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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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29004987 No.29004987 [Reply] [Original]

Bitcoin is supposed to be a super volatile asset, upwards and downwards. None of what is happening feels right
>inb4 nocoiner
Real OG /biz/tards always went against the grain and now you have fucking (((CNBC))) blowing wet diarrhea headlines of Bitcoin price daily. How the fuck are you all not going against this? I’m out of the market for now, I don’t even care what price it goes to, none of this will end well

>> No.29005110

Establishment picked it up and is pricing normies out. Not rocket science.

>> No.29005173
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we were suppose to experience a healthy correction months ago. none of that is happening. this jewish piece of shit is colluding with half of the establishment to pump btc early so a golden bull run never occurs. crypto will take years to recover from this

>> No.29005183

>pricing normies out
The fundamental unit of bitcoin is 1 satoshi though

>> No.29005188

>Real OG /biz/tards always went against the grain
Consider how over half this board spam posts about LINK, a top ten shitcoin that runs off twitter meme fumes. /biz/ lost touch

>> No.29005254

Bitcoin is the newest fedcoin, the libertarian ideals it once had is over.

>> No.29005259

Eh, if Globohomo wants to pump it then that’s good for me. All I care about is making as much money as I can off this Clown World so I can retire and go into the woods.

>> No.29005371

Makes sense, I put ~$110k into Gamestop after it’s recent crash because it feels like how OG Bitcoin felt
>1 GME = 1 GME
etc etc
good luck to everyone in this pozzed space, I know when something feels fake and gay and this entire crypto market feels just like that. Fake and gay

>> No.29005390

Thats not how they see it. Read some interviews on bloomberg. Its Big money investing in something they dont understand. Again, nothing new. Their goal is to price normies out. Didnt say it will happen, but they see one bitcoin as one bitcoin.

>> No.29005587

The only way this situation becomes salvageable is a 50% drop in a month. Even then, this is a clown market.

>> No.29005630

Zero Korea FUD.

BTC is still in a scary spot. Just wait until the FEDs inflationary practices hit full cycle and they need to start plugging the holes for wealth flight out of the USA

We are one short statement from Powell to 15K.

>> No.29005670

retard, it was always known that wider adoption would dampen volatility over time, which is part of the value proposition of bitcoin.

>> No.29005862

it can still crash any day now, no other asset gets people in panic mode more than cryptocurrency when the red begins

>> No.29005887

Bitcoin went up to around 500b+ marketcap in 2017 before collapsing 80%. It will always drop gargantuan amounts to the point where it financially ruins everyone buying into it without exception. That is the beauty of the system. One day the world will collapse into Bitcoin, and Bitcoin will collapse 80-90% yet again without fail

>> No.29005994

It FLOORS me how many times 50k got rejected, yet no crash still took place, it is still going up. This reeks.

>> No.29006224

Thankfully Bitcoin is not Scamazon or Goyflix. It will crash, it is inevitable and billionaires will lose 80% on something for the first time in their lives. And we can resume regularly scheduled buying once more

>> No.29006813

>and billionaires will lose 80% on something for the first time in their lives
You know what that means?
>Daddy Biden, we made poor decisions please legislate on our behalf. If we can't make money from crypto then no one can ): ): ): ):

>> No.29006943

go back to r3ddit nigger

>> No.29007115

>keeps going up
I sincerely don't know if I should call it now and take profits but the repeated attempts at a market crash haven't done anything

>> No.29007204

the buying pressure is subsiding. volume's been declining every day since jan 11. so no one really wants to buy at these prices.
However more importantly no one is market selling either. All strong hands/ hodlers left. Look at the sentiment on this board. no one not a single soul is market dumping to move the price down. the difference between 2017 and now is the mt gox trustee who created that major downward pressure back in 2017.
some brave whale will eventually dump when shit hits the fan but when I don't know, i've already sold.

>> No.29007241

If it crashes every big institution invested in it is just going to hold until it goes back up. They aren't going to be hurting for liquidity either way, but many smaller investors will be.

>> No.29007345

The market is in a really weird position right now because, unless an institution decides to stop holding, they'll probably keep edging the price up

>> No.29007441

We money now. Bitcoin is digital gold and altcoins are a clusterfuck of coalescing digital silver.

>> No.29007504

Nobody is selling

>> No.29007699
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1 BTC = 1405 pounds of Uranium

>> No.29007798

Oh fuck. What if they load the Korea FUD. It *COULD* happen.

