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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 224 KB, 1870x1199, golden-binance-coins.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
29036405 No.29036405 [Reply] [Original]

It's not too late.

This is like watching BTC take off all over again.

>its not going to $1
>its not going to $10
>its not going to $100
>its not going to $1000
>its not going to $10000
>its not going to $100000
>its not going to $1000000
>its not going to $10000000
>its not going to $100000000

The same people who are telling you that it will never hit $1000 are the same people that told you that BTC wouldn't hit $1000.

Make no mistake, BNB is going to kill ETH, and it's going to do that soon, within months possibly.

After that, there only is one more coin to overtake, and BNB has the utility, the dev team, and the backing to do it.

>> No.29037738

I keep buying the top of this but it never stops. Can you give me some more hope anon, what makes this coin moon more from what it already has?

>> No.29038071

Dude, I've been buying in daily since $40, and I bought more already today.

It's going to provide the utility of ETH with the stability and store of value which BTC has.

Everyone knows that this is going to flip ETH, but I'm not sure everyone knows that it has a very, very good chance of flipping BTC too.

It's the native currency of the worlds largest crypto exchange, this isn't some fast food meme coin.

>> No.29038184

anon.... you can make a strong case for bnb, but when you say things like it has a good chance of flipping btc, you out yourself as a complete retard that can't be taken seriously at all.

>> No.29038265

>when you say things like it has a good chance of flipping btc, you out yourself as a complete retard

Name one single coin with a better chance.

>> No.29038285
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All the chatter on telegram suggests that its due for a massive crash sometime soon so I would just wait till it corrects itself to atleast 119 or 135

>> No.29038324
File: 152 KB, 1300x535, Flippening.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

BTC probably not, but ETH is inevitable

>> No.29038453


>massive crash

dude the demand for BNB has never been greater. The mass migration from ERC20 to BNC has begun and we need BNB for our ferry token

BNB is not going anywhere anytime soon

>> No.29038464

top kek
wierd how you always see these posts at the peak of a pump right? not after the 70% correction

>> No.29038536

There's going to be a SMALL dip at 200, but it is still going to overtake ETH.

>> No.29038590

>implying cz would let this shit crash

>> No.29038619

BNB flipping bitcon would mean crypto is dead.

>> No.29038678
File: 44 KB, 549x686, 1515467139768.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP here.

I watched people panic sell BTC at $0.06 in 2009 when it 'crashed' from $0.12

I eventually bought into BTC at $150 a coin.

I'm telling you, this is the closest thing I've seen to BTC since then.

>> No.29038825
File: 58 KB, 422x532, argtjhykyut.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

can a richfag help a noob out? im still waiting for verification, but i'm not sure what to do when I get started. do I dump fiat into BNB to start, then exchange a percentage of it into BTC / ETH for holding, then invest the rest into other shitcoins to hopefully flip a profit?

>> No.29038995

you clearly got in crypto a few days ago right? you have no idea what's the point of crypto right? you don't know what decentralization means right? i'll just go with the fact that you are new otherwise it means you are absolutely fucking retarded

>> No.29039028

are you fucking blind? it has an actual use case.

>> No.29039142

99% of people don't care if it's decentralized if you have to pay a $50 fee per trade or more, deal with it grandpa

>> No.29039174

Crypto is all about Decentralized Finance

Shill me on why I should invest in a centralized Exchange (who can disappear in an instant)

>> No.29039176

Why cant I connect to metamask on pancake swap

>> No.29039196

How many salty ETH miners can you spot ITT?

I'm seeing four at least.

>> No.29039252

Tell me anon: how many Exchanges have disappeared in an instant "due to a hack" and taken everyones money

>> No.29039344

Where can I get BNB with ETH without KYC?

>> No.29039462

You really think CZ would disappear the biggest exchange for crypto in the world?

>> No.29039471

Can someone explain this crazy pump? is it because of Binance Smart chain becoming more standard for Defi since BNB fees are so much lower than ETH?

>> No.29039578

You’ll see why the token must be decentralized eventually lol

>> No.29039592
File: 76 KB, 640x480, f5030ca44720fc918128605f6c9306b6486b8d68.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pretty much.

BNB isn't a meme coin, people are using it to save $1000s in gas fees right fucking now.

>> No.29039614

>this is the closest thing I've seen to BTC since

literarily said about every single coin ever released

>> No.29039683

tell me anon, where is Jack Ma

>> No.29039690


>> No.29039701

Same as CRO I guess which seems to be heading up as well.

>> No.29039760

anons please...I need to know if I have it backwards >>29038825 >>29038825 >>29038825

>> No.29039772

Dude, I can remember core.onion .
I posted on the very original Torchan, and I can still recall the username fof the Admin.
I'm not a fake shill, I really did watch BTC 'crash' to $0.04, and I'm telling you, this is BTC all over again.

>> No.29039784
File: 8 KB, 333x151, download.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it sniffs a bit like Bcash

>> No.29039830
File: 12 KB, 200x215, 1612366656254.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.29039862

You know he’s not beyond manipulation for his own profit

>> No.29039944

Bnb will flip usd

>> No.29040137

Bnb will flip my ribeye that's on the grill

>> No.29040226

First thing to do is to use the practice bit of your exchange to get used to the interface, how you buy, sell, set limits and the basics.
Next you'll want to make a few very small trades with real money.
I'm not telling you what to buy, but you look like you're new to /biz/, so I'd advise you to watch out for all of the scam coins shilled on here, and definately don't invest in anything named after a fast food franchise.

