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29009241 No.29009241[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

The COVID response is such a fucking joke, it hurts.

Early in the pandemic, a 2 week lockdown was fine. The government could've suggested cloth masks and then build makeshift hospitals during this period and also during the brief downturn before winter. Everybody knew there would be a second wave but no government prepared properly.

Also, the longer this shit drags on, the greater the chance it becomes endemic. There's no way poorer countries will be able to vaccinate their population by the end of 2021. It's going to take at least until the end of 2022 before that happens. The chance of a vaccine resistant mutation by then is basically 100%. So why are we still locked down like cucks?

Why not let the people know that they're responsible for their own health and should self quarantine until this is over if they're vulnerable? Just recommend that companies work from home if possible and open up everything else. This shit is such a joke, we're going to have more people die from poverty, crime, etc. Over the next few decades as a result of the lockdown vs however many died from COVID.

It's all so tiresome

>> No.29009444

>So why are we still locked down like cucks?
Because the special interests that own the politicians are making more money than ever before.

>> No.29009447

This board is about shit coins sir

>> No.29009898

I'm not reading all of this I'm just here to tell you the virus literally does not exist.


>> No.29009971

It does, but it's literally just a fucking cold. Humans have been dealing with different Coronaviruses for thousands of years. This one is barely different.

>> No.29010058

Its a coronavirus but a type that our body doesn't have immunity to.

>> No.29010271

You people are so fucking tiresome. You are on the other side of the same coin as these retards that wear two masks and report their neighbours. It's viral pneumonia. Its serious shit. Not as serious as the original SARS or MERS thank fuck but its not "dude just a cold".
I do agree though the response has been completely and utterly retarded and they either need lock down everything for a month and eradicate the virus or just say fuck it and see what happens. I mean real lockdowns too none of this pussy "oh this business is essential" shit. Tell people to stock up on shit and impose marital law for an entire month.

>> No.29011055

I've literally changed nothing about my life since this COVID bullshit started. I'll buy my shit at the shops at night so no cheeky fucker asks to put me to 'put my mask on' (used to do this anyway).
If they wanted a lockdown, it should have been voluntary (and/or encouraged, depending if you're a cuck) for the elderly and vulnerable. The rest of the country doesn't need to suffer because of some weak cunts. Could have even been subsidised in some aspects too.

>> No.29011413

Well OP, if you made the calculations and you are sure you could share with us. You could publish it at a high-grade scientific magazine and have a huge impact in the way things will be done. But if you are just speaking out of you ass you should just be quite and let the grown adults do their jobs and solve this shit the best way possible.

>> No.29011816

>just trust the experts bro

>> No.29011844


>> No.29012422

you arent locked down.
There isnt a military preventing you from traveling if you don't have the proper paperwork.
You're a whiny faggot from russia pedaling disinformation.

>> No.29012474


>> No.29012534

Its the most peaceful way to reduce the population by 90%. If they made it more obvious youd revolute before your numbers thin. Dont be caught not being wealthy enough to get into the Robinhood.

>> No.29012602


>> No.29012902

Florida here. Everything it open. Even the beach, parks, tennis courts, everyrhing. People wear masks in the large stores smalls ones not so much. Tell your leaderd to die and live your life dont die a slow death cowering in your bunkers.

>> No.29013113

Based. Retards don't understand the impact of this disease at scale. Even if only 1-2% of citizens need immediate hospital care, that's still a lot to handle for almost any country.

>> No.29013157

Trump hardly had a response. Cases are finally trending downward. Fucking dumb frogposter

>> No.29013318

If I was president, the pandemic would've been under control in 2 months

>> No.29013333
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It's hilarious that most NPCs agree with these draconian measures to save the elderly who would have died regardless.
Meanwhile they don't give a single fuck about child abuse, suicides, people going bankrupt, more people isolating, funerals with a maximum of 15 people, experimental drugs that everyone needs to take, rise of violence and frustration, poor people getting poorer, family tragedies.
Imagine if you had to live in some shithole apartment with 10 others. I'm surprised the mudslimes, niggers etc... haven't gone balls out rioting against these measures, BLM ATIFAG doesn't count.

>> No.29013472

I think a 2-4 week mandatory lock down is fine if thr government is willing to support all citizens. + could've closed down borders.

>> No.29013515

Boomers are the most selfish generation ever. They destroyed the entire economy and the entire demographic makeup of the west for short-term profit and now they want us to show "solidarity" with their old asses.

>> No.29013533

Because if politician killed grandma politician will lose next cycle.

All projections say that we wont reach heard immunity for at least 6 months in even rich countries. Meanwhile Asian countries have already gone full on fuck it. At least they have the culture to accept the truth of necessity to survive.

