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29006012 No.29006012 [Reply] [Original]

is investing possible with a legit panic disorder?

i keep getting manic episodes where i think the entire market is going to crash in some black swan event and i want to sell everything and freak out. sometimes i feel like this and we get a red day and i think its all just fucking over and then i freak out trying to decide if its going to be a flash crash or a full on 2 year bear market

i keep thinking whats gonna happen if we hit a long ass multi year bear market (stocks and crypto both) and i just lose everything. and sit flat for years and i keep going from normal watching gains to freaking out thinking i need to sell everything while im ahead

>> No.29006100

its normal op you are holding shit than can crash any minute, these people are insane but you dont make money if you're a scared little bitch

>> No.29006118
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Read this book. It'll be okay.

>> No.29006151

Fix your mental problems first anon, then invest or gamble. The market will only make it worst whether it goes up or down, trust me.

t. someone who used to suffer from panic attacks and heart palpitations so bad I thought I was going to die.

>> No.29006242

Yeah I had to pull out was giving me panic attacks soon as I did I felt better although I lost like 400.

>> No.29006313

it will give even normal people panic attacks when you buy or sell large amounts. definitely stressful as shit.

>> No.29006382

Lock your wallet keys in a safety deposit box and pay some big nosed lawyer a couple of hundred dollars to hold on to the physical key for 2-3 years. He doesn't need to know what the key is for. Only that he is legally not allowed to give it back to you until 2 years has passed.

If you're chronically weak handed, that's the only solution.

>> No.29006708
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There's literally only one rule: Buy.

>> No.29006877
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Rule 1, subsection A: Never sell.

>> No.29006905


>> No.29006949

>shitcoins go up 10000%
>pls give me the key i need to sell
>sorry im not legally allowed
>2 years later
>shitcoins down 90%
>here are your keys

>> No.29006958

To the anons in this thread any tips on treating your anxiety? I have struggled for 5 years and refuse to take goofball pills. I take 0.5 mg klonopin when it gets severe then i REFUSE to take another dose for a minimum of 3 weeks in between no matter how bad it gets because that shit is dangerous

>> No.29007144
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Once you understand that all forms of anxiety are just manifestations of spiritual void and lack of purpose in life, you can begin working towards a more conscious life.

>> No.29007359

Get off all drugs, only weed if anything.
>Poor depressed faggot with anxiety
>Finds he copes better than everyone on prescriptions

>> No.29007399

If you don’t already start lifting heavy and often. It’s not just a meme. It helps. You’ll be too tired and hungry half the time to worry.
Cease all recreational drug use.
Devote yourself to some higher cause (religion, white nationalism, helping the poor, gaining knowledge). It doesn’t matter what really. Just devote yourself to it entirely.
Learn to accept that bad shit happens and be stoic about it. Read Greek philosophy and/or Marcus Aurelius.
Give up the pursuit of happiness. Only then can you actually achieve it.
I know some of this shit sounds goofy but trust me. Been there. Got better.

>> No.29007503

Huge doses of CBD. Not like go to your headshop and buy some sketchy pills but actually get CBD isolate/oil in massive quantities and take like hundreds of MG. It actually works but the market is flooded with shit product.

>> No.29007511

yeah idk if i could do what y'all rich guys do i just put $20 in bitcoin today for the first time to see how it works while i lurk more and even doin that had me shaky

>> No.29007556

>too autistic to be social or make proper friends outside of my high school group
>not autistic enough to be happy as a lonely crypto trader
>don't find anything enjoyable, autistic obsession with deadlines and productivity means I'm fucking terrified of death and my life is ruled by opportunity cost
What do I do bros?

>> No.29007645

Hang out with me for a week.

>> No.29008046
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you really just have to be broken to the point where losing everything just makes you laugh

>> No.29008116

Lawyers not needed. Lock it with a smart contract, or OP_HODL / OP_LOCKTIMEVERIFY for Bitcoin

>> No.29008580

Thanks anons. I will give these a shot. I lifted for 3 years and blew out my nerve in my elbow and have just now gotten it fixed and plan to start lifting again. I think it will really help. Ceasing lifting for a year after doing it for so long literally raped my mind. I stopped alcohol 2 years ago entirely, nothing at all, no drugs either. Thought about trying marijuana again after not hsing for 5 years to see if it would help. Will try CBD as well and maybe try to go back to church again after all this time. Godspeed

>> No.29008601

Actual psychfag here.
This market is going to take your panic to unseen heights. The volatility is crippling for someone with clinical panic, and that volatility is a powerful reinforcer - i.e, your panic can easily be validated with a bad trade, thus rationalizing what are, for the most part, irrational thoughts and feelings.
I suggest staying far, far away from anything but blue chips (e.g, BTC, ETH) and not swing trading whatsoever. Write why you believe in what you’re investing in, as well as the best/worst case scenarios. DCA is a good strategy for someone with your condition, as it allows you to stick to a plan set in before any panic ensues and ideally eliminates anxiety surrounding timing anything.
Frankly, though, you need to deeply examine your panic and the most prominent triggers since it seems crypto is just 1 manifestation. Systematic desensitization is a powerful tool you can use that involves gradual steps introducing yourself from least-most panicking situations. Look it up, you can easily find some worksheets if you’re interested.

>> No.29008654

You’ll make it fren

>> No.29008660

Everyone gets nervous, try running, OP. Get some shoes and STRETCH. you have to stretch or you will fuck up your legs/knees, you'll notice you get fucking leg ripped with 10 minutes of effort a day

>> No.29008762

If you're a psychologist, mine put me on Wellebutrin for no reason so he could check a box and I wasn't a liability, but I stupidly agreed, and after 5 days I permanently developed sexual anhedonia. It's been better, and almost fixed after some months. I never told him because it's embarrassing.

So just be considerate of your patients...

>> No.29008824


been a long day

>> No.29008877
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>you dont make money if you're a scared little bitch

>> No.29009015

Not a psychiatrist, but it doesn’t surprise me. They’re notorious pill pushers, he probably has a box of Wellbutrin pens in his desk drawer. SNRIs are fucking gnarly, and if that’s his go-to, he’s getting a kickback. Hope you return to normal at some point, anon, sorry you’re going through this.

>> No.29009387
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Similar position op, I get too angry and depressed on shitty trading days.
Thought I bought pltr dip yesterrsat bit I didnt.
God I really wanna choke someone with a rope, it ruined my day, gf did cheer me up but playing smash with my friends got me angry and quit
I want to personally murder unironic bobo posters, legit wanna pry their teeth out with tools

>> No.29009492

