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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 17 KB, 512x512, cardanus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
29006074 No.29006074 [Reply] [Original]

You missed out on BTC when it was under $1.
You missed out on LTC when it was under $1.
You missed out on ETH when it was under $1.
You missed out on LINK when it was under $1.
You missed out on ADA when it was und- OH WAIT

>> No.29006178

The Visa of blockchain.

>> No.29006249

I heard they still have no working product after 3-4 years of development

>> No.29006265

You heard wrong.

>> No.29006288

No smart contracts only niggers

>> No.29006343

the pee pee of poo poo

>> No.29006345

The George Floyd of drug use

>> No.29006401

So where is it then? Are there any projects built on it?

>> No.29006441

overpriced shitcoin

>> No.29006557
File: 140 KB, 680x510, 401.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

please be true fren

>> No.29006572
File: 133 KB, 720x1440, Screenshot_20210217-224224.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

WAGMI, bros. What's the right price for ADA? I think I'll sell a big chunk of it hits 3$.

>> No.29006920

I didn't "Miss out" on anything nigger, I just got priced out.

>> No.29007311

Are projects build on BTC?
Even without smart contracts yet, Cardano is in every single feature superior to BTC and all the rest:

If mainstream propaganda would not that biased, ADA already would have de-throned BTC as SOV coin.

It's a 1000 times more decentralized , more innovative, more secure and only needs a few kw/h to do so.
Not kw/h like an entire nation state.

>> No.29007423

72% of all ADA has now been staked.

Do what you want with that information

>> No.29007501

Jokes on you I don't know what that means

>> No.29007840

BTC does not need projects/dApps. It's a completely different thing. You should be comparing ADA to ETH.

>> No.29007848

It means:
Most secure and decentralized network with biggest community support on this planet.

>> No.29007944

Secure yourself a bag before you start scrapping for the last 20% of the circulating supply.

>> No.29008040

ADA is extendend UTXO.
ADA behaves like a POS-BTC
Smart contracts on top is like you would make BTC to the most advanced and innovative chain on this planet.

>> No.29008103

I have no idea why you are comparing ADA to BTC, lmao.

>> No.29008193

>$29B maketcap
Fuck off

>> No.29008955

Your lmao shows only how uneducated you are when it comes to tech.

Try to learn about:

The UTXO model and the account model.


After reading it you have learned, that Cardano has much more in common with Bitcoin than with any other POS chain out there.

>> No.29008989

checked and kekd

>> No.29009269

I'm not buying your bags

>> No.29009378

Can I stake 20 Ada?

>> No.29009423

As of right now, I see no reason to sell. I am currently an ADA maximalist. (I was an ETH maximalist in 2017).

>> No.29009464

EOM prediction?

>> No.29009515

goes to .93
crabs at 83 for 9 months

>> No.29009563
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honestly FTM. you're gonna be sorry anons

>> No.29009579
File: 240 KB, 1920x1080, 002-hbar-usd-dev-tool-MINOR-edit-for-ada-facts.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>How long has it been? 3 Days? 4 Days? It's crabbing at 91 cents
>Look at this attached chart for Cardano just crabbing over an entire two weeks
>No smart contracts still after 4 years. deadlines keep getting pushed back and back despite muh April deadline (was December before)
>No projects being developed for it (Polkadot already has ~360). no one can post a link to any projects
>Scaling still 2 years away (phase 4 of 5). everything is hypothetical
>Governance still 3 years away (phase 5 of 5)
>Only 40,000 transactions on it currently a day. Ethereum does 1.5 million.
>My wife is leaving me
>Literal ghost chain, Tron and BNB have more utility. charles is spamming transactions with high volume to make it look like people are using it
>Almost certainly a security
>He had dinner with Shatner, a fucking leaf
>This will crash the chink gpu farms in favor of white countries to virtue signal for Africa
enjoy alt season as this pumps with everything else but those bags are going to be heavy afterward

>> No.29009597

Everyone was a BTC maxi first.
Then ETH maxi.
But as tech progresses you automaticly become a Cardano maxi.
If you believe in tech and innovation.

>> No.29009664

thanks, just sold all my ADA

>> No.29009811
File: 161 KB, 722x736, EuS0EQqXEAIuvel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Charles's illegal security token is missing the most important part of crypto... Decentralization, only proof of work cryptos can be truly decentralized because the miners must sell the majority of the coins they mine to the market, premined coins are centralized

>> No.29009866

My comment was not about buying ADA.
I give a shit about if biz buys ADA or not.

