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29082627 No.29082627 [Reply] [Original]

Bitcoin had steadily been losing market dominance and has zero utility, it's quite clear that smart contracts is the only real purpose of this space with defi has its prime incarnation; while eth is heavily suffering from its gas constraints and competition is heating up, it's inevitable that bitcoin will get flippened by the leading layer one in the following halving cycle, and may then lose the entirety of its value due to obsolescence in a fast moving space.


>> No.29082986

BNB would be the best positioned to do something like this. If it becomes the defacto platform that is, and for that you need to get over the US regulation hurdles, and for that to happen, it will need direct association with the PRC so they can bribe Biden into accepting it.

>> No.29083045
File: 2.83 MB, 1920x1200, ALL_IN_BTC_.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that's fucking retarded
they are not even playing at the same game

>> No.29083200

>Bitcoin is valuable because it’s valuable

Stopped reading right there.

>> No.29083276

lol shitcoin mass manufacturer predicts bitcoins demise... go figure.

>> No.29083409

he's right though. Bitcoins value proposition is merely that people value it highly. the utility is not there. digital gold that loses its place at #1 will drop further

>> No.29083502

BTC maxi cope. your days are numbered and you have no argument

>> No.29083566

>Bitcoin has zero utility
truly the ultimate midwit/newfag fallacy trap

>> No.29083607

Same argument for dumb boomer rocks. Yet here we are.

>> No.29083741

>Bitcoin will soon die, says man with vested interest in Bitcoin's death

>> No.29083742

Charles is the biggest fedora tumblr faggot I think imaginable.

>> No.29083744

name its utility anon. it is digital gold and an utter shit payment system.

>> No.29083814

he has an argument, neither of you appear to

>> No.29083835

my days were numbered since 2012
but somehow all the aspirant shitcoins are gone and nobody remembers them.

>> No.29083995

>I don't understand it's utility therefor it doesn't exist
I don't have to explain shit to your dumbass, I'm just here to laugh at you fumbling helplessly in the dark and sounding arrogant about it. I might explain if I thought it would make it a difference or you would listen, but I've been listening to retards like you for years and you never get it. I've explained countless times to lefty newfags who were more interested in powering their automated dilators via blockchain. See you when I can buy a Tesla directly with bitcoin for a fraction of a bitcoin, and Tesla doesn't immediately dump it for fiat but rather holds it.

>> No.29084800

>the least futuristic
>no technological advantages
>the only valuable thing it has is acceptance
Says the faggot who wears buttons instead of velcro or zippers. Fucking idiot has tunnel vision.

>> No.29084816

Hasn't his shitcoin been out for like 5 years now and only recently got a mainnet, and still doesn't have smart contracts?
Bitcoin actually worked from day 1, with no premine, and incredibly secure proof of work consensus requiring people to actually put real resources on the line. Cardano was printed out of thin air like all the rest and handed out to insiders, and they still don't even have a product

>> No.29084933

people need to stop giving people like charles attention so he can get the help he needs

>> No.29085011

stop shitposting charles

>> No.29085070

Its utility is making people rich for 12 years. You can store your wealth in something scarce and secure without trusting anybody. Because it is a high fee low throughput system, it is guaranteed to preserve its 21 million cap without inflation. It's not for buying coffee onchain or printing tokens out of thin air and calling it "yield"

>> No.29085189

>BTC has no use
>ETH gas fees are too high
Okay bud. Which bags are you shilling today?

>> No.29085579

Hes right though, bitcoin is objectively worse from a technical level than almost every other coin in the top 100, easily (except maybe doge). It doesnt really solve the problems it was intended to in the original whitepaper, and most likely can't be scaled to.

I disagree that its value with fall to $0 though, people will always want bitcoins at bare minimum for posterity sake. The value of being the original cryptocurrency will increase as time goes on unless its compromised (ie, never gets developed to deal with quantum computer hacks). Think about how valuable imperial roman gold coins are now, its far more than their weight in gold, and that value will never decrease over the long term. I could just see the price plateauing after a certain point and then being overtaken by tokens that are more everyday usable. But I could also see satoshi turning into a quas-religious figure in a few hundred years and the price per bitcoin being in the billions/trillions because almost all of them have been permanently lost

>> No.29086493

I was thinking about this just recently and initially thought the same as you, but am starting to think that's not true. The value bitcoin has is that it propagates transactions, so as long as people want to make transactions (as they have in some capacity for thousands of years) and Bitcoin remains an attractive way to make transactions, it will be valuable imo. What will kill it is if something deprecates it in terms of security or speed, not strictly 'utility' in the sense of smart contracts.