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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 238 KB, 947x911, Bild_2021-02-17_153635.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
28951301 No.28951301 [Reply] [Original]

>700k market cap
>active team, they update the medium, active twitter, make podcasts and constantly think of ways to expand their ecosystem
>has flown under the radar because it seemed like nothing new is coming but they are about to launch two new products
>The great NFT hunt
>The NFT portal
>will announce partnership soon (ask in TG if you dont believe)
>use their own gas-fee reducing token for less gas-heavy NFT transactions
>phase I of their platform is to draw gamer's attention to the platform by monetizing their ingame time (in form of achievements) (we're here)
>phase II will be to partner up game companies so they can create more incentives and platform expansions
>phase III will be a seamless gameing to blockchain tech/marketplace transition to buy and sell ingame assets on their platform

>can it be exploited?
No, not really, they have a carefully selected collection of games and have mechanisms in place that plug loopholes and protect from just spamming their system with achievements. If people tried to perpetualize it they'd spend more money than they would earn.
>we have our houseown fudder, call him kevin, he hates the project because he sold before this got attention

>> No.28951323
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>> No.28951383

Where can I buy this?

>> No.28951410

Same question

>> No.28951487

Some more links:

Platform (Since I invested I have been in contact with the devs, the design will be revamped they're going through major changes)


Where to buy:

>> No.28951542

Check the links I provided in my last post
You can buy this by having eth on your metamask browser extension, connecting it to uniswap and using

>> No.28951615
File: 1.38 MB, 1235x1096, tapscam.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminder that this is a shill campaign for a pump and dump. Price was in a consistent decline until 2/13, the first time TTT coin threads started consistently showing up on /biz/ and reddit. When the price movement is entirely driven by threads like that, you know you're in a pump and dump. But also, the coin is useless, only enables currency trading in four games, and to earn currency for achievements in the games they have listed, you have to send them more eth than you stand to earn from the free currency. It is a scam, don't get scammed.

>> No.28951639

and swapping on uniswap* (not using)

>> No.28951712

Is 100k makeit?

>> No.28951758

You're doing a terrible job, shills. The price is plummeting. Step up your game.

>> No.28951900
File: 29 KB, 771x521, tapscam8.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Trading volume drying up, price plummeting from the artificial high, shills are sweating.

>> No.28951907

oh here we have kevin again, dude do youn spend 24/7 on /biz/ lmao get a fucking life you loiser.

Who cares about your faggy little detective work, the coin was getting attention because they announced new stuff you retard.
>the coin is useless
So like all 98% of crypto except that this has product and can definitely have functions tied to it (especially with the NFT platform additions)?
This is not a scam Kevin, nobody takes 3 years to develop a scam that could be done with simple animations and concepts like "doge.fianance".
This is a slept on project and you're fudding it because you were in it and sold before it gained attention as you admitted in a previous thread.

>> No.28952032
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Who needs more FUD than this really.

>> No.28952035

There was a pre existing TTT thread just a few minutes ago. Why did you let it die and make a new one instead of continuing it?

>> No.28952068

Price is plummeting because everyone is on bitcoin but you have to anticipate the wave not follow it.

Make it would be more like 500k to 1m but 100k is a suistack.

oh good lord, "artificial" as opposed to "natural, organic" publicity? Get a hold of yourself, you're such ridiculous vile little being, why do you constantly scrape this board for these threads, is all you do post in here? You are literally the only fudder and I see your shit in every thread.

>> No.28952150

Because these fucks don't provide info they just expect you to do all the research in this low-attention span market.

>> No.28952154

>spend 3 years on a project
>Have nothing to show for it
>only activity is some indonesians shilling on /biz/ to scam losers

Amazing coin here lads

>> No.28952196

They announced new features in december and january shill. The coin didn't start pumping until february 13, exactly when the /biz/ archives show you started posting about ttt non-stop. The pump is unrelated to the new features they announced. They announced new features and the market did not give a fuck, because the new features they announced are meaningless or vague.

