefc54931570f647f98.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Im sorry, didn't mean to

>> No.29095856

This is me. I'm starting to hate women when they take advantage of me when I'm horny. I'm a autistic nerd. My father and mother are beautiful retards now I'm a smart beauty.

I played fucking legos in class in high school and got my first blowjob before all my friends. I always thought I was good with girls I'm not they want me for my body. Girls are bigger sluts than boys.

>> No.29095958

You should I come here kind of as a cautionary tale, once winter passes and I got my car licensed I won't be around this board anymore but I figured while I wait I can maybe share some insight to you youngins, I might not be much older than you but even as one anon here said seeing my face "That's a tired no amount of sleep will fix"

Be free, enjoy your life don't let invisible shackles keep you from enjoying yourself, and if you have money keep it be safe be smart, I watched my dad try to run away as a 67 year old man from financial stress, had to literally tell him to calm down he will be dead soon and I wasn't wrong.

There is truly no world like the one I've experienced and don't be another me telling their tale near the end of his rope, I missed out on a LOT because I didn't bite the bullet or let fear stop me from moving a certain direction.

>> No.29096115

i know it's a meme answer but you must suffer a new way if you are to escape. i was the same as you until my best friend died

>> No.29096293

what about a trade working with your hands? i know someone who did carpentry. they helped a fren build skate ramps, put it on instagram, now his schedules always full.

anyway im thinking of a trade. some philosopher said its good to have a trade and a university degree in life.

>> No.29096330

For years I wished god would kill me with an infectious disease, I'm not kidding at all...

I got that wish and have been in crippling pain for 3 years now, I wished for 3 years that god would let me finally succumb to the nonstop sepsis.

Then all I wanted was to get better so now I'm trying to reverse anything although I know it's most likely a futile effort from sepsis has most like degenerated my organs and aged me further.

If you got the means man fucking live life, I've spent years poor having to hustle while sick just to keep going the next day and it's not a way to live, be careful cause I didn't start poor it happened slowly over time.

>> No.29096426

i dunno man, apart from my parents dying there aren't too many other possibilities out there unless i willfully sabotage myself which just seems ludicrous

it feels like i'm just waiting to work up the will to actually end my own life; there really isn't much else to look forward to from my perspective but i'm "comfy" enough that it's hard to actually dedicate time to planning and whatnot

maybe when my parents die that will motivate me enough to actually do the deed; i guess we'll see

>> No.29096442

To you rich anons feeling a lack in social life, try a house servicing job, cleaning windows etc, it will get you out of the house, just save whatever you get as funny money and you'll meet people and fill that social void you have.

And the sun exposure is great for depression.

>> No.29096478

thank you for your insights anon. im kinda like you with an (albeit less severe) autoimmune condition. i'm struggling so hard to commit to my visions and not let imagined outside forces strangle me. not doing too gokd a job at present but every day i make a little step. i still feel completely worthless, especially around women. you've given me hope that i'm on the right track though, i recently figured out that the continuance of my suffering is my choice. thank you for your posts again oldfren

>> No.29096568

my friend uses an app, I think it's just called "meet" people set up groups for hobbies and shit in the local area, it's a good way to meet people, he met his girlfriend there just in a hiking group

>> No.29096637

beyond an externally caused suffering you can choose to eg. work a shitty job, or work out to exhaustion, or go walk around in the snow in summer clothes. anything that requires stubborn commitment through pain

>> No.29096774

Of course fren, don't let fear paralyze you like it did me, I wish I could spread the courage I have amongest those here that lack it, I let financial fear always control bad decisions but never fear of anything else.

I've quit many jobs, starting at 19 I threw my Lowe's vest in my managers face and walked out because they made a smartass comment, wasn't about the money was always the principle, and later found out people inside that store painted my name around the place because they wanted to do the same.

It's your fucking life don't let any miserable piece of shit ruin your happiness, go out service houses like I said even if it's just a self employment gig you guys got the means if anyone's a dick you can tell them to fuck off and leave, I've done it many times and retained my job.

Make those bold decisions others wouldn't you will feel stronger as a man, sure we all have weak moments but I can at least say I'm proud of the times I stood up for my own self, and if I ever get better I'm gonna restart my own business nothing is better than working for yourself.

>> No.29096963

existence doesn't make sense
pretty based but also uncomfy

>> No.29097074

sorry about the disease (i would never wish for suffering, just instantaneous cessation of existence is fine, thanks) i hope you can prevail and achieve whatever it is you want to achieve

i harbor no ill-will towards anyone

it's been suggested to me but i have very poor physical strength & coordination and have difficulty focusing; i don't think it's a path i want to pursue

believe me i had a bad enough time in middle school shop class; i knew from that point it wasn't the path for me

>> No.29097112

Might be MeetMe it was okay like Badoo, Tinder and Bumble are better, Tinder for sloots, Bumble for snobby sloots.

But in all serious women aren't that difficult just excite their imagination and make em sad but make em happy, High/Low and they will remember you.

and never scare them they really hold onto that shit for insane amounts of time.

>> No.29097230

Try gardening, even in my state I still look forward to it, everyday it's something new a new problem a new fruit and you can feel proud of what you've accomplished taking a seed and growing a 7 foot tomato plant, it's also good for you to eat organic as most stores sell just the worse vegetables/fruit you can get, I'm sure some of you richer folk do farmer's markets which are better but the best is always grown in your backyard.

And it will help you gain some muscle from shoveling/plowing get good sun exposure and women love a man who can garden because 99% of men don't touch that shit.

>> No.29097294

this is a jewish cry for help
this is a jew

>> No.29097384
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yeah i spend a disturbing amount of time thinking about this (doesn't everyone to some extent?)

the fact that there's anything at all

the fact that i seemingly exist

not only do i exist but as living matter

not only am i living matter but living matter that is self-aware

earth and its denizens are freakish aberrations compared to the rest of the universe (or at least it seems that way)

some people accept God as the explanation but i feel like that's a cop-out

>> No.29097641

This sounds stupid and I'm retarded for admitting this but this has been one of my "copes" to get over that and it's not entirely wrong but some philosophers concepts, when I feel really down and what is the point I've always imagined maybe I myself am god, that's the point to being here that I was forced to come back to earth again.

and It is true in a way, we are all god in disguise a version of our higher selves cast back down to earth to repeat the cycle unto infinity.

