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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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28999226 No.28999226 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.28999940

so make a larger transaction

>> No.29000733

That's what Rubic's team is trying to solve with L2

>> No.29000786

im sick of these poor faggots complaining so much

>> No.29000957

Eth is like a toll bridge that is too expensive for niggers but people with jobs gladly and easily pay a small proportion of their income to cross so they can live in the suburbs, away from the niggers.

>> No.29001043

What are you talking about? IOTA has no fees.

>> No.29001674
File: 76 KB, 564x669, photo_2021-01-15_02-49-24.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fukin shitty network fees made me crazy on DEXes. waiting for Injective's mainnet to launch... L2 DEXes can handle that problem

>> No.29002296

stop being poor

>> No.29002578

I got some shitcoin I have from uniswap and the gas fees would cost more then what the coins are worth lmao

>> No.29003423

Hurr quit being poor. Bullshit answer. This is totally fucked. Vitalik is a nigger

>> No.29003701

>be me
>poor student
>dump $500 into PNK (shit coin)
>it goes down a lot, now $250
>fuck it, sell it all
>have to pay $100 gas fee to sell $250 of PNK
>add that with $50 for initial gas fee
>initial investment of $550 is now $150
>by the time I pay all the fees needed to make that ETH USD in my bank account it will be more like $100, not to mention the $50 in fees I made even before the first gas fee
>this means I paid $250 in fees without even including the $250 in depreciation
>I literally went in with $550 and will come out with $100
>$200 of this lose was fees (mostly gas)
Fuck crypto.

>> No.29003920

This was almost identical to my situation but then I got DAT UNI and sold the top. Now I'm staking CAKE and making 1k/week. You gotta play the game or else the game will play you, Cuck. Now watch me fuck your mom/bitch

>> No.29004793

why the fuck would you be fucking with uniswap shit coins if your bankroll is $550? This isn't crypto's fault, it's your own. Did you know how much gas was? Did you see how much the transaction would cost and say "hmm this still seems like a great risk/reward"?? Fuck off trying to blame anyone or anything but yourself.

>> No.29004805

use aeb.xyz dumbass

>> No.29004903

Is a $100 transaction a representation of a poor person? Cause it costs $140 to withdraw $100 of liquidity.

>> No.29004937

Fuck off dumbass, I learned my lesson, and will never touch crypto again. It was a high risk, high reward plan that failed, the fees were just the shit cherry on top.

>> No.29006122

How much did you pay for CAKE

>> No.29006248

>Selling PNK at a lowpoint before AAVE announcement.
Please hang yourself

>> No.29007765

And failling miserably apparently