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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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29025031 No.29025031 [Reply] [Original]


What is Zero.Exchange?
Zero.Exchange Protocol realigns incentives for network participants by introducing revenue sharing and community driven network effects to the popular AMM model and is built on Avalanche blockchain. Zero.Exchange allows users to swap tokens without any gas fees!

What is $ZERO token?
$ZERO is a governance token similar to $UNI, so at it's core it is a governance token. You are able to swap your ERC20 $ZERO for ARC20 $ZERO 1:1

What is Zero front running?
$ZERO prevents front running because transactions are processed in the order that they are received, as their is no mining incentive to pay more gas and thus have a block producer pick one transaction (the front runner) over another (the trader).

How are there nearly Zero Gas fees?
Transaction fees (also known as “gas") on AVAX ACR20 will be negligible (based on the price of AVAX) regardless of transaction size. All transactions on ECR20 will be standard gas fees.

Is there Swap fee?
Swap fees on Zero.Exchange are 0.3% fee which goes to the liquidity providers on the traded pair, this is the incentive.

How fast are transactions?
Zero.Exchange features sub second block times with near instantaneous transaction confirmation 120% faster than Ethereum.

Is it built on Level 2?
It’s a L1 blockchain with all the features of L2 but with the great security of L1.

Can you swap ERC-20 Tokens?
Zero utilizes avalanche c-chain which refers to what is used to interact with the ethereum virtual machine, the bridge itself is known as chainbridge which is what allows cross chain transfers, not only btc, eth and avalanche but other blockchains such as DOT

Was there token presale or investors?
No presale, no investors. The team invested 60 eth of their own to bootstrap the project.

>> No.29025140

Strap in, lads. Looks like we’ve breaking out of the $0.18-$0.20 accumulation zone.
Next up, $0.60.

>> No.29025191


Rug Pull Alert

May drop half of their tokens on you at any moment

Rug Pull Alert

May drop half of their tokens on you at any moment

Rug Pull Alert

May drop half of their tokens on you at any moment

Rug Pull Alert

May drop half of their tokens on you at any moment

>> No.29025219

Spot the Pangolin dev.

Why are you whiny, entitled fags so threatened by Zero Exchange? You come across as spoilt little socialist brats, the type that hang out in academia. I fuck you not, /biz, one of them was crying in the Avalanche telegram the other day, saying it wasn’t fair that Zero Exchange launched on Avalanche first!

>> No.29025619
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To any anons who need to see this, ZERO is an obvious rug.

1. Entire team is anon
2. They made their own bridge with unknown secret relayers and unknown code. The team claims Chainsafe helped them, Chainsafe team says they have never heard of zero. Relayers can take bridged funds at any time.
3. ZERO smart contract allows for anon devs to mint half of the total supply at any moment and rug.

Rug Rug Rug

>> No.29025692

I’m loving that the Pangolin devs are running scared.

They really thought they could steamroller the better DEX, with the help of the AVAX devs. But Zero Exchange chads fought back and now Pangolin is fucked.

It didn’t have to be this way, Pangolin fags. We supported you and helped you launch. You got too greedy, thought you could have the whole pie. Now look at you, kek.

>> No.29026639
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Pangolin is dead in the water. Zero Exchange will have polkdot sorted soon after Avalanche shit the bed. Tri dex. Hopefully they will add BSC and create a quad dex.

>> No.29026843
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Zero also just hired four new devs to get the Polkadot dex running asap.


>> No.29027048

Yeah, it’s hard to deny. I don’t know why the Pangolin fags even try at this point.

Will be fascinating to see how quickly Zero Exchange catches up to the Pangolin market cap, which is already 7x higher for no good reason.

>> No.29027078
File: 23 KB, 527x143, zero_to_zero.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

looks like they hired nigger, pajeet and a fucking woman

immediately sold

>> No.29027098

gonna have some time to spend on trading now
but this pajeets try to shill their fucking shitcoin
good that I use bot ocean bot and solutions
no reason to believe in that trash

>> No.29027215
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definitely not optics. I am sure that is exactly how the four new devs look- sarcasm btw

>> No.29027241

What you on about? They hired that blonde kid from Game of Thrones also, so you should buy back in.

>> No.29028177

whats with the hate on zero? they literally have a working product that looks and functions better than the avalanche version

>> No.29028292
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Pangolin feggits are shitting themselves in fear. Their project is overvalued and btfo by Zero chads.

>> No.29028395
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stay poor

>> No.29028460
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>> No.29029127
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