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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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28994474 No.28994474 [Reply] [Original]

>told my gf about my crypto portfolio
>"Babe, we should sell some of our crypto to buy some new curtains."

>> No.28994540 [DELETED] 

Nice larp faggot

>> No.28994688

Just say no

>> No.28994777

Tell her you did a programming mistake and that the coins are frozen for 10 years

>> No.28994812


>> No.28994834

kek this

>> No.28994839


>> No.28994879


>> No.28994914

nice trips.

I am fucking stealing this, you're a fucking genius.

My bf is a retard so this might work

>> No.28994935


also this

>> No.28994936

I don't think you have a gf. Enjoy your curtains.

>> No.28994952

>crypto portfolio
Your mom is not your girlfriend, and your 0.03 BTC is barely a portfolio.

>> No.28995012

Gay larp

>> No.28995029
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It aint that simple, homie.
People who say otherwise have never been in a relationship before.

>> No.28995088

Not only do you not have a gf, you can't even LARP about their thought pattern either so you'll never have a gf.

>> No.28995100

This. How do these faggots still fall for the incel bait?

>> No.28995107

If she had said maybe a new cuckcage for you and a gold chain for your bull maybe your larp would have been believable

>> No.28995174
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>> No.28995247

Listen to Soccer Misses Jr here, she knows whats up

>> No.28995300
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>> No.28995342

time for some new beef curtains

>> No.28995358

Ummm sweatie, I'm an authority on beating up pussy

>> No.28995408

My parents bought $10,000 curtains instead of bitcoin

>> No.28995444

Ngl I've never been in a relationship and I don't want to be in one. So you're right idk what it's like. Just slut around on tinder.

>> No.28995458


>> No.28995509

What would she say if you just said no tho?

>> No.28995567

I literally invested 10k of my gf's savings into DeepBrainChain right before the bear

>> No.28995633

Either post tits

>> No.28995658

you will never be a woman

>> No.28995744
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If you can't believe it, you never had a gf or wife. They absolutely will ask you to sell because they think it's funny money /a bubble. They fucking want these new drapes because these new drapes are fucking tangibles. Just tell them yeah next week and repeat. Fuck' em.

>> No.28995766

Thats a man.

>> No.28995955

thats a man

>> No.28995971
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checked and grilpilled

>> No.28996033

When I show my wife my portfolio she says "I'm proud of you babe." You need better women in your life. I've taught her enough over the past 5 years that she even holds her own little portfolio (just BTC and ETH) it's cute and an extra $15k for when she does want curtains

>> No.28996048


>> No.28996088

Holy shit, lel. Are you still holding? I bought 3k or so for something like $900, watched it triple and then held it into the ground because I was dumb enough to listen to people telling me "it's just a correction, it will go up again in a few days".
Still have them as a grim reminder.

>> No.28996225

“Our crypto”


>> No.28996324
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You're a fucking coward
t. married

>> No.28996348

why do you faggot use a name?

>> No.28996350

Ok doormat.

>> No.28996490
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If you really couldnt sell a bit off your folio for some $50 drapes, you really shouldnt be telling anyone about your folio.

>> No.28996513

>is married to a wife to home he is wedded


>> No.28996550

It really is that easy, don’t yield a fucking bit. Don’t sell so much as 1 fucking satoshi, buy the curtains with your paycheck. Better to not DCA for a check than to create a taxable event AND lose crypto.
not one step back, OP. Not one fucking step.

>> No.28996564

>telling a cooze about your crypto gains


>> No.28996588

Tell her she has to peg you first.

>> No.28996632
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>“Our crypto”

>> No.28996707


>> No.28996721

>our crypto

>> No.28996792

My wife wanted me to buy a couch...fuckin hell..she acted like it was one of my cute hobbies, and now that I made 1300 bucks in a month she’s interested in my portfolio gains

>> No.28996898

Literally never tell anyone you know about your gains. Nothing good can come from it and it's bad luck.

>> No.28996938

>having a gf

>> No.28996994

MY gf literally just says she will leave anything finance to me. Jut so long as I don't completely fuck up she leaves me alone. I put most of her money in etfs, so a good 20% gains make her happy while i risk all of mine on 300% gains

>> No.28997192

LARP but it happens in real life

>> No.28997288

make it believable

>> No.28997732

>not knowing THE chronos of /biz/

>> No.28997916

shit test anon. say no and dont fail the shit test

>> No.28998522

if you relent now, the next time its gonna be a kitchen remodel or new hardwood floors

>> No.29000035

This is 100%

>> No.29000922

>our crypto

>> No.29000958

>told my gf about my crypto portfolio
that's where you went wrong

>> No.29001168

Further proof that 4chan and reddit are the same thing at this point

>> No.29001250

im not ready for this blackpill

>> No.29001443

>reddit spacing
Fag confirmed

>> No.29001715

Fuck jannies

>> No.29001791

> our crypto
Unironically ngmi if you're this beta. Your gf literally sees you as a simp paypig. I told my gf about my net worth but she knows it's my money, not "our money". Also, I will get a prenup (they work in my country) if/ when I get married.

>> No.29001805


>> No.29001939

A vampire, truly.
XY till you die.

>> No.29001941

>implying reddit spacing is a thing

>> No.29002192
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>your crypto portfolio
>"our crypto"

Leave her anon. Now.

>> No.29002252

tell her its for lambos only

>> No.29002458

>keeping tabs on a faggot's posting habits like it's your daily soap opera

>> No.29002988

>turn wife into stay at home mom because I like my nuclear families
>she complains I don't spend enough time with her because I'm working all the time
>complains about how difficult taking care of our son is and how I need to help more (during work hours, I work from home)

The brain just does not compute. If I spend more time then I make less money and you now have to work. I can't just not work and pay for everything. I swear like 80% of women are retarded and 20% are just guys with long hair.

>> No.29003223

Men can't win in these situations. If you work and provide, you're not "spending enough time with me [her]." If you don't provide, she leaves you. Welcome to solipsism.

>> No.29003245

I remember one time only in my life when my mother questioned my father. It was the only time I've ever seen him get angry. He broke 30 of her bones, she was in the hospital for 5 months and couldn't walk for 8. Literally her question was "What were you doing last night?"

>> No.29003781

I've done the math on her grievances and the only way to win is if I'm a retired, worth greater than 100 million with no other responsibilities or hobbies.

>> No.29004094

I live in a semi. The only women that I have interacted with on anything more than buying McDonald's half pound burger are homeless annoying niggers who bang on the door at 2am asking for money for "muh kieedds"

>> No.29004508
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He could have just answered her question, the fuck?

>> No.29004603
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lmfao i did the same thing in picrel

>> No.29004771

My wife who was pushing me to buy more XRP just before the dump shit her pants and now suddenly wants nothing to do with crypto. Joke's on her, I bought the dip.

>> No.29004862

not op, but i can tell you, women have this power to be annoying as all hell. My ex gf used to go on fuckin tirades breaking shit. You have no fuckin idea