>> No.29040231

How can I find these telegram groups ?

>> No.29040301

famous last words

>> No.29040349

You have much to learn if you think that blockchain technology starts and ends at DeFi

>> No.29040446

it has its own literal eth killer network and its used to reduce fees on the most popular exchange on the planet

>> No.29040553

So its only use is to trade other coins? Doesn't sound like eth killer

>> No.29040619

>So its only use is to trade other coins? Doesn't sound like eth killer

What do you think ETH is used for?

>> No.29040673

Somebody put some sense into me before I put 4k into this literally FOMOing from the mouth right now

>> No.29040774

Do it, the bull market is far from over and this coin is going places.
Lots of normies are getting into crypto and many of them are doing so via binance and the BSC.

>> No.29040776

Imagine supporting centralized Binance in becoming the biggest crypto. You fags make me sick. Crypto was about decentralization

>> No.29040835

sounds about right. if BNB drops, or is a reasonable price by the time I start, would you say it's worth investing seeing as i'm using binance anyways? most exchanges give you reduced fees when using their own coin, right?

>> No.29040875

Yeah, I think if you use it you save 25% on Binance fees

>> No.29040895

Miss me with your ideological drivel, I'm here to make money.

>> No.29041003
File: 4 KB, 301x212, tehrasryj.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ok, thanks for the help fren. I just want to avoid wage slavery as much as possible

>> No.29041062

should i hold bnb or turn it all into things on bsc

>> No.29041092
File: 758 KB, 1080x2220, Screenshot_20210218-162935_Samsung Internet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just a reminder that BNB is literally pumping right after they transferred almost 1B freshly printed USDT to Binance.

>> No.29041208

For all the hot air about "decentralization", it's funny how 99% of crypto talk is all about how much your portfolio is worth when converted into US monopoly money. This shit has quadrupled my bags in a bit over three days and you can't stop me from making even more from this golden retard stampede.

>> No.29041463

If you're not in a good place financially, look at taking small steps to getting where you want to be.
I don't actually chase moonshots myself, I'm happy to see my stack grow steadily, year on year.
I don't want to be a billionaire, just comfortable.
The worst thing you can do is to take your entire investment and use it to buy $MCFUCKCOIN becuse it's getting shilled 87 times daily as the next x1000 moonshot.
This is what happens when you chase moonshots : https://coinmarketcap.com/currencies/askobar-network/

>> No.29041682

>The mass migration from ERC20 to BNC has begun
the only shit migrating to bsc are fly by night rugpull scams with funny animal names, because the poojeets with $200 net worth couldn't afford the membership fees to keep gambling at the big boy's table.

>> No.29041883
File: 43 KB, 960x781, 1612176130563.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whatever you say retard

>> No.29042112

Flash news, there are other crypto beside btc and eth, and they still keep the decentralization because that's what crypto is about. Crazy i know. You can get gamble and get your x2 from BSC rugpulls with all the frenzy that is going on right now if you're lucky, but saying that a centralized network will take over crypto it's literally the most retarded thing i've heard this year.

>> No.29042178

>Can't be purchased on coinbase
So its a nothing burger, got it

>> No.29042189

When SEC will sue for market manipulation, yes

>> No.29042280
File: 45 KB, 468x301, article-2099577-0249C527000004B0-421_468x301.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Can't be purchased on coinbase
>So its a nothing burger, got it

>> No.29042277

He found crypto 1 week ago so the answer will be 0

>> No.29042534

>the absolute state of burgers

>> No.29042575

i reckon he already has billions, he's not going to jeopardize all that by doing anything illegal

>> No.29042608

Exhange whatever you are going to trade on BSC for BEP20 tokens into BNB BEP20. Then from there do your swaps using pancake swap. Recommend a separate wallet if you intend to swing trade.

I'd say only put as much as you want to trade into BNB but BNB is also a good investment so you may consider holding more in either BNB BEP2 or BEP20.

Hope this helps.

>> No.29042719

Dear salty eth kikes,

Why be mad? You can't exit your positions due to high gas fees so your cash is going to auto-HODL.

Why not dump some on to BSC to hedge your ETH gains?

I mean you're missing out on the opportunity of a lifetime just because you worship ethereum.

>> No.29042827


Imagine thinking we are talking about a centralized network.

>> No.29042859
File: 520 KB, 888x894, 1569262973463.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

uh I'm thinking based

>> No.29042908

Also you may consider staking CAKE. It's probably the safest place to stake right now.

>> No.29043059

I'll ask again, where is Jack Ma?

>> No.29043105

Didn't he reappear recently.

>> No.29043186

Thanks for the signal bro. Just sold everything I had. Will buy back cheaper when you make FUD threads and get back on the money train.

>> No.29043368

>Just sold everything I had

Do tell, what did you sell it for?

inb4 $MCFUCKCOIN shilling

>> No.29043371

yeah in a hostage video reading from a script

>> No.29043448


Why would I talk you out of it

>> No.29043519


Take half and invest even stakes into 4-8 infrastructure projects like CAKE BAKE etc...

>> No.29043672

Jesus url me the video?

>> No.29044138
File: 117 KB, 1148x832, 34647548.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wtf is this chink shit: