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File: 63 KB, 252x252, Cardano-trigger-CHAD.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
29068432 No.29068432 [Reply] [Original]

>SingularityNET's Ben Goertzel on Cardano, Ethereum's Shortcomings and AI on SingularityNET and Cardano + DeFi

>Catalyst Round 4 LIVE -- $1 Million Funding for DAPP Developers

>Where to Get Inolved in Catalyst - Vote, Comment, Submit Proposal for Funding

Where to Get:
>Exchanges - World

>Exchanges - USA

>Welcome to Cardano

>Comfy Hoskinson Interview

>Charles' Latest AMA

>Why Cardano (Official page)

>Also formally verified - see future of DeFI section below for a bit more on formal verification

>The Most Decentralized Cryptocurrency
>Over 1,600 Stake Pools participatign in Consensus
>100% of all blocks will be produced by the stake pool community by March 31
>Anyone can run a stake pool with any amount of ADA &/or Delegate to a stake pool

Should I Stake my ADA? Yes!

How to Stake:

>> No.29068461
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>Million-dollar baby: Project Catalyst DAPP developer Fund 4
>$200,000,000 On-chain Treasury for Funding DAPP developers
>$1,000,000,000+ in funding will be available in the future
>$1,000,000 Round 4 underway now -- focus to DAPP devs. Full Daedalus Integration for Voting this Round!
>10 total rounds of funding to happen this year

>Decentralized Identity - Cardano's Atala PRISM

>Atala PRISM Demo

>Cardano to onboard 5 million people

>Native Tokens

>ERC-20 Converter:
>Video Demo (start at 10:20)

Smart Contracts in April
>Solidity, Javascript to Marlowe, Drag & Drop via Marlowe, Hardcore Haskell
>Solidity Smart Contracts 100% Ethereum compatibility via Cardano's KEVM
>Drag and Drop smart secure formally verified smart contract creation via Marlowe

The market is waiting to be captured.
Intro to this video (first 2 minutes) ...provides high-level context preview for the next section on multiple programming language support:

Multiple Programming Language Support for Smart Contract Creation

The future of DeFI requires formal verification (start at 33:00)

>> No.29068548
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Media Channels that Cover Cardano:

Projects Coming to and Moving to Cardano
>SingularityNET moving to Cardano and fully focus on Expansion into Cardano - ETH token to have low importance

>DNATags™ full conversion to Cardano

>Celsius Network to Cardano - Losing Millions of USD each Year in ETH Fees (start at 26:15)

>BeefChain (only USDA approved blockchain for tracking Beef & Sheep - Multi-billion dollar food-traceability market in the US)

>Stablecoin AgeUSD algorithmic stablecoin

>> No.29068565


>> No.29068849
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>> No.29068925
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>sold stack at .85 to buy the drop I knew was coming
>missed chance to buy back at .70 because I was sleeping like a fucking retard


>> No.29069067

ADA is gonna melt so many faces soon. After $1.33 breaks it's going straight to $3 and then $10 EOY.

>> No.29069076

That’s why you should set limited orders, retard.

>> No.29069112

Anon, I...

>> No.29069185

>swinging your entire stack
You deserve this

>> No.29070219

Price predictions EOM?

>> No.29070702


>> No.29070707

>How long has it been? 3 Days? 4 Days? It's crabbing at 91 cents
>Look at this attached chart for Cardano just crabbing over an entire two weeks
>No smart contracts still after 4 years. deadlines keep getting pushed back and back despite muh April deadline (was December before)
>No projects being developed for it (Polkadot already has ~360). no one can post a link to any projects
>Scaling still 2 years away (phase 4 of 5). everything is hypothetical
>Governance still 3 years away (phase 5 of 5)
>Only 40,000 transactions on it currently a day. Ethereum does 1.5 million.
>My wife is leaving me
>Literal ghost chain, Tron and BNB have more utility. charles is spamming transactions with high volume to make it look like people are using it
>Almost certainly a security
>He had dinner with Shatner, a fucking leaf
>This will crash the chink gpu farms in favor of white countries to virtue signal for Africa
>Charles did a cock tribute to Lush Rimbaugh. He's boomer tiered alt-light
>Prove you're not white supremacist and sell your ADA now. You're not a Cardano holding NAZI are you? Antifa will doxx all your wallets.
enjoy alt season as this pumps with everything else but those bags are going to be heavy afterward

