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29088398 No.29088398 [Reply] [Original]

guys, i fucked up this week and lost almost my entire portfolio on meowth.
please shill me a bsc coin that HASNT pumped yet, just came out, etc.
i want to live.

>> No.29088504

Just buy orion protocol and hold it. Don't fuck this up anon.

>> No.29088599

You truly fucking deserve it if not a larp

>> No.29088645


>> No.29088699
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>> No.29088775

show charts. im never fucking buying the top again

>> No.29088785
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Lambodog brand new 100k max supply 5c atm very early like just started today early


address on pancake
products coming out next week

>> No.29089031

How? Also why were you buying Meowth so pricey? The devs warned people several times that Wynaut is the hold, that Wynaut is the deflationary coin and Meowth is the inflationary coin. Just farm with Wynaut, get free Meowth then farm with the free Meowth or sell for BNB.

>> No.29089222

Pegasusprotocol org. Sale is in a day then launch farming. Ditto clone

>> No.29089403

GBOI is around 20 hours old and just under 1000 holders right now. If this isn't early in a PnD I don't know what is nigger

>> No.29089466

Meowth? Like the pokemon?

>> No.29089505

CAKE and BAKE already kinda pumped, but they are expected to bull even more, BNB also a good option to play it "safu"

>> No.29089568
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Just wait for $POLK to come out and put all your money in it

>> No.29089588

because retards on /biz/ were shilling it.
i didnt listen to the devs. i just saw the images people were posting of how much meowth they were farming or making $10k in an hour and i wanted in. i tried unstaking and selling when it went down to $12 but the price was so volatile it kept rejecting. i got so mad and scared i sold everything i had for usdt.
i posted about it in the telegram after the crash and i wasnt the only one who made the same mistake. im just trying to let the past be the past but fuck man.
i was so sure yesterday was the end of wynaut. i was in mcdc and like mcdc i bought wynaut at 1c, watched it rise to 16c, then dump to nothing.
yesterday wynaut hit 16c while i was at work, when i came home it was 10. i thought it was the best thing to do.
wynaut is 21 cents right now.
i just want to fucking die.

>> No.29089659

EGG is still a 10x.
Kimochi is either a scam or 100x

>> No.29089800

It's a token you get for free from farming on teamrocket.app. It's connected to the Wynaut token from wynaut.money. You can use Wynaut to farm Meowth. Meowth is going to be used for gaming and gambling. Wynaut does this thing where it constantly burns 1.8% of the tokens in each transaction, it also takes another 1.8% and sends it out to all Wynaut holders.

It sounds like OP might have bought the top as soon as it went live, against the dozens of warnings from the devs that you can easily farm it.

>> No.29089876

BAKE is unironically going to at least $5
Otherwise wait for POLK to get listed on uniswap

>> No.29089908

SMOKE. Good APY and it has barely done a x3. Great volume still

>> No.29089961

deserve it

>> No.29090081

I'm sorry you got FOMO'd in on Meowth at that price anon. Just remember for the future, APR drops ridiculously fast. The more people that jump in, the less APR you're going to get and that shit drops FAST. Right now I'm making out okay, I had just been generating Meowth with my Wynauts and using those Meowths to start the other farms and pool. If I had any recommendations, it'd be to keep farming for now if you still have the tokens.

>> No.29090228
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>Pegasusprotocol org.

>> No.29090573

You are not an idiot, just next time read up on the devs/project first. Wynaut's been legit from the beginning and there's no chance of a ragpull. Also know that it's normal for whales to drop massive bags in and out within a certain time frame every day (1-3 hours), so if you see something poomping, that means it's doomping soon after. It it recovers, that means somebody needs it. The more liquidity a token has, the less whales matter. So, you're a fomoing dumbass, but you have to learn this shit sooner or later.

>> No.29090629
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i think im just going to stay off of /biz/ for a while until i get my head straight.. im tired of being stressed out and sad all the time when i get rugged or cant sell because i work 12 hour days with no access to my phone.
i dream of never wageslaving again and i thought i had the golden ticket but my hands are too weak.
i know nobody here gives a shit and im a fucking retard but i have no where to vent this so im telling this thread if that helps me in the slightest.
im just gonna cry this one out tonight

>> No.29090919

this thread is rugpull general

>> No.29090923

I'm really sorry this happened to you anon. Taking a break is a good idea, you'll come back with a clear mind. There's still time, we're early and there's a lot of new promising projects coming, so I think you might be able to recover what you lost.

>> No.29091056

As someone who doesn't know anything about staking.. What the fuck am i reading

>> No.29091232

Already listed on Coinmarket... coingecko few days
Buy now im fucking serious anons

>> No.29091325

It's okay anon, most people have tripped up before too. Just relax, it's not the end of the world. I know man, it fucking sucks when a whale dumps their bags on you. Take it as a lesson, learn from it so you can react better next time. And what this anon said: >>29090573. Always DYOR! Slow your roll and take at least an hour or two (preferably more) researching into the coin and the dev team before making any moves. Set like an hour minimum at least, this will go a long way towards stopping dumb FOMO choices. Another tip is, don't completely out your coins (unless confirmed rugpull), if you can't stop yourself from panic selling then leave at least 10% of your original investment in. If things turn around, you haven't completely lost your position.

>> No.29091523


>> No.29091671

This should get you started:

TL;DR - You stake your tokens to provide liquidity (so there's enough volume for people to trade consistently). When you do this, if one of the staked coins moons in value you may get back less than what you staked. That's "Impermanent Loss". To offset that potential loss for people that stake, they're given rewards: in this case, Meowth tokens.