This is probably the reason "god" and "jesus" existed as man has had to come up with a higher power to justify the whole point of being here.

Also I kept praying to god to kill me and it seems like he said "okay fine you asked"

I don't pretend to know all the answers, I've asked all the same questions you guys have and will till the day I die.

But I do know spending time behind a computer all day and not experiencing the world around us is not what we were put here for.

>> No.29097798

Don’t watch porn. Don’t masturbate. Don’t seek sexual relations with women you don’t have a strong emotional bond with.
When the time eventually comes, resign yourself to your fate, come what may.
If the woman is meant to be yours, she will accept you, she will be patient, and her touch will heal you. You will never forget this.
You will fall in love with the woman who saw you, a human soul, instead of your flaccid shrimp dick, and you will be made a man again. She will make you harder than you ever though possible from that point on.
Your anxiety will fade away. You will be grateful every time you think back on the days you were spiritually castrated. And if you ever relapse and jerk off again you will feel like an unrepentant piece of shit. But, it takes time to make big changes, so just try to do better.

>> No.29097905

This is a very blunt way of saying it but he's correct the right woman will make your life feel amplified 10x over, but it doesn't happen with every woman.

>> No.29098044

Oh you have the thing where you can't clot your blood? Do something with your money to forward the white race before you die anon

>> No.29098160

Look into continuous heart pump implants anon, the technology has advanced

>> No.29098334

No one I have no money lol and two it's a genetic disorder than can't fight bacteria instead the white blood cells attack the healthy cells instead of the bacteria so basically I'm an open door to any major illness, I can't date anymore just kissing a woman gives me instant mono and I'll go into states of shock.

>> No.29098344

at least try and be funny

>> No.29098414

sometimes number go down.

>> No.29098790

good post

>> No.29098793

To you anons hopefully some of the existential crisis feeling has deflated a little, know some people do care out there that stand nothing to gain other than wanting to help their fellow man, and most people are usually good but most of us are lost children getting through each day.

Here's some schizo music.

>> No.29099405

fuck off

>> No.29099451

Also one last post everyone here should watch this, I prefer his longer speeches but this is short enough to enjoy.

>> No.29099513
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>23 male
>raised by my mum up until 4 when she decided to change into a man
>no father
>kids and teachers now calling my mum my dad
>can no longer call her my mum
>extremely emotionally abusive
>no longer in contact
>have bpd so ruin every good thing around me despite caring
>destroy every romantic relationship
>adhd so I find it difficult to learn to fix anything
>wake up a new person everyday
>everything is hazy
>animal acting on instinct day in day out surviving
>invest in memecoins
>know even if I made it It wouldn't change a thing

>> No.29099519
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not sure, think i might be retarded

>> No.29099590
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>can't stick to anything
>never feel on top of things
>always feel disorganised, overwhelmed and behind on things
>obsessed with opportunity cost and so I never enjoy anything, can't relax, everything feels like an inefficient waste of time
What the fuck do I do? I just want to relax for once in my life rather than being tense and serious all the time

>> No.29099688

shit humor
get better at it

>> No.29099786

I'm sane way. Thinking of seeing a shrink.

>> No.29100070
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i like this guy. better than any religion ive heard. its not new age faggot shit. its natural law, what man made laws and religions are based on. my plan moving forward is forging my own mission in life, followed by working out my personal code of conduct based on natural laws, then working out my major goals, and breaking it down to daily goals.

i also will never marry and ill wait for kids until im 50 when im mature, wiser, financialy wealthy.

im going to be as healthy as possible while working on my long term happiness.

i get these ideas from book Caleb Jones aka. Blackdragon - Alpha Male 2.0.

i also remember things from tony robbins, stephen covey and every guru i read, watched.

everything in life has a combination lock which i can unlock over time with the right sequence of thoughts, actions.

i will be non monogamous for the rest of my life, even when i choose to have kids. i dont care if any of my women see other men or leave. freedom and long term happiness is better than worrying and most of the time they come back anyway when they see what the competition has to offer - most of the time jealousy, controlling behavior, neediness, desperation, lying, cheating.

i want a trade to work with my hands and go back to school to finish a degree at some point in my life, but my main goal is to create independent location incomes so i can work anywhere in the world and earn.

all i have to do is aquire the knowledge on how to do it by putting in the work and execute.

>> No.29100419

same too. always chasing after everything. discounting success, exaggerating failure.

>> No.29100797

have ya'll looked into any alternative diets/medicines

>> No.29100889
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Lack of this is what caused every problem you have in life

>> No.29100967

wage slaving

>> No.29100999

Being a poorfag.

>> No.29101004

Corruption, slavery, not fitting into society, being attacked and shadow banned for telling the truth.

>> No.29101095

Same boat here, but we’re all gonna make it.

>> No.29101159

I have I'm still in the process of going to my doctors I want to see how that plays out first.

>> No.29101162

Penis 2 big, its messy and gets everywhere.

>> No.29101214

Do a flip faggot.

>> No.29101224

holy shid

>> No.29101566


I feel like I'll be chained to my disabled dad for the rest of my life

My mom moved out first day of the New Year to finally escape him. My sister got away and is in college

Now I'm stuck with him. No rent, pay the utilities and groceries, but he's so fucking needy

I wish I knew how to hate him. I don't like him very much

What did I do to deserve this life?

>> No.29101600

Dealing with this also.
Personally, what's worse though, are the ones where you made the right or best decision and it still didn't matter; where outside forces harmed you, and where any different decision, even if it wasn't the best, would have worked out better.

Decisions made out of simply not knowing, or ones made out of being lied to for 20 years, are also hard to get over.
When you realize you had not one single adult around you who had any idea of how things really were, to teach you or tell you what was actually going on. Or, suffering under the "sins of your father," because he abandoned his family or committed crimes and what not, and yet you have to just sit back and look at the path he created for you, that now you must walk, and how different it would be to live in a society that actually gave a shit about each other or anyone but themselves.

