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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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2893240 No.2893240 [Reply] [Original]



>> No.2893296


It's real

>> No.2893302

The first of many. All with BNT in reserve.

>> No.2893303

ya and its runs off bnt. and the first play of a jew is to get a black guy to promot there shit.

>> No.2893304
File: 109 KB, 473x416, bancor4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Phase one of the plan to dominate crypto has been executed.

>> No.2893309

Stox is literally a ponzi scheme and they don't even hide it.

>> No.2893312

>Normies investing in crypto
All the good investors are already balls deep in crypto
Any normies that will hop on the train now will have 0 investing experience.
BTC is going to crash harder than ever.

>> No.2893313

the SEC and IRS will be very interested

>> No.2893315

Nigga is going to get scammed lol

>> No.2893335

reported to the SEC for selling a security without a license

>> No.2893347

bancor based token
nobancs still in denial topkek

>> No.2893356

oh shit

>> No.2893362

But we're institutional investors phase, r-right?

>> No.2893375

Please be trolling.

>> No.2893401
File: 23 KB, 600x484, retard.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>people putting money into the market that wasn't previously in the market means the value will go down

>> No.2893409

just buckle up i think

>> No.2893513

>what is stox.com?

>> No.2893522

A scam by the same kind of folks as Bancor.

>> No.2893543


>> No.2893550

bancor ico scam.

150mil wasnt enough

>> No.2893558

the first bancor ico. hundreds next year.

>> No.2893569


>Loads of normies investing
>Inflates the price of crypto
>See a minor crash
>They panic
>The minor crash turns into a major one.

>> No.2893575
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>> No.2893586

thats when you take their money anon and watch them cry when they see it go back up. Rinse and repeat

>> No.2893604

Does this mean BNT will kind of become like a Bitcoin? So everything trades into BTC. And everything on BNT will trade into BNT? If that's the general idea, and I see the big picture- that essentially means the sky is the literal fucking limit with this coin. Holy fuck if true...

>> No.2893618
File: 60 KB, 247x248, 1338236330605.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Bancor is Literally unstoppable

I guess some are seeing the light sooner than others, but it really is. wait until the Super Bowl Token rolls out next year. Mainstream users will be able to buy them with debit/credit cards by then as well.

>> No.2893619

Literally every shitcoin attempts to do this

>> No.2893623

Just read the whitepaper

Stox is another Jew scam like bancor. The ico is just for the privilege to buy at the starting price. Once the stox/bancor smart contract goes live it'll start at the ico price.

>> No.2893626


It would be a shame if coinbase went down.

Like it has every other fucking time.

>> No.2893638
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>people excited for shit ETH and BTS have been doing for years

>> No.2893707

They will get dumped on

>> No.2893726

except that bnt actually has a solid system behind this + connections + strategy that you nobancs wont foresee. mark my words august will be a an awakening for all the nobancs

>> No.2893748

i don't get it though BNT is an ETH token anyway isn't it?

>> No.2893762

I would like to see more and more black people putting the money in crypto.
It's going to be easy money.

>> No.2894941
File: 130 KB, 600x400, Mayweather.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Your face when next year Bancor and Stox are at all time highs and MoneyMay wins another day.

>> No.2894965

The man can't even read. How the fuck is he going to make money?

>> No.2895060

>buy stox
>bet on mayweather to beat macgregor

get rich twice!!

>> No.2895186

No, its a decentralized gambling platform. The tokens are relatively stable in price, so they dont fluctuate too much over the course of the game if you're sports betting. You bet, win or lose, and cash out to eth. Nothing to it. I dont thin you know what ponzi really means, you are just sort of copying words like a retard. Hahah, you really should consider suicide, I'm sure your family will help you.

>> No.2895201

Yeah nigga, the SEC controls the internet and cryptocurrency. Fucking lol, you dont even understand the basic appeal of crypto. Straight up retarded.

>> No.2895389

>we all become crypto millionaires through 24/7 market analysis, living like a pauper, and investing every penny earned back into the market
>think we've finally beaten the system
>FMM and other new money invests a few tens of millions into crypto as a gag
>they become billionaire class, dollar BTFO by inflation
>tfw worth millions but still poor

>> No.2895392


>> No.2895401

What did the SEC say when you called???....
>call the Internet cops stoopid.

>> No.2896118

Started off calm then lost your cool. Sad.

>> No.2896132

The jews finally got to him, didn't they? Goes to show how all of these "celebrities" are nothing but puppets of the jew

>> No.2896184
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>> No.2896418
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>> No.2896444


In all seriousness, we could all use more dumb money and liquidity.

>> No.2896459

Btc mania has not even begun. This shit will go on for a few more years and peak.

>> No.2896472

Lmao the tags on that post, he does not really understand crypto does he

>> No.2896505

Well no, he just received a fat sum of cash to shill that ICO. I doubt he even read the whitepaper lol

>> No.2896543

>his advisors didnt do that for him

>> No.2897055

Connor will beat his ass.

>> No.2897126

Fucking niggers.

>> No.2897950
File: 411 KB, 624x585, 1404807669388.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Bancor will fail
>Stox is a pump and dump, normies will be posting pink wojaks on zuckbook
>McGregor will win

Best timeline.

>> No.2898517
File: 12 KB, 220x245, 220px-Floyd_Mayweather,_Jr._at_DeWalt_event.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mayweather brings hundreds of thousands of normies into the cryptospace to pump up the price
Is he... dare I say it.... /our guy/?