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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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29044791 No.29044791 [Reply] [Original]

Is ADA over as the new ETH killer now that BNB took over?

>> No.29044911

Bump. I dont wanna stay as a bagholder.

>> No.29045100

what about algo

>> No.29045169

Imagine buying this overpriced vaporware shit bubble when you can be rich buying Avax.

>> No.29045241

imagine not buying ADA before coinbase listing and under $1 LOL holy fuck biz is full of retards

>> No.29045268

Which is it then? Avax or. Algo?

>> No.29045311

BNB is centralized.
AVAX is ok.
DOT is good.
ADA is best if they can pull it off

>> No.29045377

Will they pull it off tho?

>> No.29045585

Checked. By end of year I’d imagine they’ve made a lot of progress. True the progress has been slow but this was never a get rich quick hold. Biz is either shill, fud in order to shill, or just straight up scams. Before ADA hit 0.90 this board never talked about it. Now that it has, everyone and their mother wants to fud the shit out of it so they can get in cheaply. It’ll make good gains this year, but it’s a multi year investment most likely

>> No.29045664

it will be more clear by summer...don't recommend selling yet...

>> No.29045674

Looking at the team I think so, but nothing is guaranteed. It is taking a lot of time, but not rushing leads to better project results so long as it isn’t bogged down internally

>> No.29045937

ADA is shitcoin :) Ada's Technology worse than waves

>> No.29046126

I think ADA will hit at least 1.50 to 2.00 this summer. Only reason I'm holding on really. I still think ETH is gonna be king.

>> No.29046125

Yes, ADA is ETH 3.0. This is going to be 10$ during this bull run.

>> No.29046242

easiest 10x of our lifetime. never been this comfy

>> No.29046302
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>> No.29046357
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>ADA is an ETH killer

What does it do? Aside from not having smart contracts, dapps, use cases, transactions and a dedicated development team?

>> No.29046422

>wait for these things to come out before buying
you will not make it anon KEK

>> No.29046544
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Do your own research but I'm going to leave this pic for you.

>> No.29046691

Yup. Esp now that BTC is moving up to a new ATH. Everything else will follow. ADA will hit 1.5$ in the next 2 weeks or so. Then it will start, news about apps migrating to Cardano network from ETH and by the summer it will have higher MC than ETH. ETH 2.0 will never be released.

>> No.29046702


>> No.29047075

nope. Cardano is positioned to become the world computer that Ethereum aspired to be, and no other project comes anywhere close to that.
BFT protocol

>> No.29047169

yes, it is locked in. They know exactly where they are going and how to get there. Other projects code by hackathon and pizza party and have nice ideas but no clear path to get there, and they get lost along the way. Not the case with Cardano at all. Victory is inevitable.

>> No.29047189

Are you staking? If so which wallet?

>> No.29047332

Theranos 2.0 was never going to be the eth killer

>> No.29047375

charles is laughing at you. he's the geroge rr martin of crypto. he cashed out before he finished the project.

>> No.29047652

>Now that it has, everyone and their mother wants to fud the shit out of it so they can get in cheaply.

Imagine being both so weak and so mentally ill that you believe /biz/ is most of the crypto market and that your room temp IQ posting turns the tides of economic success and ruin. It's honestly breathtaking.

>> No.29047797

10 validator, hypercentralized, bnb is the opposite of what crypto should be.

>> No.29047816

I will hold and if this doesnt grow in 3 years i will sell it all.

>> No.29047904

Wouldve made a diff 6 months ago now its too late ada will stay around .90$ until the bear cycle kicks in and then drop to 0.30$

>> No.29047914

BNB is a temporary solution while ETH chokes.
ADA will be king.

>> No.29047952


>> No.29048028

Kek, that chart isn't even of Cardano. Nice fud, more creative than usual.

>> No.29048115
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I use yoroi personally and connect via a ledger for more security.

>> No.29048234

ada is the next bnb
bsc is technically shit, its just like ether but because noone uses it compared to eth its still cheap

ada is technologically much more advanced then both chains and will do fucking good when the time comes

>> No.29048324

>Waiting with buying Cardano til it's on Coinbase, has smart contracts and dapps
It's like you want to stay poor.

>> No.29048333
File: 240 KB, 1920x1080, 002-hbar-usd-dev-tool-MINOR-edit-for-ada-facts.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>How long has it been? 3 Days? 4 Days? It's crabbing at 92 cents
>Look at this attached chart for Cardano just crabbing over an entire two weeks
>No smart contracts still after 4 years. deadlines keep getting pushed back and back despite muh April deadline (was December before)
>No projects being developed for it (Polkadot already has ~360). no one can post a link to any projects
>Scaling still 2 years away (phase 4 of 5). everything is hypothetical
>Governance still 3 years away (phase 5 of 5)
>Only 40,000 transactions on it currently a day. Ethereum does 1.5 million.
>My wife is leaving me
>Literal ghost chain, Tron and BNB have more utility. charles is spamming transactions with high volume to make it look like people are using it
>Almost certainly a security
>He had dinner with Shatner, a fucking leaf
>This will crash the chink gpu farms in favor of white countries to virtue signal for Africa
>Charles did a cock tribute to Lush Rimbaugh. He's boomer tiered alt-light
>Prove you're not white supremacist and sell your ADA now. You're not a Cardano holding NAZI are you? Antifa will doxx all your wallets.
enjoy alt season as this pumps with everything else but those bags are going to be heavy afterward

>> No.29048458

the D parameter for ADA is about to hit zero soon and it will become the most decentralized crypto in the world. but you guys should wait before you buy, wait for coinbase listing, wait for D to = zero, wait for goguen, wait for the price to hit $10. then buy KEK stupid money will make smart money rich as fuck.