>> No.29101901
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>> No.29101992

put him in a home or suck it up. complaining is wasted energy. make a decision. its your life, not anyones elses. people making you feel guilty are controlling you. i gave up some things for my dad. i couldve worked in silicoln valley big tech, traveled with a eurogirl around, done many more things growing up, but i was in some ways appeasing my father, or just straight up staying home to help him with rent and renovations. i was scared of what i couldve accomplished when i was younger so i let it consume me while time passed and my youth went. im in my early 30s now. if you were a sane father would you want to shackle your kids? idk about anyone, but i would give my life to my one day kids and encourage them to do whatever they wanted, even if it were at my expense (so long as it was legal, followed natural law of course).

>> No.29102136

At the same time people touting the idea that you can't blame other are full of shit also. The "you're always blaming others" crowd like to force total responsibility on people, often because they recognize people don't take enough self responsibility.
Even things that aren't your fault, you have to take some responsibility over to the degree that you are in control of how you respond.
However, if someone burns your village down, you blame them. If someone shoots your family member, you blame them. Same goes for more subtle things.
There are plenty of people to blame for some of people's problems.

Also, others are often much better equipped to solve your own problems than you are. An adult can solve a kids problem much better than the child. A person with tons of land, resources, and skill sets can solve a homeless person's problem much better than they can. A young person can open that jar of pickles for the old person much better than they can,.

>> No.29102177

Just play it off like she was too ugly to turn you on and go about your day. Then she will be the one living with the anxiety that she's too ugly, smelly, roast beef, whatever.

>> No.29102297

I’m fat and have severe OCD

>> No.29102312

forgive you dad, ask him what happened if you dont already know and want to be close to him. dont be mad at him or anyone. youre not a kid anymore your life is your responsibility after 18 years of age. are you working? do you have your own place? you need these things so you can bring back women and also feel the sting that is minimum wage to motivate you escaping it (if you want to) by looking for opportunities which will always be around us no matter the economic climate. no one is forcing you to stay where you are. go back to god and forgive yourself for holding onto anger. you dont have to be a bible nerd. everything comes when we clear negative spirits from within.

>> No.29102360

D-did you cut off you dick and take estrogen anon?

>> No.29102510

why are you angry and why are you saying what youre saying? yeah your post makes sense but thats the exception to the rule. were all responsible for our lives. end of story.

>> No.29102674

Honestly...My dead son.

>> No.29102686

I don't connect with people. I really try to, but I don't. So my relationships are shallow. Wouldn't say it stops me from enjoying life, but it is stopping me from having a typical kind of life.

>> No.29102719

Of course but I myself have had almost zero help or hand ups, failed by the school system failed by my parents the legal system the health system.

Do I blame everyone around me, I blame certain actions on their account but also take responsibility of my own inaction at times.

If I were to say "Everyone is at a fault starting with my parents for having me, what is your answer Mom/Dad" and they respond "Well it was my parents for not raising me right"

You see where this goes, you have control over your life, mine is shit I can leave my home right now go struggle in another state and attempt to make it changing my circumstances, but I know if I leave I also make life much harder for myself because at least where I'm at I same some resemblance of control over.

>> No.29103483

thanks anon, but I'm way past that. In my 40s, dad died a few years ago. I know what he did what he did and why he was like he was; the portion that wasn't his fault, I've never held against him, and the portion that was his fault still made the path harder. I've had to deal with ego deaths, and mid life crisis, and dark night of the soul, stalking, betrayal, neglect, the list goes on. I've never been included in anything.

As for the working, I did a degree and chased my dreams for 20 years, only to be shut down over and over. I've never had a "real job" and have lived in poverty by US income standards for almost 25 years now. I only was able to take meaningless job after job to try and make ends meet. I had a small reprieve for a few years when my mom died and left me some money, but I've been displaced so many times, I can't even find a community, and those funds don't last forever.
I have an apartment, but have lost all interest in woman, all my dreams of kids and family were ruined by the powers that be long ago.
Soon I'll be forced to move again due to all the slavery and tyranny around me.
I don't care about money, never did, I'm not against it though, it just a means to survive, but now I'm forced to try and pick myself up again, and work just for the sake of working so I can survive just to die. I need a real job, not a slave one.
Life isn't supposed to be like that, people are hoarding all access to real tangible wealth and I'm forced to beg for scraps.
I was ready to work for 25 years, and now I just don't care anymore. A job doesn't matter if I can't find a real community, and I have little to no passion left.

Fuck all the evil people of this world; the slavers, and tyrants, the haters, the close minded, those doing other's harm, those boring and tired people with no vision who never let the world grow or change. Clearing negative spirits from within is always good though.

>> No.29103803

It's not the exception to the rule, both sides are a half-truth, and the one side is always poorly, and intentionally under represented to have people avoid addressing the real criminals in life.
I'm just tired of the other side never having any voice. I'm angry because the corrupt society that never changes, that never sees justice, growth, or healing. I'm angry because I've never had my basic needs met, emotionally, spiritually, resource wise, or communally. I'm tired of living in poverty. I'm angry for being neglected and abused and no one cares.

>> No.29104050

I spent many years blaming the powers at be but and I have good reason, took my home tried stealing what little inheritance i got until it was wrapped up to the point I couldn't touch it out of spite, I spent years being bitter at rich people for taking from my ability but I also know that I LET them take that to a certain extent.

Had I been smarter and wiser I would have used the law to barricade damage to my life but instead laid down and let myself be fucked by the system.

I'll never make it, I'll always be poor, I'll die alone and maybe 10 people at my funeral these are things I've accepted.

I've made my bed unfortunately and I lie in it, but I won't die going out being bitter at everyone and everything it's just a waste of time and energy and I have little of those left.

>> No.29104054

I got what you were saying there, and yes the parents of parents is regress all the way down, and yes, some responsibility must be taken by the self regardless of the cause. Still it's important to recognize those trends to accurately know your own story and history, so they can be broken and help others not repeat them, and still it does count as part of the cause of one's path.

>> No.29104193

Bill looks as if some underage prostitute ran her fingers through his hair.

>> No.29104196
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why? im sorry man but you cant let the past consume your present and future. youre still here and have alot of time left to enjoy and bring joy to other people. have you asked for forgiveness from god and forgiven yourself for being his father? im sure he loved you very much and would want nothing more for you to carry on and live a fulfilling life. folding isnt going to help yourself, people around you, or others who youll come into contact with. do you have any other people depending on you now?

