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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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28963892 No.28963892 [Reply] [Original]

I just got paid 700$ from my wagie job. Now thanks to fucking ETH, I have to spend all of it unstaking PIPT-ETH tokens, moving them to sushiswap, and preparing for the BAO migration. Should I just end it? I turned 5k into 20k and can't even afford to exit any position fml

>> No.28964007

Why aren't you financing gas fees with your crypto?
It's as simple as siphoning off 0.3-1 ETH every time you make profits.

>> No.28964049

Break some of your LP tokens.

>> No.28964601
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I used all the money from my wagie job and put it all into crypto. Since every transaction is so fucking expensive, every paycheck goes into a new transaction and the gas, so I don't even have enough to siphon some out of my shitcoin profits. Also most of my portfolio is just long term holds like BAO, BUIDL, and GRT so I just want to have it sit there without withdrawing anything

>> No.28964799

Thank God the smart people over at Rubic are doing something about gas fees.

>> No.28964837
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how do i do that when i have literally no gas to unstake? my 700$ needs to remove liquidity on my balancer tokens since they made pool rewards 0