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File: 547 KB, 2644x1246, Screen Shot 2021-02-18 at 2.46.18 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
29063328 No.29063328 [Reply] [Original]

What the FUCK SHIT. I get it did x80 on v1... but after the exploit I thought v2 was dead on arrival.

x10+ in the last 2 weeks? What's the news? It looks like it's still pretty bottomed out at $3m mcap (x3 less than GFARM1 peak) if you zoom out... but, holy shit it's moving?

>> No.29063506
File: 580 KB, 2656x1494, Screen Shot 2021-02-18 at 2.49.20 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Compare that graph with the 4hr chart and tell me how this isnt going back to $1,000? I really thought this shit was gnna die.

>> No.29063538

I don't know if you're low key trying to hype people or not but we have had some really good analysis fly under the radar here lately.

Basically, v2 is audited by Certik. It has a very high score and a working platform with a potential marketcap way beyond 1000x from here. A lot of us have already bought in.

I don't think it will really pop off until it inevitably rebrands, at which point it will be too late to get in early.

>> No.29063633

There was a thread earlier with about 15 different things that are going on with gfarm2 .... someone link it

>> No.29063658

I wish the mods would bin these pyramid scheme shithreads. They were tedious and boring spam in 2017 and they are now

>> No.29063681

its a garbage scam by some faggot ESL anon dev who pretends to code to his telegram tranny cult every day but all he does is slowly pull the rug underneath you do not buy this shit why do you think its called v2? because v1 got rugged

>> No.29063788

$GFARM2 made an incredible comeback. Three Certik audits and the new trading platform based on Chainlink launching soon. They have also started developing a layer 2 integration to almost eliminate fees. But it’s still bottomed out and very undervalued. Still early. DYOR

>> No.29063919


>> No.29063955


OP, people like this are the reason for your OP.

Just because Rakesh@fiverr.com and Panjeet@fiverr.com call a fully functioning decentralized leverage trading exchange with integrated NFTs that allow you to liquidate positions and trade on higher margins a “scam” doesn’t mean it is. Don’t listen to this board 80% of the time lol, just use the product and see what you think.

>> No.29064034


Yeah, I know.... I should have just peeped the development on v2 myself but goddamnit lol

>> No.29064087

>fully decentralized
lol 1 anon tranny dev is gonna get like 5% of all transaction fees IF it even works. Im out btw dont bother responding

>> No.29064139


Ok which one of you sold at $18 ... or was it both of you? Haha. Everyone knows gfarm2 is legit now. Can’t really stop it anymore

>> No.29064232

Oooof did you really sell at $18? I'm pissed I didnt hop in v2 from the get go, but at least I didn't do that.

>> No.29064265

I don’t know if he did, but just by the way he’s acting on here I wouldn’t be surprised.

>> No.29064420

Sorry you sold early anon, that’s the only reason you are all worked up lmao see u at 1k

>> No.29064444

The development on this has been unreal I’ve been lurking in the TG for a month and it’s pretty awesome watching it come to life

>> No.29064748

Bought 10 at 100$ each not really knowing what I'm getting into, just some something to get a few gains from real quick. I thought, oh new service, new pump, but the more I look at it, the more I realize this is a real project with real growth. It's shockingly active too on Twitter and such.

>> No.29064865

What is UniswapV2?

>> No.29064975

Checked. 4x4 of truth

>> No.29065179

When I first found it in v1 I thought it was just a degen farm

Holy shit I was wrong lol. Became my biggest hold and I’ll keep it for a LONG time.

>> No.29065356

I don't even know what leverage trading or NFTs are lmao but I'm happy to be holding right now

>> No.29065418

here we go my fellow kekistani refugees


>> No.29065625

...... bro..... youre in gfarm and dont know what leverage trading OR NFTs are? thats hilarious, congrats

>> No.29065979

Yeah that’s fuckin dumb.... it’s the whole value of the coin lol.

Anyway, I have the 50x and 100x leverage NFTs now and I am so pumped lol

>> No.29066565

I'm in gFarm2, MOD, ANKR, REQ, ATOM, and I keep another 1ETH on coinbase shuffle around chasing the pump of the day.

I am the definition of dumb brain, green line go up investing.

>> No.29066994

They never learn. The telegram is like a fucking cult begging to get rekt. It's really sad to see. They really think they are on to something. I hope none of them kill themselves when the next bug is found and "Seb" the anon Dev rugs YET AGAIN.