>> No.29013583


>> No.29013596

>So why are we still locked down like cucks?
Great Reset. It was all planned

>> No.29013611

Have you ever noticed that every covid related media post has the color purple somewhere in the image/video/gif etc.

>> No.29013630

Wait, it only takes 6 months for herd Immunity? I'll gladly take that if real, I thought it would be years or more due to mutations.

>> No.29013668
File: 43 KB, 428x572, covid.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Leading cause of death in the US for 2020. Half the population is obese which is a co-morbidity.

The virus that doesn't exist is going down. The moon doesn't exist because I never walked on it.

>> No.29013680
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What did you expect?

>> No.29013700


Nah it's different. I've never seen something kill sick and weak people like covid, while being that infectious.

The shit is a killer in a certain population of people. Most are fine, but a lot of people have/are dying.

>> No.29013711

fat """people""" aren't human so idk what you're going on about

>> No.29013754

Pfizer released a leaky vaccine. If it wasnt already obvious covid was made in a lab, it should be blatantly obvious now that Pfizer released something that will make it worse by causing post vaccination mutations. Rule 1 of vaccines is it must be 100% effective, period. This isnt a vaccine technically at all, and in so far as it resembles a vaccine, it is a leaky one at that.

>> No.29013761

Chug a jug of lard grug.

>> No.29013817

It’s the flu. Flu cases down over 95%. Flu will never go away. We are in lockdown forever

>> No.29013835

this is natural evolution of the human race, and we're freaking out and weakening our collective body

>> No.29013838

Truth is no one knows for sure, but that is the latest estimate in the US. Meanwhile places like Vietnam never went full shutdown and only local hard fuck you shutdown when outbreak occurred which actually works. Ultimately it comes down to Asia doesn't give a shit about your individual rights, which is simultaneously necessary yet scary as fuck.

>> No.29013874

Prove it

>> No.29013918

>We are in lockdown forever
Not if enough people stop obeying them

>> No.29013943

Family tragedies...?

>> No.29013956

Based, also
>Why not let the people know that they're responsible for their own health and should self quarantine until this is over if they're vulnerable?
People can't be held accountable for their actions anymore. This shit could be done if every grandma and grandpa just stayed inside and had their loving kids (they do have those, right, after a long and bountiful life of enriching their children's lives?) deliver food securely to them, or use the millions of overpriced food apps (they're boomers so fuck them, redistribute their stolen wealth). But instead everyone wears the cuck mask, businesses die, big business comes to control everything. What a shitty way to usher in the cyberpunk timeline.

>> No.29014040

Look at the idiots on this board still coping this is just a cold. This is the great reset. You will not make it if you dont prepare financially. The end of this year will be the greatest shock you have ever known. All that stock market wealth evaporated in a second. The ultimate rug pull.

>> No.29014054

You guys are missing the real point:

1. Businesses close. Large companies can suffer this, small ones cant. Online retailers like Amazon and Walmart blow up.

2. Social distancing. Destroy community bonding. Make everyone alone. This is especially effective against children because theyre still learning social skills.

3. Masks. Everybody with any sense knows a paper mask wont do shit but people wear them anyways. Now double masking is a thing? This is testing conformity.

4. Vaccines. This is just hypothetical but I wouldnt be surprised if people start coming up with long term effects from this in 5 years.

All this garbage from a virus with a 99.9% recovery rate. I revisited the second Elon Musk interview on JRE recently and they were discussing if the government's response was an overreaction a whole fucking year ago.

Brave New World type shit but if I said such things to my work mates they would label me a weirdo. Im stocked up on whiskey and bullets though so the jokes on them.

>> No.29014085


>> No.29014088

No one talks about the shift in responsibility. Every other disease put the onus on experts to fix, not the population.

It's like the conservation movement. Offload the responsibility to the public to recycle and turn off their lights, takes the attention off of major polluters.

Idk why we're getting the same blame shifting model. Maybe treating covid is too expensive for our current medical infrastructure and they hope no one notices while we all yell at each other over masks.

>> No.29014130

The experts can't stop this now that its unleashed. Only population culling and extreme measures will save us now. This is the flood and you must make a boat.

>> No.29014146

The fact that you are making money should be proof enough. If you are making money, they are making more.

>> No.29014226

I agree with what you're saying and I noticed that kung flu is basically slacktivism 2020+. Share and like this expert opinion on chinese flu crafted for you, don't question why we're looking for Kony a dozen years after he ceased being active, don't question the plight of female game devs in gaming, just do what we say and shame anyone else who disagrees. It's so fucking tiresome.

>> No.29014287

It’s literally not a cold. The scandal here is that Australasia proved you can beat this thing in under a month and other governments are refusing to do any number of things they did. You are essentially capitulating to the elites holding you hostage by pretending that the real problem is that the virus is overblown.

