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28976528 No.28976528 [Reply] [Original]

So what is actually going to replace eth as the blockchain to host the defi space?

Serious answers only. ETH2.0 and CeDeFi BSC BNB chink shit don't count

>> No.28976600


>> No.28976833

cardano u dumb cunt.

Same founder as eth.
Charles on personal mission to kill vitalik and ethereum from firing him as ethereums ceo for no reason.

Hes a total psycho and will succeed

>> No.28976997



>> No.28977038


>> No.28977094

>CeDeFi BSC BNB chink shit don't count


>> No.28977154

I hope he does.

Fucking hate that pedo

>> No.28977224

nothing will, eth killers are a fucking meme. eth have too many users and delevopers already and have become the standard, just face it.

>> No.28977395

Cardano. Wake the wake up. The whole world knows.

>> No.28977610

Dude, I don't, I mean, I legit don't understand how BIZ can be so dumb....
Eth was created to make BTC transfer faster.
Eth is shitty and late on all upgrades, L@ probably won't even be released.
Eth fees are fucking ridiculous

....But if only there was another option... ummm, DOT or ADA.... hmmm, but I actually need something that works now. Today!

Wake the fuck up BIZ, BNB and the BSC is HERE!!!!!!!! This shit will revolution. Based. Out

>> No.28977760

>"this shit will revolution!!!!!!!"
Chink spotted.
Nah. It'll pump now and for 2 more months, then it'll die when ETH solutions or DOT arrives.

>> No.28977831


>> No.28978072

Obviously BSC.

>> No.28978381

totally ADA

>> No.28979255

BASED CZ will save DeFI from americucks.

>> No.28979974


>Million-dollar baby: Project Catalyst DAPP developer Fund 4
>$200,000,000 On-chain Treasury for Funding DAPP developers
>$1,000,000,000+ in funding will be available in the future
>$1,000,000 Round 4 underway now -- focus to DAPP devs. Full Daedalus Integration for Voting this Round!
>10 total rounds of funding to happen this year

>Decentralized Identity - Cardano's Atala PRISM

>Atala PRISM Demo

>Cardano to onboard 5 million people

>Native Tokens

>ERC-20 Converter:
>Video Demo (start at 10:20)

Smart Contracts in April
>Solidity, Javascript to Marlowe, Drag & Drop via Marlowe, Hardcore Haskell
>Solidity Smart Contracts 100% Ethereum compatibility via Cardano's KEVM
>Drag and Drop smart secure formally verified smart contract creation via Marlowe

The market is waiting to be captured.
Intro to this video (first 2 minutes) ...provides high-level context preview for the next section on multiple programming language support:

Multiple Programming Language Support for Smart Contract Creation

The future of DeFI requires formal verification (start at 33:00)

>> No.28980218

Either PolkaDot or Cardano

>> No.28980380


>> No.28980675

>Multiple Programming Language Support
Such a meme. Developers can't even get it right when they all write in a single language. Smart contracts will have tons of holes because of language-specific holes and there not being enough auditors for specific languages.

>> No.28981168

STX mETH heads gonna get wrecked

>> No.28981164

Polkadot and Elrond are way better than that african shitcoin

>> No.28981352

fuck that. sauce me.

>> No.28982315
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>> No.28982501

except that 80% of that dumb fucking pajeetcoin is owned by fucking bog getting ready to damp eet at any moment

>> No.28982887

It'll be a number of them.
DOT will probably end up working the hipster space
Cardano will likely capture the conservative space.

I'm long cardano mainly because I think governments and banks will prefer it over DOT.

>> No.28983031

Nothing, just like 2017 bull.

API3 will be one of the most important parts of the future ETH infrastructure however.

>> No.28983397
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ETH is bleeding into BSC as you can see all ETH pairs on Binance vs BSC

One of the current low cap projects standing a chance to moon today is app.astrotools.io/pancake-pair-explorer/0x76ac647384ef464f062f8f39df5eed61d5b30cb3

>> No.28984376
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Nobody can beat Avalanche & Pangolin now on price or liquidity.

Ethereum = fucked
Cardano = fucked
Polkadot = fucked
Elrond = fucked
FTM = fucked

Also lol at this tryhard shit: >>28979974