My comment shows only how uneducated biz still is when it comes to Cardano tech.

These idiots always compare it to some ETH or Polkadot shit, though Cardano tech acts much more like BTC.

Smart contracts on top doesn't make Cardano tech similar to some other POScshitchain.

It does advance BTC usability.

>> No.29009967
File: 46 KB, 720x459, vieb5xj0m1i61.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

right muh africa

you guys literally have nothing working yet:
Mary hardfork is the only bullet point with a set date. Pardon my ignorance, but couldn't the rest of the bullet points be considered speculative?

>> No.29009979



>> No.29010038

"Cardano becomes the most decentralized network on the market with the majority of ADA supply staked"

says the paid-for ad, this is nothing dumbass, it's centralized inherently by how it works

>> No.29010094

i heard that eth has still no POS even when they said it 2018 that they will get it. do you see how stupid your point is?

>> No.29010194

Yeah, tell this the over 1600 validators, over 100k delegators and the people involved in the biggest DAO on this planet called "Catalyst".

Gosh... so many dumb people in crypto .
Hopefully the top of this bull market is not in yet.

>> No.29010223
File: 195 KB, 519x607, 1523112343425.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why the fuck those FUDDERS always spawn during ADA mini pump.
Do they really mad that they crapcoin like TEZOS and AVAX still down from 20%-30% from last week and cannot recover?

>> No.29010288
File: 90 KB, 735x783, pepeaut.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> ADA No cap on supply
Acts like btc? What a mega faggot you are. Cardano is shit, and so are it's supporters.

>> No.29010326

Hey buddy, I got bags of ADA too, but Tezos still has a great future ahead of it.

>> No.29010353

you literally have no idea what you're buying, I'm glad you fell for the china coin — you deserve it

>> No.29010397

Well at least their project is working

>> No.29010425
File: 78 KB, 555x631, 2nIOdf3j.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"Yeah, tell this the over 1600 validators, over 100k delegators and the people involved in the biggest DAO on this planet called "Catalyst"."

absolute pleb

>> No.29010463

Really . Then try to stop the protocol.
Or call Hoskinson to stop it.

Oh, there is nobody who can stop Cardano ?

And everybody can become a validator , even with his own PC?

How centralized is that, while you need around 100 mill USD today to run a profitable BTC mining farm?

And how decentralized is your fucking ASIC patent shit?

And how decentralized is energy subvention in China for yourPOW shit?

>> No.29010571

"stop the vaporware"

yeah, i'll let you guys do that yourself

>> No.29010586

you're right but you're basically arguing with a brick wall. the brick wall doesn't hear facts, they are responding in bad faith, some of them might be ada bulls trying to get a lower entry point, or eth maxis who refuse to accept the truth. whatever the case, let them suffer. they can miss the boat.

>> No.29010678
File: 280 KB, 697x699, Asset 2@2x-100.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looks OK to me according to the latest ratings.

>> No.29010735

You must be right.
Nobody in crypto can be that dumb.

>> No.29010935


I'm a poor wagecuck and can't afford to buy more until the end of the month. How many years until I can retire? I'll be holding 400-500 ada. Give me the hard truth anons.

>> No.29010996
File: 333 KB, 640x480, 1594667303939.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the biggest dao in the market

uhhh you do remember what happened to the dao... right?

>> No.29011061

can you stake on Kraken?

>> No.29011120
File: 46 KB, 549x315, Charles african village.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>muh africa n shit
Can this faggot shut the fuck up and let his project (which he has 0 involvement in developing) do the work?
If he retires today I will instantly buy a $50K stack of ADA.

>> No.29011204


>imagine thinking africa needs a blockchain

They could give a flying fuck about cardano, it's marketing being sold to SJWs to think it's for a good cause

>> No.29011242

>crash chink gpu farm
Makes me want to buy more ADA

>> No.29011303

fucking retard

>> No.29011541

In other words, no

>> No.29011771
File: 2 KB, 125x125, ju8kla.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>imagine thinking it's mainstream media's fault

>> No.29011812

stupid nigger, ADA has a hard cap of 45 Bil. there will not be more than 45 Bil ADA in existence, ever.

>> No.29011858

I see the list often. Where can it be found?

>> No.29011935

This. They couldn’t even invent a wheel. How the fuck are they supposed to understand blockchain?

>> No.29011997

I was into Cardano until I watched Charles basically tell everyone if they were trying to make money on investing in it to fuck off. Isnt that the point of investing? Probably going to dump my stack after it gets over a dollar.

>> No.29012103

Why you dudes wanna lot’s of money from /biz/?

Go taste some rats and trash in your shitty river
Stop scamming this thread with your fucking trash

I have already participated in bot ocean and wait for full trading platform launch with bots

>> No.29012110

Saw that I guess what he means is that he dislikes moonboys lol

>> No.29012134
File: 233 KB, 750x800, 1D2DB445-A7B5-4496-A2FD-CEA96B48679A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lol I saw that. As time passes he turns me off to Cardano more and more. I’m holding a 34k bag and idk if it’ll go much higher. Thinking of selling and rolling it into ATOM and maybe BNB. I’d like to see it hit $2 but more and more people are catching on to charlatan’s bullshit.

>> No.29012218

How does 400-500 bucks sound?

>> No.29012294
File: 84 KB, 1030x662, 6572035F-13FF-43BB-9C3F-5D1A042DD84E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can’t wait to post ADA fudders BTFO threads. It’s going to be glorious.

>> No.29012367

You might have 800-1000 bucks in a month or so and the. 100-200 if you don’t sell in time. People are catching on to the fact that Charles is a bullshit artist but not everyone has caught on yet

>> No.29012453

This week is going to be huge for ADA!

>> No.29012576


>> No.29012655

Cardano is a high assurance blockchain. It can be argued that institutions, and governments, with billions, and trillions, in currency reserves will not put their funds on a smart contract enabled blockchain without the formal proofs necessary to ensure security.

Bitcoin has proven, over the last ten years, that the UTxO model is both safe and secure. Cardano's extension to that model, through either hybrid transactions, or transaction conversions, along with multichain support and Extended UTxO script, will prove to be both straightforward and trustworthy; as a decentralized and secure, smart contract enabled, high assurance cryptocurrency system, Cardano represents a significant technological and historical accomplishment.

>> No.29012687

Disregard. Adafags say that every week

>> No.29012696

Charles also seems like a douchebag that's so full of himself. I was considering buying ADA until I saw him denying ETH's network effect, meaning he doesn't have any plan for adoption and onboarding dapps.

>> No.29012804


New liquidity announcement which could be Coinbase they'll also talk about the Africa listing and smart contracts on main net.

>> No.29012840

How does him saying that make you think Cardano has no plan for adoption and onboard for dapps...you just pull that out of your ass?

>> No.29012895

Smart contracts release next few weeks. Native token assets release last week of February. Dapp project announcements coming. Coinbase listing coming.

>> No.29012984

Just two more weeks right?

>> No.29013024

Where is he wrong?
Only 1 single government contract will have more value than all the broken unsecure ETH dapps combined.
It will onboard multi million of new user into Cardano .

And that's comming now.

>> No.29013086

Just don’t buy fren. Why do you care if you aren’t a bag holder? The news is already confirmed by IOHK. If we’re so stupid just let us get rekt

>> No.29013143

They've no case in the smart contract "war" against Avalanche, Dfinity and soon ETH 2.0 (Accounting for the network effect), Doubt it's even better than Algo and Near.

Not a bad project but it got memed into XRP level of overvaluation.

>> No.29013231

then I warn you. Get Waves before it's too late. do not regret later.

>> No.29013351

That sounds like a lot of good shit happening in a short period of time.
What is the price prediction?

>> No.29013505

Just bought 10k worth of ADA. Bullish.

>> No.29013542

Any price prediction I could give would be bullshit because no one can predict the future. I don’t want to speculate since this is a long term hold for me. I plan to take out my initial investment eoy before the inevitable retracement. Maybe someone else in the thread has an opinion.

>> No.29013588


>> No.29013782


Launch next week. Still price under 1$. Kek'd.

>> No.29013832

Going for number fren.
Never sell.
Only do compounding staking.

>> No.29013991

I am a bag holder. I rode both waves over the past few years. It’s getting tiresome

>> No.29014121

LOL same here bro.
Dumped my ada bags at 0.97 after carrying it for 3 years. cant wait for the new bagholders after they realize africans never follow through

>> No.29014309

The FUD against ADA is incredible.
That’s one of the most serious projects on crypto that has been working very hard to build healthy long-term foundations instead of chasing short-term gains.

I see a lot of
> the coin does nothing
But it does already a lot with an amazing and secure PoS system. You basically stake your ADA at all times, generating revenues every 5 days and 5% yearly. The ADA are not blocked while doing so, you can still spend them. Also anyone can open a staking pool and try to gather delegates, while good luck with opening a mining pool for any major crypto now (and enjoy your electricity costs)

These achievements are already insanely good, and soon there will be smart contracts, sidechains etc...

