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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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28949044 No.28949044 [Reply] [Original]

Just checking. How many of you know that BTC is a fake revolution pushed by the US deep state?

>> No.28949118
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>> No.28949225

The deep state actually isn't that good at their job, they're still government niggers at the end of the day.

>> No.28949555

take your meds

>> No.28949552

An unlimited budget compensates for a lot of retardation

>> No.28949584

hello there, glownigger.

>> No.28949626

I want to believe this op
tell us y

i have some sus but it seems the evidence weighs more for eth & russia (not btc & usa) and this fud is kgb projection

>> No.28949646

fiat printing good bitcoin bad

>> No.28949725

Yeah, nah, sure, BTC is anonymous right
And the mysterious Satoshi paper is to the letter transcribed from the antigovernmental institutions. Wow, much coincidink, like that proud boy leader working for the BFI.

Anyways, wait for the 51% attack

>> No.28949811

BTC is about controlling the revolt from fiat. And truth be told, most people here don't care about getting BTC but the fiat that they can get out of it.

>> No.28949910

Nocoiner cope. The last thing the deep state would ever want is widespread use of sound money because it would massively restrict their power.

>> No.28950018

>wait for the 51% attack
Man I believe BTC could have been created by a government think-tank rather than 1 person, but for you to FUD with 51% attack is retarded. It's so much harder to accomplish than you believe.

>> No.28950035

started to believe this with the amount of institutional dick sucking

>> No.28950140

I’ve known about this for some time now, history repeats itself and when it doesn’t, it still rhymes.

>> No.28950164

>A blockchain where every single transaction is tracable, the network is controlled by the largest holder, and all money is digitalized is totally revolutionary and not part of the NWO plan.

>> No.28950270

Yes 50k Petrodollars = <1MB of numbers is a conversion the US would love LOL

If you had said XLM was pushed by the US Deep State I would believe you though.

>> No.28950459

BTC was developed by british MI6
Bongs are trying to retake their position as leading world power

>> No.28950618

>the network is controlled by the largest holder
you're retarded

>> No.28950817

Why? Do you know which coin I'm talking about?
It might not even exist yet, retard.

>> No.28950933

Okay schizo

>> No.28951025

>There is no major plan, there is no global agenda, everything that has been happening in the past years is completely organic and not a consolidation of power by a small group of people.
Absolutely NGMI.

I bet you're gonna take the injection they are literally locking people in their homes for as well, retard.

>> No.28951390

I actually do own crypto since fuck, might as well get in.

a little under a million per hour is absolutely unachievable yes, you're right

Nobody ever wondered why the largest wings of US intel agencies are kept secret from the media?

>> No.28951404

You're a failure who thinks he's smart for not being an absolute NPC, congrats.

>> No.28951518

let me guess fat faggot boomies and schizos on pol found this out and now you'll let us in on the secret right? its all epsteins plan and biden invented BTC and forgot his wallet keys because of his dementia.

>> No.28951629


>> No.28951804

you are a fucking retard. stay poor.

>> No.28951807

And you're very, very obviously an Israeli kike, just kys.

>> No.28951866
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>it’s da deep state!

>> No.28951894


>> No.28951920

take your meds and fuck off back to /pol/ worshipping rabbi trumpenstein and his kike son in law

>> No.28952005

This only makes it more obvious, retard, you're not on reddit here.

>> No.28952027

Because the blockchain offers an immutable ledger, if we ever had everything in our lives published to one (or numerous) we could in theory be locked into a system with no escape, our money could be tracked, there would be no physical cash.

We wouldn’t be down with this system imposed on us, rather, we’d have to impose it on ourselves (or believe we had)

Enter bitcoin
Enter Ethereum
Enter Chainlink
Enter real world smart contracts
Enter swift prison planet
Enter the Saturn Death Cult

>> No.28952295

Fucking based

>> No.28952332

Of course, this is neither reddit nor /pol/. That's why you're being called out for your retardation. I bet you don't even know how 51% attack works, just wasting my time.

>> No.28952336

I believe this.

>> No.28952401

Why do her boobs look so weird?

>> No.28952441

anyone that thinks Bitcoin is some revolution against the banks is a true brainlet. All they need to do is shut down the on/off ramps, criminalize it and 99% of you will stop using crypto forever. Bitcoin is a captured commodity just like Gold. It was supposed to replace government currency, over a decade later all it's good for is gambling. Bitcoin is a failure, enjoy the ride while it lasts.

>> No.28952471

brits have always been in power.

>> No.28952516

no we care about what we can exchange our assets for in the future. fiat may or may not play a role in that and the way things are going the former seems more and more likely. your brainlet takes are not welcome here, poltard.

>> No.28952594

But you measure your asset acquiring power in fiat when you view your portfolio, right?

>> No.28952603

you think we give afuck about anything other than getting rich?

