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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 11 KB, 500x500, 1_VK6eUHeFwEqWl6PdfS89dw.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
29006574 No.29006574 [Reply] [Original]

Is this piece of shit ever going to break out? We've been crabbing around $0.80 for two days.

>> No.29006665

thats what I am wondering. No one ever talks about this coin. I see a chinky butt meme and DATS IT.

>> No.29006926
File: 152 KB, 680x512, sell now i fucking dare you.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Over 9000 hours in GIMP.

>> No.29006983

this is a good sign. just like when chainlink was crabbing at 25. sadly i can't buy more of this trannycoin

>> No.29007024


>> No.29007041

Fuck. Saved, good work my man.

>> No.29007051

Is that thread from earlier going to completely poison nu for this board? Is it over for numales on /biz/?

>> No.29007199

at the same time that thread was occuring so was a thread with Tux doing an AMA.

once nu hits 1.00 more will accept nu as the top tier token it is. Most of you autists will be left in the dust though until it hits 5.00 by end of June when even more will flood in.

>> No.29007257

You mean the AMA thread? Nah, that was pretty cool imo.

>> No.29007275
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>> No.29007319

This is the biggest pump and dump project on biz. Someone was advertising here that they wanted to employ people and pay them in a new meme coin for advertising on here. Everyone in this thread is a bag holder waiting to dump on you. If you buy into this you're retarded.

>> No.29007337
File: 65 KB, 422x646, 7BE39C6D-846E-4659-B436-09262812044C.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no, it's a legit project plus very gay making it fun to self-fud. the perfect coin

>> No.29007425

I hope you're right anon. It seems like there are a lot of coins in circulation so either it's flooded and doesn't have a future or we are near $1.00 and still in the accumulation phase. I've never seen multi hundred thousand coin buy and sell walls at this high of a price before.

>> No.29007528

new fud just dropped

>> No.29007808

Thanks, mate.

>> No.29007902


>> No.29007976
File: 262 KB, 956x521, 1613280108522.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>crabbing for 2 days
anon that's literally fucking nothing. you dont understand crabbing

>> No.29008018
File: 48 KB, 801x377, grtdick.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP is a faggot

>> No.29008059
File: 295 KB, 1860x1600, HOLY_FUCK.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hope this shit crabs HARD so I can buy even more.

>> No.29008090

What's GRT have to do with it?

>> No.29008144

oops wrong thread

>> No.29008197

Sorry I'm used to 6.5 hour trading days rather than 24 hour non stop crabbing. 48 hours in crypto is roughly equivalent to 8 whole trading days on the stock market.
2 days feels like forever.

>> No.29008285

>2 days feels like forever.
maybe. just maybe...
you should go back

>> No.29008327

Checked and kekd. Grt is seen as the new link and nu is already seen as grt. Deer god, we are running out of time to accumulate.

>> No.29008369

grt is going to form the cup and handle and blast off into fucking orbit

>> No.29008390

i hate coinbase sm. forcing me to sell a bunch of my coins and putting me in the red

>> No.29008482
File: 56 KB, 1068x601, 1587234631465.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks, just bought 1000NU more for my stack.

>> No.29008513

Impatience is the main reason people don't make it in crypto

>> No.29008536

I'm a whale with 1k nu

>> No.29008548

that's a BUY signal if I ever heard one

>> No.29008551

its a double cup and balls my fren

>> No.29008574

this is my favorite shit it self fuds so it gives people time to accumulate

>> No.29008671

15k stack minimum to start a node, its literally over

>> No.29008942

Do we like hippy Zach Galafanakis' flute or guitar solos better?

>> No.29009064

The throat singing. Man is a triple threat.

>> No.29009433
File: 20 KB, 480x360, numalenu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tranny scum, oh so what
put the gains in his butt
dye his hair pink and blue
put the peener in the poo
but this one thing numale knew:
it's to the moon -- off we flew!