>> No.29067403


I x80’d on v1
So far I’m x30 on v2 (farmed it ALL the way from day 1 and now it’s up x10 so maybe even more than x30 lol)

Tell me more about how I’m getting “rekt”

>> No.29067490

I think we're a little too late to be calling gfarm2 a rug still :/ believe me.... i was RIGHT THERE with you. I was PRAYING for v2 to fail.... I was wrong, I'm man enough to admit it.

WOW. You literally are making me want to kill myself

>> No.29067652

The platform isn't even up yet, let's see what fucking happens. The group is a cult with some Turkish fag who's famous dad escaped from prison, thinks he's some kind of influencer/money manager for poor as fuck Muslims. The website is basically a fucking template that the Dev hasn't bothered to even change in the slightest. Get this fucking scam off my board right now and do not ever come back.

>> No.29067729

Haha I’m sure.

Funny thing is I found v1 by accident and didn’t even realize it was a new coin so I bought not realizing farming had just started.

Bought at $3 and it immidiately went to .19c so I bought 5 times as much and farmed at 100,000% apy for a couple days before it went to $8

I think by the time the dev alerted us to exit, I was up 230 ETH... managed to get about 180 ETH out thanks to Seb. So I was a lifer after that.

Once he started v2 I put a SHITTON in knowing that if the FA was the same it would do the same. After just its next 2x-3x I’ll be at a total of about 200x on both gfarms combined lol

Funny how a coin you find accidentally will make you more than almost your last 5 years of trading combined.

>> No.29067875

The platform is up, we’ve all been trading on it for like a month. It’s only down right now to add the LINK and BTC pairs and change the Oracle to Chainlink.

You really need to do better research and stop melting down so hard.

>> No.29068108

I am trying to save people from a scam, that ALREADY SCAMMED. PEOPLE LOST A SHIT TON OF MONEY. I tried to warn people about XNS two days ago. The cultists didn't listen and got rekt. This anon guy scammed everybody once and people lap up his template website. Fucking clown world.

>> No.29068253

Some people lost money who weren't online during the exploit, others got it out. Either way, it wasnt the dev and i think we've all realized that now :/ i just realized it too late :/

>> No.29068599
File: 616 KB, 638x624, 1613468635215.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I pulled a retard move and liquidated 95% of my crypto in to Gfarm V1 the night before it fell apart. Went to sleep woke up first day of the new year with all of it gone. 10ETH down to 0.45. Been struggling to make any big gains since and watching all of my previous bets moon has been super hard. Especially RBC which would've made me like $150K. When Gfarm v2 came around I still got in with about 25% of what I had and I'm hopeful that this time it'll do something different. Anon dev is super sus but what can you really do right.

>> No.29068866

I lost a good amount in v1 but I entered v2. Project is great, exploits happen. I think the work on v2 speaks for itself and that’s why you’re seeing this action right now.

>> No.29069232

I'm in... fuck it.... this 2nd certik audit is gnna solidify it's future. Wish i got in sooner but yolo

>> No.29069852

A lot of people are eating their words on gfarm now hahaha, love to see it.

>> No.29070665

Eating their words? It hasn't even fucking launched you dirty desperate shill trying to justify your bad decisions.

>> No.29071727

Yes it did. It’s been operational for a while, it’s only going through an upgrade to add more pairs. You are awful at crypto lol

>> No.29071905

Hey just joining this thread and I see you freaking out on it but my one question is... how do you not even know gfarm has already launched and been running. It’s been working for weeks.... just because it’s getting a new Oracle and pairs doesn’t mean it’s “not working” lol.... for someone so desperately upset you must be a bottom seller I can’t really tell.

For the rest of you. I didn’t buy gfarm2 but do u think it’s still has room to run? It doesn’t look like it’s at v1 mcap yet so I’m hoping yes?

>> No.29072010
File: 41 KB, 532x343, Moe Stonecutter.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

imagine getting filthy rich off of a project called gfarm2 lmao we really doing this

>> No.29072638

its trash dude, just check the posts here >>29063681
fools and their money are soon parted. idk why this thread is still up, probably the teletrannies bumping it 24/7

>> No.29072890

are you new?

>> No.29073399

Its a moon train. Join telegram, check by yourself, dont belive some looser on biz...

>> No.29073684
File: 10 KB, 397x274, candlejack.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah I just found 4chan yesterd

>> No.29073728

Are you alright?

>> No.29074631


>> No.29075133

We will see who will be loser... Dont listen to this kind of people, check for yourself and then decide people...