>> No.29007987
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Yfw Kim Jung Un is Satoshi Nakamoto

>> No.29008117

The fed is denying asset inflation, and denying any inflation in the real economy even though commodities prices went up 30%.
Most of the pundits I've seen from youtube guys to academics think that there is inflation in goods and services / the real economy now, but that the Fed will continue its loose money policy indefinitely and not raise interest rates.
So stagflation.. I'd like the bubble to pop but that's not what we're getting.

>> No.29008673
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Satoshi nakamoto was being a black woman and sheit.

>> No.29008837
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All the currency in the world adds up to 80 Trillion
Total World Debt is 281 Trillion

Are we missing something?

>> No.29008863

What do you think we're missing?

>> No.29009446
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A 201 trillion token airdrop right about now

>> No.29009645
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Do you guys really think now is still a good time to buy? This whole thing is absolutely insane.

>> No.29009656

Wow. One of them must have got all up in someone else's bix nood.

>> No.29009726

I was saying that it was a bad time to buy back when it was 30k, history proved me wrong so idk
Just really expect a crash this time around, but at the same time everyone is HODLing because they're waiting to hear what Musk or some institution says next
All in all pretty retarded

>> No.29009831

I bought $50 worth before just to get started, and it hasn't fluctuated at all.
Coinbase is shit. I don't like it. CB pro isn't much better.
Why does it not have a line graph or a real time ticker? Fucking, 1 minute intervals isn't enough.

>> No.29009880

No one knows for sure. Bitcoin is well distributed by now so there isn't any major party that can control the price (apart from Tether). Also Blackrock could decide to dump in $50million tomorrow, just like Musk, no one really knows. One thing is for certain though - Bitcoin has been around for over a decade now and it isn't going anywhere soon. $100,000 per coin is a complete possibility by 2025.

>> No.29009886

it dipped 25% just last month you retard

>> No.29009897

But there has been repeated large market dumps right around the 50 mark.
Also a lot of whales cashed out at 20k
Then again, all it takes is Michael saylor to tweet "we made 400 million from bitcoin. Kthxbye" and we will free-fall down

>> No.29009942

any suggestions for where to live inawoods if i was born in bongland?

>> No.29009946

lend the same dollar three times

>> No.29009965

lol stay mad you poor piece of shit

>> No.29010185

>by 2025
try complete possibility by September wtf are you smoking

>> No.29010285

Absolutely because they just pump in billions without analysing the charts and the pattern BTC does EVERY cycle

>> No.29010297

>pricing normies out
This. The pleasure for the elites now is not to crash crypto, but to price out the slaves.

>> No.29010329

Conservative estimate, man. Could even happen in a few months like you said. No one knows for sure.

>> No.29010413

Anyone noticed a sudden increase in the number of IRL references to Bitcoin in the past month or so?
I have seen loads of stores with a Bitcoin sticker on the door, and that wasn't there before. It's like they all adopted it at once.

>> No.29010423

ngl based on that notion there's still significant upside
late 2017 had a similar look, but this is probably approaching the peak of Jan '18

>> No.29010615


who actively wants a line graph instead of candlesticks?

>> No.29010639
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>inb4 nocoiner
>I’m out of the market for now,
lmaooo actual nocoiner cope.


>> No.29010915

that aint no estimate thats what its gon b

>> No.29010980

Made me kek.

>> No.29011218
File: 74 KB, 1280x720, CBF204A7-856B-49FB-A29B-1B27D3540F42.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

keep doubting my autism nigger

>> No.29011395

if the world collapse into bitcoin, then products would be priced in bitcoin and not dollars. so it doesnt mean anything for bitcoin to collapse 90% against itself

>> No.29012446

Fresh, hot off the press video for a little more insight

None of it will end well. All we can hope for is the ride this wave and hop off at the right time.

>> No.29012738

So just who the fuck is THE WORLD borrowing from???

>> No.29012772

central banks

>> No.29012903

And just where do they get their money from? I'm only half-joking, I know how these systems work in theory but thinking about this stuff too much puts me in existential crisis mode because it's literally all made up bullshit fairy dust that would tumble down the moment enough people stopped believing and clapping.

>> No.29012941

>unless an institution decides to stop holding
no they may stop buying but not one will sell

>> No.29013142

Exactly right, it's all just a big scam

>> No.29013509


they get it from the people.

>gov issues bonds
> people buy bonds
> gov owes bondhodlers money