>> No.29104215

I agree, the being bitter does no good, and only prevents one from enjoying the time they have, giving too much mental attention to those who don't deserve it.

>> No.29104319

why? do you want more meaningful connections? why not research how to and execute? dont let fear whisper in your ear and steer you away. religions call this satan for a reason. do you have a family?

>> No.29104405

are you staying at your parents place rn? if yes, you should move out. youre not a kid anymore, youre an adult. you need to feel the sting of borderline poverty so you come up with ways on how to get better. take responsibility for everything in your life. it gets easier with time.

>> No.29104459

COVID restrictions are a big part. Feels like doing anything requires jumping through all sorts of hoops and I kind of miss people's faces. My gf is probably another. She's really nice, but she undoubtedly distracts me and draws me away from my business and even my friends. All things considered though I'm doing well for myself and as far as I can tell, I have my health. So with money and health life is alright, it's not a beautiful dream (I suspect it could be if I ruthlessly made changes), but I'm at least at some sort of peace with things.

>> No.29104581

>and what gave you the idea to open a second krusty krab?

>> No.29104641
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>What's keeping you from enjoying life, /biz/?
>ID literally says "I Am"

>> No.29104658


based quinoposter

>> No.29104684

"Covid restrictions" Call them what they are. Unlawful forced government tyranny and the fascist, purposeful destruction of small businesses. The people and politicians behind it need to be arrested and charged for their crimes against humanity.

>> No.29104686
File: 68 KB, 736x919, b0b2ea63d2419ff1826db3a84c299211--black-is-beautiful-beautiful-body.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No black queen to impregnate

Why even live bros

>> No.29104920

im 18 and lost all my money on GME because of the jews

>> No.29105183

No I lost my home and live alone inside a duplex, read please.

>> No.29105217

I don't know why. I've been to a shrink about it but I stopped going. It's hard vibe to describe. I find it difficult to reciprocate feelings. Getting close to people is not a problem, but bonding with them doesn't happen. I have family.

>> No.29105295

what youre saying reminds me of three different things.

Jessie Lee Peterson who can be found on youtube is a christian pastor. Hes black and he trolls blacks, lgbtqs, socialists, etc. he calls trump the great white hope. i find him funny and i sometimes watch his live streams. its fun spamming god bless on troll chat where no one cares. JLP could be a comedian. hes old school, calls everyone who doesnt agree with him betas, and calls out against blacks for being freeloaders. hes like the uncle or grandad i never had because he says to forgive, return to god and get a job. its funny i recommend.

mark passio is another guy who sees what youre saying. hes an ex satanist and hes all business with no jokes or humor. he says if theres one thing that encapsulates his material best, its his lecture on natural law. its around 8 hours long and can be found on youtube. natural law is based on religions and man made laws. its really cool. i learned words i didnt know before. macrocosm; the workings of planetary alignment, gravity, karma. microcosm, our minds. its occult knowledge, meaning hidden from the public. its available to all now, but theres so much info here the problem for everyone now is deciphering truth. mark articulates things well we all know or suspect subconsciously. people who know natural law either use it to uplift humanity like mark, or use it to enslave humanity further, like the people youre talking about. he talks about the human condition too, how natural law should be applied. i recommend for its content.

last guy is blackdragon caleb jones. this guy again is all about business. while the first two listed deal with spirituality and the laws of the universe, this guy focuses more on the physical plane. he advocates having a well oiled motorcycle in life. one wheel represents your money, the other, your women. word cap coming up; i learned alot reading his Alpha Male 2.0 book. you can enjoy sex with 18yos if you want at any age.

>> No.29105301

Sounds based

>> No.29105368

youre not done yet. you still have 40 more years to sort out the final phases of your life. jordan peterson is good at elaborating this. he says we all have dragons to slay in the underworld. perhaps 12 rules is a good reference?

>> No.29105448

also theres still good communities out here. i doubt youre religious but what about church groups? any time ive ever gone there the people always seemed geniunely nice. i can ignore when they bible thump or try to convert me, can you? so many communities out here.

>> No.29105634

It happened to me. She was very reassuring and started rubbing her pussy all over me, got me hard and rode me till I came. Don't worry about it bro.

>> No.29106390

Hey thanks for the suggestions, the first guy does sound funny.

As for Mark, I'm very familiar with his work and he is right up my alley. Despite his coarse, ranty, crass approach, he's right about 90% or more of what he says. I was doing what he does 10 years before him, without the large platform, and I wouldn't be surprised at all if he actually got some of his early ideas or was inspired by me whether he realized it was me or not.

Last one sounds pragmatic, again thanks.

Thanks again for encouraging words.
Well 20 if I'm lucky, 40 if I'm very lucky. He's got solid work also, his dragon metaphors are sound. Rather kill a dragon earlier than later.

I wish I had a solid "church," or rather spiritual group I could connect with, I'm just too far past the traditional ones in my journey, and I don't mean that condescendingly at all, it just is what it is. I've tried looking for mystery schools, but there aren't that many or any around me.

I would do just about anything non-evil to know where I belong, being active in a community, serving "my purpose," with a healthy give and take. I excelled at many things, but never got the reciprocal response from society to confirm and guide my path, and I've been completely shut out from having any network my whole life. Like I said, I've never been accepted or included (except for a brief window which was destroyed by darkness behind the scenes).

>> No.29106822

same, I turn 29 in less than a month and put my first money into crypto in November 2020. Better late than never I suppose.

>> No.29106885

do you know what solipsism is? if everyone thought the way some of us are right now nothing would ever get done. everyone feels this way at some point. act the character and live the destiny if you want but you know its wrong. go back to god. ask for forgiveness. dont get angry at anyone or at yourself. discern but dont judge. you know youre judging when youre getting angry. stop that. anger, confusion, grief, are all products of fear. self love, care is whats going to help. accept that if you want, but accept this. everyone can create any life we want for ourselves. it begins in the mind, the spiritual unseen plane. that vision doesnt make you long term happy. stand up and draw, write, imagine a better one for yourself and make an overarching mission, a code, big goals to work on and smaller ones to tick off daily. im not relgious and im not going to bible thump, but im not going to pretend there isn't a force that created everything. i doubt it cares for me, but universal rules exist, and if i dont know them and follow them, im going to be miserable. this is the basis of mark passios natural law seminar. things like the inner is outer, duality of life, karma, law of correspondence, etc.