>> No.29075351

Are you the tranny Dev? His English isn't great either funnily enough.

>> No.29075730

Bye, bye. Stay poor english teacher...

>> No.29076045

t. pranjesh

>> No.29076581 [DELETED] 

How to buy rug pull v2 sir. Im a sucker for punishment. I didn't lose enough ETH the first time. Hit me again Seb, I can take it. It's not like I can find you anyway. And then we can have rug pull v3! Take all my money again. Shit amateur template website, one big again and it all goes to zero and that's without a rug pull from Mr Mystery. A talkgroup full of absolute wackos that follow an anon Dev that ass raped them once already like he is some kind of cult leader. Yeh error, no thanks.

>> No.29076725

How to buy rug pull v2 sir. Im a sucker for punishment. I didn't lose enough ETH the first time. Hit me again Seb, I can take it. It's not like I can find you anyway. And then we can have rug pull v3! Take all my money again. Shit amateur template website, one bug again and it all goes to zero and that's without a rug pull from Mr Mystery. A talkgroup full of absolute wackos that follow an anon Dev that ass raped them once already like he is some kind of cult leader. Yeh err, no thanks.

>> No.29076989

See you at 1k$! Certik score 89. Enough said. Have a nice day sir :-)

>> No.29077562

t. arjun

>> No.29077748

Certik are an absolute joke. Do some research on the amount of Certik audited projects that have been hacked or rug pulled. It means absolutely nothing. In fact, in only strengthens my view that this thing stinks.

>> No.29078706

Ok. I I get it. You bought yourself a nice bag of gfarm1, went to sleep, and when you wake up, you lost all. Dev found out about a bug, informed community and sold 25% of dev funds. Made gfarmv2, put all those funds in community wallet and is working hard on token. He could have sold 100% of funds, name himself Francis and start another project... WTF is wrong with you? I also lost on v1 but recovered all on V2 X5...

>> No.29078793

How do you like DEXTools?

>> No.29079015

I was never involved with gfarm1. I never get involved with anon devs. Due to audits meaning jack shit, anon devs are the biggest indicator you can have of a rug pull. I'm just out here warning people.

>> No.29079308

Can have! Core have anon devs you dumb shit! And I doubt you didnt lost anything on gfarmv1 because you would move on by now. You should have get involved in gfarmv2 from start and then you would be happy crypto man now. Its still not too late...

>> No.29079680

Gfy. You will never be white.

>> No.29080160

I am more white than a fucking snow white :-) Take care man, buy some doge. Good luck

>> No.29080283

your shill efforts are as dumb as your faggot anon dev project..... I hope you never learn

>> No.29080515

Keep suckin your own dick and I hope some day you will learn there is something better... :-)

>> No.29081567

Why are the Pajeets angry at GFARM2? What could have angered them? Get BTFO by another project or?

>> No.29082338

The funniest thing about anyone who lost in gfarm1.... gfarm2 had a FREE ETH for GFARM pool open at 5,000% APY for 5 days when it opened....

and I STILL DIDNT ENTER. I'm a fucking IDIOT ahahahahahaha I'd have made back what I lost and then some. I cant get over this, I will never not follow a relaunch again

>> No.29082425

Gfarm is a solid project, I thought everyone knew that by now lol, some of these fudders are a month and an x12 late

>> No.29082518

Actually, if anyone farmed it the whole time v2 has been out they’ve gotta be at like... x30-40 or something.

This thing has struck gold twice, that’s not an easy thing to do especially after a v1 exploit.

>> No.29082852


Reading your posts it reminds me of myself when v2 launched and now i see how much of a fucking idiot i was lol

>> No.29083224

Speak for yourselves, I didn’t lose anything in v1... pulled out my 50x when the dev said to. Literally the opposite of a rugpull. No wonder some of u are missing v2 lol

>> No.29083575

It's a good project. Still a lot of room to grow.
At least 5x from here.
Not a pump and dump scam, which is why it hasn't got more attention here.

>> No.29084454

Anyone who’s spent 5 seconds using gfarm knows this, all the fud here looks so retarded

>> No.29084554

I think it's fair to say the name is a barrier too. People skip over it

>> No.29085214

Yeah... should’ve been a breakfast food or a dog.

All jokes aside, I didn’t like the name Gains either and I almost skipped it, but after the gains I’ve made on both versions..... it fits lol

>> No.29086416

Funny thing is the name is what catched my eye since it sounded so weird.