>> No.29014377

Yeah I should have listened to my gut. Blacks are unreliable in general. I think he can sjw this up a hair or two more but I’m gonna sell soon. I can’t remember how many times I’ve heard “two more weeks”. Always delays and self righteous amas

>> No.29014380


>super serious
>no working projects

>> No.29014433
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>> No.29014460

Do you believe it takes time to build good tech? It doesn’t happen overnight. You are so close to solid gains why give up now

>> No.29014476

All these eth fags always trying to shit talk ada and how theres no smart contracts and daps being built rb blah blan.....its a top 5 cap coin at the moment and they haven’t launched mainnet yet... cant wait to see the reactions of all the eth butt lickers once mainet launches and dapps start moving to ada.... price can only go up fellas use some logic

>> No.29014517

Why are you concentrating on Africa so much? There will be dapps that are used world wide just like Ethereum.. this isn’t a fucking African crypto kek

>> No.29014522

first you need to do the thing you're claiming, right now you're living in a fantasy land shilled by some ugly frumpy fuck

>> No.29014530

I didn't miss it, I got a comfy stack. Oh wait ... you're not talking to me.

>> No.29014589
File: 243 KB, 1172x965, darryl2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tranny coin with a faggot søyfaced narcissist CEO, obsessed with third world shitholes because he knows he can't compete in the west, and obsessed with "Muh academics" because he has a huge inferiority complex.

Its overpriced garbage and you'll soon get what you deserve for being stupid enough to buy this.

>> No.29014609

Because "Cardano" is making a big deal about, their market in china thinks it's a good idea and you dumb fucks are falling for it

>> No.29014624

people dont understand africa actually isn't going to make it. not because of a lack of opportunities but because they cannot stop raping lying killing each other for more than 2 seconds.

Charles original vision is admirable and will suck in sjw money, but trading has no emotions. It will rise and it will fall. His ego is actually getting out of control because he always was pissed he didn't get to be vitalik and now he is already fantasizing about what can be rather than what is. Mark my words, we can ride it BUT get out before the eventually card house falls apart. Dont hold bags. Dont be emotional

>> No.29014657

I’m not giving up right now, but if I all I see is more AMAs of Charles bitching about Vitalik and delays and no results by the first week of March, I’ll take my profits elsewhere. It kinda reminds me of the fat guy that talks about losing weight but never goes to the gym or eats well

>> No.29014667
File: 1.84 MB, 245x210, worn out.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mother of god, this is real?

>> No.29014681

What>>29014609 said

>> No.29014715

This. 100% this is where I am with my bags

>> No.29014778

Are you new? We were all shitting on Cardano for being a tranny coin back in 2017.

>> No.29014929

China is a big market fren. I’m not seeing the problem here.

>> No.29015025

What you faggots don't realize is that once it works in Africa, it will work everywhere. Think of it this way, why do doctors perform residency in Africa?

>> No.29015068

fuck your dumb ass stablecoin I sold it all and bought banana at 1 dollar, its at 4 now in the same time your shit crabbed back and forth.

>> No.29015137
File: 33 KB, 634x345, article-2552460-1B392A8700000578-267_634x345.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hahaha hahaha I can't breathe I'm laughing so hard

>> No.29015176


>> No.29015296

because african lives dont matter.
Africans can die when their new system collapses and ada fails but Charles can beg and bribe/ use white man powers to make it look like it works

>> No.29015361
File: 178 KB, 2048x2027, 1607502850368.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But anon, I bought ADA at 0.07

>> No.29015410

Oh noo i missed all those coins. Whatever will i do. Better put everything in your pnd now.

>> No.29015469
File: 970 KB, 1200x1200, 1613372237658.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just went all in on ada i dont think its gonna dip any harder

>> No.29015506

Screenshot your post, then reread it in two years. Also screenshot my post (the one you are reading right now), and read what follows: ANON. DO NOT DO IT. DO NOT KILL YOURSELF.

>> No.29015784

Is it going to dip again soon?

>> No.29015840

Unironically bought more, trannies are the future, they will control the Internet

>> No.29015859

No it isn't. Go check it out yourself.
Scared me, to be honest.

>> No.29016025

That's right, it's a test bed for the technologies that will benefit YOU. If you're a smooth brain, you won't understand the implication, but thanks for proving that I'm right.

>> No.29016080

It is real. There are even archive links in the image that I posted.
You can also look up this tranny speaking about Cardano on YouTube.
It goes by the name "Rebecca Valentine" now.

