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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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29048774 No.29048774 [Reply] [Original]

Link is worth around 32$, its supply is 1billion coins, why do you fags think it will reach any higher price than it already is?

Every high priced coin is low total supply (under 100mil).

So yes its price increase slowly, but at best we are looking 30% early price bumps.

Now look at ripple there is 100billion of ripple coins, its price correlates perfectly with this 100times more supply, around 100times less worth than Link (who already reached its max worth as well)

>> No.29048926

what i am trying to say investing in coins with billions of in supply since wortthless? if you actually want stable yearly gains on already established coins, bet on LTC, ETH, BTC

>> No.29049053

Look up what a node is

>> No.29049140

wow you are so smart and so right. just sold all my link.

>> No.29049372

Ill stick with LTO, 7% apy leasing, 50% of supply already leased, oh and due to the LTO math/tokenomics a wall of money will exit LINK and go straight into LTO. Q3. Old /biz was better, they put work in!

>> No.29049468

Don’t forget to not wipe

>> No.29049566

The entire crypto market value is less than Tesla, you can literally throw a dart and land on any top 500 coin and it’ll x10000 by the time we reach SME levels.

Go fucking kill yourself, your parents don’t love you, you’ll die childless and nobody will claim your body when the police discover a swollen repulsive decomposed body hanging from a rope.

>> No.29049666

The fact that LINK has such a large supply and still managed to break $20, let alone $30, is a testament to how great it is. I hope all link marines prosper, they’ve earned it.

>> No.29049713

sure thing nigger, keep dreaming you can x10000 your money as if ((((((((them))))))))) will allow that to happen

>> No.29050099

When it is expected that most of the tokens will be locked up in staking, you can consider the available supply to be lower. That's about it

>> No.29050114

This is 4chan faggot, you can say jew on here. Imagine being so absolutely smooth brained that you think they aren’t in on it already. When hyper inflation happens you will literally be sucking cocks for a piece of bread you shit colored waste of oxygen.

>> No.29050117


>> No.29050398

Price is dictated by demand yeah? Soon, most links will not be sitting on exchanges readily traded, they'll be sitting nodes. Sell orders will near vanish as everyone locks away their tokens in nodes to generate free income. There will be waves of drones hearing about this free income and will desperately try to secure fractions of links to join the fun. Buy orders skyrocket and sell orders disappear. What do you think might happen fren

>> No.29050394

It's 2x tesla

>> No.29050639

Because every old fag Linker does one thing with his Link - borrow and lend cycles leveraging interest rates. Once this is passed on to mid wit linkies, interest rates will spike to holy heaven and liquidtae the stinking leveraged linkers on aave and elsewhere

>> No.29050758

Because both eth and XRP hit $140 bil market caps in the last bull run. Link is only $12 bil at current circulating supply. And the total market cap for all of crypto will be 10 x bigger at this peak. It’s not unreasonable to think link could match the 140 bil market cap of eth from the previous run, with eth at a market cap of $500bil+

>> No.29051296

stay poor with your big boy 4 digit portfolio faggot

>> No.29051709

You have to be the most illiterate black cunt that has ever written on this board. Please put your neck under some guys knee and save 30 seconds of my life next time

>> No.29051713

>lol why do you guys think it'll hit 0.30
>lol why do you guys think it'll hit 1.00
>lol why do you guys think it'll hit 5.00
>lol why do you guys think it'll hit 9.00
>lol why do you guys think it'll hit 15.00
>lol why do you guys think it'll hit 20
>lol why do you guys think it'll hit 30
<---------------------------------------you are here
>lol why do you guys think it'll hit 50
>lol why do you guys think it'll hit 100
>lol why do you guys think it'll hit 300
>lol why do you guys think it'll hit 1000
>lol why do you guys think it'll hit 20,000

>> No.29051807

>missing VALUE for PRICE

>> No.29052015
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>Every high priced coin is low total supply (under 100mil).
what is eth?

>> No.29052100

This is retarded. People are retarded if they buy at a low price with high supply.

>> No.29052251

it has 114mil, so its pretty much fits the rule

>> No.29052278

>why do you fags think it will reach any higher price than it already is?
because of people like you

>> No.29052400

because i dare to ask questions? do you really think some shitcoin will actually be worth 1000's of dollars?

>> No.29052482
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>> No.29052598

oh shit, the coin price/supply meme only comes around toward the end of the bull cycle. Get ready to abandon ship, boys!

>> No.29052757

this anon gets it

>> No.29053041

oh I thought you were talking about link, no I don't think xrp will reach 1000's of dollars

>> No.29053187

How please sir

>> No.29053350

They deposit LINK on aave
Borrow LINK redeposit LINK and leverage their Link interests. They have an active interest to keep Link down to not get liquidated and lose their position. To kill them, do the same, with less leverage. Spiking interest rates on Link loans would liquidate the whole top 200 without serger

>> No.29053432
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We need flags

>> No.29053478

Fuck are you talking about, bitcoin alone is bigger than tesla let alone crypto.

>> No.29053697

Lol you are such a scared little cuck you actually think they can stop this? You underestimate the power of greed the game has changed the past 5 years. Stop being such a scared little beta.

>> No.29053735

exactly bitcoin is 900billion, tesla is 830billion

>> No.29054004

really i am? look at Ripple, its going like 4years being worthless sitting at the same 50cents, yet you fags keep dreaming it will reach 100's of dollars in value.
While if even reached 100$ value per coin.
its marketcap would be 10 000 000 000 000
10 trillion, which is basically 10times more than what bitcoin have now, its impossible.

>> No.29054802

crypto WILL be worth at least 10 trill in the next 5 years

>> No.29054944
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It's way overpriced already.

>> No.29054946

yes, but that would be worth of only ripple if each xrp would be worth 100$, and these delusional faggots think xrp will reach 35k$

>> No.29055251

litecoin is much safer bet, easily has 10x potential

>> No.29055591

is this really from the whitepaper? im only halfway done taking notes on it. why would sergey do this

>> No.29055897

Here’s a (you), now take your broken English shit fud and advice elsewhere. There should be another link thread where you can make another attempt. No need to spam threads like this. Obviously you just want to shill ltc, start that kind of thread. See how it goes, good luck

>> No.29057222

>total supply
doesnt know what smartcontracts are

>> No.29057719

litecoin omg he's trolling us

>> No.29057889
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Checked. This is what I love about LINK. I can rest easy knowing that the price will remain stable as per the brilliant design by Sergey and Team. No worries about wild fluctuations up or down. Just steady and stable like I like. Very comfy.

>> No.29058246

That's fake nigga