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2904329 No.2904329 [Reply] [Original]

Diagnosed with cancer 4 weeks ago. Have no family and friends who are willing to help me. 3rd world country so the healthcare sucks. What do I do /biz/? Should I just kms? What would you do in my situation?

>> No.2904337

Damn that sucks, sorry to hear that op, rob a bank or something extreme, if you get caught explain this and hope u get media coverage and help

>> No.2904350

Cut the cancer out yourself.

>> No.2904353

Just move to Canada and become a plumber.

>> No.2904372


would Trudeau allow cancer patients in and leech off their healthcare?

>> No.2904373

Do you want to give up?

If not, be as healthy as you possible can. Only eat vegetables. Research fasting (some lady cured her cancer from going on a fast [water only] for a week. But do your own research).

In the words of /v/: get gud faggot

>> No.2904439

kek im laffing @ u so hard rite now

enjoy dying young

>> No.2904448

>Research fasting
Don't. It's been thoroughly debunked. Stop giving shit advice to people in shit situation.

>> No.2904449

You seem legit, ill tell you a secret to remove cancer. You should do fasting for 21 days. Feel free to drink water but do not eat anything solid. In the first 4 days, you will feel intense hunger but it will subside on the 5th day The science with this is simple, after your body has exhausted its fat supply, it will begin to eat excess cells. Those excess cells include muscle fibers and cancer cells which will be converted to glucose. Contrary to popular belief, it will take 41 days for hunger to kill a person. It is up to you if you believe me or not. Follow this or you die. Good luck!

>> No.2904452 [DELETED] 


>> No.2904464

Only if you're Muslim.

>> No.2904472

What a load of shit. You are literally telling him to starve and kill himself.

This is absolute nonsens. Get to a doctor dude. Even 3rd world countries have doctor.

I'm a doctor in a 3rd world country btw.

>> No.2904477

Yes OP. Do this if you want to die a bit sooner.
>inb4 lol wikipedia
Who are you going to trust. Random autist on 4chan or scientific consensus?

>> No.2904480

What country?

>> No.2904506 [DELETED] 

YMake your life have meaning and value by killing as many jews as possible. If death has chosen you now, then at least do everything you can to help save the living good people. kill jews kill alot of jews and you will be blessed

>> No.2904515

yes goy get chemotherapy goy it works..

..like 1% of the time but it's worth a try

whaddoya have to lose

>> No.2904526

Unironically: you could immigrate to a Western European country illegally. Most illegals are not deported, and most countries provide healthcare if needed. You obviously speak English well enough, so if you are refused access to health, this is when you start a stink on social media asking why are healthy "refugees" from Somali given full care and you as a dying cancer patient aren't. Or you could look up antifa and open borders associations, these fuckers will literally hold your hand through ways to scam the system as long as you're not white.

>> No.2904530

Your not a doctor. Like I said, it is up to OP if he believes me or not. This process is 100% safe provided that he does not live in a shit hole as his immune system will be weak during this time. It will take 30 days for the human body to start eating critical organs such as the heart. OP will only do this for 21 days and during that time ALL UNNECESSARY CELLS including cancer cells will be ELIMINATED since the body will literally be eating it.

>> No.2904531

non irony,

get on a plane on a tourist visa for some country in northern europe, commit a non violent crime with the Intention to get imprisoned,

tell them you are sick and have cancer

>> No.2904532

seems legit. also do cbd, you got nothing to lose

>> No.2904533


I already have a doctor. My problem's with money for the treatments and the checkups.

>> No.2904536
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good luck with that shit

>> No.2904540


thanks for this link. good tl;dr to skim and reject articles

>> No.2904551

the source for fasting is from 2009

this is newer:

idk i'd try it

>> No.2904558

Nice rebuttal. I can sense strong factual evidence in your argument. How could real scientists ever compete?

>> No.2904562


oyy veyyy

>> No.2904565



>> No.2904610

First, what types of cancer . Liver cancer?
Brain ? Melanoma ? It would make a lot of difference .
It you're not larping, you're your best doctor . Today's cancer treatment are shit . Chemo works like 3% of the time and let you with terrible side effects . Eat well, sleep well, try fasting yes, even though some faggot that eat shit on a daily basis on this board will try to convince you it doesn't work , this isn't their fault, they're victim of some misinformation . And , try and google rick Simpson oil . A lot say it is a huge scam, whatever . I've encountered enough people that high grade THC oil has cured their cancer to say it is legit. You have nothing to lose, it doesn't mean you will get cured , but those are your best hopes

>> No.2904648

Is this board really so full of imbeciles who believe that alternative cures besides chemo work?

