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File: 3.58 MB, 3066x1654, Always_has_been_Hoge_moon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
28986904 No.28986904 [Reply] [Original]

Always Was edition

>getting started
telegram: hogefinance
discord: QA6xCzTrK7

>literally what is it
A better doge, hoge is a defi deflationary meme coin meant to correct the inflationary and whale issues with doge while still keeping the shitposting spirit

>how do I buy omg we're going to 100000% moon
uniswap link on the main page for now, exchanges coming soon

recent events:
>price tracker added to coinbase and blockfolio (so normies will FOMO in when they see it under top gainers, up 690% in one day from a $100,000 pump)
>getting closer to getting added on the whitebit exchange, others in the works

>> No.28986982
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>> No.28987562

Call me a nigger, call me a pajeet, but don't you EVER accuse me of being a sneedposter

>> No.28987647

gas fees le sigh

>> No.28987933
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>> No.28988195

yeah there's a lot of talk in the tele about making a bsc bridge for this so you don't get fucked in the ass by fees

still not a bad buy imo if you wait until the amerilards are sleeping and the gas fees lower enough

>> No.28988232

should be on Whitebit fairly soon too

>> No.28988505
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We on it.

>> No.28988820

I really, really want to believe some autist out there is trying to TA hogecoin

>> No.28989022
File: 379 KB, 1440x1838, Screenshot_20210216-020320.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Top whales only hold 2% and dropping.

>> No.28989237

Hoge flying. Jump in while you can faggots.

>> No.28989273
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I thought it was a dead pump and dump anons, why is it pumping again???

What % do whales usually hold in pump and dump coins I'm actually curious

>> No.28989355

best memecoin out there right now. cannot believe it's on coinbase if you search for it

>> No.28989560

hoge on yet another pump

>> No.28989921
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>> No.28989991

This pump will be a monster one
50-100x if you buy from here
Thank me later

>> No.28990073
File: 9 KB, 388x99, WHAT.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

WTF all shill and shitposting aside it's actually happening

>> No.28990233

gonna hold for a year and see where this goes

>> No.28990428
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>> No.28990445


>> No.28990534

itll go down in half an hour

>> No.28990632

who cares, it always goes back up.

>> No.28990703
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>> No.28990900
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>> No.28990914

This, plus, and this is key - you farm tokens every time someone buys or sells.
I have a pretty small balance and have farmed 4 million since release.

>> No.28991111
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sne...No, jk, WAAGMI

>> No.28991115
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>> No.28991346


>> No.28991405


>> No.28991462
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>> No.28992151

Since I'm already up 20% what do I hold to boys, 50%? T-this is the only memecoin I've ever been up on h-haha

>> No.28992665

u fags made me lose 500 dollarinos

>> No.28992837
File: 22 KB, 689x480, moon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's only been around for a week nigger give it some time, it's not meant to be a pump and dump even if /biz/ says it is

now much longer do I have to wait? I kind of hope it dips a bit so I can load up on more

>> No.28992862

>selling hoge at a loss

>> No.28993114
File: 34 KB, 502x353, 269963.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How did they do that?

>> No.28993294
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That's honestly up to you. It's smart to take out your initial investment. If for nothing else other than to buy more HOGE when it dips :)

>> No.28993753

Is this coin dead

>> No.28993895

it's unironically up 28% today anon, if it was dead it's roaring back from the grave


>> No.28993954
File: 98 KB, 750x1000, A0343A92-C35D-42F6-ADBF-35E2FD509AD7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice pump

>> No.28994056
File: 230 KB, 418x549, 1612990417705.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My hair started curling since i started holding HOGE


>> No.28994421

nope, pumping as we speak and working on getting it on an exchange>>28993895

>> No.28994686

didnt sell..yet

>> No.28994814
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>> No.28994956
File: 273 KB, 1280x720, doge_hoge_blastoff.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

HOGE is actually amazing. Ive already up 5x and am holding for 100x. HOGE has the best community on the internet and makes the best meme art. Its the ingenuity of the HOGE owners that will power us to the moon because we got the meme power on our side before anyone else. If you want to jump on our rocket its still not too late. Come join us and dab on the virgins that bought dogecoin and their sinking ship while we fly to the moon for the easiest 100x in your life! The best exclusive secret insiders club on the interwebs! HOGE is an antiestablishment MOVEMENT to fuck over the greedy jews. Be part of that movement now. This is literally a once in a lifetime opportunity. We will succeed where Gamestonks and Dogecels failed. HOGE Chads forever united!!

>> No.28994998
File: 1023 KB, 585x920, whaling_1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Split your lungs with blood and thunder
>When you see the white whale
>Break your backs and crack your oars men
>If you wish to prevail

>> No.28995039

this is good. although bad. but good meme.

>> No.28995106

relax then

>> No.28995120
File: 2.19 MB, 3756x3456, Whale_2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28995213

yeah our only whale (suspected pajeet) has been dumping for days but has almost ran out of funds, after that there's pretty much nothing stopping a moon mission, no one owns enough to manipulate the price lol

>> No.28995423

i am it was just a joke. if you couldn't tell from the "dollarinos" bit.

>> No.28995503
File: 3.17 MB, 2500x1202, Whaling_4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28995623

To the retards shilling this coin, you've missed the dump. It was just bad luck and bad timing. Just move on to the next shilled coin, and actually cash out in time.

These threads are just you being desperate. Is feeding a village really that hard? Just kill yourselves and everybody, get it over with already.

>> No.28995705


>> No.28995785

What's the point of leaving one whale behind? Can't you guys just do a coordinated dump? I admire it, but just get your 10x and get out. It's what we did for MCDC coin.

>> No.28995813

Been holding this since the big run up at about 0.000005 price buy-in. Thought I was going to be completely fucked but now I'm wishing I bought more during the dip...