>> No.29091731

just by bitcoin my dude. If it goes to 10mill (it inevitably will), anything you put in now will 200x. It's the biggest no-brainer move you could ever make.

>> No.29091972

fuck you nigger I can't sell

>> No.29092146


>> No.29092226


Hi fellow scamcoin bro, desu the best call right now is just sit on BNB, this shit will moon right to 1k. As a fellow pump n dump pursuer I really think that the best choice of action right now is to let your bnbs do their own thing.

t. someone who went from 4 digits to 5 digits thanks to being early on wynaut.

>> No.29092491

where can I farm Waynaut ?

>> No.29092564

did you get out of waynaut ?

>> No.29092654

You can't farm Wynaut. You farm Meowth. You can buy Wynaut on wynaut.money. You use Wynaut to farm Meowths. Then when you have some Meowths you can use those to farm more.

>> No.29092870

i dont know if i feel comfortable buying back at $200 after i just had so, so many that i got at 100, same with egg, wynaut, cake, etc. i had so much for so cheap. if i buy back now it will be a tiny fraction of what i had just yesterday. if they dip ill get back in i guess, otherwise ill wait for the next ride.
if you guys were wondering i lost around $15,000 to $20,000. i know its not that much but for a poorfag like me who makes <$300-400 a week this was literally life changing money. i now understand why greed is one of the seven deadly sins.
thanks guys.

>> No.29092907

How do you use the meowths to farm more meowths?

>> No.29092988
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it's on binance, low market cap, limited supply

>> No.29093006

>$15,000 to $20,000.
fck that is a LOT of money dude. So all Anons are putting that much on these tokens ?

>> No.29093103

take the hbar pill goyim

>> No.29093341

How the fuck have you lost money on MEOWTH lmao?
Shit's printing me like 4 BNB a day

>> No.29093438

don't fall for this OP. It's another canine coin

>> No.29093478

You can stake Meowths in the pool to earn more. You can also use the Meowth-BNB LP option or the Wynaut-Meowth LP option too.

I have some in the pool, and some in both of those farms. Started with the Meowth I generated from the Wynaut-BNB farm.

teamrocket.app - Click "Pools" at the top for the Meowth pool (using Meowth to farm more Meowth). For the farms click "Farms".

>> No.29093687

>10x in a day

>> No.29093751

it was how much i was paying. i kept getting in and selling early on scam coins. and i kept multiplying my money.
my friends all got sick of me bragging about how much i was making
i kept texting my dad bragging to him about how i found a way to make money at home and would never have to work again.
they all told me my luck would run out and i would lose it all eventually.
no matter how many 2x or 10x i would do i just wanted more.
i got rugged a couple times but it barely affected my portfolio because i would make it right back.
i got the most greedy on meowth and put everything in. every fucking thing.
i sent videos of the farming to my friends
gone in minutes.

>> No.29093849

ok now im convinced this is a larp. if not, you truly are a retard and deserved every bit of it

>> No.29093923

>i lost around $15,000 to $20,000
Ouch, I'm really sorry anon. That's a big amount to get burned on, it'd be good to take a small break. Especially right now, that's a lot of money and it's gotta be making you feel awful. What you want to avoid right now at all costs is going in harder. Stop and take a break. Come back later on when you have a clear head that's not swirling trying to figure out how to immediately replace that lost. Acting on that impulse now wouldn't be great, you're more liable to make rash decisions to try and close that gap.

>> No.29093941

Deserved it desu

>> No.29094117

The Binance Scam Chain shitcoin casino is fucking hilarious. It's going to leave a lot of people in absolute ruin though.

>> No.29094282

They just HYIPs rebranded - stay the fuck away - seriously.

>> No.29094489

i wish i was larping. i just hope i can use this as a learning experience. at the end of the day i just let my greed consume me
the guy who posted the picture yesterday of him making $45k a minute staking meowth was the reason i did it

>> No.29094517

yes it feels like a larp, now I think there is a whole team of paid pajeets pushing this shittokens

>> No.29094548

The top is in boys

>> No.29094850


>> No.29095056
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Come back home, Mcfren

>> No.29095157

>What is a limit order

>> No.29095188

You laugh at these rugpulls but they are actually quite funny, if you aren't retarded you get gains too.

>> No.29095250

i don't give advice to nonwhites or degenerates. well sometimes degens but not nonwhites if i

>> No.29095294


hold your stack, devs are dreaming up some ways to boost the value- u might see that 20$ ATH again yet

>> No.29095395
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it's honestly your fault bro, if you actually pay an ounce of attention to the wynaut community, devs, chat, memes, etc. you would see we are inevitably destined for the moon. It's actually not even too late to buy back in, coingecko will 50x wynaut's value and the europump tonight promises to be juicy. Please bro, you owe it to yourself.

>> No.29095401
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>> No.29095486

Cheer up. Every mistake is a lesson. In time you'll make it.

>> No.29095818
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>limit orders on pancakeswap or uniswap
New here?

>> No.29096102

you've had 12 years dude

>> No.29096662

QRD on meowth? was it rugged? I was unironically looking at it an hour ago but aped into BANANNA instead

>> No.29096994

where did you get the idea that it was rugged?

>> No.29097139


>> No.29097408

>guys, i fucked up this week and lost almost my entire portfolio on meowth.

>> No.29097923

idiot bought when it went parabolic in the first few minutes of trading. It's sitting at 1/4 of the top value though

>> No.29098073

thus the QRD. nigger

>> No.29099257

"GUH" coin

>> No.29099846

how the fuck can you lose with meowth faggot? did you buy at fucking 20 and just hodld?

>> No.29099996

well Suter is about to be on there. it'll do ya good fren. just wait it out. it'll be ok
just shhhhh