>> No.29107376

oh im sorry im australian and latino so im upsidedown and slow. god bless. giving into satan/ thoughts/ fear, only helps those who are performing rituals for this spirit. these people want to enslave us and kill many of us off. stand up!

>> No.29108127

your instincts are correct. don't lose your energy, anon.

>> No.29108243

your gut bacteria is all fucked up. your diet is probably terrible. eat raw meat, raw eggs, raw dairy. you will feel like you've never felt before, trust me.

>> No.29108278

It's okay I wrote a lot here and probably left things out as well, I do have a relationship with god in a sort of way, we communicate in nature I don't hear him, I don't speak to him directly but I'll walk in the woods or spend time outside and I'll get epiphanies that seem to ring true to me anyway, and I think that is god's way of telling me universal truths.

>> No.29108380

Loose some weight

>> No.29108486

my diet mainly consists of the things you mentioned, but not raw
ive tried the kefir stuff aswell. Pretty informed with the gut mind stuff and i know it works but im kind of doubting it lately.

>> No.29108560
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The Cabal existing.
"When the House Financial Services Committee sent out its press release for tomorrow's hearing to take testimony from the people involved in the wild trading action of GameStop, it included just five witnesses: Keith Gill, a licensed broker who was employed at a broker-dealer at the same time he was hawking the shares of GameStop on Reddit and YouTube; Ken Griffin, the CEO of Citadel LLC, which has a related firm paying nine online brokers for order flow, thus enabling it to get an early peek at price movements; Gabe Plotkin, CEO of hedge fund Melvin Capital, which had a massive short position in GameStop and would have likely gone belly up were it not for an infusion of $2 billion from its generous competitor Citadel; Vlad Tenev, CEO of Robinhood, a trading app that abruptly put curbs on the ability of its customers to buy shares of GameStop - thus helping hedge funds with short positions.

Now, out of the blue, a new witness has popped up for tomorrow's hearing: Jennifer Schulp, the Director of Financial Regulation Studies for the Cato Institute. It's a fairly safe bet that Maxine Waters, a Democrat who Chairs the House Financial Services Committee, did not call this witness. If we were to make a wild guess as to who wanted this witness at the hearing, it would be the Republican ranking member of the Committee, Patrick McHenry, whose top donors are big firms on Wall Street that don't want to see the GameStop fiasco result in tightened regulations."

>> No.29108684

The projection in the post is hilarious, you can tell this cuck faggot runs the same scenario through his mind constantly but with his own family and whites.

>> No.29108702

cant keep focused on one thing for longer than 2 weeks so ive continuously rotated through various jobs throughout my life with no real direction or purpose for any of them but also no self control to find success on my own. also shit social skills and i cant even fake being a team player.

>> No.29108755

unironically Plandemic.

>> No.29108758

I wish my parents and girlfriend would die so I can kill myself. It hurts to think, but its how I feel. I love them a lot and dont want them to suffer

>> No.29108817

I wish my parents and girlfriend would die so I can kill myself. It hurts to think, but its how I feel. I love them a lot and dont want them to suffer

>> No.29108874

How do i get a gf

>> No.29108923

I dunno man how I managed, its a one in a million thing for me at least. Take opportunities to meet people and it might happen. Met mine on a summer course abroad

>> No.29108938

Bro, you just bot posted bro.

>> No.29108966

Ty anon dont kys fgt

>> No.29108982

Swear to god pajeets are running sympathy bots for scamming people out of money.

>> No.29108988

Wifi was fucking up so I turned it off and tried again. I guess my first try worked

>> No.29109116

That's right, son. Buy my COR bags

>> No.29109145

With my full potential I could possibly have a harem of girls instead of having just one that constantly keeps me distracted and reduces the money I could spend on investing instead

>> No.29109153

I pretty much do, besides the chronic shoulder pain

>> No.29109178

having nothing at all makes more sense then something and i cant be convinced otherwise

>> No.29109320

Fucking money. I don't have home, i need wagecuck everyday.

All other things is fine. poverty kill human in me

>> No.29109328

>When you realize you had not one single adult around you who had any idea of how things really were, to teach you or tell you what was actually going on.
this is a sore point for me as well, but in my experience pretty much 90% of the people you meet in your day to day life have no fucking clue what the hell is going on. If I hadn't stumbled upon crypto/biz a few years ago, I still wouldn't. I would just have vague misgivings about the state of things and not understand why things were always getting harder/shittier.

There's alot of noobs here who are still just skimming the surface. But stick around and you'll eventually understand just how bad things really are, and how you are getting cheated daily by the system we live in. Newfags don't know how lucky they are to come here. First step of the battle is knowing.

>> No.29109346

based and true

>> No.29109470

accumulating BOND's desu

>> No.29109474


just off yourself now man.

>> No.29109573

yeah, I've been red pilling people for decades. I want to prevent anyone/as many as possible from going through what I did. I try and help anyone who will listen.

>> No.29109656
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Government. I'm on disability and have a savings limit of £16k. If I go over it all my income gets cut off which would mean I have to rely on swing trading to pay rent and eat which isn't a viable. Law means if I start to be successful, government will step in and ensure I go back to zero.