>> No.29009627

thank you anon for that beautiful song

>> No.29009717


incredibly rare frog picture anon thank you

>> No.29009718

I get fully homomorphic encryption - but why is the token needed? Can anyone give me a rundown?

>> No.29009722

this guy is also a faggot

>> No.29009749

Checked and based.

>> No.29009772

because everything is more fun with money, duh

>> No.29009802

Fuck this slimy ETH token and its brainwrecked creator. Sold last week's top and am never looking back. Not gonna fund some sicko antifanigger's degenerate lifestyle.

>> No.29009841

yo, cool boost I missed
need help guys, some1 uses Bot Ocean project?
worth buying or better to check for other bots?
want to test trading with bots and tools

>> No.29009933


>> No.29009954

If funding the sicko antifanigger's degenerate lifestyle also results in funding my own degenerate lifestyle I don't really care.

>> No.29010017

He's funding fascists and capitalists anyway whether he likes it or not.

>> No.29010141

the dichotomy of authcap and ancap
anyway, buying more nu

>> No.29010142

checked VERY RARE triple double

>> No.29010328

No this is homosexual encryption.

>> No.29010422

its going to filter people
i think tux did it on purpose, retarded polfags who can't figure it out are gonna miss out on another LINK because pink hair dye scares them

>> No.29010474

id rather have a degenerate with something to hide to develop encryption technology than a squeaky clean harvard grad

>> No.29010564

To be honest I'm scared of pink hair dye too. Do you know how difficult it is to coordinate with pink? It's damn near impossible.

>> No.29010932

It's so stupid the image was timestamped from last year and the guy who posted it literally said it was from an old thread and then he went with a larp because newfags are just that retarded

>> No.29010999

He literally posted cryptographic evidence of himself today you nimrod. And confirmed it on twitter, then deleted the tweet.

>> No.29011077


>> No.29011357


>> No.29011500

2 days?!?!?!?!? omgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomg

>> No.29011523

Name one project that SJWs added positively to
All they do is destroy

>> No.29011683

Didn't that whole gamergate thing lead to donald trump getting elected and crypto reaching absurd valuations? Maybe since nu is the sjw coin it'll have a condensed gamergate reaction at it's core and it'll explode to $200,000 by eoy.

>> No.29011768

redpill me on the tokenomics of this shit. is there gonna be 10b coins dumped on us at some point like graph or are they gonna dump on us slowly over time like algo or what

>> No.29011867


>> No.29012048

I have 6k NU. Comfy hold huge potential, doesn’t even have a Binance listing yet. Imagine the pump when it does.

>> No.29012131

You can lick my cup and balls capitan

>> No.29012497
File: 152 KB, 680x512, sell now i fucking dare you.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have to post a v2 because I never do it right the first time.

>> No.29012928

literally bullish noserings

>> No.29013283

10k Graph Chad here.

I’ve read the white paper, seems interesting, but now you guys need to redpill me on getting a 10k stack of this.

>> No.29014122

>Under $1.00. High to grab a fat stack, but low enough for a healthy short term profit.
>Not even on binance yet, apparently
>Cute mid transition enby mascot
>/pol/ disapproved
There's no reason not to have at least 1k.

>> No.29014348

Talk about money it’s the only thing I give a shit about.

>> No.29014538

I don't think the A-team shills are here ITT, but it's under a dollar and it's bound to moon at some point. Get in now or miss out, your choice.

>> No.29014574

There will only ever be 3.8b coins, and 40% of them won't be released publicly, at least for a few years. Scarcity drives up price.

>> No.29014985
File: 845 KB, 683x854, empoweryourproject.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.29015360

>nu coin
hoo-fuck just put /pol/ or /biz/ in the middle of that peg it to refugee posts from reddit and you won't just get a moon mission you'll get a motherfucking bitcoin killer
Fuck me sideways and call me asian irish that idea's fucking amazing.