>> No.29014410

I have a schizo theory that the internet might be conscious, or at least behaves as it's own living system, and if I were an internet I would be stoked that something eliminated in-person interaction.

>> No.29014632


>> No.29014659

Maybe not the creation of covid itself, but definitely the click bait response. Like maybe the shutdown is an historical stepping stone to the hive mind coming online. In the future we'll be saying remember the baby internet when we thought people were still in control, but also we shut ourselves indoors for no reason?

>> No.29014818

>an historical stepping stone to the hive mind coming online
bullish for a certain linking coin

>> No.29014850

Literally 9/10 people under 40 who get it wouldn’t even know they have it lol

These filthy government cocksuckers, the idea that they can lock us down like this makes my blood boil. They all deserve to be put in a cavern next to a spider spawned in minecraft.

>> No.29014903

wrong. we just did more fake tests here and more tik tok dance videos too

>> No.29014957

Trips of truth unequivocally checked and absolutely based.

>> No.29014981
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>tfw third world shitholes in asia can handle a disease better than the richest countries in the world just by having red flags

>> No.29015257
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based fellow Floridian. the pandemic has taught me to appreciate my freedom while it lasts. I used to want to relocate to another state before the pandemic. Now, weirdly, the state with the national reputation for being the craziest is somehow the most sane now

>> No.29015284

>vaccine for a fucking common cold
kys retard

>> No.29015412

Currently in the UK 400 otherwise healthy people under the age of 60 have died. Or rather, they have died within 28 days of receiving a positive PCR test for covid 19. Given that the PCR test is not according to its inventor carey mullis a means of identifying viral infections and at 45 cycles of amplification can be used to find a needle in a haystack and basically diagnose anyone with anything, giving 97-100% false positives and the flu has disappeared now I would suggest the real death figure is somewhere in range of zero.

>> No.29015461
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Lockdowns and the Orwellian police state are used to usher the (((Great Reset)))

The governments are already talking about new strains so expect eve more lockdowns/travel restrictions and contact tracement throughout 2021 and 2022....this is never going to stop.

Last year was just the beginning and only fools still believe we’re going back to “normal”

>> No.29015518

Fake virus

>> No.29015537

part of the great reset
and dumb politics

>> No.29015605

everybody here knows it's fake an exaggerated
only old boomers think it's real.

>> No.29015623
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>> No.29015663
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>> No.29015688


>> No.29015743
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>> No.29015772

Check the income of the biggest corpos like Amazon

>> No.29015777

It's fake, idiot.

>> No.29015794

What the fuck have you personally seen?

>> No.29015801

I know the whole COVID thing is a hot debate on this board, so here's a real life example that might help clear things up: /
In the 90s my dad trained 3 or 4 rottweilers to kill any asian people on sight, and then invited a bunch of asian people over to his house for a ""housewarming" party and locked all the doors. about 7 or 8 of them died, but 10 or 15 more were really badly injured. Anyways the court couldn't charge him with anything because he said technically he didn't do anything and said he didnt know the dogs would react that way. Didn't face any consequences. Shot himself 2 or 3 days after the trials. Couldn't take the guilt I guess.

>> No.29015803

bro the virus is not real.

its all political theatre and they need to close it in a realistic way now that trump is out

>> No.29015842

>lock down everything for a month and eradicate the virus

yes yes let's engage economic warfare on ourselves, let china take over the world because of a fucking cold

>> No.29015899
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Bill Gates has spoken, stay at home plebs

>> No.29015915

Based. Same infection rates, symptoms and mortality. Flu literally disappeared, overall mortality in 2020 was similar to that in previous years. The fact that even here people spew the media propaganda is worrying.
Take your shot and stay and home goys. Don’t forget to tune in to your favourite hero on tiktok.

>> No.29015927

Stop claiming the virus isn't real you morons. You probably believe that trump won the election and biden stole it as well. I'm sure you also subscribe to the QAnon bullshit.

The virus IS REAL but the response to it was overblown and also retarded. Do you really think all countries on earth are just pretending that there's a new virus? Jesus christ you fucking retards.

>> No.29015933

>old fart with a 15 year old profile picture croaks
>this is news because he made a facebook post

>> No.29015936
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>> No.29015940

>Why not let the people know that they're responsible for their own health
YOU are responsible when you spread the disease and kill off granny and grandpa.