>> No.29109812

I only have $12 to my name

>> No.29109859

Red pill me, I'll listen

>> No.29110032
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Feels bad fren

>> No.29110535

I'm too scared to invest any meaningful amounts

>> No.29110654

yeah hes funny heres a clip

thats fascinating what were you doing 10 years before Mark? I also find him brass, it would be good if he dropped his anger to make his content more accessible for a wider audience in todays climate, but hey what can i say, i havent been in his shoes and i havent dedicated my life to share how he has.

youre right the last is definitely the most pragmatic. i actually found mark through caleb jones. in calebs books he says a man needs money and women sorted in his life to ensure long term happiness and better success to achieve other goals. in alpha male book 2.0 he says identify things we want to do and filter out those we feel like we need to do because of society, family, community expectations. we need to create our mission in life to work towards and fall back on when we become discouraged. this is a specific long term goal that wont be completed for 20+ yrs or maybe never. its our guiding star in the sky. secondly we need to create our own personal code of conduct, principles which we'll never break. he refers to using natural law. this is where i youtubed natural law and came across mark passio. that took me down another rabbit hole and i stopped doing calebs work as i didnt want to be another money chaser. well, a few years wiser now, maybe its not so bad to have these under wraps. third step is identifying major goals, and the fourth is breaking them down to smaller achievable to do lists. he says to accept being non monogamous here on out. if we feel controlling, jealous, anxious, to a female were dating who might see another man, we need to realise its an outdated biological alarm we developed when we were cavemen and women were scarce. theres more females then men today. we need at least two women were dating at any given time. can be as young as 18 if desired. we need to create independent location income streams so were earning $75kUSD no matter where we r

>> No.29110835

All I do is work and shill, no time for my husband to pound my tight boipussi :(

>> No.29111094

Well if you're on here and have looked around at all, chances are you already know many of the red pills I have to offer. This is /biz too, not as much a pill station as x or pol or maybe a few other channels.

I wish I had some go to biz red pills for you at the moment, but they aren't on the mind.

Still it's mostly the things truthers are familiar with. 9/11 truth, JFK, fraud from government or NASA, other cover ups, experimenting on the populace, historical programs, secret organizations, hidden messages in media, the true nature of modern slavery, tyranny, debt based systems, truth behind history, religions, so on and so on.

Even if it's not 100% accurate, I try to keep it as factual as possible, and encourage people to keep an open mind and to do their own research and reach conclusions. A conclusion someone reaches on their own is way more powerful than anything I could convince them of. And with how much doesn't add up, at least some of it is right. People have been lied to their entire lives, and things aren't what they seem to many.

Also, I'm including red pills about my own life experiences. Hard lessons and things like that, but those are more for in person or as they come up.

Here's a simple one though. You can see evidence of at least 2 shots fired in the common Zapruder film. The famous shot with head back when Jackie crawls out of car... but if you rewind about 10-15 seconds, you can watch as the car disappears behind a street sign or billboard, and when it reemerges, he's already shot a first time.
You can see him dazed, confused and struggling to breathe. Something is wrong with his neck, and his head gets a mild swivel effect. Jackie already starts to notice something is wrong at that point also. 10 seconds later is the main shot.

>> No.29111217
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>> No.29111374

thats good because the way usa is going to hell, youre going to need it. the cities will be going to hell as time goes on with both ends o the crazy political specturm going at each others throats. caleb says if youre going to stay in the us, you need to move to outer suburbs on fringes of rural area, or rural area itself. everyone in the inner city areas risk losing income when jobs become inaccessible due to protests, civil disruptions, things of 2020 but more. his whole thing is being as independent in life as possible. this means dont be reliant on government for wealth, or women for validation. women come and go. if were cool, laid back, non attatched to outcomes, women will usually come back. just ensure we make them orgasm every time we see them. ex: ask a woman out for coffee. send a text later asking when shes free. see her for no more than one hour only, being the three things mentioned above. ask general questions always about her, dont talk about ourselves more than we have to. try asking about family > friends > her dreams. goal is to inch conversation towards sex. i ask her about exes afterwards. i bring up a funny story that involes me having sex. she subconsciously sees me sexual. her reptile brain will ping. so long as i continue being cool, not needy, desperate, etc, alls well. touch is the most important. we have to touch her in ways thats normal and scales. go for sex if we can the first date. other wise save it for the second, and no latest third date. each date is one hour. everyone has different methods. he says never to kiss until youre about to have sex to escalate the tension until its down time. i thought this was all crazy. i used it on a wholesome young european girl at my university. i had sex first date. made her orgasm every time we saw each other. he says see her no more than once a week. dont text her more than saying when to meet up again. this way she gets bored of you less and is more excited to see you.

>> No.29111944
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after weeks shell ask what we are. when it becomes too much for her and shes not really joking anymore, make sure to get comfortable, sit her down, and explain to her we may find the most perfect woman, but our love of life will always come first and we cant promise anyone monogamy. she may cry a little. dont fall for the trick. comfort her and say if she still wants to see us, she knows how to contact us. if weve been cool, non attatched, laid back, werent asking her about who shes seeing, getting jealous, acted like her boyfriend by buying her things more than maybe just a cup of coffee, wernt controlling at all, and ensured she orgasmed every time she saw us when we had sex (we must have sex every time we see her after the initial sex, so she associates good feelings with us), she will more than likely contact us again. after time, she may either find someone who will give her monogamy. who cares. were un attatched. we have at least one other woman were seeing. get another second woman. some men have three. never just have one, because if she refuses sex, were fucked. women withhold sex to get what they want. soon as one does, walk away and see the other female. she may get angry, whatever. dont see her for two weeks if she becomes rude. shes just trying to control us. we are alpha 2.0, we are as independent as possible. beauty of this is we never promise monogamy like traditional alphas. we never lie, or cheat. we may keep silent, because even when women ask about other women, we never tell them, no matter how sweet they ask, because it will be used against us later mark my words, but we never lie or cheat. women will see the difference between us & other males. they will love it more than we may believe. i know i was surprised when years later this euro girl still tries contacting me even after not seeing her & shes had bfs since. calebs had females marry, have kids, come back. he says they mostly usually do if you follow simple guidelines. recommend

>> No.29112088

This. Money

>> No.29113166


>> No.29113207

Why does he blame you?

>> No.29113265

ok man god bless. do you believe in good and evil? if yes can you define it? if no, can you explain why?

>> No.29113438

anon hows ur day?

>> No.29113452

He's right though. Microsoft has been caught multiple times selling backdoors and security vulnerabilities.

>> No.29113549

im not good looking.

>> No.29113679

Lol this happens to me regularly. I dont have any anxiety over it though. The women usually think its their fault and they think they're not attractive enough. I dont care.

>> No.29113724
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>> No.29113801

what are you disabled with anon? how old are you?

>> No.29113829

Most women that are beautiful on the outside are cunts. Many women that are not beautiful on the outside are resentful they can't get a way with being cunts.

Very rare is the woman that is beautiful on the inside, no matter how she looks.

>> No.29115033

>7 figures with 10 years to live
>wasting that time on 4channel
mate go out and enjoy life wtf are you doing?