>> No.29048543

omg bro im so scared of antifa fags KEK do you realize where you are posting anon, you're a nazi by definition. enjoy getting your shit pushed in by twig antifa fem boys LOL

>> No.29048571

just 2 more weeks

>> No.29048622
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>> No.29048645

Nice FUD going to buy more now. Thx

>> No.29048683
File: 2.36 MB, 3000x4000, chinknadian-marriage.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bitch, I'm Canadian now from marriage.

My Prime Minister is Cuban.
My Rambo is blue
My hand's whiter than you.

>> No.29048734


>h-he said they're adding more liquidity

>> No.29048920

>didn't buy at 4 cents
hurr two more weeks r-r-right?
>didn't buy at 7 cents
it's goin' back to 3 cents bros hahaha
>didn't buy at 12 cents
charles is a known scammer 4 cents tomorrow watch!
>didn't buy at 16 cents
imagine buying the biggest scam in crypto hahahaha
>didn't buy at 30 cents
bros its going back to 12 cents, 50% retrace is inevitable
>didn't buy at 60 cents
why would i buy the top haha you guys are gonna get rekt
>didn't buy at 70 cents
this thing is about to crash any day now.
>didn't buy at 80 cents
you saw that dip to 70 cents? it's all gonna crash soon you'll see
>didn't buy at 90 cents
1 dollar ADA is never gonna happen
>you are here

soon you faggots will claim it's going back under $1 because you'll have circle jerked yourselves into a corner. buy, don't buy, ADA will go up regardless.

whale just opened several stake pools with 32M ADA in each one, something big is coming, it started FEB 1st and all of these stake pools are getting ready for the 32M saturation point. if you don't know what any of this means just go play with some lego blocks and let the adults make money.

>> No.29048966

piss off slanty

>> No.29049029

D-did you poop in the snow to have it in the background anon?

>> No.29049129

buy my bags

>> No.29049431
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We Canadians are classy folk, only poop on the louvre.

>> No.29049619

I noticed you have no argument

>> No.29049702

>No smart contracts still after 4 years
building things correct the first time vs launching with garbage. Smart contracts live in April. Retard-tier-fud.
>No projects being developed for it.
Lie that has been pointed out before, yet you keep posting it.
~100+ projects being developed for Cardano.
Public projects include, SingularityNET, DNATags, Celsius Network, Beefchain, AgeUSD Algorithmic Stablecoin and the list will keep growing.
Project Catalyst round 4 fund for DAPP developers at $1,000,000 in funding is going live now. Keep cope-posting this retardation though. It's quite bullish.
>Scaling still 2 years away (phase 4 of 5)
Cardano is already 150 TPS and with tuning it'll be 1,000 TPS on the base layer before scaling. Scaling beyond that is simply NOT NEEDED AT ALL right now on any chain.
Ouroboros Hydra development is already underway and will take Cardano into the 1 million+ TPS range. like all your fud, another great meaningless point.
>Governance still 3 years away (phase 5 of 5)
Governance already up and running. Cardano is ALREADY OPERATING THE WORLD'S LARGEST DAO through Project Catalyst. Get your basic facts straight retard.
Governance will continue to evolve going forward, but it's already more successful than any other project in crypto history, and larger than any DAO on earth ALREADY.
>Only 40,000 transactions on it currently a day. Ethereum does 1.5 million
and smart contracts are not even live yet, what a stupid-ass comparison. are you retarded?
>Literal ghost chain, Tron and BNB have more utility
Rank #2 in on-chain activity behind Bitcoin... without native assets (tokens) or smart contrats. TOP FUCKING KEK.
>Almost certainly a security
More mongloid-tier-limp-fud. Launched in Japan, Most decentralized project in crypto.
Sorry you're priced out anon.

>> No.29049799
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desperate COPE

>> No.29050087

Thank you anon. These other faggots are so mad they didn’t buy before .30
And they’ll continue being mad all the way up to $20-$50 over the next few years until they fomo in

>> No.29050124

Coinbase ada listing holyshit the only way they getting on there is because how stupid u shilldano niggas are worse then the xrp crowd

>> No.29050231

>cope, cope, cope, cope, cope

>> No.29050355

stay mad, buy under $1 or live a life of regret and sadness

>> No.29050433

50/50 ada and bnb I LITERALLY CANNOT LOSE

>> No.29050435

Nice argument I’ll probably sell now