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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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29009643 No.29009643 [Reply] [Original]

I came here from /pol/ during the GME fiasco so I started investing.
I have absolutely no idea what I'm doing, I have done zero research, and everything I have learned so far has been from you guys.

>> No.29009681


>> No.29010122

did you get rugged by robinhood/gme?
how many times have you been rugged in crypto?

>> No.29010374
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>> No.29010548


>> No.29010770

Based. Avoid the rest of these shills, they are getting paid by Melvin to post.

>> No.29010777

Lost on NOK was the only one. Quickly learned not to buy memes but I think I've been overly cautious and so I'm not making many gains yet. Only coin I'm buying is BTC and the rest of my portfolio is split between a Canadian drone company and another stock I'm going to shill here once I've accumulated enough of.
I'm here to stay friend :^)

>> No.29010839

Statera you racist nigger

>> No.29010845

buy spy calls

>> No.29010909

Fuck off r*ddit nigger. You know damn well everyone here cross posts. Fucking faggits like you need to fucking kys

>> No.29010957
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>I came here from /pol/ during the GME fiasco

>> No.29011334
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I hope you can stomach pure disappointment.

>> No.29011483

Buy GME puts

>> No.29011629

Based TAKEOF bro... wgmi

>> No.29011913
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>tfw I followed advice on one stock purchase from biz
>bought 1000 bucks of MVIS
>it went up 2000%

>> No.29012052

digits confirm bicoin maximalism

>> No.29012081

BTC maxi? Such wasted digits. You'll yearn for true DeFi soon enough if you hang around here fren lol. I'm up 17K in less than 24 hours mate it's all about true degen risk played with a swarth of autism.

>> No.29013614
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majority of the posts are scams, you should really try to read up everything before investing, especially with crypto

>> No.29013731

Lots of stuff to like on the Canadian market
Long HPQ.V and NEXE.V
PNG.V might be ready for a break out

>> No.29013824

Read up<

I like the logo i lile the nmae i buy

>> No.29013897


/pol/ promotes horseshit conspiracy theories and ironic hatred to really low IQ folk

Hopefully /biz/ can be a moderating influence on you

>> No.29014349

I'm not confident enough to fuck around with shitcoins yet. I mostly just lurk threads and see what people are posting. So far I've gathered 90% of them are pajeet scams but you can ride them if you're not a greedy retard.
Unironically I agree with /pol/ on the jews, but it wasn't them that convinced me I've always thought they were subversive fucks.
Kinda agree though the Qanon shit was fucking retarded and then when people started frothing at the mouth any time you even mentioned coronavirus existing I knew I was surrounded by retards.

>> No.29014488

Their Jewish shit is equally as unsubstantiated. /Pol/ consists of pure subhuman filth. Yagmi bro, just stop being unironically racist too.

>> No.29014552

i also migrated from /pol/. currently holding 43.5 GME at 53 and getting to watch kikes seethe. i ove it

>> No.29014568
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>> No.29014585

I did this same thing last week and went all in on GRT, doubled my money in a few hours. Converted it all to BTC and now i don't know what to do with it.

>> No.29014691

Race is real and everything is genetic, including intelligence and character. Racism is just an insult levelled at whites to beat them down over something natural that every race practices: group preference.

>> No.29014785

buy kike products short hold
invest gentile long hold
nothing made by niggers or drug addicts

>> No.29014795

i spent probably 100 hours looking up people running media companies to see how over represented jews are when i first started going on /pol/ and they were right. shits crazy and once you see it you never stop

>> No.29014824 [DELETED] 

>same as op
>lost 4k savings
>still got the gun though.

>> No.29015200
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>> No.29016250

What exactly do you think the word unsubstantiated means? Bc it's pretty substantiated

>> No.29016367

You're fucking retarded if you think that 'Jewish shit is unsubstantiated'

>> No.29016383

Definitely gonna make it

>> No.29017171

Classic midwit
Back to plebbit faggot

>> No.29017183
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>> No.29017258

When you start making money you’ll realize politics is just a sports match for poor people. Any time spent on /pol/ is just time straight down the drain. It’s designed to stimulate certain emotional responses like a slot machine, and you achieve just as much as people who play slots all day.

>> No.29017768


>> No.29017880

>left handed
I knew there was something off about him