>> No.29115244

anon, redpill me on Christianity. im still trying to figure this out

>> No.29115384

Two roads diverged in a yellow wood,
And sorry I could not travel both
And be one traveler, long I stood
And looked down one as far as I could
To where it bent in the undergrowth;

Then took the other, just as fair,
And having perhaps the better claim,
Because it was grassy and wanted wear;
Though as for that the passing there
Had worn them really about the same,

And both that morning equally lay
In leaves, no step had trodden black.
Oh, I kept the first for another day!
Yet knowing how way leads on to way,
I doubted if I should ever come back.

I shall be telling this with a sigh
Somewhere ages and ages hence:
Two roads diverged in a wood, and I—
I took the one less traveled by,
And that has made all the difference.

Did you really just paraphrase Frosts poem? And it took ESL like me to notice it first?

>> No.29115479

covid educed lockdowns, fuck the UK,

>> No.29115520

1 aspect is money. Trying to get to at least mid 7 figures (after taxes). Once thats done I can at least stop worrying about getting a job and can focus on swing trading

>> No.29115530


no gf

need money to get a gf

>> No.29115584

Government Lockdowns

>> No.29115634

This is either
Or you're one of those losers who always whines
>you're so lucky not to have a gf anon mine is always a pain
As if they couldn't just breakup but usually end up being the same people who are terrified of being single and will date anyone and stay with a person they hate out of fear of being alone.

>> No.29115699

Read philosophy

>> No.29115767

That guy pisses me off. Every time i turn on my pc it spends 10s of minutes doimg stuff in the background slowing the whole pc down. What's it doing? Task manager shows its windows processes. Just what is microsoft doing every single time i turn on my pc? Too bad there arent alternatives
Lol i want to play video games
Lol read above plus i gotta be able to apply to jobs without needing some workaround

>> No.29115906

Sauce? I wanna look into this.

Just like visual studio is "free" but then requires an internet connection every now and then or refuses me access to the very code i made. Wouldnt be surprised if they're harvesting my data. Or if theyre stealing genius ideas from solo developers/small companies who wont be able to defend themselves well in court shluld gates steal their stuff.

>> No.29115992

pls someone help

>> No.29116262

Its performance anxiety. Took a low dose the first 3 times just to be safe. Didnt need it afterwards.

>> No.29116278

Try eating brazil nuts. Also, women don't care. They will just start working harder to get you going if that happens.

>> No.29116419

dude you need goals. thats it. look at my id and look at the posts written. follow those links with alpha male 2.0. go to any goals guru like tony robbins. just pick any and follow through with the goal setting. what you want is someone to hold your hand here. stand up. make a goal of going to speech classes, public speaking, whatever. you already have the answers in you.

>> No.29116633

I'll give you a quick rundown
>deranged commie schizo jew
>gains a few followers
>rome does not approve
>romans kill him but it's too late
>romans take over the religion and legalise pork

>> No.29116636

To start a family.
To know what it feels to love someone and hold them in your arms as they fall asleep.

>> No.29116831

Anon these are amazing. I've never seen a boomer comic that I like except for these.

>> No.29116950
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unironic untreated schizophrenia
self-treatment could only go so far

>> No.29116951

Unironically just start a hobby or artistic pursuit, read philosophy, and go to church. Autismos find this hard to understand but maybe the older you get and the more you think about it, the more the spiritual actually begins to make a lot more sense than nhilism

>> No.29117016


>> No.29117068

>Or if theyre stealing genius ideas from solo developers/small companies who wont be able to defend themselves well in court shluld gates steal their stuff.
Someone might call you a schizo but stuff like this is possible. I heard a story like this from someone a while ago, couldn't remember what was being stolen though. I think it had something to do with the fact that companies like Amazon can just steal ideas from people even if they're patented. If they get busted, they pay a 5 or 6 figure fine which is pocket change to them, the equivalent of me spending $20 on eating out. It was somehow more profitable for them to keep stealing ideas and paying fines if they lost in court than it was to just pay the person for the idea. They can just throw money around like nothing. An example would be that about a year ago, Bezos paid around $15000 in parking tickets while renovating his mansion. Normal people would learn quick but when you're a billionaire, $15K is nothing to you.

>> No.29117097

social skills are like any other. go and meet people, learn to interact with them, you'll get the hang of it over time. godspeed anon

>> No.29117238

i`m at sea its ok but quite boring, when i come back home in one month i`ll compesnate everything with my sea $$ gains

>> No.29117336

it's always this
not even because of what money can buy- I'm no hedonist, but so I have a massive weight lifted off my shoulders and can finally have a degree of certainty and control in my life.

>> No.29117448


I'd be far happier if my government hadnt made it against he law to hug my friends and family

>> No.29117623

look at the size of that nose

>> No.29117738

republican seether detected, enjoy getting pozzed up, like you ever gave a shit about small businesses

>> No.29118201
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this piece of shit

>> No.29118380

Go to the most secluded areas you can find in a forest, mountains anywhere there is an abundance of nature and away from the city. If there isn’t any near you, sucks to suck. Anyways after you do, bring 3 days worth of books and NO electronics. Actual books, not manga. Bring food with you but ONLY organic stuff. If it’s meat, it’s gotta be from the local butcher and veggies must be non-store processed. Do this twice a month,(more if you’re able to) and you’ll find you’re attention span will come back. You have it, just lost it.

>> No.29118453

They are harvesting your data, but they do say so in the terms and conditions

>> No.29118475

The autor is called Quino and he is argentino.

>> No.29118520

Weed relieves your anxiety, and it's N8 for fucking reeee

>> No.29118603

Lack of money and wagecucking. So I can't pursue my dreams fully

>> No.29119532

jesus was an anarchist. his followers are statists. anon if you want to be redpilled look at mark passios natural law. i find it so stupid people are asking all these questions when ive posted them right here under their noses.

>> No.29119614

that good but i would suggest writing goals there away from society. all our answers are within.

>> No.29119849

Once x happens I can finally stsrt living my life to the fullest.