>> No.28952613

Checked. Who here has the IMF 'electronic money' paper written in the '70s?

>> No.28952687

get rich only in time for everything to collapse.

>> No.28952849

of course not, this board is intended for it and there is nothing wrong with either of these two things

but the ideology behind crypto is playbook controlled oppo and each and every transaction is archived for posterity and all entry and exit points given ID verifications

>> No.28953088

>not cashing out 10% profit every week
>not buying real, defensable assets
>not buying guns and bullets
>not stackin mercury dimes to pay for bjs

>> No.28953380

Why should I bother doing any of that shit when I can just become horde master and send my legion to take everything you stored up?

>> No.28953472

>a little under a million per hour is absolutely unachievable yes, you're right
You don’t just insert money to perform a 51% attack holy fuck kys

>> No.28953478

no actually i dont. since being in this market for over 5 years i see my networth in terms of bitcoin and what i could exchange that bitcoin for in terms of tangible goods and services.

>> No.28953581
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>An unlimited budget compensates for a lot of retardation

>> No.28953586

Ok boomer. Enjoy your shiny rocks while I make $50k a week with crypto and eventually buy a bigger stack of gold than you’ll ever have.

>> No.28953632

51 % attack on global miners are you kidding ?

>> No.28953768

Bitcoin evolution is just getting started

>> No.28954880

Just checking if you know you're a Q-schizo or Trump is really making a come back in any two weeks now?

>> No.28954949

If it did, Trump would have been reelected.
>he has
take meds

>> No.28955293
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>> No.28955965

Brits got taken over by sephardic jews in the 1600s when they slithered north from portugal and spain and the italian city states. They slithered into places like amsterdam. And then from there cromwell let them in officially, as they had been expelled since 1290. Though crypto jews were already there. Then askenazi jews such as the rothschilds slithered in a little later.

>> No.28956289

William the orange came back surrounded by Dutch jews along with Cromwell gutting the parliament

>> No.28956439


>> No.28956627
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>deep state
>here's how trump can still win
Go back to your containment board. We're here to get rugged by 'jeets. Go fuck yourself.

>> No.28956858

Yeah. I should say that that it's not as if britain got TOTALLY taken over by jews, because that takes away from britain's/england's successes and conquests. Certainly the jews get no credit for and positive or glorious things the brits did. But certainly in terms of finance and politics the jews became highly influential.

>> No.28956882

Nah man freedom isn't their game.

>> No.28957227
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>US deep state
More like international banking consortium, but yeah.

>> No.28957290

I know, but I don't care because I'm going to use my BTC gains to fund a house mortgage and my early retirement.

>> No.28957300

Dang wow I just sold

>> No.28957644

if i could actually buy things with bitcoin i would not have a single usd.

>> No.28958172
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>tfw you realize why it's called area 51

>> No.28958214

Bitcoin isn't a currency

>> No.28958411

To me, BTC can't be a viable currency until they stop taxing it as property. It's just too much shit to deal with.
>cost of item
>plus transaction fee
>plus sales tax
>plus capital gains tax
>combined with excessive volatility
Using BTC as a currency for everyday purchases would make end of year taxes an absolute fucking nightmare. If the IRS starts treating crypto as currency instead of property then we can talk about it being viable to replace fiat.

>> No.28958542

Brainlet king

>> No.28958675
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That would be some ingenious Great Reset preparation.

>controlled demolition of the economy
>not safe in any sector
>except crypto it seems
>nope even bitcoin gets rugged
>anons who thought they were "smart" by buying crypto now even more poor than your average normie

I wouldn't put it outside the realm of possibility.

>> No.28958856

It's not a revolution. It is still money. Yet, how can it be worse than fiat. In the end, it's just open source code. Whether it's pushed or not, it would have been invented one day, and would have had success one day or the other.

>> No.28959432

>Whether it's pushed or not, it would have been invented one day, and would have had success one day or the other.
It kind of blew my mind the day that I realized cryptocurrency is basically the same idea as the sci-fi "credits" concept that's been around for like a hundred years.

>> No.28960464

underrated and redpilled
absolute cringe

the burger take

>> No.28960807

based and true.

>> No.28960982

Post proof.

>> No.28961036

Don’t care, free wealth

>> No.28961316
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Does crypto mean humanity will no longer be able to be controlled by governments?

>crypto growss
>people trade with crypto instead of state run money
>State doesn't get money from taxes anymore
>Ceases to exist
>Humans are free forever

Is this truly the savior of humanity?

>> No.28961820

>Kike worship.
How new are you?

>> No.28962563

Crypto is taxed as property, all exchanges of crypto are treated as a sale to fiat then to the other crypto, if you don't report and pay capital gains taxes on every transaction you are committing tax fraud/evasion. If you get crypto unassociated with your identity and use that the government will see you're living outside your means and peg you for tax evasion that way as well. The system is fucked and inescapable.