>> No.28996392

Oh, it's not a pump and dump anymore. No that phase already passed son.

>> No.28996399


>> No.28996432

Dead coin with no use. The pump and dumpers are done with it and it won’t grow organically because it has no use case

>> No.28996652
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NGMI. Dont be this cuck. Only Hogchads understand. Moon or bust baby.

>> No.28996672

crypto has been around for a decade, bitcoin is worth 50K a coin, and not a single token actually has a "use case" for anything other than buying and selling for a profit

>> No.28997182

Yes, so what phase is this? Get it up to as much as they can so the gas fees doesn't insta-kill the profits?

>> No.28997355

You can use btc to pay for school tuition and tesla.

>> No.28997516

sure is reddit in here

>> No.28997704

this is the fucking comfiest hold of my life, already made 20m hoge just by holding

>> No.28998084

You need shilling classes. All the response from Indians doesn't sound natural at all. Just dirty fucking pajeet street shitters.

>> No.28998092
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>> No.28998249

still going up bros

>> No.28998371
File: 134 KB, 1024x1024, 50ec058980deef476d486186c0e77787.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

HOGE is powered by memes, and frenship.


>> No.28998544

This is the "Reorient your community and build projects together, raising awareness and solving the gas fees problem to bring in normal investors" phase.

Yes, there's a roadmap.

>> No.28998733

I prefer the quick pump and dump for quick easy 20x your money. And just put in in btc, eth, link, then when you hit your desired amount. Like a 1 million or 10 million. Get out, retire, never touch crypto again. Unless you ran out of money then you start over again.

>> No.28998765

What I've seen, and yes I was here before the pump.
- Crazy shilling yayyyy
- Huge ups, gotta sleep, big dump at 6 or 8eth?
- FUD, angry 4channers
- Some small sells, bunch of people left holding the bag
- Suddenly 1000 cool ppl in a telegram
- Rapid organization, scrambling governance
- Settling and roadmap, assignment of roles
- Formation of foundation, buys for advertising and awareness
- Buying out the whale
= you are here.

The 4chan daytraders got out, and they're mad it still has traction. Still cheap if you want to come join fren :)

>> No.28999027

This gonna end badly, just like Trumpcoin & Niggercoin

>> No.28999084

Whats some good indian music?
I really like some of the songs.
Not even trolling just give me a link

>> No.28999207

>Here timmy let me send you some money.
Ok grandpa. What coin are you going to send me?
>Oh niggercoin
OH YAY! I LOVE NIGGERCOIN its my favorite coin of all
>Ha HA. Oh Timmy. It cracks me up everytime I see your face light up from using NIGGERCOIN.

Ok replace that with something marketable.

>Here timmy let me send you some money.
Ok grandpa. What coin are you going to send me?
OH YAY! I LOVE HOGE its my favorite coin of all
>Ha HA. Oh Timmy. It cracks me up every time I see your face light up from using HOGE.

>> No.28999247

No thanks. Have a good life though. Also, I thought Indians come up with the concept of karma. What goes around, comes around. Meaning if you scam people, bad things will happen to you, and when people think of scammers, it's usually Indians.

I'm just saying, if the pajeets don't care about karma, then why don't they just use the money to get some nice fat steak from a cow.

>> No.28999376

honestly my grandpa would unironically invest in something called niggercoin and give it out at the holidays

>> No.28999438
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>> No.28999609

Take all the boomer money you want, rugpull or w/e. HOGE has potential if you put in some effort and maybe clear up what ur management looks like. Just saying

>> No.28999664

It's rough to see someone decide they'd rather not create value in the world. We'll get back to building, you get back to shilling bro. No hate here.

>> No.28999763

Fair enough. Take care.

>> No.29000285
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>> No.29000895

yeah there are some retards shilling on here that would be better off not posting at all

>> No.29002405

if hogecoin ever moons it will be in spite of how absolutely shit half the holders are at shitposting and shilling (and I own some)

>> No.29003801

yeah I completely agree with u, I only threw a few hundred bucks at it (I never get wild when it comes to these kinds of coins) so obviously I want it to do well, but a lot of the shit that gets posted here is just embarrassing. reminds me of gme type niggas

>> No.29003835
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>> No.29003847

Look at this graph and tell me with a straight face that you aren't buying into this

>> No.29004123
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>> No.29004213

HOGE is fucking legendary

>> No.29004689
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>> No.29005444

I fucking love HOGE so much bros. It is simply epic. I am going to call my kids HOGE. Fucking based AF.

>> No.29006674

another whale just dumped his shit

>> No.29006805
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>> No.29006933

hello everyone, I am very hopeful that HOGEcoin will be exploding soon. we are in the stages of birth and all that is needed is a boost from the normals and we can reach great heights once again! we will all be making it!

>> No.29007657

big deal, now more small buyers can eat it up
pretty sure this one sold for a loss

>> No.29007711

checkin these digits

>> No.29007776

im a pajeet and you dont understand karma

>> No.29007778
File: 42 KB, 496x432, chloe_dino_hodl_hoge.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Checking those!

>> No.29008037

i didn't mean it in a bad way, i was just giving an update. it seems like most hoge holders are waiting for the whales to offload their bags so the price stops tanking at 200

>> No.29008319

oh fren i didnt mean to make it seem like u meant it in a bad way
thanks for posting updates :)

>> No.29008662

that may be true pajeet, but can you direct me to the next great 100x shitcoin? I hear that's uh a skill of your people

>> No.29008767
File: 22 KB, 319x432, comfy_hoge.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your already here.

>> No.29008784


>> No.29010239

the real pajeets were the friends I made along the way, thanks anon that was strangely wholesome

>> No.29010491
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You are welcomed.