>> No.2904651


nasopharyngeal cancer. marijuana is illegal in my country and heavily frowned upon but I guess I have to check it out soon

>> No.2904656

I'm sure you live in SEA.

>> No.2904668


scrape money together, get to northern europe on vacation, get arrested and imprisoned, they fix anything in prison in countries like Sweden or Norway. And, you are out in a few years,

if you cant afford actual treatments where you are at you re gone anyways, you have nothing to lose.

>> No.2904681

I wonder if you are misleading him on purpose or you're merely brainwashed by "alternative medicine". Chemotherapy is only one of
several possible treatments, including radiation, surgery or combination of all. All these treatments are proven to increase survival rate. Unlike your "alternative" bullshit. By the way, guess which choice did Steve Jobs make.
Oncologist is there to decide the best course of action. I realize that OP living in a 3rd world shithole is in a difficult situation, but surely even 3rd world country has oncologists.

>> No.2904703

Sounds like a plan. I wonder though if they could not simply deport him back. If treatment in OP's country is a no-go, this might be the only option.

>> No.2904722

I did not go to the doctor yet, but I'm sure there is something wrong with my lung. I was a smoker for 3 years, but I quit after I feel hurt on my chest.

Everyone going to die someday anyway so I think that live long doesn't matter. It's what you do when you live matter. If I can go back in time, I will smoke again. It's the only thing that I help me when I'm stress.

I dont want to be an old man on his chair with alzheimer or other disease. Better die when I'm still on track.

>> No.2904730

So /biz/ isn't full of scammers: you people really believe everything you read on the internet.

>> No.2904736

This many posts without an address getting posted for donations, /biz/ scammers are evolving.

>> No.2904766


good guess. i do. also will get killed 4 drugs because du30

>> No.2904774

Probably pack my shit and go hitchhiking across the country to see life. If i die from something during the trip, so be it.

>> No.2904787

who else plans to stay below $37,950 for LTCG?

>> No.2904799

Try some experimental cancer cures aka Clinical Trials

>> No.2904850

try going raw vegan, this has many cancer patients in the past as often times cancer is attributed to an unhealthy diet. I hope this helps OP. Good luck, stay healthy and i hope you get better!

>> No.2904882

weed. lots of it.

>> No.2904889

>Third world country

>> No.2904891
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Eat raw vegetables LOTS of it, and get good sleep habit, drink water, exercise a bit sweating eliminates toxins, same for getting rid of fat.
Cancer strikes like 1 out of 2 persons, it clearly is a problem related with our way of life and alimentation.

>> No.2904907


How old are you?

>> No.2904933
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Cannabis oil or CBD. Try it. Good luck anon.

>> No.2904951

This is bullshit of the highest level, you guys are twats and I hope you don't treat your finances as you treat your healthcare (believing random google shit).

>> No.2904977


it doesnt hurt trying tru but i hope i get to summon up mental energy to do it

>> No.2904981

Watch documentary "the truth about cancer"

Read up what people with the same type of cancer did and who of them ended up dead

There are quite a few genuine cures out there

Cannabis, keto diet (sugar feeds cancer cells), raising pH (cancer likes acidic pH)...

Don't give up

>> No.2905012

Do you have access to medical care? I feel bad for you OP.

>> No.2905017

>some people recommend keto
>some people recommend vegan
>polar opposites

>> No.2905033


It worked for Steve Jobs.

>> No.2905039

What kind of cancer, OP?

>> No.2905082

Not really opposite, just coming from a different angle

Raw vegan cuts out carbohydrates (you should not eat much fruit), raises pH, cuts out crap that is in a "normal" modern diet and helps your immune system to get everything on track again.

Keto is mainly a hardcore cancer cell starve cure, because you get rid of all the sugar in you system and force it to life of metabolising protein and fat.

It would be possible to do Keto for a few months, then slowly! switch to raw vegan as a long term diet.

But for all diets or treatments, search for experience reports first and see if the people who tried it still life.