>> No.29071006

>No smart contracts still after 4 years
building things correct the first time vs launching with garbage. Smart contracts live in April. Retard-tier-fud.
>No projects being developed for it.
Lie that has been pointed out before, yet you keep posting it.
~100+ projects being developed for Cardano.
Public projects include, SingularityNET, DNATags, Celsius Network, Beefchain, AgeUSD Algorithmic Stablecoin and the list will keep growing.
Project Catalyst round 4 fund for DAPP developers at $1,000,000 in funding is going live now. Keep cope-posting this retardation though. It's quite bullish.
>Scaling still 2 years away (phase 4 of 5)
Cardano is already 150 TPS and with tuning it'll be 1,000 TPS on the base layer before scaling. Scaling beyond that is simply NOT NEEDED AT ALL right now on any chain.
Ouroboros Hydra development is already underway and will take Cardano into the 1 million+ TPS range. like all your fud, another great meaningless point.
>Governance still 3 years away (phase 5 of 5)
Governance already up and running. Cardano is ALREADY OPERATING THE WORLD'S LARGEST DAO through Project Catalyst. Get your basic facts straight retard.
Governance will continue to evolve going forward, but it's already more successful than any other project in crypto history, and larger than any DAO on earth ALREADY.
>Only 40,000 transactions on it currently a day. Ethereum does 1.5 million
and smart contracts are not even live yet, what a stupid-ass comparison. are you retarded?
>Literal ghost chain, Tron and BNB have more utility
Rank #2 in on-chain activity behind Bitcoin... without native assets (tokens) or smart contrats. TOP FUCKING KEK.
>Almost certainly a security
More mongloid-tier-limp-fud. Launched in Japan, Most decentralized project in crypto.
Sorry you're priced out anon.

>> No.29071750
File: 240 KB, 1920x1080, 002-hbar-usd-dev-tool-MINOR-edit-for-ada-facts.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck, forgot my charts

>> No.29071832

Should I buy some of this or am I too late to the party?

>> No.29071884

Kys you fucking loser and stop spamming this shit

>> No.29072104

You should, it will at least 3x in the next few months

>> No.29072120

Should I sell this at 0.97 break even for me and wait for a better dip?

>> No.29072133

The entity that acquired 440 million ADA. It's coinbase right guys? Or is it gemini or some shit?

>> No.29072163
File: 150 KB, 750x656, 03AD9B08-0428-4AF6-AD48-D80C87903EA6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You had two years

>> No.29072247

Swingers get the rope

>> No.29072484

If it's not Coinbase, then we're in for something big on top of the inevitable Coinbase listing.

>> No.29072511
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I hope you're right Gary, at this point I would buy back in anywhere less than .85

>> No.29072566


>> No.29073135
File: 2.08 MB, 4624x3472, IMG_20210218_213735.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alright then boys fuck it, £50 on cardano, let's send it to the fucking moon

>> No.29073510 [DELETED] 

I don't know if you can help, but my team is tasked with getting all this stuff of Pending/Reject/and Hodl - but we don't have enough bandwidth and are too slow in the system to basically attack teh stuff efficiently. The interface issues between QMOS and EBS worry me that we are creating more and more Pending and I don't have global visibility to it yet

As an Ethereum developer for the past few years, Cardano really puzzles me. I'd say about 90% of the devs I know are sticking with Ethereum, no plans to switch, although a good percentage of them are looking at Ethereum L2 solutions like Optimism & Arbitrum to escape Ethereum's high gas fees.

I have a number of friends working on Polkadot, a couple at the protocol level, but I also know a couple projects trying to build on top of parachains.

I know one person working on Cosmos, on protocol level stuff. I don't know anyone looking at Solana, but at the very least, being backed by FTX's SBF means it will have some interesting projects developed on it.

Despite Reddit's love for Cardano, I don't know anyone that's even considering working on it. I've read into is many times, but despite all Cardano's "peer reviewed" papers, I never find anything that's really interesting or innovative (I mean, their consensus is effectively DPOS and their scaling strategy revolves around state channels).

So... am I just in a bubble? Am I missing something? Or is this coin a bit overvalued?

>> No.29073530
File: 19 KB, 236x236, CDA99B11-FC42-42F7-8BFA-B22274E5D06A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

welcome anon

>> No.29073589
File: 306 KB, 1281x1045, the moon can wait.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can you please stop shilling this? I need to accumulate. FUD it more maybe?

>> No.29073609

When do we expect the mainnet to arrive?

>> No.29073645

how many times are you going to paste this mETH bagholder cope copypasta?

>> No.29073783

April or thereabouts for Goguen smart contracts. mainnet is already live though.

>> No.29073930

>overnance already up and running. Cardano is ALREADY OPERATING THE WORLD'S LARGEST DAO through Project Catalyst. Get your basic facts straight retard.
>Governance will continue to evolve going forward, but it's already more successful than any other project in crypto history, and larger than any DAO on earth ALREADY.

Nice copypasta, seen this before.

>> No.29073960

I have 10 but I can't put more yet.
Will it be anything worth while because this wont make me super rich.

>> No.29074107

You need to get a job or something anon.

>> No.29074112

Cardano is the blockchain that will make the world a better please. I pray every day for the price to go lower so that I can buy more.

>> No.29074114

You had 2 years anon ...

