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28977024 No.28977024 [Reply] [Original]

You don't create anything by hodling or trading cryptos, you steal it from hard working people, you didn't earn anything.
All miners and traders do is waste energy and money for pure speculation and market manipulation.

I hope they regulate cryptos and its energy consumption because honest hard working comrades get only the short end of the stick.

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>> No.28977060

Back to Twitter faggot

>> No.28977165


>> No.28977189

when i trade crypto im providing liquidity for other people who want to trade the same pair. i am offering something of value to the market. suck a penis!

>> No.28977301
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Get a real job, use your time and energy to create something for yourself and your community.

>> No.28977412

have never seen nocoiner cope this hard. look faggot, the comrads better buy bitcoin now or literally stay poor forever, always the slave of the capitalist. bitcoin IS the revolution, brainlet.

>> No.28977480

If you didn't trade your crypto for silver yet you're unironically a boomer

March COMEX deliveries in a matter of days and they have to provide 400 million ounces

>> No.28977518
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Oy gevalt, why is such antisemitism allowed on 4channel?

>> No.28977598

We aren't stealing anything from you. Your government is stealing from you and has been for hundreds of years. All we're doing is trying to get out form under the boot, you're just too dumb to do it yourself.

>> No.28977785

>You don't create anything by hodling or trading cryptos, you steal it from hard working people
I hold assets that I know people are going to desire in the future, and I sell them to those people when they're in higher demand. It's those people's fault for not putting in the time to research and not realising the potential for those assets sooner. Where in this scenario have I committed a sin? Is basic forward planning not something to be expected?

>> No.28977843
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Yeah I'm not too sure about any of that. Things seem to be working out REALLY well for those kikes so....

>> No.28977951
File: 254 KB, 1024x680, whydidipromiseanal.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is just like the vanilla stock market

>> No.28978590

>Chinese gov can BTFO all BTC hodlers with a single tweet or just shutting down miners.
>Mining consumes more power than an entire country
>You can't even buy anything useful in crypto. It is just layers on top of layers of speculation.

Dollars on the other hand can be printed without end because might of US military makes other countries to accept it and trade with it.

>> No.28978812

Jump off the ship now and sell everything and buy something that you can hold in your hand and retains value

>> No.28979525

if by that logic than anything other than natural resources is worthless yes?

>> No.28979702

Time is what actually is worth of anything. People put in time = bitcoin worth something.
There has been a shitloads of manhours put into bitcoin. So it's inherently worth shitloads.

>> No.28980959
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get rekt

>> No.28981304

fuck you im a communist and there are no real jobs, this why people hate Marxists bc of pedantic idiots like you. get a fucking grip, its possible to do both community work and exploit this ponzi scam