>> No.29016097
File: 120 KB, 1080x2300, Screenshot_20210217-225624.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now buy this at that price.

>> No.29016105

ADA will never be even anywhere near the price of LINK nigre.

>> No.29016177

ADA is going to have 45B coins compared to Bitcoin's 21M. At ADA current price it's more like buying BTC at $2000

>> No.29016192

I just saw one of the vids. You are right.
But I mean, who cares? It is just one person in the entire team.

>> No.29016197

So ADA 4 digits when?

>> No.29016222

>what is unit bias?

>> No.29016263

avax already done btfo this

>> No.29016316

Cardanos supply is hard capped like Bitcoin and unlike Ethereum.

>> No.29016459

Lol you nearly got me. Why on earth are you spreading anti ADA propaganda? Fair enough to not want to be involved, but why are you so against it that you are spreading lies? Go for a walk or call your Mommy, it'll feel nicer.

>> No.29016514

It's a good strategy targeting Africa and places like Vietnam. Stable countries don't really need crypto, yes it's useful as a hedge against government quantitative easing and fun for speculation but people in shithole countries would really benefit from crypto as it gives them an escape for their shit local currency that might go to zero when the next war lord gains power plus their local bank might not even be connected to the swift system so crypto can act as a more useful network.

>> No.29016618



> look at the legion of coders
> check their github links
> see the commit dates and frequency
> realize Cardano is the most actively developed project in crypto.
> apologize

>> No.29016706

you can probably but wont earn a thing
I have 204 ADA and get 0.017 every day

>> No.29016768




> visit team page
> see the LEGION of amazing programmers, some of which link their cv's, all of which are superior to 99.99% of biz
> check their github links
> see frequency and dates of commits
> look inside commits and realize they are all way fucking smarter and talented than you ever could be
> apologize

>> No.29016770

ADA has x45 number of coins, so adjusted for that it is more expensive than LINK at the moment, let alone LINK at $1.

>> No.29016774

Those coins you listed were tens or hundred millions in market cap at $1 and some of those revolutionalized the crypto space. Cardano is worth $30B and has nothing to show.

>> No.29016835


kek, not wrong

>> No.29016891



>> No.29016895

ADA at current price has double the market cap of LTC
let that sink in

>> No.29016942


wowsers you're dumb

>> No.29016979

LTC is a clone of bitcoin. It's whole selling point is it's cheaper but so is BItcoin Cash and Doge.

>> No.29016996

/biz/ will miss the moon cause they cant get past >muh market cap

>> No.29017758

I like the PoS system, that’s already a major innovation in my eyes compared to ETH, BTC...
Even DOT has a much less decentralized and accessible PoS

That’s already «something to show»

>> No.29017822

Cosmos is better

>> No.29017889
File: 45 KB, 659x495, 1519847402952.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

50 rupees have been deposited in your account.

>> No.29017936

It's real, check the archive links in the pic.
Cardano is and always will be a tranny coin.

>> No.29018189

women lick guano just to see my cardano

>> No.29018226
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>> No.29018280

You can soft stake it in a lot of wallets for 4-6 apr, pretty good if you have 1000-1million

>> No.29018326

>My wife is leaving me
blessed fud

>> No.29018647

Good FUD, I'll never buy cardano (srsly)

>> No.29018787
File: 273 KB, 1210x700, gas.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This. Gas costs on Cardano will always be known in advance thanks to UTxO

>> No.29019268


>> No.29019396


It has a MCAP of 30Bn. Even if it took over ETH which it won't that's a pathetic 10X

>> No.29019475

trannies like to co-opt everything because they are failures and lunatics

>> No.29019490

You're comparing apples to oranges when talking about ETH vs ADA. ETH can provide very little in the realm of actual utility in the real world. The lack of leadership and overall chaotic nature of the Ethereum project is what's leading to its inevitable demise, and utimately, its downfall. Sure ETH has a monopoly at the moment, but when an alternative such as Cardano serves as a ready-made product to a solution to all of the issues that ETH has, people are going to switch. Downplaying Cardano because of where it's at right now is like shitting on Facebook when you owned stock in MySpace back when Facebook was a college forum. Talk market caps and draw your fibonacci's all you want, but real world utility is what's going to ultimately decide the fate of both ETH and ADA, and right now unless Vitalik and ETH devs get their shit together, looks like ADA will win in the long run.

>> No.29019734

Coinbase listing when? If it doesn't pop up to the normiesphere it has 0 future.