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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 15 KB, 540x402, yivG9wu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2905604 No.2905604 [Reply] [Original]

Here's the deal. 364 days ago I ended my free life and got married. Tomorrow I need a gift to give her. 1 year anniversary gift is "paper" My plan is to just give her a poem framed or something simple girls fall for easy. I don't want to spend the energy thinking of what to write. I can't just borrow something online because women are detective and shes going to search to see if i copypasta. Need some OC will send 0.5eth to whoever bails me out.

>> No.2905653

I dont want could bes
youre my dream come true
life is a strange thing
thank god I found you :)

>> No.2905705

Your beauty, your caress,
your insight, you're the best.
Every day I know
I will withstand this test,
just to have the luxury of you
on my chest, at our worst
and at our best.

ETH wallet:

>> No.2905713

Dear life companion, I have some things to say. It involves you and me. It involves the time we have been spent as one. But more importantly, it involves where are now.
What I have to say involves what I have done. It means that I regret nothing I have ever done, for it would mean I might not be where I am today with you. Of all the people in the world, you chose me, and I chose you.
What I have to say is this; I admire you, I desire you, and ultimately I love you.

Address: 0x8b8759afde17da8615c3db7a4157bb8ec51b9b24

>> No.2905715

Shitcoins come and go
- you're here forever.


>> No.2905731

>buy 2 anivarsary greeting cards
>copy what one says on the other
>throw the copied one away

>> No.2905738

pretty beta to give a woman a gift. it's like you want her to leave you.

>> No.2905779

when we met
crypto bet
to the moon
to the mars
to beyond
sack on my calumet

just buy her a big dildo

>> No.2905843

do something that looks bold and angsty like she saved you. Like imagine a framed sheet of regular paper with simply this typed in some offset location: "before you" now tear the top corner so it's broken (hipster symbolism). Now do the same thing against except this time write: "after you" in the same offset way. Use a real typewriter to give it a thoughtful moody feel. Also upload it to reddit to that so that she will fall for confirmation bias when it gets a lot of upvoats. Make up a story but say that since there's no way to express those kinds of emotions in words that you had to express it through art.

Also this is free no eth required, and I'm an artist in real life.

>> No.2905862
File: 26 KB, 257x309, blueNigger.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Niggers are red
Niggers are blue
If you use Photoshop
And fuck with the hue

>> No.2905888
File: 18 KB, 800x464, love_cured_my_black_soul.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

for reference

>> No.2905915

I'm tempted here this is my effort level. Girls eat this up. I'm not hipster style at all it is a gamble that she will think i'd never come up with this.

>> No.2905917

- Donation to Watsi in her name
- Google translate Spanish love poem

>> No.2905934

A shave
That's real
No cuts to heal
A soothing
Velvet after-feel


You're welcome.

>> No.2905945

I did something similar it really works. My 1 year recently came up with my girl and I made her a book of poetry. The trick is to mix in angsy hipster elements. I'm not hipster at all but its what they love, you see it all over their twitters and instagrams.

I think the trick is to use good quality ingredients so like instead of using a printer try and use a typewriter and get your paper from a craft store, they'll be like 99 cents each. A trick for getting/using a real typewriter is to take your paper into an antique shop and find a manual typewriter. The whole process takes like 5 minutes and it's free. After that all you need is some kind of frame and obviously that's up to you. The whole thing can be done for under 20 bucks but if your girl every sees other "artists" who do this stuff she'll see it going for hundreds or thousands of dollars or highlighted in a gallery lol

>> No.2905960

Google translate Quevedo's poems instead!

>> No.2905996

kinda gay dude, get her a hot outfit to wear for you in the bedroom

>> No.2906037

yea but doing something ghey like this will result in a weeks worth of sex. Every time she sees it sitting on the table +1 for me.

>> No.2906073


Get her the BBC.

>> No.2906078

Replace Erika with her name:

On the heath, there blooms a little flower
and it's called Erika.
Eagerly a hundred thousand little bees,
swarm around Erika.
For her heart is full of sweetness,
a tender scent escapes her blossom-gown.
On the heath, there blooms a little flower
and it's called Erika.

Back at home, there lives a little maiden
and she's called Erika.
That girl is my faithful little darling
and my joy, Erika!
When the heather blooms in a reddish purple,
I sing her this song in greeting.
On the heath, there blooms a little flower
and it's called Erika.

In my room, there also blooms a little flower
and it's called Erika.
Already In the grey of dawn, as it does at dusk,
It looks at me, Erika!
And it is as if it spoke aloud:
"Are you thinking of your fiancée?"
Back at home, a maiden weeps for you
and she's called Erika.

>> No.2906088

>buying both cards
you can just put the other one back on the shelf
Address: 0xdeadbeefdeadbeefdeadbeefdeadbeefdeadbeef

>> No.2906091

>1 year anniversary gift is "paper" My plan is to just give her a poem framed or something simple girls fall for easy
kek she is going to divorce you

have fun losing half your shit

>> No.2906102


ahaha whores

>> No.2906160

holy shit the deadbeef address is real, with real money. I put it in as a joke.

>> No.2906165
File: 23 KB, 400x400, bd8d6ecfc10f0b6d90388ba9a6570d1b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anon, that's our song <3

>> No.2906589

Will give
All my love
And you just have
To skull fuck
Me on a daily basis

>> No.2906616

Absolutely genius. OP, do it.

>> No.2906637

Op, does marriage suck or what?

>> No.2906654

roses are red
violets are blue
please don't fuck niggers
while i'm at work

>> No.2906675

she's a dumb ass roastie if she accepts a fucking poem as her anniversary gift

>> No.2906709

>/biz/ - skimping on your wife so you can buy more shitcoins

>> No.2906728

For me thats the best poem about love /biz/bro

Kahlil Gibran on Love
if you like ;)

>> No.2906897

When we met I'd almost given up
On love, on hope, on God above
But at my worst, a light shown up
Through the dark my great white dove

I took my time and built my case
Solid foundation, wrapped in lace
Of why you make my heartbeat race
When I see you in this silly place

Your eyes burn through, your curves devour
All of me at every hour
Your smile true, your spirit flowers
Unwaived by sweet words gone a sour

I couldn't leave you with all my might
Thanking god for our bed every night
I love you now as I have forever
A small word left, intended clever

Please love, know how much I care, and how forever, I'll be there


All one word

>> No.2906913


>> No.2907455


ETH wallet:

>> No.2907465

holy fuck i didn't even read your post

>> No.2907559


Dude just get a scrap book and print some photos out and glue them in. I did that and it went over great

>> No.2907582


ohh shit i lol'd

>> No.2907618

Get tickets to a show. Half arsed poems = shitpaper.

>> No.2907680
File: 3.04 MB, 590x633, 1496890508450.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Trips have decided

>> No.2907700
File: 80 KB, 288x211, 1495838463864.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Watch OP's woman give him her paper gift, divorce papers

>> No.2907706
File: 200 KB, 393x393, IMG_2218.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How much btc do I need to bone your wife. Please?

>> No.2907720

heartfelt, true, and not cornball. not rhyming is so dante and the fucking niggers part is so 2017.1

gentlemen, all your prose is shit compared to this masterpiece combining the past present and future into a glorious efficient and eloquent work of tremendous depth and magnificence.

Good sir, you won the internet today.

>> No.2907743

>Baby, you the one
>With you I will always come
>For that big fat ass