>> No.28952327

Whats with the indonesian fud you retard? Where did you pick that crap up? I'm european and white.
>has nothing to show for it
Platform up and running, NFT addition soon, you're being disingenuous.

Not saying amazon but I definitely see this at 30-50m MC and depending on how well it snowballs more (the higher the MC the more partnerships roll in)

>> No.28952404

Devs started dropping hints in TG that it was coming closer

>> No.28952509

I actually think is drying up and never going back up. You aren't convincing anyone and this threads are low energy. Everything is fucking vague.

>> No.28952525

>I'm european and white.
Proof. Post hand with timestamp
>Platform up and running, NFT addition soon, you're being disingenuous
LMAO come on dude, get real. No one is using it and no one will, it's a complete failure turned scam

>> No.28952719

TTT i'm in on this amazing project. NFT market s going to soar, bu let's be honest. We can't let him get access to the nuclear codes.

>> No.28952757
File: 35 KB, 1108x674, tapscam9.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pretty sure this wallet is OP, or whoever OP works for. bought 27 million TTT between January 17, 2021, and February 6, 2021, and has been dumping ever since. Basically he sank $50k into a worthless coin, and is trying to get you to buy his bags. Classic pump and dump.

Going by prices and the sell history, he's probably managed to get about $24,000 (or equiv) out of this scam so far, but still has 17 million worthless coins to sell, and the price keeps dropping. Don't buy his bags.

>> No.28952987
File: 246 KB, 465x505, Bild_2021-02-17_162218.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

First pen ran out of ink but here you go

>> No.28953050

Kek nice find anon. Imagine spending a whole bitcoin on this shit
Great, now Pajeet is here
Who the fuck is Kevin?

>> No.28953064

lmao nope I dont hold more than 1m.

>> No.28953136

That's how we call mr.wannabe detective here>>28952757

>> No.28953248

i'm welsh you collosal faggot.

>> No.28953271

On what are basing your hope that this is going to go back up? It's basically sinking hard. The market crashed yesterday, but why the fuck is it even sinking now? Oh, yes, because it's a worthless piece of shit.

>> No.28953366
File: 107 KB, 447x280, (you).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You mean the guy saving clueless anons from wasting money into this scam?
Arguably worse desu

>> No.28953562

Answer me, dude.


>> No.28953836
File: 29 KB, 186x221, Bild_2021-02-17_162933.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

On the NFT hype, on the new platform releases, on it being so low a literal sneeze from someone with money would make it go up multiple integres, on the coming partnerships that will further draw attention to this. The reason why it hasn't pumped so much yet is because it's mostly only shilled here, shilled and fudded, this is some of the sickest fud I've seen in my life it must come from a very socially deprived and sour being. Why do you hate this project so much? Did the devs fuck your wife or something?

>saving anyone
kek sure whiteknight, if you were about saving people you would be in all mcdonald coin and dot finance threads. You're here because you don't want to see this succeed. pic related, you
can't pass jannie filter, go back to plebbit

>> No.28953938
File: 29 KB, 740x370, joseph-say-Cropped[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Something about nfts, completely misunderstanding what they are, why they might be valuable, and their place in the market. It will also rely entirely on vague promises from the developer that their nfts and unknown partnerships are totally going to materialize.

>> No.28954114

>calling me reddit
>posts soijack
I pity you, shill-kun

>> No.28954248

>completely misunderstanding
no faggot it's you who's misunderstanding, a hash is a hash, if you translated it from the original one fron blockchain A it still stems from the original privatekey in Blockchain B, but you're a midwit, it's nothing you'd udnerstand.
That is business culture and completely normal
They have one with FC juventus for fantokens and will announce another one while a third one is in the works. Why are you being like this, you could literally fud any other project, 90% of the projects out there have way waaaaaay less to offer than this.

>> No.28954346

That's what I'm afraid of. It's all too vague. And not even their shilling is affecting the price. It's as dead as a rock.

It's all vague promises or the vain hope that someone will drop a ton of cash just because why not.

