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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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28945210 No.28945210 [Reply] [Original]

Am I a retard? I dont know what the fuck Im doing. Im not buying and selling crypto. Im buying and selling memes. Biz links Link? Ill buy Link. Biz like Rubic? Ill buy Rubic. Some anons seem to like Reef and Holo, Ill get some of that too. I have $20,000 more or less in these memes.

275 Link
24,000 Rubic
10,000 Reef
1,000,000 Holo

I read about biz guys going up and feeling nothing. There isnt a 'made it' number. When is enough enough?

I dont know what Im doing. I dont what I own really does. If I cash out now, Im up about $8k. I dont know if holding is stupid or if selling is stupid. I feel like both are stupid, its just a question of which is stupider. What do biz? What do?

>> No.28945290

im 40 and dont have an id or a bank account

>> No.28945326

Your shitcoins->BNB->BSC->Pancakeswap->wynaut,BFI,CBT

>> No.28945348

What is life like? How do you live? I would honestly like to know.

>> No.28945395

The coins give me anxiety. Growth and value stocks are much safer especially with the new markets for electric bullshit like vehicles and solar panels and shit. Plus everyone works online now so those stocks have been spiking all year long and probably wont stop bumping up. There are a lot of good bets out there, but coins? Its such a shit show

>> No.28945549

Im thinking about it. If I cash out, I can pay some friends back, get some things I need, and put away 10k into some investments. I inherited some money from my aunt and my uncle offered to give it to his guy who has me in high risk funds that kick ass. Part of me just wants to give it to him.

>> No.28946403

I did more or less the same.
Exited RBC on a x7.
Exited MUSE on a x60
Exited GRT on a x10
Exited BAO on a x5
Idk if that makes me a retard but at least i am much better financially.

>> No.28947521

>24,000 Rubic
ygmi, just know its a 1-2year hold

>> No.28947821

how did a retard like you end up with Holo? last time this was shilled was more than 1 year ago.

>> No.28949195

So Ill just hold then?

>> No.28950166
File: 205 KB, 1920x1080, hothead.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's literally the only thing in crypto worth buying besides the established transactional currencies like BTC. Everything else is a joke or a copy-paste job. The only problem is for these boomers to actually fucking deliver. Sure Holochain works, but we need Holo operational soon cause people are losing their patience.

>> No.28951381

You're falling for every PnD on here

>> No.28951596

2 year hold on a broken dex built on /biz/ hype?
Alright bro.

>> No.28951733

Fuck it.