>> No.29074162
File: 46 KB, 549x315, D2GD2AIXgAAKkzH.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>muh africa n shit

Can this faggot shut the fuck up and let his project (which he has 0 involvement in developing) do the work?
If he retires today I will instantly buy a $50K stack of ADA.

>> No.29074428

Not enough. I will be content when I have 100,000 ada.

>> No.29074520

The year is 2030. Cardano mainnet has launched and finally supports smart contracts, and the foundation now only controls 60% of the network and coin supply. Three whole dapps have been built on the Cardano network, which boasts an amazing 1000 transactions per second. Hoskinson has finally formed his following into a bonafide cult, they take turns jerking him off everyday in return for 1 ADA which is now worth $1. He continues to compare ADA to ETH, proclaiming how much better it is, while purposely avoiding comparisons with other 3rd gen coins like AVAX and ALGO which are better than ADA in every single way.

>> No.29074692

Logistic problem right now.

>> No.29074792

>not having 200k ada sfor two years already


>> No.29075071

I got 4700 at .70, how many more to make it? Getting paid next wed so no chance of catching any more dip

>> No.29075095

>super rich
That "super" was unecessary, how does 30-100 dollars eoy sound?

>> No.29075235

looks like it's gonna break out soon
strap on the gains train, boys

>> No.29075281

Suicide stack is 10k

>> No.29075515

Well can it grow even more realistically?

>> No.29075553

IOHK, The Cardano foundation and Emurgo the entities set up to Kickstart Cardano own 11% of the supply combined. That's less than Ripple, Polk and probably Ethereum.

>> No.29075803

This bull run $4. Next bull run $20.

>> No.29076499

I'm aiming for $75 long term (5 years)

>> No.29077101

No. It will hit $2 this year and max out at $5-10 some time in the next decade.

>> No.29077208

Sitting here comfy with ADA, ALGO, and XTZ in Exodus. Staking my stack, knowing that these projects will grow and grow, as my stack grows and grows.

>> No.29077355

What's a suicide stack?

>> No.29077998


>> No.29078183

10K if you want to cash out in a year.
5K if you want to cash out in two years.
2.5K if you want to cash out in three years.
1.25K if you want to cash out in four years.
625 if you want to cash out in five years.
312 if you want to cash out in seven years.

>> No.29078674

>he posted it again

>> No.29078733

why is this shit at a price wall?

>> No.29078765

why don't you stake in Daedalus (or Yoroi if you prefer light client &/or mobile)?

>> No.29078846

I just bought

>> No.29078848

U got a source on this? This is the first I've heard of this

>> No.29078890

A good interview
Currents 027: Charles Hoskinson on Cardano Blockchain Project
>In this currents episode, Charles Hoskinson talks with Jim about the history of blockchain projects, his history with the Ethereum project and what led him to found Cardano, a 3rd gen project. They cover interoperability & decentralization, other projects & protocols, transactions per second considerations & dubious relevance, downside of proof of work & mining, Cardano‘s innovation via robust theory & strong engineering, Bitcoin inefficiency & scaling issues, the challenge of deeply understanding Cardano, comparing programming languages for blockchains, network effects, ecosystem considerations & their impact on tech adoption, addressing social media radicalization & moderation issues, and much more.

>> No.29078920

What’s the make it stack lads? Tfw got shilled out of buying at 2 cents, fucking niggers. Bought at .20 though

>> No.29079005

I’m only watching if he doesn’t say anything about fucking niggers, makes that fat fag insufferable

>> No.29079094

Was using Magma for Tezos, and the official Algorand wallet for a while. But when I added ADA to my stack I figured that I'd simplify and just put all three in Exodus. Easier to manage, and it's a nice project.

>> No.29079367

How can any of us know what "making it" is for you? You need ~50ADA to buy weed, does that help you with what you're looking for?

>> No.29079377

>I’m only watching
There are no visuals. It's audio only. They don't talk about niggers. Mostly blockchain history and programming language talk.

>> No.29079471

Making it is retiring in a country without a shitskin or chink eyed majority population

>> No.29079828

150k ADA

>> No.29080500

interesting. do you earn ~5-6% on ADA staking in exodus?

>> No.29080729
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>> No.29080744

so retiring in Europe? $1,000,000. ADA won't hit more than $5. So you need 200,000 ADA.

>> No.29081148

It's the same in Exodus as the current delegation estimates here: https://cardano.org/calculator/?calculator=delegator

Roughly 4.27% APY.

>> No.29081236

You don’t think it’ll go beyond 5 dollars even by 2025? I could see it going to 10 this year if the most bullish btc predictions come to pass

>> No.29081396

I meant here: https://www.stakingrewards.com/earn/cardano

>> No.29081855

5% to 6% APY by choosing a well performing pool through Daedalus & Yoroi. check pooltool for more info if you're curious:

>> No.29081963

Oooooh. Will do.