But you didn't consider that because you're a selfish sad bitch. I'm guessing you're a libertarian and think your actions never affect others, like you're in a bubble

>> No.29015958

Hospitals have been empty retard

>> No.29016007

But it worked for China bro, if only we too were a totalitarian communist orwellian surveillance state with facial recognition cameras, no cash, social credit scores and re-education camps then they might let us go back to normal

>> No.29016018

Checked and truthpilled. Stay in your cuck-shed, Goy

>> No.29016026

grandma and grandpa should stay the fuck inside then, they should have known the risk

>> No.29016039

Covid obviously exists and QAnon believes are retards, but if you truly think Biden didn't commit mass election fraud to win you have a double digit IQ

>> No.29016084

Then why don't grandpa and granny just isolate themselves in their room, fucking moron. Why do we have to sacrifice young people's lives just to preserve those who barely have 5 years left?

>> No.29016088


Only illiterate hypochondriacs actually believe the media fear mongering

>> No.29016109

I went grocery shopping today. Everyone had a fucking mask on even outside. I hate this shit. If we can't go back to normal I'd rather not even live in a city. Its fucking humiliating. I'm not an asocial person I want to see peoples faces and am going insane

>> No.29016141

it's all a scam

>> No.29016144

even the mainstream news covers this you dumb fucking goy swine, small businesses are getting raped

>> No.29016163

Stop claiming flu is anything but flu you absolute retard. Check the data and use that space between ears once in you life.

>> No.29016187

>check the data

You're the one who needs to check the data instead of reading infowars.com and breitbart, fucking fag

>> No.29016233

when you get sick just remember this thread when you're dying.

>> No.29016241

holy cringe bro

You’re the type of schizo who wears a mask while driving alone

>> No.29016255

It's quite literally not flu and the data points to higher fatality. Just because being in a pandemic affects your feeling doesn't mean you can deny facts.

>> No.29016256

I think that really is what it boils down to. Government boomers seething that they can't treat their citizens like cattle like the Chinese can. They feel like our system isn't giving them enough power, which is exactly what it was designed to do.

Too bad the information age lets them just rig the election

>> No.29016275

Yes, you are an expert at being retarded. If i ever need a professional retard, you will be the first person that comes to mind.

>> No.29016287

democrats my boy

>> No.29016306

Honestly don't know how I'll be able to look at people the same way again after this year. I've been on here for a while but the gaslighting this past year makes me wish horrible things unlike previous years.

>> No.29016314

QAnon is a less ridiculous conspiracy theory than COVID lol

The news could tell you people the moon was made of cheese and you'd call anyone who says otherwise a retard

>> No.29016318

You're not even making sense anymore, and should revise the data. It is not the flu.

>> No.29016350

Listen man, the sun revolves around the earth. Just stop it with the ridiculous conspiracy theories.

>> No.29016392
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I just want this shit to be over because I'm tired of normalfags complaining about how hard it is to never go outside and never see anybody. It's fucking disgusting. Shut the fuck up cunt oh no you can't go see stacy and get fucking railed at the bars or spend hundreds on drinks. God I thought it would be entertaining to see these faggots live the life I do but apparently i was wrong

>> No.29016395
File: 82 KB, 1323x794, Screenshot_2021-02-15_14-09-41.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's about 3x as deadly as the flu. But most people have partial immunity to the flu, and we've had the flu vaccine for decades. So overall it's probably not much worse than the flu.

>> No.29016401

Yeah yeah keep waiting for the Storm, I'm sure all the dems are secretly arrested and Trump is getting inaugurated any second now anon.

>> No.29016432

Zoomers and millenials are the weakest humans. No muscle, no physical training, no hardships, no hunger, no threats, no resistance, 2 generations of deadly illnessess have been making kids while being in constant need of medicine.

>> No.29016441

There is obviously a virus called Covid that is killing people in larger numbers than the seasonal flu. That's not really up for debate. It's just the way people are treating it like the plague and pretending it's way worse than it is that's retarded

>> No.29016470

>There is obviously a virus called Covid that is killing people in larger numbers than the seasonal flu

Are total deaths significantly higher?

>> No.29016537
File: 52 KB, 1376x611, Screenshot_2021-02-18_02-08-56.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yes. Covid is basically a bad flu epidemic.

>> No.29016542

The normies turned their sadness into anger and became establishment cronies in a deluded belief that it will make the scam "end faster". The unwittingly became cronies of the elite and they are super fucking obnoxious. Not a fun time.

>> No.29016569

the masks do nothing anon the makeshift hospitals were never used

it was never about that its about making you own nothing and eat bugs

>> No.29016606

>Self responsible
pick one

>> No.29016671

They're going to be able to push this narrative for a long time as the massive boomer generation starts dying en masse and they can pin it on any cause they would like. Somebody born in 1946 is 74 years old. Those huge group of people born in those few years after WW2 are reaching the age.

Boomers will not go out with a whimper, that's for sure. They will kick and scream all the way to hell.