>> No.28954441

Can you share a link with the Juventus stuff? That ACTUALLY sounds promising.

>> No.28954475

Tell me one project that doesn't handle their announcement in a vague fashion, that is completely normal business practice and has less to do with what you just said and more with pricing in, pre-fud and competition.

>> No.28954575
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I did in the 2nd or third post
it's on their twitter, february 14th

>> No.28955103
File: 40 KB, 508x587, Bild_2021-02-17_165211.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Devs just updated the community on what they've been working on in the background
honestly, if you don't recognize an active low mc gem after all this spoonfeeding it literally is a lost cause.

>> No.28955486

Well, it doesn't really say much.

>> No.28955573
File: 32 KB, 411x683, photo_2021-02-15_15-37-51.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have you got your TiTTys yet anon?

>> No.28955857

it says enough, he says another group which implies this one is sacked.
Also imagine having esport tokens on their platform that have governance over their rosters etc. I see a bright future for the blockchain x gaming industry and these guys are pioneers.

>> No.28956075

How do i stake this shit anon ??????

>> No.28956389

platform or LP directly through uniswap
ask in the tele the admins are active and will take care of your needs

>> No.28956489

considering their "steam integration" is a blatant lie, I am going to call bullshit until verifiable details are released.
Price went below .002. Sweating? Cause I'm not seeing you buying ;*)

It doesn't tell you anything. They just mention a team's token. They don't actually verify a partnership. I listened to the podcast referred to in the tweet about juventos. If you want to verify, it's the tap bros episode 1, juventos discussion starts 26 minutes in. They don't claim a partnership. They just discuss how the juventos fantoken spiked in price. I'm pretty sure they're "partners" of an Italian soccer team in the same way that they're partners with steam. I.e. they aren't. So that's another lie from this shill. >>28954575

Maybe they can do the same thing they did with games. Hire Truly Simplistic Inc to make three to four NFTs with no true value, but which are integrated into the tap network, and claim widespread implementation of their protocol. Oh wait, that's probably exactly what they're going to do with the NFT hunt.

Let's give them the benefit of the doubt though. Even if they were partners with an Italian soccer team minting an nft token, and you think that token is valuable, why wouldn't you just buy the NFT itself, rather than this shit resource?

>> No.28956929
File: 1.31 MB, 1688x1120, TTT reality.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.28957005
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I bought at 0.0011 so not sweating at all thanks, the latest update gives my comfort that my position will do well in the coming weeks. This is a tiny Mcap. It will have ups and downs. I'm not new to this Kevin.I know how to make money but your concern is noted.

>> No.28957739

I'll report back in a month to laugh at you
Screencap this

>> No.28958040

lmfao you actually think you're some smug whiteknight hero kek

You're not giving us the benefit of any doubt you're relentelessly fudding this like it was ethereum vs eth killers. Your fud shows a deep involvement with the project, imho you're either a sore bagholder that sold before this started doing something or you're some hurt gamer that wanted to make thousands off of ingame achievements like you mentioned in an earlier thread.
Nobody is claiming widespread anything on a microcap you deluded fuck. I admit I may have misunderstood the fcjuventus reference but this idea with e-sports teams is more than promising. Revolutionary almost, to tokenize a team and add dao function to the token.
And ofc implementing some mechanism as to make the TTT holder profit from their holding would not be hard at all.

>> No.28958739
File: 5 KB, 432x100, Screenshot_2021-02-17 biz - TTT Don't miss this low market cap coin with a ready-to-use platform - Business Finance - 4chan.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I will be here. Doubt you will.

>> No.28959088
File: 48 KB, 1874x198, fag.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good. I'll do the same. See you on the 17th!

>> No.28959157

It's a date. Bring lube so I don't hurt you.

>> No.28959895


truly waster digits, but I gotta check'em.
Cheers to the fudders

>> No.28960047
File: 41 KB, 480x321, P1030134.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

While we are at it. Since you were so certain I was an Indonesian shill (yet another thing you were wrong about), here is my hand. Now how about we see yours.