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2904067 No.2904067 [Reply] [Original]

Lets play "spot the bitcoin killer"

>> No.2905110

Any coin that allows same-difficulty mining that DOESN'T require shitloads of processing power and electricity...

>> No.2905119

well it's not iota, that's for sure.

>> No.2905122

Iota ahaha nice meme brotha. We finna be rich nigga. Lambos for us

>> No.2905241

Well, half-true. Part iota, part xrl.

Thank me in 2030.

>> No.2906144

Deanonymize Satoshi, discover that he was employed at the time of BTC creation and that bitcoin code is the property of Morgan Stanley or some other corp. BTC goes to zero, alts go to zero. Streets run red with the blood of neetfags

>> No.2906154

It doesn't matter since no one owns the code.
Even if they did own it they cannot stop it.

>> No.2906183

bitcoin killer would be anything that uses an unbreakable algorithm but could be more easily distributed thru current payment model systems.

Like a new coin that could be transfered in paypal or via debit cards for example. Right now adoption rates and speed are the two biggest problems for bitcoins.

>> No.2906194


>> No.2906204

>bitcoin killer would be anything that uses an unbreakable algorithm but could be more easily distributed thru current payment model systems.
and why couldn't bitcoin do that eventually?

>> No.2906211

>mining that doesn't require shitloads of processing power

Are you retarded? Mining is by definition a competitive activity. The larger percentage of the network hashing power you command, the higher the payout. Even if it's a CPU-only algorithm, if you can CPU mine at a profit, then someone will set up an array of 100,000 CPUs and collect 100,000 times the profit.

>> No.2906217

that is a question for the technoheads currently working at coinbase I guess.

>> No.2906225

you think coinbase works on the bitcoin protocol? lmao

>> No.2906228

Litecoin, IOTA, Monero and Bitshares are the only coins in the top 20 that actually have potential to kill BTC

>> No.2906234

no, but they at least would be able to teach that protocol to paypal.

>> No.2906259

Bitcoin already killed itself with its slow transaction times.

>> No.2906264

yeah that must be why everyone is dumping alts for BTC right now. cuz BTC is dead.

>> No.2906288

people are dumping their alts because they're falling for the BCC fomo

BTC maximalists are in for a rude awakening to say the least

>> No.2906290
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>> No.2906291

yeah, sure. whatever you say.

>> No.2906294


maybe, but it only works for microtransactions efficiently

>Litecoin, Monero and bitshares

Litecoin is a garbage coin, and the only thing it has to its name, is that its the first bitcoin fork ever, the only reason it has risen this much in price is because of the segwit shit going on, once bitcoin have it, it'll correct down to its true value of 10-15$

Monero is much like bitcoin, in that it's old, outdated and there's much better alternatives out there, dash, pivx, zcash etc.

it doesn't even have a coin mixer, and you can track most transactions

not to mention the fact that it's PoW, which in itself means its very centralized than something like pivx which is PoS.

dont know anything about bitshares however.

>> No.2906309

Xrl as in Rialto?

>> No.2906343
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yeah you're right for a second I completely forgot that dash and zcash existed, as for BTS I think it has potential because of stuff like this:


DPOS + User Issued Assets (no need for ICOs or premining) + Fiat Clones = Winning combination in my book

>> No.2906350
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>Much better alternatives
Proceeds to mention dash,pivx and zcash


>> No.2906357

iota will be actually decentralized when it's running on everyone's devices, rather than pseudo-decentralized like bitcoin

>> No.2906396

no anon, but they are the ones seeling the bitcoins to normies. While everyone is fighting over what coins does what, coinbase is making it accesible. I hope they crash and burn but you can't deny that the existance of coinbase and the likes is one of the reasons anyone, even someone who doesn't understand shit about it can actually log in and buy coins and later on sell those coins and get cash back.
The one to properly solve and make it a transparent process for any normie using a debit card, or the fact that they can spend bitcoins anywhere with a debit card without getting raped by comissions is the one that will swim in a pool of whores, cocaine and money. I guess right now everyone being a greedy fucker makes it next to impossible, because of the absurd fees on cards handling bitcoins like bitpay or the upcoming tokencard, monacoscam, etc.

>> No.2906411

"Electronic payments initially would all be based on different kinds of credit cards ... these were already in use in 1969 to some extent. Not as much as now. But people would have credit cards with the electronic strip on it and once they got used to that then it would be pointed out the advantage of having all of that combined into a single credit card, serving a single monetary system and then they won't have to carry around all that plastic.

So the next step would be the single card and then the next step would be to replace the single card with a skin implant. The single card could be lost or stolen, give rise to problems; could be exchanged with somebody else to confuse identify. The skin implant on the other hand would be not losable or counterfeitable or transferrable to another person so you and your accounts would be identified without any possibility of error. And the skin implants would have to be put some place that would be convenient to the skin; for example your right hand or your forehead. At that time when I heard this I was unfamiliar with the statements in the Book of Revelation. The speaker went on to say, "Now some of you people who read the Bible will attach significance to this to the Bible," but he went on to disclaim any Biblical significance at all. This is just common sense of how the system could work and should work and there's no need to read any superstitious Biblical principals into it. As I say, at the time I was not very familiar with the words of Revelations. Shortly after I became familiar with it and the significance of what he said really was striking. I'll never forget it."