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File: 9 KB, 318x159, boomerbitcoin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
29015588 No.29015588 [Reply] [Original]

Battle of the bagholders
Are all the recent XMR shills just bagholders from 2018 who are still waiting to have their day? or is it only inevitable. Feel like i might as well buy this POS.

>> No.29015717

also i shilled litecoin since 140 and got told to fuck off everytime

>> No.29016140

It’ll probably rise with the tide and gain more ground versus bitcoin for a time, then ultimately fade further away into obscurity. Long terms it’s bad play. Medium term could very possibly outperform btc. Short term it will very likely outperform btc. Just consider the technical memenalysis and normie flows upcoming.

>> No.29016164

LTC is good for moving between exchanges. XMR is always the mein comf-e-coin

>> No.29016224

Sorry op, there really is zero value add for litecoin, whereas xmr is the only real privacy coin in the space. It will soon have atomic swaps with btc, and basically everything about the coin is top notch... even a sexy side chain called tari being developed. litecoin really isn’t pushing anything new and just feels like a bch. Lots of copy pasta.

>> No.29016270

I think XMR actually fulfills a purpose that nothing else available currently does as well, so it will survive long term. Meanwhile LTC is just kind of... there. Not doing anything and having no reason to exist anymore. They're both gonna go up tho

>> No.29016670

XMR has a purpose and is one of the few crypto that already serves its purpose. LTC is outshined by BTC in the value department, and by NANO in the speed department. XMR is probably a better bet.

>> No.29016697


LTC is just a BTC clone, XMR is a totally different animal and the most authentic expression of what crypto should be

>> No.29017649

LTC will kill it this year
I went balls deep at 150 and after 2 weeks of holding I can say that it's the comfiest hold there is
I truly believe it can hit 1k+ this cycle

>> No.29017733

Litecoin is being accumulated heavily by institutions. If you don’t know what this is going to do for the price then you are beyond help.

>> No.29018458
File: 97 KB, 1195x503, EsVQRpJXUAA5pyM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Litecoint fags seems to forget it's leader dumped on you while telling you to HODL at the same time?

>never trust a coin run by a chink


>> No.29018930

Monero is kill when litecoin introduces privacy, upgrade your Monero to 0xMonero while it still has some value.

>> No.29019025
File: 232 KB, 599x900, 1613542532060.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


He already sold you fucking mong. LTC is in a great position.

Go buy some cp with monero you faggot pedo.

and kys

>> No.29019086

nope. 0xmonero is still vaporware bullshit
just like the last hundred times you spammed it
stop trying to steal from people by lying to them about the capabilities of the project
another recent beatdown >>/biz/thread/S28670476

>> No.29019350


Why would you want LTC + Feature when XMR has had that feature all along, battle tested and confirmed to confound glowies everywhere?

>> No.29020132


because ltc has a better market cap. stay mad xmr chinese farmer.

>> No.29020262

Why not own both

>> No.29020269

>because ltc has a better market cap

you want to buy it because it's more expensive?
btw monero is asic resistant, if you're talking about chinese miners you must be thinking of LTC