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29022382 No.29022382 [Reply] [Original]

>tfw 5 figure hell
How do you cope bros?

>> No.29022582

I didn't hit 100k until december.
been crabbing slightly above and slightly below 300k for the past week or so.
you'll make it eventually, especially with all those linkies. maybe try to get up to 2k LINK and .20 linkpool so you can stake and get passive income forever

>> No.29022598
File: 215 KB, 750x908, C1286223-F6CD-4B50-99E1-845DEA9DA615.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It’s not so bad, I don’t trade so my line just go up.

>> No.29022611

Add some more link to the larpfolio

>> No.29022644
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>lost everything in 2018
>finally hit 6 figure hell this month
Just go all in on one shitcoin
>mfw i all in'd grt at $0.31

>> No.29022676

do you really expect us to relate to you? Get the hell outta here with that larpfolio

>> No.29022728

by not buying a top 10 mcap shitcoin and actually making money

>> No.29022801

Cheap kentucky whiskey.

>> No.29022805

Sell half buy fantom guaranteed to get u go 6 figures

>> No.29022841
File: 84 KB, 1152x720, wojak-nss-magazine-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks bro.
How would you go about taking profit in my case? I expect link to peak $250-500 this cycle and I was thinking about cashing out some ((but never going below 1000 LINK) to buy my own place and diversify into ETFs. The rest I would convert to USDC and yield farm it during the bear market and then buy LINK again when despair kicks in for the next bullrun. Sounds good?

Good luck bro.

Good job anon.

>being called a larp on biz
>feels good man

I don't have balls to gamble on low cap shitcoins and I'd kms if link mooned without me so I'm stuck holding it.

>> No.29023016
File: 632 KB, 1837x1175, 7F0EEC63-666C-46DB-81E1-DBC468CFBA3B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How long until I’m in 6 figure hell?

>> No.29023041
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Kek, you’ll soon be back in the low 5 digits where I’ll be waiting to buy your bags and 10x again from GRT
>inb4 smart money up 700x on 1 year investment won’t dump on me
>inb4 muh hodl

>> No.29023084
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No water or electricity for past 4 days. Today it's back, and I'm finally in 5 figure hell.

>> No.29023137

upper 6 figure hell is worse, I keep flip flopping between comfy and hell

>> No.29023149

in your case?
idk man, i wouldn't want to sell the linkies, but seeing as you have nothing else to cash out then just set price targets. like you'll sell 100 at $100 and then another 100 at $200 so on and so forth and stick to it.
i'm really not any good at timing the markets. this cycle might unironically be different in that we won't see any 80% corrections anymore. i'm not selling anything to fiat until i hit $1M.
i'm having a hard time figuring out what i want to sell too. Between LINK, NEAR, NU and SDT I have a bunch of shitcoins that I'd rather stake and not deal with the tax liabilities of cashing out

>> No.29023156


so you're around 700k now?

>> No.29023176

$SALE is gonna be worth at least 5$ EOM

>> No.29023193

are you in texas?
you did good bro. i'm glad you have more than 1 BT

>> No.29023223


I think you have 1.5 - 2 months

>> No.29023225

fuck i submitted too soon.
I'm glad you have enough BTC to move it while still keeping your 1 BTC.
I think you'll be in six figure hell in a couple months.

>> No.29023354


Yeah, I unironically think that this time is different narrative is a signal of the top. It's literally never different and I will be worried when this sentiment will start trending, it will likely signal macro top. I also don't want to cash out in fiat because of all tax fuckery but I'm not sure how to buy my own place otherwise plus I'd like to diversify into stocks at least some, cause I still think stock market is the most reliable way to make money long term. If I park like $50k to $100k in stock market and let it grow and put monthly money from my wages in it, I'll have 7 figures in few decades from now very comfortably. Still want to keep some in crypto of course, because it can go parabolic.

>> No.29023393

>suicide stacks are called larp now

>> No.29023431

I have 3k$ i could put all in LINK rn, but wouldnt get me far, if i held for 1+ year, you think it'd be worth anything?

>> No.29023442

No, I didn't have much capital to play with. I'm only up $210k

>> No.29023452

Just think about all the 4 figure poorfolios

>> No.29023450

Wrong. Lower 6 figure hell is the real deal, because you think you'll make it, but there's always a doubt in the back of your mind.

>> No.29023535

Went all in on LTO and now in 6 figure heaven due to how the tokenomics work. 7%apy staking plus deflation on a coin that is being used by the united nations, ibm, airbus and many more. Its already a functioning business generating revenue. 100k transactions a day and climbing, devs have no bags to pump, P/E showing its at least $5 undervalued. People really should do the math on LTO. Supply/demand/staking/clients and integrators have to buy direct from exchanges. Less than 900 make it stacks left on binance. Price discovery will be astonishing once the whales can no longer suppress.

>> No.29023590

n-no u

>> No.29024007

>5 figure hell
make it 6 in a few lowcap pumps
invites just opened on this whale-free community pump group
discord gg/umEvRQAkGj

>> No.29024295

I almost reached 100k, I was 5k away from it then the market dumped...

Almost 100k. I hope I will bounce back soon. I know its a whole another can of worms but it must be feeling very good to get to the 6 figs territory. Big boy money.

>> No.29024345


$3k gets you 90 linkies which is not much, but if you are prepared to hold long term than I think you'd be pleasantly surprised what that can bring you. Is that all the money you have? If the answer is yes, then I'd maybe try chasing some lower cap shitcoins for the gains first. If not, then it's a good option to buy linkies and maybe stake them at some service that would bring you 5-6% apy so you can earn on your holds. Good luck bro.

>> No.29024422

the thing is, this is third halvening and the third moon after the halvening.
everyone can see this pattern now.
that means that everyone will want to buy up the dip whenever it comes
either that or they'll all sell at the same time anticipating a dump and self-actualizing it.
idk man i cant predict anything.
There will be a dump at some point but I don't think it will be as violent as past dumps.

>> No.29024701

yes texas is really cold rn and the state is run by downsies fml

>> No.29024742

Why the fuck would anyone want to be in a whale free group?

It means none of you have been successful.

>> No.29024780

>how do you cope
You wouldn't be in this predicament if you diversified a little.

>> No.29025076

>whale free group
It means you're not just buying the Whales dumps as the price goes up, which is what happens in ALL PnD scam groups with 50,000+ members

>> No.29025086

I hear ya brother I’ll be stuck in 6 figure hell for a while

>> No.29025732

might as well let dhedge manage all that for you.

>> No.29026624

Similar situation for me except it was the march 2020 crash. Had $500k in crypto but sold for stable coins for a whopping $200k. Managed to short my way to $20k by May. All inned a few shitcoins in DeFi summer and back again to 200k before it all crashing down after september was really losing hope but managed to go all in on GRT at $0.30 and I'm now in the $600k and will never again fall for fud. Fuck me.

>> No.29027668
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> Being in 5 figure hell after 4 months of Bullrun

>> No.29027913

My two worst performing assets are Statera and XSN.

I’m still up on both, and thanks to pooling with Statera I got exposure to snx, link and btc. Which have mooned the past 6 months.

I hope XSN actually goes somewhere. I feel like selling since I’m still up but fuck sake it’s annoying that I never see it in anyone else’s portfolios.