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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 37 KB, 1280x720, NNNE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2903816 No.2903816 [Reply] [Original]

it's <$7 right now. gonna push for $15 in august no doubt. so why are u still waiting?

>> No.2903820

To drop even more in next 2 days, what kind of stupid question are you asking?

>> No.2903829
File: 41 KB, 512x512, 1500798681854.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>buy my bags white piggu

>> No.2903858

>so why are u still waiting?
waiting for <$1

>> No.2903867 [DELETED] 

>it's <$7 right now. gonna push for $100 during the June 21st conference dude!!!
is anybody still falling for this blatant shilling?

>> No.2904174
File: 56 KB, 583x435, tom_catgirls_book.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Literally no one was saying that it would be $100 during the conference, faggot. Everyone was saying it would hit $15, and it did.
t. OG bagholder

>> No.2904184 [DELETED] 

>Literally no one was saying that it would be $100 during the conference

do you really want me to find the screencaps to BTFO you?

>> No.2904200

How come you believed such bullshit man?

>> No.2904223
File: 83 KB, 302x389, tfw no face.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alright anon, let me correct myself. There was nobody SERIOUSLY saying that it would be $100 during the June conference. A few genuinely optimistic anons thought it would hit $20, but it was otherwise the usual euphoric shitposting that happens when a coin goes parabolic. For fucks sake, people said ETH would be worth $1000 by summer's end when it started mooning for real. If you take absolutely everything said on /biz/ seriously, I really don't know what to tell you man.

>> No.2904241

Why would I buy it now though?
BTC is about to crash, which means the whole market will.
Only a fool would think it's a good time to get in.

>> No.2904495

Do it.

>> No.2904499

>BTC is about to crash
that's what (((they))) want you to believe

>> No.2904507

>BTC is about to crash

>> No.2904877

>proceeds to buy at 1000

>> No.2904884

I already hold BTC. Fell for the crypto meme in mid 2014 after clicking on /biz/ out of curiosity.

>> No.2904890

Is it a good meme tho?

>> No.2904893
File: 444 KB, 593x492, 999911111.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>whole market red
>lol NEO sux
every time

>> No.2904909

>managed to accumulate 17 BTC since starting
I'd say it's a pretty fucking good meme. My old man wanted me to invest in stocks, said bitcoin is a scam. I wish all scams were like this.

>> No.2904996

I just bought some two days ago. If this shit isn't $20 by September, I'm going to find every one of you shills and shit directly down your throat.

>> No.2905005

are you the same guy that posts that fucking picture in every single neo thread?

or are there multiple of you?

im in neo for 0.5BTC but you are king shill

>> No.2905015

$20 september, $100 december, screen cap dis

>> No.2905212

Yes he is and he's fucking annoying

>> No.2905994
File: 844 KB, 821x950, chrome_2017-06-08_21-59-53.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2906042

Alright. I had to go into the ghetto find a bitcoin ATM and buy at a ridiculous overhead, but I finally have my fucking bitcoins. Now how to I transfer to ANS?

>> No.2906053


Where did you send your BTC to? Send it to Brittrex and buy ANS from there if that's what you want

>> No.2906079

Just sent it to Bittrexx. How long does it usually take for it to get there?

>> No.2906081

Is this a joke?

>> No.2906083

Yes, but not an intentional one.

>> No.2906084

what do you think is a joke about it? the man wants ANS badly

>> No.2906099

Just transfer it to a ANS/NEO wallet

>> No.2906103

Actually, waiting 3+ weeks for a payment method to clear on any exchange is a joke, but I had no time left so I was driven to this extreme. I wound up only losing about $65 in fees over it.

>> No.2906107

are you fucking retarded?

you can buy it instantly on coinbase for way less fees and you dont even have to leave your house

>> No.2906117

I opened a coinbase account years ago but I changed numbers since then. I managed to disconnect the Authy 2FA but now it just tries to send SMS to the old number as 2FA. I didn't think it would take this long to get set up on another exchange.

>> No.2906152

Anyway, I was here when BTC was $400, I was here when ETH was $8, and now I'm here when ANS is $7. I'm not letting another rocket ship lift off without me. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qLjyLh77WNE

>> No.2906164


>> No.2906173
File: 44 KB, 600x416, ant_strong.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hell yeah, brah
BTC and ETH had just as many haters as ANS / NEO now has.

>> No.2906188


You're going to regret this one.

>> No.2906191

nope just you

>> No.2906192

>t. guy who called people retarded for buying $10 ETH

>> No.2906196

Well, let's just hope it's not more like

>> No.2906200

Wallet comes out Monday.

>> No.2906221

i admire this anon. i see you day in and day out

>> No.2906242
File: 229 KB, 309x530, 1283701463916-1283707041.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

to be honest it's kind of weird that your trip code is simply the same image over and over again? but I too salute you in your ans commitment in posting and i agree with most of your posts. people are cray and just don't get it.

Can you explain as to the reasons why you have this idea of his impending failure? I understand things may go either way, and while I feel like as an investor of ANS confident, i understand it may fail. What makes you think it will fail?

>> No.2906254
File: 287 KB, 800x600, dahongfei_baby.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

looks sexy as hell, baby

what can I say. being crypto rich neet is kewl

>> No.2906261
File: 25 KB, 669x514, 1498826793582.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw biz memed me into buying 200 ethers in march

good vid, shows that holding your coins is always worth it

pumps, corrections, crashes and recoveries will always be part of the crypto world desu

you just need to tie those hands down and stop panicing

>> No.2906368

so they removed cloned chinks from neo.org?
fucking gook losers

>> No.2906382

I believe it'll go up, but not as much as Ethereum.

>> No.2906388

NEO is going to beat ethereum.

>> No.2906390
File: 797 KB, 1500x1000, ant_moon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you're wrong, broham

>> No.2906402


NEO is backed by China, highly skillful team, NEO is going to be at least top 5 coin.

>> No.2906891


lol, your fees are larger than my portfolio

>> No.2907319

>NEO is backed by China,

The Chinese government saying your blockchain product isn't illegal and thus is okay for operation within the country doesn't mean it's backed by the government

>> No.2907326

it does when we're talking about communist china, lol