>> No.2905108

As a reply to some post above :

It is not all that black or white . There is grey . You're right talking about surgery . But I wouldn't put chemo and surgery in the same boat . Surgery is a good option as well yes . Steve Jobs is just one individual and it is not because he was famous and alternative medicine didn't work for him that it cannot necessarily work for others . Same for the opposite . The best bet for OP is to try it all . Cutting sugar, taking RSO, surgery, no stressful environment , fasting .
As for chemo, I remain extremely skeptical giving the rate it has helped people . And its long term side effects . I didn't mean to bash every " normal " procedure when it comes to cancer and to go full alternatives . Unfortunately those " alternatives " are sometimes bashed by people that never researched or tried to see if it has worked for some at least . It did . Disagree on it If you like . We are in 2017 and despite all the progress we have made, we haven't a 100% sure cure for cancer , weither it is " alternative " or " allopathic " . Good luck OP . Again, your best bet is to try as much possible known " cure " as possible . I don't mean to jump on everything you read online . Gather as much anecdotal experience as you can and check if there is some science behind it . At least .
In before , yes there is for RSO and fasting . But on those , anecdotal experience means much more in my opinion

>> No.2905116

ITT: OP larps for attention and you empathetic losers fall for it.

>> No.2905121

Wheat grass

>> No.2905167
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>> No.2905202

Shit bro I don't know. Sorry you're in this I wish you the best

>> No.2905209

lmao tell that to my fucking grandma , SHE NEVER DRANK , NEVER SMOKED , she lived in the countryside , eating mostly natural stuff, guess what SHE DIED AT 60 of leukemia .. it s all bushit , yes indeed some things INCREASE the risks , but it s a fucking russian roulette nontheless

>> No.2905214

I still have faith in my european ancestors when it comes to curing myself.
Talking of random shit, you are one and I discard you like you say i should discard internet bs.

Be in the right state of mind.
It's close to useless to want to cure while doing a stressful/nasty job for exemple.

>Steve Jobs
>implying doing the shit things he did is being healthy in every way
He asked for cancer, living the shit egomaniacal life he lived.

>> No.2905267

And my grandma smoked all of her life; the doctor said her lungs were in perfect shape, both your and my story about our grandmas do not make sense and they still happened.
There is the genetic, but the way of life is also very important and we obviously live like shit. I'm not a vegan at all, it's just that when people are told to ''eat healthy'', they often just buy transformed non-fresh foods, its the freshness thats important; cooking kills everything good in the aliments, we used to cook aliments to kill the bacterias and parasites in our meat.

>> No.2905318

OP I really feel for you.

/Biz is full of retards. Alternative medicine is not effective on rare and aggressive cancers like the one OP has. Most likely they will need to cut the cancer out and leave him disfigured. That's if the cancer hasn't spread. If he doesn't have the money for treatment in the Philippines he sure as shit can't travel to foreign countries and get this done. He will need lots of money from donations or Doctors willing to do the surgeries for free.

>> No.2905322

Lots of ideologies from veganism, keto, fasting, and eating raw clashing here. I also have never smoked in my life and know some of my peers who can smoke a lot in a day and theyre still healthy af :(

>> No.2905335


They're planning to treat it with chemo + radiotherapy but I feel like its spreading to my brain because it seems like im losing some functions. Ripperoni

>> No.2905350

Do you think this is bullshit?
I cured my cancer by doing something more or less so, the only difference being that I took juice from 10 lemons daily as well.

>> No.2905357

I'm telling him to immigrate to Western Europe and you post news about the US. Good going, you humongous retard.

>> No.2905360

Half oz organic high cbd weed daily.

Can't be grown with pesticides or synthetic nutrients.

Literally might reduce tumor growth. Look up the studies on Google scholar.

Godspeed, it might help.

>> No.2905363

There's been several such cases in the past where murderers were not deported because it was ruled sending them back to their countries would be an effective murder sentence due to the lack of medical services.

>> No.2905372


Did you do anything else than fasting? Were u still able to function on the last day?

>> No.2905412

Fasting + 5 Tibetan rites in the morning just after waking up.

Actually I lied when fasting and the lemon juice. In fact I also took juice from other fruits like melon and watermelon diluted with water sometimes. The most important is not ingesting protein.

A few days after I started it was the most intense period of my life. I've never felt so willing. After that I realized that hunger is more psychological than real. She slept on average 2 to 4 hours a day. I think maybe my body was wasting more energy to break down food and turn it into energy than the energy I could get from food.

The business is when you're hungry drink as much water as you can that hunger passes.

I'm not telling anyone to do this, everyone who makes their decision. I stopped fasting because I ended up getting really thin.