>> No.29120044

I'm always tense and haven't felt relaxed in years

>> No.29120280

its because you dont have your money and women situation sorted out. when these are, you sleep like a baby

>> No.29120401

very good explanation
also for the anon i think he should look into buddhism

>> No.29120501

Satan here
There are no records of it

>> No.29121355

I’m 30 and with a worthless degree and I’ve never had a job outside of stocking shelves. I only have .77 bitcoin and 74k cash (including the btc). I haven’t worked since sept 2018 and I just don’t want to work ever again. I kind of want to just kill myself around 45-50, because I already know in my heart I’m not gonna go get a skill that pays a good wage, im just gonna keep drifting and avoiding work. Right now I’m in Thailand fucking hookers and I’ll be here for 9 months. I’m not working or making money; just hoping that btc keeps going up so I don’t actually “spend” any money

>> No.29121372


Well shit... getting your women situation sorted as an autist is a lifelong struggle.

Money situation not so much.

In b4 women like money, in b4 only with you for money, in b4 personality is all that matters, in b4 just be confident, in b4 every other trope.

If you sucked with women in your teens and 20s, it downst get better unless you go the sociopathic route and by then reality has already set in that youve already missed out on the fun parts of male female relationships (16-25 timeline)

>> No.29121779

Lose weight

>> No.29121849

It all starts to make sense once you remember that free will doesn't exist and we're only different from non-living matter in that we're able to experience the things happening to us, we don't choose those things neither do we choose how to react to them or what to feel and think about them just like a rock doesn't choose to roll down a hill and neither does it choose to split into two when it falls down, those things just happen to it. So only thing that's special about living things is that there seems to be an entity experiencing our experiences whereas there is no entity experiencing the experiences of a rock. Then all you have to do to make sense of that is place the entity experiencing the experiences of life outside of the individual living beings, call the entity god and violla you solved the mystery

>> No.29121917

boo fucking hoo

>> No.29122006

Literally who cares. Lesbians have mind-blowing sex and they don't have penises lol. You have a tongue and fingers, don't you?

>> No.29122182

fpbp. Everything needs time and money. If I had money, then I could pursue whatever hobbies I want with all the time I want.

>> No.29122326
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yo just wanted to say this happened to me after a nasty break up, happened once and then the anxiety of it happening made it happen again. had one touch-and-go experience after that that ended up being good sex once we got there, and then one time again where i was so drunk i guess i forgot i ever had the problem and was totally fine.
kekd & based
extremely based
sort of based because the emotional bond thing is 100% true, shouldn't really be out banging girls for no reason, but also relying one a woman for anything is a good way to get rekt by life
also this, weed really gets me in the mood, prob not for everyone tho

>> No.29122451

Recently separated from my wife - years of issues finally reached the tipping point. Quit my job. I have no real sense of direction or purpose at the moment.

>> No.29122464

fucking terrible answer lmao

>> No.29122541
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>> No.29122677


>> No.29122722

No foreskin

>> No.29122865

Money and my friends trying to bring me down to their level as they're jealous

>> No.29122914

Jesus this one got me.

>> No.29122931
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how old are you? do you have four limbs? do you have a benis? congratulations. you are apart of an elite class of people who have access to the internet, competitive first world wage, and running water. dont masturbate. your horniness will overpower you fear eventually and force yourself to say hi to the next girl you find cute. look at videos of simple pickups and research how to do it right. thats what i did & if you read my posts in the thread youll find i was shocked to find a cute, wholesome girl wanted to see me despite telling her i was going to fucc other women. im telling you anything is possible if youre willing to set aside your autist bs identity and stand up. you are a man. dont give into the global homo lgbtq argument of giving into your feelings like a woman. theres a war against masculinity in the west. go back to god & turn away from the children of the lie.

amazing. what you just said is dumb. the only other equally dumb thing to say other than that is saying we have complete free will and nothing is predetermined. the truth is theyre both right. everything is predetermined and we have free will to chose. you say we dont get to chose how to react to them. WHUDAH. we get to choose how to react or not react at all. i know youre not going to because ive already mentioned it on here, but if i were you id benefit from mark passios natural law which you can find on youtube. you sound so confused, your writing is confusing. everything is predetermined because we first create them in our minds, in the spiritual plane. things then manifest the second time in the physical plane. we cant change the present or past but we can with the future. God is the force that created all. idk that it cares for me like how religions say. but its good to know natural laws bc it doesnt matter what i believe. if i think i can fly, gravity wont care what i have in my head when i walk off a cliff. so i better learn natural aka universal laws like karma.

>> No.29122969

cut them off you'll get better ones eventually, just keep moving up and you'll attract more ambitious company

>> No.29123361
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go look at caleb jones alpha male 2.0 book. thank me by following through and designing your independent lifestyle improving your woman and money situation for long term happiness. forward it to anon later when youve lived it.

>> No.29123434

very true

>> No.29123674

Lack of discipline, not thinking deeply about what I could be successful at and what I enjoy, me not fixing my problems as they come up but just sitting around hoping they fix themselves. I know what to improve, just lack the confidence to actually step up and take proactive action as I've had fuckups before.

>> No.29123680
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>what keeps you from enjoying life

Knowing that I'm destined to be a salary cuck for the next 10 years at least. In my last semester of college, and I absolutely hate my major and minor (environmental management and Greco-Roman history) I dont mind my history classes, but zoom college has just pissed me off to no end. I just wanna make 6 figures in the next 2 years off some well timed 10x and get back to being a loser that making dance/house music. I cant even find time to do my hobbies because these fucking profs are being cunts and "holding us accountable". The homework load is retarded now. Now excuse me while I go back to reading some Cassius Dio...

>> No.29123706

Appreciate the suggestion, anon. I don't really need help with women - I've had too many of them (and they were part of the problem in a way). Just quit a job that was remote and paid well. Things just seem a bit unreal when you end a 10 year relationship. Oh well.

>> No.29124041

you should read his book alpha male 2,0. the worst if youre reminded what you know. the best is you learn something. im telling you he has a mindset unlike any other. you wont have problems with women here on out if you adopt some traits. youll never pay for women again. theyll never give you headaches because when they do youll soft next them (ignore them) and see your second or third women youre dating instead. he his a time management consultant and has a few stream of income besides his women material. He knows how to protect his wealth and manage his time to maximise results. he began his journey after he divorced with kids. i know youll learn something new because his mind is unique