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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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29027590 No.29027590 [Reply] [Original]

So pancakeswap volume is about to flip uniswap volume it is just washtrading and bots though ... right ? Eth is always the king ... right ? Surely a centralized chink copy can't flip eth... right ?

>> No.29027675

I can’t wait until Zero Exchange crashes into the top 5 DEX to sit between Uniswap and Pancake.
It’s going to be an busy few months ahead for DEX competitors.

>> No.29027697

10 cent fee vs $100 fee. tough choice

>> No.29027721

First mover advantage is a meme. Something will replace it.

Google was not the first search engine.
Alexa was not the first voice assistant
Microsoft was not the first operating system.

Something will replace eth. It’s just a case of when

>> No.29027839

Ofc anon chinks want to steal your money stay with jews and niggers mETH will show you to moon with 100$ fee

>> No.29027884

ye I used it and it feels like I was getting robbed on eth
but bsc is centralized

>> No.29027906

v2 aint even gonna save ETH fees, kek

>> No.29027954
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it will

>> No.29028078

yeah Uniswap and ETH are fucked, even fees on Uniswap dropped by like 50% because everyone moved over

>> No.29028224

i can't understand these people, who the f* needs panck platform when you have pangolin or swop? are you serious?

>> No.29028282

wtf is pangolin
it is not possible lmao u doesn't take any fees and eth fees are increasing because eth price is moving up

>> No.29028296

Surprise, surprise.... Not everyon is a richfag and can afford to waste $200 for a failed transaction

>> No.29028351

its OK Apeswap will crush pancakeswap eventually my fellow ape.

>> No.29028392

it is not about being a richfag I personally can spend $200 per transaction but why the fuck would I when I could spend 2 cents

>> No.29028410

Why is Zero Exchange/AVAX more decentralized/better than BSC?

>> No.29028509

Dunno, ask the ethkikes.
>"What, you don't want to spend hundreds on gas fees? Fitlhy poorfag"

>> No.29028579

no, fees are due to congestion, when Sushiswap was released fees were the same as they are now but ETH was a quarter of the price

>> No.29028708

BSC is the 2017 ICO, if you don't ride it to make literally 10x easy as fuck you just hate making money
Most newfags can barely navigate it, its really not difficult to out rugpull newfags

>> No.29028829
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>A centralised scam token will replace eth

>> No.29028897

I swear you r*dditfaggots just hate making money, literally noboy is in this shit for long term we're just riding easy money
If you're in crypto unironically for muh decentralised muh antibank you're literally retarded

>> No.29029048

People who are in it for the long term make the most money in the end because they could dump huge amounts into safe bets like BTC or LINK and hold for years. But otherwise you're right, no shame riding the BSC trend and making big money off it while also holding long term positions in better stuff.

>> No.29029091

who the fuck cares if its centralized? only fags care about that, im in this to make money not to larp

>> No.29029097

nobody said you can't both gamble vs pajeets and hold long term
90% of my folio is into ETH LINK and GRT I'm still gambling PnDs for a win win

>> No.29029183

based, same here

>> No.29029253

everyone who joined /biz/ in 2018 or before and are unironically in it for muh decentralization are sitting on 6 to 8 figures worth of crypto
jump from scam to scam all you want hoping to get rich quick. 5 years to be a millionaire is quick enough for some of us, less risky, less stressful

>> No.29029313

>everyone who joined /biz/ in 2018 or before and are unironically in it for muh decentralization
Easiest LARP to see through I've ever seen
I was spending 10 hours a day on this board during 2018 which is why I hold so many linkies
You're from r*ddit and its honestly quite sad you even try to larp as an oldfag

>> No.29029414

If the chinks can do this so easily then whats the needl for all other shitcoins claiming to do the same thing

>> No.29029532

Keep your % 90 cuck safe bets and use %10 to increase your cuck safe coins with shitcoins retards everything is doing x2 x5 x10 I can just go and make coin named SCAM and it will min do x2

>> No.29029610
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Speak for yourself kid

>> No.29029641

ok buddy

>> No.29029706

>i can type numbers into an application

>> No.29029763
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>> No.29030014
File: 675 KB, 1563x809, 4horsemen.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bought 15 of #SOULS

>> No.29030073

fuck not here