>> No.2905444

Fasting is something kind of hardcore, I did because I felt I could do it.
I recommend you read the books of Doctor Hiromi Shinya. He was the creator of the colonoscopy and treated several patients with cancer and none had recurrence.
I also read several books on the subject before I fast. At the time I decided that if I had to do chemo or radiotherapy to survive I would rather die. I find these treatments very aggressive and if I were to die I would end up spending my last days with no quality of life at all and a lot of pain.

>> No.2905457


i dont have a solution but i wish you the best my friend

>> No.2905460


Don't pull a steve jobs OP
spend your last days pigging out not fuckin starving yourself

>> No.2905470

I'm not here to tell anyone to do anything, I'm just saying that it worked for me.

>> No.2905842

Do you think it's different here?

>> No.2906059

if you're on meds/doing treatments it's hard to have an appetite on top of feeling sick

>> No.2906094

You mean stage 4 cancer? You might still have a chance, if you can endure the chemo. Ignore the statistics you've read online because they're outdated.

>> No.2906187

Survive /biz bro
Ignore stats as if you buy some shitcoins
Hope for the moon

>> No.2906308

You have bitcoin? Buy the drugs yourself. Roid sellers already stock tamoxifen, ask if they can get you the stuff you need.

>> No.2906580

>living the shit ego maniacal life he lived
What does that have to do with cancer?

>> No.2906632

Yes?? What kind of question is that. Even if you don't work in any field related to statistics, medicine and immigration, all this information is public and available. There's literally a million migrants who came to Germany in the last year and all of them get treated for free, it's a huge burden on social security as their teeth are in a terrible state and a good number of them have HIV.

>> No.2906662

sorry to hear...

What stage? that makes a big difference you know... keep your chin up.

>> No.2906693
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>> No.2907151

What does that do? Got given a small bottle of it from friends

>> No.2907791

i don't have cancer so i never looked deeply but apparently these marihuana oils are super effective against it. From first hand exp. mates mum was putting it on melanoma and it cleared 100%.

>> No.2907811

OP, this is the only option other than starving yourself to death. You have only to gain. Best of luck

>> No.2907827

lol yeah this. you get internet and playstation and play tennis in swedish prisons apparently

>> No.2907842


sent ;)

>> No.2907898

I'm sorry OP, I wish I had a good idea, but I don't. The only thing I can think about is that don't forget about your sleep. It's very important to sleep for recovery of any kind, I'm sure it applies to you too. If I would be in your shoes, I think I would try to prioritize this, whatever it takes. I know that it is probably difficult to sleep because of all kinds of reasons, maybe look into supplements like melatonin spray, and cover your eyes when you go to bed. Good luck.

>> No.2907930

hopefully it's butthole cancer.

>> No.2907955

Ok, so considering that prisons in Sweden and Norway are basically 5-star hotels in comparison to American prisons... If somebody has like nothing to lose, would it be a bad idea for them to move there and try to make money selling/transporting drugs or some other such criminal venture? Worst case scenario, you get to spend a few years in a comfy as fuck facility where you get actual food and don't have to worry about being shanked to death by Tyrone on a daily basis.

>> No.2908552

Thank you all for responding /biz/. You have given me good insights on what I could do. Currently my eye's on migrating/fasting but the buying chemo drugs with bitcoin seems like a good idea (if its allowed to ship in my country).

>> No.2908558

start cooking meth. worst thing you could get healthcare on prison. best thing you could pay it yourself.

>> No.2908565

nigger you are not going anywhere with cancer. no legal migrant program would accept you without a medical exam that shows a catastrophic disease. better kill yourself. forget the meth advice.

>> No.2909468


try eating apricot kernal seeds, apparently its a miracle cure they keep under wraps

>> No.2909634

Go to Norway
Commit crime
Enjoy free 5 star resort and healthcare

>> No.2909831

Time to make your peace with God - invite Jesus into your life!
Ask him to reveal himself to you and be your lord and savior !
Do everything you can now to make sure your love ones can survive while you are away!
Try to be a blessing to everyone around you and don't stop smiling... give your hard times to God and ask him to give you the strength you need right now
Try and forgive anyone who has wronged you in the past!
Count every blessing you have and thank your friends for being good friends.
If you have wronged other people confess your sins and say sorry
Let the peace of God be upon you. He will help carry your loads.

>> No.2909888


worst advice 10/10